Planning to buy this Aji Do Rod from Majorcraft. But I cannot decide yet between this Light and Medium series. I really like the specs of the Light series because 1g below jig head is very effective on average size mackerel scad. But I dont usually used a landing net and worried the possibilities of breaking this Light series Ajido rod.
Hello If you use under 1g jig head many times, Light is better than Medium , maybe. Even Medium rod ,if you get bigger Mackerel, landing net is better. So If you don't want to use landing net, M is better ,difficult choice, sorry this is not good answer, Thank you!
Hello!! Actually I don't have experience to catch MEBARU, so not sure, but I think Mebaru possible, depends on lure weight, this rod MAX lure weight 5g, if within 5g possible, Thank you!!
Great video, I feel like I have a good understanding of the rod without holding even it. A question, where did you purchase the Rudies metals and rubber jigs?
Hello CORTO 21GCORS-6102LHS is good as well, I don't have it , but very similar quality. TORAY NANOALLOY technology I think you should buy what you like Thank you!!!
I've just come across ur vid while browsing for major craft rods overall I find ur vids are very informative and I've just purchased a aji-do 5G 7'2" from Digitaka. I personally think it'll be more fun for king fish, ozzie salmon and snapper using this light rod but sensitivity from the rod that transmite to ur hand is what I always looking for in a rods, thanks for the informative tutorial vid mate, cheer's btw I've just subs ur channel 👍✌✌.
@@gogogofishingnabu it's very thick considering other companies like tict or graphiteleader use 0.7mm to their aji rods. If you could measure it that would be great though. Thanks for your answer anyway. Keep up the good work. Always a pleasure to watch your videos
How well does it cast a lure above its lure rating? Like a 7g-10g jig or jighead, would it still be able to cast a lure that’s heavier than rated? Some aji seem to be able to throw above the rating depending on cast, was looking into this rod but the rod is rated 0.6g-5g, and the lures I throw are between 0.6g and 10g. Thanks 🤙
Hello I feel over 5g cast passible, but I m not sure, and Ajing rod tip is very thin and sensitive, so I don't recommend. depends on how to cast, Thank you!!
紫陽花 さん こんにちは! そうですねMは汎用性高いと思います!!私もいつかLも使ってみたいです!コメントありがとうございます!!!
As usual.. the best jdm tackle reviewer..very informative video and the best thing is all translated in English..
Hello Thank you very much!!!
Love the sound effects for your hits, sound exactly like a strike.
Hello! Yes Thank you!!!!!
新太海崎さん こんにちは!!!!登録ありがとうございます!!!!!!コメントもありがとうございます!! うれしいです!
您好,請問如果我想兼顧Ajing&rock fish,M是個好選擇嗎?還是選擇H較好呢?謝謝
你好!我觉得M还可以,但是Rock Fishing也有5g以下的Lure Weight,所以如果重于5g的话,还是用AJING钓竿比较强的钓竿吧! 谢谢
野良猫アニキさん こんにちは! 本当に軽いです! 軽くても強くて不思議な感じですが5Gシリーズ問題ない感じですね!コメントありがとうございます!!!
Will it be ok to use heavier lure than suggested? 6-7grams . Thank you😊
Hello. I don't recommend over 5g , of cause possible, if casting little change, but under 5g is better
thank you
2011しんざんさん こんにちは! メジャクラの自重は自分も知りたくて量ってみました!月下美人MXも気になって投げてみたいです! 今、リールフットが来る部分からグリップエンドまで計ってみたら24㎝くらいでした。 コメントありがとうございます!!!!
@@2011しんざん さん ありがとうございます!!
Planning to buy this Aji Do Rod from Majorcraft. But I cannot decide yet between this Light and Medium series. I really like the specs of the Light series because 1g below jig head is very effective on average size mackerel scad. But I dont usually used a landing net and worried the possibilities of breaking this Light series Ajido rod.
Hello If you use under 1g jig head many times, Light is better than Medium , maybe. Even Medium rod ,if you get bigger Mackerel, landing net is better. So If you don't want to use landing net, M is better ,difficult choice, sorry this is not good answer, Thank you!
Hello. When we hunt for mebaru with this reed, do we force or wear the reed?
Hello!! Actually I don't have experience to catch MEBARU, so not sure, but I think Mebaru possible, depends on lure weight, this rod MAX lure weight 5g, if within 5g possible,
Thank you!!
I just wondering if this ajing rod is good for bream / snapper fishing in Sydney, then saw your video, that's the perfect answer for me, lol.
Hello! Ajing rod is possible for Bream and Snapper , but little bit no enough strong for bigger Bream Snapper , Thank you
はるきかいさん こんにちは!! そうですオーストラリアに住んでいてずーっと釣りをしています!今の世界的なこの状況が終わったら是非来て見て下さい!!良い釣り環境です!!コメントありがとうございます!!
Great video, I feel like I have a good understanding of the rod without holding even it.
A question, where did you purchase the Rudies metals and rubber jigs?
Hello I bought at Japanese website shop, but at the moment almost sold out , after a few month we can buy i will let you know again! Thank you!
これからも役に立つ、楽しい動画をよろしくお願いします。m(_ _)m
大阪のミミンチョさん こんにちは! 見て頂いてありがとうございます!実際5GのLを投げていないので何とも言えないですが、スペック的に投げれる範囲が軽いものがストライクなので、おなじ5Gのつくりで0.6gが難なく投げれるのだと思います!私ももう一本買っていた未開封だった、ちがうブランドのアジングロッド今日、今から2時間前初めて投げてきました。初のエステルラインを使ったり条件が一緒じゃないですが、5Gの方が当りの伝わり方が明確に伝わってきてる気がしました。 コメントありがとうございます!!!
I think between 1 to 2mm Very thin and soft
Thank you for your message!!
ちゃたびーさん こんにちは!! そうですよね!メジャクラコスパ良いのにただの安物と思っている人たちもいますね! けっこう高性能で安めですごくいいのに。4本も持ってるんですね!!N-ONE、トリプルクロスもいいですよね!メバル用ロッド良いですね~欲しくなりました(笑)コメントありがとうございます!!!
Espresso Light さん こんにちは!!こんなことを余計に言ってはいけないのかもしれませんが、結構楽しめます。。。(笑)コメントありがとうございます!!!
@@gogogofishingnabu 今日とうとう買っちゃいましたw アジングにも挑戦してみますw と言うか、これで5Gのロッド、4本目です・・
@@ancientheart さん 再びこんにちは!!5G 4本目すごいですね!私も見習わないと(笑) でもそれだけ5Gいいですよね。私も4本は無理かもですがもう一本5Gのどれか買いたいです。コメントありがとうございます!!!!
nice vidio review, i love it full translate.
Hello. Thank you for your message!!!!
ジギングフルモンさんこんにちは! 軽いです。ほんとに軽いです。特に最近どんどんロッドがガチになってきてたので余計に軽いです(笑) 渓流良いかもですね!!コメントありがとうございます!!
金鍍釣士偽狼-GIRO- さん こんにちは!! LGですごくいい仕事をしてくれる竿でかなり気に入ってます!! ほんと素晴らしいです!コメントありがとうございます!!!
トラック野郎さん こんにちは!!! 総合的に見て飛距離は悪くないと私は感じます。投げる重さごとのキャストのテストがこの動画の後ろの方にあるので、もし見られてなかったら見てみてください!コメントありがとうございます!!!!
What is the tip diameter?
Please answer
Hello little under 1mm, I can't measure less than 1 mm with my ruler Thank you
IDさん こんにちは! このシリーズのLを使ったことがないので何とも言えないですが、スペック上では2~3gを良く投げるのならMの方がいいような気もします。Mでもかなり感度良くいいと思います!コメントありがとうございます!!!
@@id2728 Mでお互い頑張りましょう!!!!!!
hello, I'm asking for advice, I'm choosing from 5GAD5-S682M/AJ or CORTO 21GCORS-6102L HS...
Hello CORTO 21GCORS-6102LHS is good as well, I don't have it , but very similar quality. TORAY NANOALLOY technology I think you should buy what you like Thank you!!!
タナカタロウさんこんにちは!! 同じ竿を持っているんですね!PEはサンライン(SUNLINE) シグロン PE×8 200m 0.4号 を正確に覚えてないですが160~180mくらい巻いたと思います!! 同じ竿同士頑張りましょう!!! コメントありがとうございます!!!
I've just come across ur vid while browsing for major craft rods overall I find ur vids are very informative and I've just purchased a aji-do 5G 7'2" from Digitaka.
I personally think it'll be more fun for king fish, ozzie salmon and snapper using this light rod but sensitivity from the rod that transmite to ur hand is what I always
looking for in a rods, thanks for the informative tutorial vid mate, cheer's btw I've just subs ur channel
Hello!!! Thank you for your message & subs!!! Thank you!
5G AD5-S682M/AJI - 1g jig feels in hand? According to the tops of the jig dough, how many grams is optimal?
Hello! 1g is still good feeling! Best is 1 to 3g I think
Thank you!
クロスライド5G 1002H かなり欲しくなってきたんですけど鯵道も良いですねぇ〜
エギングロッドもいいんでしょうね〜 3本かぁ~ 厳しいな💦
ひでさん こんにちは! 3本!行っときましょう!!(笑) 私も1002Hとかほんと欲しいです!コメントありがとうございます!!
heberekeさん こんにちは!!!ほんとそうしたいくらいですね!!! 目指します! コメントありがとうございます!!!
@@hebereke767 さん ありがとうございます。 どこか大きい会社数社がメジャークラフトやパームス、マリアなどの輸入独占代理店みたいのをやっていて、自分ができるのは、そういうとこから仕入れて個人に売るショップくらいですね。直接仕入れたいですけど規模が個人なので
Could you please tell me the tip diameter?
Hello Sorry for waiting, I think 1 to 2mm Very thin and soft
Thank you for your message!!
@@gogogofishingnabu it's very thick considering other companies like tict or graphiteleader use 0.7mm to their aji rods. If you could measure it that would be great though. Thanks for your answer anyway. Keep up the good work. Always a pleasure to watch your videos
How well does it cast a lure above its lure rating? Like a 7g-10g jig or jighead, would it still be able to cast a lure that’s heavier than rated? Some aji seem to be able to throw above the rating depending on cast, was looking into this rod but the rod is rated 0.6g-5g, and the lures I throw are between 0.6g and 10g. Thanks 🤙
Hello I feel over 5g cast passible, but I m not sure, and Ajing rod tip is very thin and sensitive, so I don't recommend. depends on how to cast, Thank you!!
With a little heavier jig you can try under cast mate.
Hello I casted 7g with this rod ! Thank you