Constructive criticism: The animation is amazing and what its talking about is a serious subject , the vidio would be a 10/10 but you guys need to get a better recording studio and anything can really help , like recording in a closet , the echo was kinda coming through at times Hope yall work tht thnks :)
Hi, Enzo. Yes, totally agreed. Thanks so much for watching and giving us your feedback. We will hopefully have an audio corrected version of this video in the future! Cheers :)
I have 2 sisters, an older one, and a younger one. And they are are both CHAOTIC. my little sister, she is the MONSTER in my family. And my older sister, she is of coarse the smartest and the funniest in my family, and me- I’m just the middle child :’) . if you guys want to have a sister, then ok! But they will be annoying sometimes- actually, all the time 😂
So... I decided to take the polls and it genuinely concerns me how many high school students, including myself, aren't taught about consent in their sex Ed course. Seriously, schools. You need to really start teaching kids the important stuff. Most states teach students about reproduction in their middle school health class, and some even teach about the dangers of unprotected sex. Students need to know that it's ok to say no to sexual contact.
Hi! Thanks for your comment and for checking out AMAZE! A reporter with the Huffington Post is interested in speaking with young people who are new viewers of AMAZE. If this is something you may be interested in, please consult your parent/guardian first and then email to learn more. Stay AMAZEing!
Ciel Phantomhive Well Kissing can’t be stopped. People are gonna do it if they love each other. It happens. This video is just an example of a teen getting into a bad relationship with not talking about consent. Not all 13 year olds have problems with relationships and are fine with kissing.
Hi, Beanie. People in the movies aren't always the best example of how to handle real-life scenarios. The problem with not saying either yes or no is that neither of you can express honestly and clearly what you're ready for or not ready for. You might think, for example, that your partner's body language suggests they are cool with something, but that doesn't make it true. After all, you'd be assuming. Consent also isn't a one-time thing. You might be cool with one thing, but not another. It's an ongoing conversation which is why it's best to talk these things out and ask for an explicit "yes" or "no." Hope this helps!
Always ask if you’re unsure. It won’t ruin the mood or come off as unsexy. You can only really do it without talking if it’s someone you know and they’re giving off the body language for it. Even then, asking isn’t a bad thing.
sometimes people who know each other for long can tell by body language, but surely not in the first time of doing it, and even then it's possible to get the message wrong. besides, some people panic and freeze, so they might not be able to push the other person from them or say no, or be scared that the other person might not respect a no, so it's a good idea to talk about sex with your partner if possible, to know their visions and boundaries and communicate yours, before the sex too, and ask if you can keep going or if they are okay and keep an eye if they are still consenting till the end. sex in movies is a bit romanticized tho, the idea that love makes you a psychic doesn't really carry on to reality nwo
Wow, this is amazing! Thank you! The older sister explains a lot without sounding unnatural or like she is directly reading off Wikipedia. It sounds like a real conversation! I also Love the animation and character designs. This is great for any young teens (like me) to watch, as it explains important things without sounding boring or generic. I also like that it doesn't criminalize the boy, as he does not realize that he is taking it too far, and most likely doesn't know enough about consent either.
You're welcome :D I didn't think to mention (because I didn't think you would see my comment), but at 3:56 Eve's voice sounds a bit strange. Sorry if you already know, I'm not trying to be rude or anything. But again, love the video!
Do women want men to ask for permission before he can kiss her? Or is it more romantic to just lean in and surprise? Perhaps it's best to just avoid these situations and abstain from relationships altogether.
GlennCocoGuitar I think it depends. I say, first ask, but maybe that's just me since I would be super freaked out if someone just... kissed me for the first time without asking first. I personally wouldn't find asking for permission as unromantic or anything, just that it would show that you're a caring person who respects boundaries.
okay, so, i have one complaint, they never specifically stated weather it was considered rape AFTER the fact even if consent is given. Like, if they did consent on both sides, but afterwards the female/male regretted it. That isn't rape when that happens. I've seen people go to court claiming to have been raped when in fact they consented and just regretted it afterwards. I guess that's something that needed to be stated to make sure there are no mistakes made out of confusion.
caught recant consent after the fact, however, you can access and decide the next time and any time after that, not to consent or recant, before any thing happens. regret happens some times.
This video is amazing. I feel like it explains consent clearly, and should be used in classrooms! The animation is beautiful and so easy on the eyes and easy to follow. I think you did an amazing job, you should be so proud on yourself(ves)
0:53 I know there eyes are shut but it looks like the eyes are rolled in the back of there head as they cry out black goo while summoning our dark overlord.
Haha the style is so cute, not to mention the way it's set up is more of a real-life type setting which makes it feel more authentic. Good message too :)
In the end when the phone falls on her face, I can relate to it so much. Whenever you're like so into something and the device just falls on your face lol😂
Sparky JC I have a really big tablet and when I lay it over my head I usually drop it from how heavy it is, but I'm to stupid to stop doing this and it happens repeatedly
7:50 HAH me So me Also this video is great, I really do hope you fix the audio someday. Then I can recommend this video to teachers! It would probably make the lesson less awkward and we'll be sure that they don't forget anything. Also the mood between the sisters is great, it's serious but not so serious that it gets scary or uncomfortable. I wanted to mention that because it's really important and you did a great job! :>
My school taught it, but only in high school. It was last year, and they even showed how to find red flags of an abusive and or manipulative person when dating.
This helped me out a lot. There's someone that I love a lot, but kind of made me feel pressured. He was trying to get me to do more than kissing. not that I don't want to do any of that, cuz I kinda do. I was just so uncomfortable when that happened. I've wanted to talk to him about it for a long time, and I think I'll use this info to help talk about it.
I had by first boyfriend in 6th grade. It was horrible,he had anger issues,He kinda pressured me to try masturbating And Other sexual stuff. When I refused he threatened me and I finally told my mom after a week. Also he got in a lot of trouble with the law. Im in 7th grade now,I dont even look or Talk or even try to touch him now
AMAZE Org he actually told my Ex Bestfriends I hated them and Didnt want to be friends with them. My Ex bestfriends are twins if one stopped talking to me the other did to. It was kinda weird I was bisexual and He was trying to go out with one of my ex besties and Me and one of my ex besties both liked liked each other (tip:I was having trouble finding out my sexuality at the time)
I wish I'd remembered this video when my ex boyfriend kept pressuring me into sexual activity. Looking at this video now, I understand that was not okay, and I need a partner who will respect me, so I can respect them too.
I'm so sorry that you experienced this. Its not your fault. Please tell an adult that you trust what happened and they can help you get the help you deserve. Keep telling adults until someone believes you.
I'm sorry you were pressured, that is bad. However its important to know that with the law, the pressure needs to reach the level of threats or blackmail for it to be considered coercion. Threats or blackmail are what invalidate consent, not just pressure.
this happened to me with a guy once.... first time I ever got asked out. By ANYONE. What was originally going to be friendship in the first place turned out father than I WANTED IT TO BE. too far.... I just dropped all contact after that. Regret not saying no... or knowing it was even an option. I was so afraid of hurting his feelings other than my own. Don’t make the same mistake. Listen to the blue hair girl. Srlsy.
Thank you for sharing your story. We're so sorry that you experienced this. If you ever want to talk to someone, offers 24/7 help:
This video was amazing! I'm so glad I watched it. Wish I could have seen it sooner! We really need to teach kids that on these situations they have to act a bit selfish. You decide what to do with your body, in any situation
This is definitely a good message and I don't disagree with it, however there are two issues I must ask about, first, this doesn't really touch on implied consent, consent doesn't have to be verbal, body language is key to consent too. Also, does alcohol always make it rape? As what if the two parties get drunk and get involved? And is it off the table if even the odd one drink is involved? Finally, one is responsible for drink driving so why isn't drunk sex considered ok? I'm not attempting to debunk, these are genuine questions. Great video :)
the character designs in this video are so cute like I'm attached to these characters already even when they're just one-offs for a consent video and I'll probably never see them anywhere else
I love the animation but recordings pretty crappy and the sudden shift alcohol or drugs was a little weird also in one part of the blue girl voice went weird not sure if that is my phone or the video but they should show this in school
I thought she would say, “yea I have a boyfriend but, I’m more interesting in this girl..” and I would be surprised but nope. Either way this is an ok video!
I watched this video in class just today and its a Great video that’s very informative on this subject. and I sorta got a bit of Ruby and Yang energy (From the anime RWBY) from Pip and Eve while watching this. I know that doesn’t mean anything but it’s just something I noticed. Edit: Also I love that 0:04 Pip has a poster of Cloud from Final Fantasy Vll
Hey Toni, great question. You have the right to say “no” to any behavior that you do not want to engage in at any point, for any reason, and your partner must respect your decision.
I am so upset about this topic. People say that consent has to be taught to kids at school. But here I am like, isn't this common sense? Why do you have to get specific education about common sense? Generations seem to get more sensitive and can't make decisions for themselves before asking other people how to think and feel. Think and stand for yourself man...
Frequently asking cohersion (I probably spelled it wrong)? Also who do you talk to when you have sexual issues and about how you feel about yourself? Also is talking about the horrible things in life that happen or happened to you cohersion?
okay... here’s the tea... i was talking to this boy that’s older than me... he came over to my house for a lil while when everyone was asleep and he asked me, “do i have your consent on this?” And I didn’t say anything for a minute... then i said, “um... yeah...” but he gave me this sympathy look, like he knew i didn’t want too. he touched me in places i didn’t wanna touch, he kissed me in places i didn’t want him to kiss... and i have nightmares about it every night. i feel like it was all my fault, and i started crying they other day in class thinking about it... i had to lie to my teacher and say, “oh i’m just worrying about my grades that’s all.” and went back to crying in the bathroom.
Hey, Bonnie & Clyde, we're so sorry to hear that this happened to you. This is not at all your fault. Have you to talked to an adult that you trust about what happened? If its easier to speak to someone in confidence, we recommend contacting the help line at They have volunteers available to guide you through the help you deserve.
i love this video! my only criticism is with the survey... transgender isn't a separate gender. cis men and trans men are both men, and the same goes for cis and trans women
It's not considered rape if they don't say no. Unless they are drunk and or drugged which is taking advantage and in most cases rape. Anyways if they don't say yes its not rape. It's rape if they say no though. I remember a story of a comedian who was getting called a rapist because he had sex with a girl he was having a one night stand with. He thought the girl was giving him signals that meant she wanted sex. So he had sex with her, she didn't say no. But she still pressed charges of rape
At the end of the video when she dropped the phone on her face and said: "Who Does That?!" reminds me of the time when I broke my tooth after dropping my laptop on my face
In order for people to consent to sexual behaviors, they must be able to consent, which means they are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol and are of legal age to be able to consent. Each state has different laws regarding consent, and it’s a good idea to become familiar with these laws. Consent can get confusing, so if you are ever unsure whether a person is consenting, it is a good idea to ask them.
I’d like to say, thank you for saying that if someone is uncomfortable with partaking in a sexual activity even in the middle of doing it, that they need to say something as the partner is not psychic! I also hate how some people think that micro expressions that last 1/500ths of a second are enough to tell their partner “no.”
Says he’s in her class... Then says he’s a grade ahead of her... Eighth graders are still in middle school... Which means they don’t even go to the same school...
I actually didn't know that being drunk or high meant you couldn't consent that's why I said they didn't teach me that in school. Really at my school we didn't talk about sex when it came to sex it was learning about abstinence only and really I think learning about that only does more harm than good because we didn't learn anything useful about sex. Like really the only time condoms was mentioned is when the teacher said if you're not going to do abstinence you should use a condom. But really nothing on how to put on a condom or anything like that. Also another thing that was taught in my sex ed class was if you have a baby boy you should get them circumcised. I really felt it was more about telling you how to live your life rather than how to be safe with sex. Also I'm gay and I really felt like they didn't want to get on that topic at all about sexual orientation and it did feel more heteronormative. I even remember reading a book that talked about why teenagers might not date and it said either it's against their religious beliefs or their parents don't want them to date or they feel shy around the opposite sex which was pretty much like the equivalent to saying that gay people don't exist. I mean really it could've said they were shy about dating but no it said they were shy around the opposite sex. I don't date because I don't know anyone who is gay thus I can't really find anyone with the same sexual interest as me. I'm not shy around the opposite sex but that book that I read it really did feel like it was trying to tell me that I need to date someone of the opposite sex and that really is the problem with heteronormative stuff that it kinda is pushing it for anyone who isn't straight. Heteronormative means you think everyone is straight no matter what and that's why gay people do come out so they don't have to go through the assumption that they are straight. But really yeah when it comes down to it schools that teach to wait until your married have the problem of not doing a good job by just not telling you anything.
Sisters aint never been this friendly...
right, like my sister would be like:"Bitch how tf did you get a boyfriend?"
KittyMia Heartz
Maybe for five minutes. Then it’s back to full on rage. 😂
Not all siblings fight, my brother and i never fight
KittyMia Heartz I got 2 brothers not any sisters
Constructive criticism:
The animation is amazing and what its talking about is a serious subject , the vidio would be a 10/10 but you guys need to get a better recording studio and anything can really help , like recording in a closet , the echo was kinda coming through at times
Hope yall work tht thnks :)
Hi, Enzo. Yes, totally agreed. Thanks so much for watching and giving us your feedback. We will hopefully have an audio corrected version of this video in the future! Cheers :)
AMAZE Org this is why i like you guys , you guys give care to feedback , thank you for that, keep doing a good job
Love the animation, love the characters and love the video:)
The animation it's great but the audio needs to get better
Agreed. Thanks for watching! :)
I love these character designs!
Me too.
The other character designs are gross I love this designs
*puts phone on bed*
*phone vibrating like it's on a table*
I really want the hoodie that the girl in the red hair is wearing
changwoo LEE I have a hoodie exactly like the one she’s wearing.
Bubble Gum animation I cant find a hoodie like that in any local stores of my town, did you purchased yours by the internet?
Lol I got it at jc penny
Go to old navy or something
I'm wearing that kind of hoodie rn!
I’m an only child so me too
I have 2 sisters, an older one, and a younger one. And they are are both CHAOTIC. my little sister, she is the MONSTER in my family. And my older sister, she is of coarse the smartest and the funniest in my family, and me- I’m just the middle child :’) . if you guys want to have a sister, then ok! But they will be annoying sometimes- actually, all the time 😂
Can I just say that I love the art style so much
Sammme X3
SketchieExists Me too! It's why I watched this particular video; I think I'll watch the rest as well.
It’s like better than anything I’ll accomplish in my life lol
So... I decided to take the polls and it genuinely concerns me how many high school students, including myself, aren't taught about consent in their sex Ed course. Seriously, schools. You need to really start teaching kids the important stuff. Most states teach students about reproduction in their middle school health class, and some even teach about the dangers of unprotected sex. Students need to know that it's ok to say no to sexual contact.
Hi! Thanks for your comment and for checking out AMAZE! A reporter with the Huffington Post is interested in speaking with young people who are new viewers of AMAZE. If this is something you may be interested in, please consult your parent/guardian first and then email to learn more. Stay AMAZEing!
MintyDoodleArt agreed. We leaen about sexual reproduction...but not sexual protection and consent.
My elementary school:
Teach sex Ed! TEACH SEX ED
Consent should always be mandatory starting in kindergarten or earlier.
I want to see more of Eve and Pip! Maybe Eve can help some person who might be having a hard time with their sexuality. It'd be great for a vid!
Glad you liked the characters! Great suggestion :)
Yes, definitely. These are the most tolerable.
why would the 13 year old be high or drunk?
That's society now. I know a few 11 yr olds who have been.
BlueberriPieSquid youd be surprised man,,,,sadly surprised but surprised nonetheless
BlueberriPieSquid Merica
ICB*AC*JL*, wow, that's young!
I thought the same exact thing. Eve might be giving too much information to her little sis.
Maybe you shouldn't be doing that at 13 I'm mean seriously I get highschool but ya
Ciel Phantomhive you would be surprised about the 13 year olds I have met
yo someone from where is live, had a kid at 12 lol
Ciel Phantomhive two 8th graders made out beside the school bus
Ciel Phantomhive Well Kissing can’t be stopped. People are gonna do it if they love each other. It happens. This video is just an example of a teen getting into a bad relationship with not talking about consent. Not all 13 year olds have problems with relationships and are fine with kissing.
Youd be surprised
If you don't say yes or no does that count? Like people in movies don't ask for consent they just do "it".
Hi, Beanie. People in the movies aren't always the best example of how to handle real-life scenarios. The problem with not saying either yes or no is that neither of you can express honestly and clearly what you're ready for or not ready for. You might think, for example, that your partner's body language suggests they are cool with something, but that doesn't make it true. After all, you'd be assuming. Consent also isn't a one-time thing. You might be cool with one thing, but not another. It's an ongoing conversation which is why it's best to talk these things out and ask for an explicit "yes" or "no."
Hope this helps!
Always ask if you’re unsure. It won’t ruin the mood or come off as unsexy. You can only really do it without talking if it’s someone you know and they’re giving off the body language for it. Even then, asking isn’t a bad thing.
sometimes people who know each other for long can tell by body language, but surely not in the first time of doing it, and even then it's possible to get the message wrong. besides, some people panic and freeze, so they might not be able to push the other person from them or say no, or be scared that the other person might not respect a no, so it's a good idea to talk about sex with your partner if possible, to know their visions and boundaries and communicate yours, before the sex too, and ask if you can keep going or if they are okay and keep an eye if they are still consenting till the end. sex in movies is a bit romanticized tho, the idea that love makes you a psychic doesn't really carry on to reality nwo
Beanie Baby I
Cuz it's a movie
Great job really but....why does no one ever make this about males like we can be pressured too but just something we all need to think about..
She does say it goes both ways multiple times ..
*men can be raped* it must be known
Yes no body seem's to care anymore or just make fun of them, It's sad.
Adam LaClair Boys never tell anyone.
Adam LaClair they make fun of women victims too
the dropping your phone on your face at the end was the most relatable thing about this
Wow, this is amazing! Thank you! The older sister explains a lot without sounding unnatural or like she is directly reading off Wikipedia. It sounds like a real conversation! I also Love the animation and character designs. This is great for any young teens (like me) to watch, as it explains important things without sounding boring or generic. I also like that it doesn't criminalize the boy, as he does not realize that he is taking it too far, and most likely doesn't know enough about consent either.
Thank you!
You're welcome :D
I didn't think to mention (because I didn't think you would see my comment), but at 3:56 Eve's voice sounds a bit strange. Sorry if you already know, I'm not trying to be rude or anything.
But again, love the video!
Do women want men to ask for permission before he can kiss her? Or is it more romantic to just lean in and surprise? Perhaps it's best to just avoid these situations and abstain from relationships altogether.
GlennCocoGuitar kissing is different from sex. Kiss her and if she kisses back take it slow. If she stops you then stop. That simple.
Yes, he still needs consent.
It says that in the video.
GlennCocoGuitar I think it depends. I say, first ask, but maybe that's just me since I would be super freaked out if someone just... kissed me for the first time without asking first. I personally wouldn't find asking for permission as unromantic or anything, just that it would show that you're a caring person who respects boundaries.
ASK. Asking can be very, very attractive when it's someone you want to kiss!
if its slow and you both go for it thats consent
"Webflix and chill"
okay, so, i have one complaint, they never specifically stated weather it was considered rape AFTER the fact even if consent is given. Like, if they did consent on both sides, but afterwards the female/male regretted it. That isn't rape when that happens. I've seen people go to court claiming to have been raped when in fact they consented and just regretted it afterwards. I guess that's something that needed to be stated to make sure there are no mistakes made out of confusion.
Regret isn’t rape
caught recant consent after the fact, however, you can access and decide the next time and any time after that, not to consent or recant, before any thing happens. regret happens some times.
Did you know you haft to be 14 or older to legally have sex but it has to be protected and needs the other persons consent
TheWildZackary _ thought it was 16? In the UK it is anyway I think
TheWildZackary _ I got sexually harassed when I was 9..........
From what I’ve heard, no if you live in America.
TheWildZackary _ in England it's 16
TheWildZackary _
Depends on where you live, here in Australia you have to be 16
I love this art style! It’s adorable!
This video is amazing. I feel like it explains consent clearly, and should be used in classrooms! The animation is beautiful and so easy on the eyes and easy to follow. I think you did an amazing job, you should be so proud on yourself(ves)
Thank you! Please feel free to share our video.
How did i even find this? I dont hate it but just how??
I know there eyes are shut but it looks like the eyes are rolled in the back of there head as they cry out black goo while summoning our dark overlord.
MLG Red Panda wtf lol
Ok I see that....and now I'm scared
omg 😂
@@dragoomz409 0:51
Haha the style is so cute, not to mention the way it's set up is more of a real-life type setting which makes it feel more authentic. Good message too :)
Thank you!
4:29 Eve says "Here in New York State the official age of consent is 17"
Captions say "the official a just invest is 70."
I'm laughing my head off 🤣
In the end when the phone falls on her face, I can relate to it so much. Whenever you're like so into something and the device just falls on your face lol😂
if the sister is blue and the girl is red does that mean the parents are purple?
No, You have your logic backwards.
@@lerose8385 actually, according to punnet squares, that’s the only way that could possibly work
@@zthehuman7051 Oh wow, its been 2 years and I completely forgot about this- I agree with the op now anyways lol
7:52 that always happens to me 😂
Drop the phone on her face? Yeah, I do that too, mostly because my arms can’t stay up without getting tired.
Chispitas Clash of clans LMAO same
Sparky JC I have a really big tablet and when I lay it over my head I usually drop it from how heavy it is, but I'm to stupid to stop doing this and it happens repeatedly
Chispitas CP same XD
I don’t have a big sister to talk to about this who do I talk to
Speak with someone that you trust. Whether its a friend, a parent or another adult in your life.
Starfire Unicorn if you have a mom talk to her!
GoofySquid what if no one lieks u
StarSailorMars "your mom"***
I’m here, You have a big sister now. Let me know how I can help
HAH me
So me
Also this video is great, I really do hope you fix the audio someday. Then I can recommend this video to teachers! It would probably make the lesson less awkward and we'll be sure that they don't forget anything. Also the mood between the sisters is great, it's serious but not so serious that it gets scary or uncomfortable. I wanted to mention that because it's really important and you did a great job! :>
Lol that relatable phone dropping on face moment 🤣🤣🤣
" It can be a really... umm... *positive experience* "
Nailed it
NoizyBoi why
My school taught it, but only in high school. It was last year, and they even showed how to find red flags of an abusive and or manipulative person when dating.
This helped me out a lot. There's someone that I love a lot, but kind of made me feel pressured. He was trying to get me to do more than kissing. not that I don't want to do any of that, cuz I kinda do. I was just so uncomfortable when that happened. I've wanted to talk to him about it for a long time, and I think I'll use this info to help talk about it.
Pressuring someone is bad. But under the law, only threats or blackmail make it coercion and illegal.
Sister goals
The animation style is so cute!! Love the colors.
I had by first boyfriend in 6th grade. It was horrible,he had anger issues,He kinda pressured me to try masturbating And Other sexual stuff. When I refused he threatened me and I finally told my mom after a week. Also he got in a lot of trouble with the law. Im in 7th grade now,I dont even look or Talk or even try to touch him now
We're so sorry that you experienced this in your first relationship and are proud of you for speaking up about the situation.
AMAZE Org he actually told my Ex Bestfriends I hated them and Didnt want to be friends with them. My Ex bestfriends are twins if one stopped talking to me the other did to. It was kinda weird I was bisexual and He was trying to go out with one of my ex besties and Me and one of my ex besties both liked liked each other (tip:I was having trouble finding out my sexuality at the time)
You videos are really entertaining
HEY lets not forget that men can also be pressured to send a pic but when we talk about it they mostly say "get over it."
I wish I'd remembered this video when my ex boyfriend kept pressuring me into sexual activity. Looking at this video now, I understand that was not okay, and I need a partner who will respect me, so I can respect them too.
I'm so sorry that you experienced this. Its not your fault. Please tell an adult that you trust what happened and they can help you get the help you deserve. Keep telling adults until someone believes you.
I'm sorry you were pressured, that is bad. However its important to know that with the law, the pressure needs to reach the level of threats or blackmail for it to be considered coercion. Threats or blackmail are what invalidate consent, not just pressure.
I looked at the votes and consent isn't taught in the most sex es classes ?????
But this is a really important thing
If he touches you without your consent, THAT'S NO GUUD!
this happened to me with a guy once.... first time I ever got asked out. By ANYONE. What was originally going to be friendship in the first place turned out father than I WANTED IT TO BE. too far.... I just dropped all contact after that. Regret not saying no... or knowing it was even an option. I was so afraid of hurting his feelings other than my own.
Don’t make the same mistake. Listen to the blue hair girl. Srlsy.
Thank you for sharing your story. We're so sorry that you experienced this. If you ever want to talk to someone, offers 24/7 help:
This video was amazing! I'm so glad I watched it. Wish I could have seen it sooner! We really need to teach kids that on these situations they have to act a bit selfish. You decide what to do with your body, in any situation
great vid tho
My bros 10 years older then me
Three years in Texas but yeaaahhhhh
wait wym? whats wrong with siblings having an age gap? theyre siblings. not dating. 😂
My eldest sister is 14 years older than me.
Sakura Kurofodu My brother is seven years older lol
If someone continuously ask you to do something and you don't want to but they get mad, then they're probably not the person you should be seeing
This is definitely a good message and I don't disagree with it, however there are two issues I must ask about, first, this doesn't really touch on implied consent, consent doesn't have to be verbal, body language is key to consent too. Also, does alcohol always make it rape? As what if the two parties get drunk and get involved? And is it off the table if even the odd one drink is involved? Finally, one is responsible for drink driving so why isn't drunk sex considered ok? I'm not attempting to debunk, these are genuine questions. Great video :)
I have answers for this question, not sure if they are pertinent at this time
the character designs in this video are so cute
like I'm attached to these characters already even when they're just one-offs for a consent video and I'll probably never see them anywhere else
Thanks for the tips! I'm 3 years always from giving consent, but it's good to know these kinds if things ahead of time
Now 1.
Let me define consent for you after scrolling through your phone without your consent lol
I would never let my children date until they are ready. not just when they reach a certain age.
This hit close to home, thanks for making this
Thank you!
AMAZE Org how old is that older girl?
Omg I always drop my phone on my face when I'm on it...
Can you do a video on racism equality and sexism please xx love this
Thanks for the suggestion. Will let the animators know! :)
I love the animation but recordings pretty crappy and the sudden shift alcohol or drugs was a little weird also in one part of the blue girl voice went weird not sure if that is my phone or the video but they should show this in school
She’s explaining for the future
The blue girl's audio is bad. It sounds like she's speaking through a tube.
Could someone link the artist if they know what websites or social media they used??
I honestly LOVE the colors and characters!!
The dialogue was a little strained. I really wish the voices would be updated so I could use this in sex ed.
I thought she would say, “yea I have a boyfriend but, I’m more interesting in this girl..” and I would be surprised but nope. Either way this is an ok video!
This animation is *goals* .
But do you have a room with a lot of soft things? It helps stabilize and ignore echoes.
I watched this video in class just today and its a Great video that’s very informative on this subject. and I sorta got a bit of Ruby and Yang energy (From the anime RWBY) from Pip and Eve while watching this. I know that doesn’t mean anything but it’s just something I noticed.
Edit: Also I love that 0:04 Pip has a poster of Cloud from Final Fantasy Vll
I love this video and I'd love to see more videos with these characters
5:53 soooo if you say stop and they say no you have to listen to them?or do they have to listen to you
Hey Toni, great question. You have the right to say “no” to any behavior that you do not want to engage in at any point, for any reason, and your partner must respect your decision.
Ahhh seventh grade, I will always remember that time where life got 1000x more complicated 😂
I am so upset about this topic. People say that consent has to be taught to kids at school. But here I am like, isn't this common sense? Why do you have to get specific education about common sense?
Generations seem to get more sensitive and can't make decisions for themselves before asking other people how to think and feel. Think and stand for yourself man...
I know this has nothing to do with the video but I Love the older sisters outfit
Who else felt that when she dropped the phone on her face
7:52 this ALWAYS happened to me and it’s so painful 😣
Frequently asking cohersion (I probably spelled it wrong)? Also who do you talk to when you have sexual issues and about how you feel about yourself? Also is talking about the horrible things in life that happen or happened to you cohersion?
Coercion is only when pressure comes from threats or blackmail under the law.
okay... here’s the tea... i was talking to this boy that’s older than me... he came over to my house for a lil while when everyone was asleep and he asked me, “do i have your consent on this?” And I didn’t say anything for a minute... then i said, “um... yeah...” but he gave me this sympathy look, like he knew i didn’t want too. he touched me in places i didn’t wanna touch, he kissed me in places i didn’t want him to kiss... and i have nightmares about it every night. i feel like it was all my fault, and i started crying they other day in class thinking about it... i had to lie to my teacher and say, “oh i’m just worrying about my grades that’s all.” and went back to crying in the bathroom.
Hey, Bonnie & Clyde, we're so sorry to hear that this happened to you. This is not at all your fault. Have you to talked to an adult that you trust about what happened? If its easier to speak to someone in confidence, we recommend contacting the help line at They have volunteers available to guide you through the help you deserve.
i love this video! my only criticism is with the survey... transgender isn't a separate gender. cis men and trans men are both men, and the same goes for cis and trans women
Why did it make me laugh when she said "even when your doing...*it*" (thank u this really helped my understanding)
It's not considered rape if they don't say no. Unless they are drunk and or drugged which is taking advantage and in most cases rape.
Anyways if they don't say yes its not rape. It's rape if they say no though. I remember a story of a comedian who was getting called a rapist because he had sex with a girl he was having a one night stand with. He thought the girl was giving him signals that meant she wanted sex. So he had sex with her, she didn't say no. But she still pressed charges of rape
The 4th question is weird ‘cuz I’m in elementary
I love the animation style and it's so smooth I wish you guys could teach me how to animate on flipaclip like this
Flipaclip is trash
This is Flipaclip!?
lol wish someone in my family would actually react that way instead of just avoiding the topic in any way possible
Good job making this believable this is how me and my sister talk
I'm guessing they did the voicing at different places
Qualities are different
I wish my older brother was this supportive
This art style is really good!
My mom freaked out when she thought i had a boyfriend, im 13
1 That last part me I always drop my phone on my face every single time 2 great information I'm glad I got to know a bit more about this
This is an interesting video but it’s nice to have someone point out that you have to give consent to everything.
If someone is pressuring you, pressure them back
At the end of the video when she dropped the phone on her face and said: "Who Does That?!" reminds me of the time when I broke my tooth after dropping my laptop on my face
What if they're both high and drunk?
In order for people to consent to sexual behaviors, they must be able to consent, which means they are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol and are of legal age to be able to consent. Each state has different laws regarding consent, and it’s a good idea to become familiar with these laws. Consent can get confusing, so if you are ever unsure whether a person is consenting, it is a good idea to ask them.
I’d like to say, thank you for saying that if someone is uncomfortable with partaking in a sexual activity even in the middle of doing it, that they need to say something as the partner is not psychic! I also hate how some people think that micro expressions that last 1/500ths of a second are enough to tell their partner “no.”
i only like the video because of the character design/style and animation. The aesthetic is cute :3
The main reason i clicked this video was because of the designs xd
People need to be in the same page
Says he’s in her class...
Then says he’s a grade ahead of her...
Eighth graders are still in middle school...
Which means they don’t even go to the same school...
Skipped a grade?
I’m watching an ad for this Chanel rn
I actually didn't know that being drunk or high meant you couldn't consent that's why I said they didn't teach me that in school. Really at my school we didn't talk about sex when it came to sex it was learning about abstinence only and really I think learning about that only does more harm than good because we didn't learn anything useful about sex. Like really the only time condoms was mentioned is when the teacher said if you're not going to do abstinence you should use a condom. But really nothing on how to put on a condom or anything like that. Also another thing that was taught in my sex ed class was if you have a baby boy you should get them circumcised. I really felt it was more about telling you how to live your life rather than how to be safe with sex. Also I'm gay and I really felt like they didn't want to get on that topic at all about sexual orientation and it did feel more heteronormative. I even remember reading a book that talked about why teenagers might not date and it said either it's against their religious beliefs or their parents don't want them to date or they feel shy around the opposite sex which was pretty much like the equivalent to saying that gay people don't exist. I mean really it could've said they were shy about dating but no it said they were shy around the opposite sex. I don't date because I don't know anyone who is gay thus I can't really find anyone with the same sexual interest as me. I'm not shy around the opposite sex but that book that I read it really did feel like it was trying to tell me that I need to date someone of the opposite sex and that really is the problem with heteronormative stuff that it kinda is pushing it for anyone who isn't straight. Heteronormative means you think everyone is straight no matter what and that's why gay people do come out so they don't have to go through the assumption that they are straight. But really yeah when it comes down to it schools that teach to wait until your married have the problem of not doing a good job by just not telling you anything.
Thanks so much for sharing your story. We hope that more schools will include comprehensive sex ed.
wtf was that at 3:59
Great video. This helped me understand a little more I guess.
1:57 "confess period"
Read caps.
I love the little sister's hair!
That older sister be a snacc
don't hate me for a joke ejbeuogreougb