Pro tip: don’t ever pay for expedited shipping. I ordered one of these, paid for expedited shipping and I’m STILL waiting for them to ship. I live a three hour drive away from their warehouse 😑
I like the old pocket glow better. The “star” glow looks more of a mistake and the plastic mix not mixed fully. Would look nicer if it glowed uniformly.
Now you have both, I wonder how simple it would be to swap those buttons over to make it closer to the pocket. I also think those glow in the dark buttons would work well with the black one too. Thanks for the video.
Maybe it's just nostalgia, but for me, the GB Pocket wins this design comparison by a landslide :P I like the contrast between the black buttons and the green shell better ;)
@@Captain_Dunselthey usually just take preorders and then base production on those orders. The last batch of pockets and the forthcoming duo both worked that way. These were clearly just tacked on to the last batch of pockets, which just so happened to arrive at the exact same time.
Analogue's products look interesting but all the horror stories about their support ghosting people coupled with their pre-orders being so far out I wouldn't be eligible for any buyer protections anymore by the time it's supposed to ship has dissuaded me from ever trying them.
There's been stuff on Analogue's site that I was ready and waiting in line for, got in the queue within 8 seconds, and still get told after waiting a minute that this product is sold out now. So I don't know how the resellers are almost guaranteeing their purchase. And Analogue always says you must wait until the exact time on the dot, but that is a lie, you have to be on the site at least 4-5 minutes before it officially goes on sale.
@@Chicomite I'm never going to attempt to buy from Analogue ever again. It's too much of a hassle to even purchase their products. Elliot may dislike the emulation consoles, but for the price of a AAA game you can get a piece of hardware that can emulate pretty much anything up to PS1 and it's less stressful to get a hold of one.
I like the concept, but I'm not too fussed that I missed out on this, since I have the OG black Analogue Pocket, which is fine by me. I feel like if I had the glow-in-the-dark version, it would look grubby faster than the black one, so I'm content with what I already have. Still, it's a cool looking thing. I do agree with a lot of other commenters, that now that you have both, you could swap face buttons to make it look even better. Both versions would benefit!
I initially pre ordered Nov 2022 with out knowing fpga or really caring , and since receiving it, have fallen in love. Have the dock on the way , and this will take place of alot of my systems.
I had such a hard time convincing myself not to buy this. I love the look and the glow in the dark feature, but I just could not justify the expense for something that is primarily geared around the gameboy. If they did a GBA specific screen option, I'd have snapped it up in a heartbeat. It's damned gorgeous though.
Thank you for showing us what premium plastic looks like compared to the cheap plastic analogue glow in the dark uses. That "stary chalky" look is not intentional, that is simply poor quality plastic. The original gameboy pocket has excellent plastic and glowing is uniform, the difference is literally night and day.
The CEO of the company explained that they spent months developing this chalk/starry look and it's of the best quality possible so don't run your mouth when you don't know anything !
@@pspsmallz You can buy glowing perfectly homogeneous cases for Gameboy for 10 dollars, without any flaws ! What they did was intentional, you're just salty you weren't able to buy one 😅
As you have the two APs, you could switch their front buttons to increase contrast and make the glow in the dark look more similar to the Gameboy original. .. I never understood why the pocket had do low contrast at the front.
I got mine as a gift, but it was ordered from stockX . Once it's in hand it's awesome, but unless you care abt the fpga features and playing original carts, then just get an emulator handheld.
After seeing that I'm glad that I didn't try too hard to get one. The Glow in the dark looks kind of muddy. Now, if they release a clear one.... I'll be all over it. I really enjoy my analogue pocket. It's coming up on 2 years already and it's one of my favorite devices. Just wish they would finally add DAC support and ship the rest of the connectors I paid for.
Such a good video. This gives me hope that they will eventually come out with an Atomic Purple Analogue Pocket. I do agree with the all the other comments. You should swap the buttons from the black Pocket into the GITD model to make it a proper homage to the OG GITD Gameboy Pocket.
Very cool! Glad you got to do this wild comparison. I want to want the pocket but the price and how hard it is to get is always a bummer to me. Really love the look, but I kinda wish they all had different or buttons that didn’t match. I get the aesthetic but always bugged me. Personally I’d swap the glow and black buttons between your two pockets. I’ve seen folks do that with the black and white ones and I like the look! Or some dmg buttons on the normal pocket would be nice.
I hope they make more colors, I almost got this one but it got sold out when it was in my cart. I don’t even care that much about the glow in the dark feature, it’s neat and all, but all I really want is not a black console, but with a black screen lens. GBA games look so bad on the white pocket because of the black bars in the white frame.
I think it's cool, but maybe wait to do the special editions when they've fulfilled all the consumers. It's near impossible to find a normal Analogue as it is.
I was fortunate enough to grab one of these up. The glow is insane. Here's a tip. Skip the UV flashlight and take it outside in the sun for a couple of minutes. The glow it will give off is easily the brightest glow in the dark thing I've ever seen.
I was gonna say, no way in hell is it worth the price. They can fuck off. Pretending like its a next gen console from 2027, they are in wayy over their heads. They dont know how to market to the broad group of people. You NEVER ask such ridiculous prices when you just start out. I don't think they will make a lot of profit from this.
It looks great in the dark but for me that color of green was not nostalgic for me but cool for those who like it. I wish they would just start selling the regular versions of the pocket on their site again.
I would call the Analogue TruGlo colored. You know like the Timex backlight color. Kind of reminds me of that. I meant Indiglo, and sort of. TruGlo make my sights on my guns, well the higher end ones, at least. Like the Rapide line. I think use TruGlo, which is kind of cool since they're on a shit gun, but they glow both day and night.
The fact that I tried like crazy get one and was instantly sold out and you just get one when you don't even need one is EXTREMELY frustrating.....just because you're a youtuber....and that's if you even paid for it.....fcuk...
I would love a glow in the dark turquoise color since it is much better for the eyes than any other color, even though playing in the dark is NOT good for your eyes.
I have a Boxy Pixel Aluminum Shell Consolized GBA with Brass buttons and a GBA SP in a DMG along with an IPS screen GBA original that is DMG themed. I also play a lot on PC using the Epilogue GB Operator. If I was going to spend that kind of money I would buy the DMG themed RG353PS over at Ali-Express. I just never got on that Analogue boat.
@@PretendingToBeAHuman FPGA is more accurate and has less lag than an ambernic or similar devices. The screen is a lot better on the pocket too. FPGA is as close as you can get right now to the real console without actually using a real system
I honestly would have preferred if the Pocket had been in the form factor of the original GBA, as I think the horizontal layout is far more comfortable to hold. That's just me though. Most handhelds these days come in the horizontal form factor with the controls on the sides of the screen.
Did your shipping ever update past “shipping partner picked up item” or did it just arrive to your house? Mine hasn’t updated but my other analogue order has tracking that’s moving.
The sheer quality of Analogue products can't be denied. They are absolutely premium. It just blows my mind that they are able to sell their products as cheaply as they do. They could easily charge a lot more & it would still be worth it for how absolutely premium they are!
Aw, I love this. I have the black Analogue Pocket and was eyeing this one up as well, though I have no need for two. I decided to pass because it's a hefty amount of money to throw at a console I won't use, and in the hopes that they'll do more specials - a transparent one please!
it's not a problem on every Analogue Pocket. I have 2 that do not have this issue even after trying to replicate it multiple times. If people are having this problem they need to send it in for service
i have waited for someone to make this video, Thank You Eliot❤️, The Glow in the Dark is Sick😍
That thing is sick
Yo Tysytube! ❤
TysyTube watches Retro Future! Brilliant. You guys should team up.
@@CalculatorObsessed we did
I do like the glow in the dark on both but the OG has a nicer glow
1:45 "'ll be able to pay a little bit of a premium..." Elliot being the master of understatement right there
Switch out the buttons and Dpad between your two analog devices. That would be ultimate
That would look better on both systems.
Yes please!!
The shade of green is completely different on the gameboy pocket and analogue pocket, its immediately noticeable.
Pro tip: don’t ever pay for expedited shipping. I ordered one of these, paid for expedited shipping and I’m STILL waiting for them to ship. I live a three hour drive away from their warehouse 😑
Mine hasn't moved at all either
Same and I live in Anaheim 🙃
@@lmlolxl wow that really blows. So close!
@@astrovewlix okay it finally shipped! Yours HAS to be soon too
Expedited shipping doesn’t mean ships sooner, just means faster shipping method.
I like the old pocket glow better. The “star” glow looks more of a mistake and the plastic mix not mixed fully. Would look nicer if it glowed uniformly.
It's quite bad yes.
That _may_ have to do with him not really attempting to charge it up uniformly. I'm sure it'd look better then.
I have a feeling the camera doesn't do it justice. I'd have to see it in real life to properly judge.
I got one and it looks exactly as it does in this video. I was super disappointed with it if I am honest.@@masonhales
The old one looks ten times better based on this video.
Now you have both, I wonder how simple it would be to swap those buttons over to make it closer to the pocket. I also think those glow in the dark buttons would work well with the black one too. Thanks for the video.
Exactly what I was thinking during the video. It would enhance both devices.
OG Game Boy glowing harder even after 30 odd years.
The slime and mint description is very accurate. That is good journalism there!
Maybe it's just nostalgia, but for me, the GB Pocket wins this design comparison by a landslide :P I like the contrast between the black buttons and the green shell better ;)
Analogue’s design has never been their strong suit imo.
@@Captain_Dunselthey usually just take preorders and then base production on those orders. The last batch of pockets and the forthcoming duo both worked that way. These were clearly just tacked on to the last batch of pockets, which just so happened to arrive at the exact same time.
Analogue's products look interesting but all the horror stories about their support ghosting people coupled with their pre-orders being so far out I wouldn't be eligible for any buyer protections anymore by the time it's supposed to ship has dissuaded me from ever trying them.
Mad little pixel is a good example
Resellers suck. I missed it so narrowly, I'm glad that you managed to get one to see the review on it, seeing your new uploads always makes me happy 😁
There's been stuff on Analogue's site that I was ready and waiting in line for, got in the queue within 8 seconds, and still get told after waiting a minute that this product is sold out now. So I don't know how the resellers are almost guaranteeing their purchase.
And Analogue always says you must wait until the exact time on the dot, but that is a lie, you have to be on the site at least 4-5 minutes before it officially goes on sale.
@@ChicomiteI was there and it opened almost exactly on the dot and I managed to get one.
Yeah wtf is that markup price the resellers are putting them on ebay for too. Disgusting.
@@Chicomite I'm never going to attempt to buy from Analogue ever again. It's too much of a hassle to even purchase their products. Elliot may dislike the emulation consoles, but for the price of a AAA game you can get a piece of hardware that can emulate pretty much anything up to PS1 and it's less stressful to get a hold of one.
@@Chicomitethey will have bots set up that auto purchase much faster than you can manually purchase
Glad I dragged my feet a bit on getting an AP. Had no excuse not to try for a GITD, and was lucky to get an order in! Thanks for the video.
I like the concept, but I'm not too fussed that I missed out on this, since I have the OG black Analogue Pocket, which is fine by me. I feel like if I had the glow-in-the-dark version, it would look grubby faster than the black one, so I'm content with what I already have. Still, it's a cool looking thing. I do agree with a lot of other commenters, that now that you have both, you could swap face buttons to make it look even better. Both versions would benefit!
I initially pre ordered Nov 2022 with out knowing fpga or really caring , and since receiving it, have fallen in love. Have the dock on the way , and this will take place of alot of my systems.
The "chalky starry feel" just means that they couldn't manage to make it look uniform so they're pretending it's a feature 😂
I had such a hard time convincing myself not to buy this. I love the look and the glow in the dark feature, but I just could not justify the expense for something that is primarily geared around the gameboy. If they did a GBA specific screen option, I'd have snapped it up in a heartbeat.
It's damned gorgeous though.
Shouldn't this be marked as an ad somewhere?
Definitely should. "not sponsored" but they gave the device for free, right?
It looks really good! I like that green even when its not glowing in the dark
I always liked glow in the dark stuff, it's pretty cool
Thank you for showing us what premium plastic looks like compared to the cheap plastic analogue glow in the dark uses. That "stary chalky" look is not intentional, that is simply poor quality plastic. The original gameboy pocket has excellent plastic and glowing is uniform, the difference is literally night and day.
The CEO of the company explained that they spent months developing this chalk/starry look and it's of the best quality possible so don't run your mouth when you don't know anything !
@@nicoscorner2592oh please, that's such a load of crap. They tried to imitate the gitd gameboy and failed miserably.
@@pspsmallz You can buy glowing perfectly homogeneous cases for Gameboy for 10 dollars, without any flaws ! What they did was intentional, you're just salty you weren't able to buy one 😅
Love your videos bro I love them keep up the amazing work and editing!
Great demonstration, loved the comparison. Thanks so much for posting this, can’t wait for mine to come in!
Shudda used glow resin, it'd glow all night!
Why are they making different versions when you can’t even buy the original colors?
Eric Truong Here Thank You Elliot For Fixing My Game Boy And Gave Me A Real Pokemon Blue Game I Can Finally Play Pokemon Games.
As you have the two APs, you could switch their front buttons to increase contrast and make the glow in the dark look more similar to the Gameboy original. .. I never understood why the pocket had do low contrast at the front.
Nice video Elliot! The console looks magnificent
Am I the only one who wish they would release the analog in the gba from factor.
Thanks for showing those of us who nosed out. I added to cart immediately that day and by the time my cart came up in the queue it was sold out 😢
Nice. Never heared a glowing GB
Very jealous!
Get a myoo mini, glow in the dark spray paint and be done
I just can't seem to ever bring myself around to ordering (and then waiting 16,000 years) for the Analogue Pocket, but I appreciate it's existence!
Same boat here, I can never bring myself to buy it months in advance off the site nor pay resellers on eBay.
I got mine as a gift, but it was ordered from stockX . Once it's in hand it's awesome, but unless you care abt the fpga features and playing original carts, then just get an emulator handheld.
That’s why I finally ordered this one! Figured if I got an order in, I’d get it right away. But the normal wait on Analogue products is absurd.
They could sctually make some more of the regular model. That eould be nice.
They really should've put black buttons & D-pad on it
That is so cool. Can't wait for my unit! What the next limited edition going to be? Transparent case? That would be tasty too.
After seeing that I'm glad that I didn't try too hard to get one. The Glow in the dark looks kind of muddy. Now, if they release a clear one.... I'll be all over it. I really enjoy my analogue pocket. It's coming up on 2 years already and it's one of my favorite devices. Just wish they would finally add DAC support and ship the rest of the connectors I paid for.
Which one are they slacking on
Unless you are sending the Pocket back, this is a sponsored video.
Glad I didn't purchase, that glow is pretty weak.
I was able to snag a clear red one! So stoked to finally have one.
the original gameboy glow more, but the analog looks nice too. thanks for sharing it
"A little bit of a premium" 😂
Gorgeous. Well done!
Such a good video. This gives me hope that they will eventually come out with an Atomic Purple Analogue Pocket. I do agree with the all the other comments. You should swap the buttons from the black Pocket into the GITD model to make it a proper homage to the OG GITD Gameboy Pocket.
I mean, you kinda nailed your prediction :D
It was sold out in like 1 minute, but still!
The word you couldn’t think of was luminescence.
This looks sick but idk if I'll get it but its wicked
Mine is still on its way. Looking forward to getting it.
Very cool! Glad you got to do this wild comparison. I want to want the pocket but the price and how hard it is to get is always a bummer to me. Really love the look, but I kinda wish they all had different or buttons that didn’t match. I get the aesthetic but always bugged me. Personally I’d swap the glow and black buttons between your two pockets. I’ve seen folks do that with the black and white ones and I like the look! Or some dmg buttons on the normal pocket would be nice.
I hope they make more colors, I almost got this one but it got sold out when it was in my cart. I don’t even care that much about the glow in the dark feature, it’s neat and all, but all I really want is not a black console, but with a black screen lens. GBA games look so bad on the white pocket because of the black bars in the white frame.
Software emulation emulates the hardware as well, so I’m not sure what you mean at 0:30.
I think it's cool, but maybe wait to do the special editions when they've fulfilled all the consumers. It's near impossible to find a normal Analogue as it is.
Excited for you to have an exclusive look
they almost got me to buy another anologue pocket with this one
They both look beautiful. Each to their own.
Love the shirt, Elliot!
I was fortunate enough to grab one of these up. The glow is insane. Here's a tip. Skip the UV flashlight and take it outside in the sun for a couple of minutes. The glow it will give off is easily the brightest glow in the dark thing I've ever seen.
That’s cool man. When I saw this was announced I immediately thought this was homage to the game boy pocket you have
"Pay a little bit of a premium and get one for yourself" yeah a premium like triple the price, thanks for the offer
I was gonna say, no way in hell is it worth the price. They can fuck off. Pretending like its a next gen console from 2027, they are in wayy over their heads. They dont know how to market to the broad group of people. You NEVER ask such ridiculous prices when you just start out. I don't think they will make a lot of profit from this.
I love your stuff man
Bluds haircut looking like my pet canary
I feel like you gotta do a button swap from the original, put the black buttons on the glow shell like the GB pocket
It looks great in the dark but for me that color of green was not nostalgic for me but cool for those who like it. I wish they would just start selling the regular versions of the pocket on their site again.
It's actually insane how good the display is on the pocket. I wish other devices had the same.
Nice review but its a hard pass for me. +$600 us *since the scalpers are the only way to grab em now* for an admittedly funky paint job ... eh ...
How's the d-pad (compared to the original)? Some have complained about diagionals with the original black/white models.
Exactly the same.
I have not been able to replicate false diagonals on either of my 2 pockets even when trying. This seems to be more of a qc issue than a design error
Been watching since like your 145 video
Looks like a full lume watch dial. Very cool, although I still prefer the regular black version.
I would call the Analogue TruGlo colored. You know like the Timex backlight color. Kind of reminds me of that. I meant Indiglo, and sort of. TruGlo make my sights on my guns, well the higher end ones, at least. Like the Rapide line. I think use TruGlo, which is kind of cool since they're on a shit gun, but they glow both day and night.
Change the buttons around on the Analogue pockets. Black and glow in the dark would be kinda cool.
A bit disappointed the Gameboy still glows more and longer after being this Old already. The Starry Glitter theme is cool but, I'll pass.
Can't wait for the Analogue Color and the Analogue Advance SP
I might want to buy an original analog pocket it seems really cool! Especially with the dock!
Should’ve done a reservation system with one per customer not two like they did. Glad the scalpers got all the product /s.
u in the uk still ,mine said it was arriving Monday 4th ,I thought that's very quick but no updates on tracking for a week tomorrow
The fact that I tried like crazy get one and was instantly sold out and you just get one when you don't even need one is EXTREMELY frustrating.....just because you're a youtuber....and that's if you even paid for it.....fcuk...
I would love a glow in the dark turquoise color since it is much better for the eyes than any other color, even though playing in the dark is NOT good for your eyes.
i wanted one but im never lucky enough to get limited editions.
I have a Boxy Pixel Aluminum Shell Consolized GBA with Brass buttons and a GBA SP in a DMG along with an IPS screen GBA original that is DMG themed. I also play a lot on PC using the Epilogue GB Operator. If I was going to spend that kind of money I would buy the DMG themed RG353PS over at Ali-Express. I just never got on that Analogue boat.
@@PretendingToBeAHuman FPGA is more accurate and has less lag than an ambernic or similar devices. The screen is a lot better on the pocket too. FPGA is as close as you can get right now to the real console without actually using a real system
Managed to get one too! Are you in the UK though? Tracking is still on label created for me
I prefer the GameBoy solid glow
Talk about something no one saw coming.....or wanted
Awesome videos as always thanks 😮😮😮😮😊😊😊😊
I honestly would have preferred if the Pocket had been in the form factor of the original GBA, as I think the horizontal layout is far more comfortable to hold. That's just me though. Most handhelds these days come in the horizontal form factor with the controls on the sides of the screen.
Did your shipping ever update past “shipping partner picked up item” or did it just arrive to your house?
Mine hasn’t updated but my other analogue order has tracking that’s moving.
My tracking number wasn’t doing anything for a while, then changed yesterday to moving, then arrived today.
@@MaxaMillion711 Still nothing for me unfortunately. Picked up Sep 1st and no movement since.
This one was sent for free as promotional item
I’d like an orange glow in the dark
I tried to order one the second it was released but still didn't get one :(
Also I prefer the black buttons of the GB pocket
Want custom buttons and shells. Would love someone to make a gba style shell for this thing
guy talks about gimmicks while reviewing a glow in the dark emulation device
Bloody scalpers! There should be a law about selling things above RRP so actual people who want the AP can buy it at RRP
I hate that I missed the GITD version. Will be crying for weeks. 😭
The sheer quality of Analogue products can't be denied. They are absolutely premium. It just blows my mind that they are able to sell their products as cheaply as they do. They could easily charge a lot more & it would still be worth it for how absolutely premium they are!
Aw, I love this. I have the black Analogue Pocket and was eyeing this one up as well, though I have no need for two. I decided to pass because it's a hefty amount of money to throw at a console I won't use, and in the hopes that they'll do more specials - a transparent one please!
Your wish got granted!
I cant wait to “legally” get game roms :D
God I loath game console scalpers
Can this be used with any USB C dock sold on Amazon? My son and i currently share one for his Samsung Galaxy and my Moto Edge.
If i had to pick i would go with the OG one.
What about the d-pad issues on every analogue pocket model? The false diagnals? Doesn't that hinder a lot of games?
it's not a problem on every Analogue Pocket. I have 2 that do not have this issue even after trying to replicate it multiple times. If people are having this problem they need to send it in for service
Still common and on every pocket. A recent second one I bought still has the dpad issue. They're most likely never going to fix it.
Pretty to look at but nothing else. I’ll keep my black one.
I wish the cable was also glow in the dark, that would be cool beans.
When are you gonna do the playdate