People need to understand that.. STRESS can blow up the weight! Bad relationships can make a person overweight! I was 100lbs Three kids later I was@126lbs. But, when I met the guy I married, I put on so much weight and was working three jobs! Miserable life! Today I am fit and go hiking, camping and have a happy busy life as a single mom! I don't worry about anything anymore.
So Martin married the daughter of his boss and work to take over the company, yet he thinks its okay to insult his wife, call her fat and tried to cheat? Some people really don't know their place.
Yup. Like most idiots who think their kings of the world, they act like they can do ever. Its their "rigt" and when you dont follow their ego or hold them accountable they whine bag and pleed like the sad bitches they are.
I never had a partner like this, but my dad complained to my mom once when I was 13 that I was fat and embarrassed him. Martin wants her to get rid of the weight, that's when she divorces him. That's over 100 pounds there
Omg. I somehow completely lost track of these videos. All the channels just disappeared and I couldn't find them for months. I finally found them again! These stories are so ridiculous and there's so many other channels that do them, but your voice actors are just so much better. It makes them actually amusing.
This is triggering as 🤬 I don't know how this and quite frankly I don't care to know. Some of us have been through hell because of others impossible weight/beauty standards. Would have thought you guys would have had a better way to tell a story
Lowkey feel validated about hating the way this story was done. Martin sounds like the voice inside my head associated with my eating disorder, and I couldn’t finish. I kept verbally saying “fuck you” every time he spoke
I am what humor writer Cynthia Heimel referred to as a “BFP” - bonafide fat person. I am an endomorph. I’m short, and I gain weight when people next to me eat. The only endomorph I can even think of who has been in shape for more than five minutes is Simone Biles. A BFP Will dress up, know she looks great. She knows that neither her worth nor her work is not dependent on her looks. She does anything she feels like with skinny people and bows out of other things with confidence and dignity. She gets laid whenever she wants to. I did burlesque in my 40s when I was about 40lbs overweight. Everyone applauded and no one gave me crap.
Call it out so that everyone else, especially those who are going through it, knows that there can be a light at the end of the tunnel, you don’t have to put up with it and you CAN get out. In some cases it may not be easy but it depends on how badly you want to get away from it.
Probably lower job and all the money he earns goes to wife, or shame followed him at next job/couldn't get another so living with parents/on the streets
Huh,a switch on the cheating story. Douche decided to try cheating on company ceos daughter WHICH HE'S MARRIED TO, and ended up getting the same treatment as other cheaters more or less. Interesting
People need to understand that..
STRESS can blow up the weight!
Bad relationships can make a person overweight!
I was 100lbs
Three kids later I was@126lbs.
But, when I met the guy I married, I put on so much weight and was working three jobs! Miserable life!
Today I am fit and go hiking, camping and have a happy busy life as a single mom!
I don't worry about anything anymore.
‘Rolls up sleeves…’ Hey Martin, wanna step outside… with no witnesses…
One sentence in and I already hate Martin with every fiber of my being.
Same here. He's a jerk.
I would just feed him everything he wants to be fed. And then give him the same medicine and as desert divorsepapers.
So Martin married the daughter of his boss and work to take over the company, yet he thinks its okay to insult his wife, call her fat and tried to cheat? Some people really don't know their place.
Yup. Like most idiots who think their kings of the world, they act like they can do ever. Its their "rigt" and when you dont follow their ego or hold them accountable they whine bag and pleed like the sad bitches they are.
Painfully realistic. Good job
I got two words for Martin!!!
Let me guess like me First word starts with a F and is 4 letters and second starts with O
I got a guess, the first one starts with F and has four letters and the second word starts with Y.
I never had a partner like this, but my dad complained to my mom once when I was 13 that I was fat and embarrassed him. Martin wants her to get rid of the weight, that's when she divorces him. That's over 100 pounds there
All that food he wanted for dinner...he's getting fat. It's hilarious
I know, it's like a business version of super size me
Martian is in need of some serious help. Good lord he is a nightmare
Omg. I somehow completely lost track of these videos. All the channels just disappeared and I couldn't find them for months. I finally found them again!
These stories are so ridiculous and there's so many other channels that do them, but your voice actors are just so much better. It makes them actually amusing.
HAH! The Universe just did a Uno reverse on Martin!! What goes around, comes around! Karma is a bitch!
Oh god it's time for divorce!!!!
This is triggering as 🤬 I don't know how this and quite frankly I don't care to know. Some of us have been through hell because of others impossible weight/beauty standards. Would have thought you guys would have had a better way to tell a story
Lowkey feel validated about hating the way this story was done.
Martin sounds like the voice inside my head associated with my eating disorder, and I couldn’t finish. I kept verbally saying “fuck you” every time he spoke
One of my toxic ex’s said this after my miscarriage… 😢😢😢😢 and during this I had an eating disorder as well…
I am what humor writer Cynthia Heimel referred to as a “BFP” - bonafide fat person. I am an endomorph. I’m short, and I gain weight when people next to me eat. The only endomorph I can even think of who has been in shape for more than five minutes is Simone Biles.
A BFP Will dress up, know she looks great. She knows that neither her worth nor her work is not dependent on her looks. She does anything she feels like with skinny people and bows out of other things with confidence and dignity. She gets laid whenever she wants to.
I did burlesque in my 40s when I was about 40lbs overweight. Everyone applauded and no one gave me crap.
Call it out so that everyone else, especially those who are going through it, knows that there can be a light at the end of the tunnel, you don’t have to put up with it and you CAN get out. In some cases it may not be easy but it depends on how badly you want to get away from it.
Why do the narrators sound like they're in middle school?
Sad, low effort story and low effort narration.
I’ve tried and tried but I just can’t with the Car-loss VA.
Good evening!! So is this to say that this channel is back!!!!
Great video again
Good evening y'all! 💜💜
Aahhhh you're back!!!
Let's see how this one goes. I had, with great reluctantance, unsubscribe to Apple Texts, due to the quality slipping during the past year.
What happened to Martin other then OP getting rid of him and being fired by her Dad?
Probably lower job and all the money he earns goes to wife, or shame followed him at next job/couldn't get another so living with parents/on the streets
Why, is a woman playing the part of Martin?
There is only one VA who does all the voices
How thw fuck can you be triple xl and not yet be over 100kg
100 kilograms is about 220 lb. some Brands and styles of clothing would require a 3XL
Huh,a switch on the cheating story. Douche decided to try cheating on company ceos daughter WHICH HE'S MARRIED TO, and ended up getting the same treatment as other cheaters more or less. Interesting
I’m 112kg and my husband loves me anyway. I’m also doing exercises on my Nintendo Switch :) my goal is 95kg ^_^
Theres a new vocaloid fitness game for switch either coming or already our, highly recommend
@@jacalynnepuder1172 I have the Ring Fit on my switch, and I might buy the second one.
This lady can’t pronounce idiocy. Noooo! Don’t leave us hanging again guys!
Trigger warnings about the abuse this bloke is espousing
Since when is 100kg size XXXL
That’s like 220 lbs on a man… that looks normal😭
@@blaineyeamlakyes !
Very short?
Martin is a funny name for a woman.
Was with yall - until i found both roles are female
Early on with the other channels females often did both roles. On regular t.v. shows women do male voiceover.
Why does it matter?
It actually in voice acting it is normal for a female to play a male character.