You have an amazing gift. This is what you can give to all of us, keep on giving and we'll all love you for it. Simply amazing and I'm so glad you're here.
Hello! I'ma Brazilian and study piano as a student and can tell you is a great inspiration. really like your vidios and see how well you play! Congratulations!
Ray- I have been playing the piano off and on since I was 5 (I play the flute, clarinet, and sax as well), and I read sheet music, but my piano skills are nothing like yours! I know you said you don't read music, but for what you do, it's truly a gift. I aspire to be able to play like you one day! =)
I played piano for 4 years... Then I stopped and never played one even once. I wish I hadn't stopped, now It'd be really difficult to catch up. Stupid music school and their stupid boring music.
llgrctps the reason you were playing boring music is because you need to learn the basics first and because the you want to play won't be so easy to play or even read.
There’s so many things as a kid i did but i quit. And i wish i never did. I wish i never quit piano. I wish i never quit swimming. I wish i never quit gymnastics.
I'm surprised you haven't been discovered yet. Your like the best pianist I've ever seen! You've been blessed with a great talent that many people don't have.
totally rad rendition! I never there was a different chord before the chorus ("cuz ya know that baby I"), where you stay on the F for a bit, people don't include that on yt acoustic versions i'v seen. But I'm glad you included it cuz it builds a lot of tension. Oh, your rythm and timing is awesome, I'm a drummer and a stickler for groove, a lot of piano covers just pile drive through songs with out any regard for groove or feel, glad yer stayin in the pocket!
Ray Mak, I love your music. It is so inspirational and I just want to run up to you and give you a huge hug! This is just amazing and I wish I were more like you. Keep on with piano and keep feeding people's ears with wonderful music!
IM so AMAZED that wuz beautiful, and your a genius, I like to play piano although I don't know much, cuz I had no lessons or any sheet music, but one day I will learn that and think of you!
I sure wish I could play ilke that...Youre hands are truly poetry i motion! How old are you? my hands are toooo small! Also, I don't think yoiu are playing the song in the same key as she is? I think the chorus starts with a C chord. Can you make another video in that key? Thanx!
You should record songs and make an album with these songs just to have this in mp3 quality i would listen to this in better quality because i love pianos :D just dance is my favourite. Great Job !!!
wow all your vids rock.... i just got a piano like a month ago and well you rock..... you should make and air plains cover i wana see how you can make it sound better just like you did to all the other songs........pleaz and thanks..... fyi you rock.!!!!!!!!!!
You are great and I'm just about to check out your tutorial... I think it's fantastic that you have made a tutorial and are so encouraging to fellow pianists who watch your vids! I'm def subscribed! Keep it up! :)
omg this is matches up to lady gaga's version it sounds so good when i post my video on paparazzi i might use this version and please check it out when its finished! i loved it
8 years late, but I'm here to say that you are a talented person.
@@Yennhidethuongdangyeu25 I'm 12 years Katze
@@peebs1615 yes😔
@@camiscort9033 😞
@@peebs1615 im 13 lmao
Seriously beautiful. “promise i’ll be kind” part always gets me.
It's the glide for me! Just wow
This is the best of your Gaga performances, and the best Gaga instrumental that I've ever heard... and as it happens, also my favorite Gaga song.
10, years late. I’m just now trying to learn this song
It's never too late Austin =) All the best!
You have an amazing gift. This is what you can give to all of us, keep on giving and we'll all love you for it. Simply amazing and I'm so glad you're here.
O_O speechless and in awe. I'm crying and such.
One of the best Paparazzi covers I have ever heard! Good job.
I'ma Brazilian and study piano as a student and can tell you is a great inspiration.
really like your vidios and see how well you play!
Ray Mak, UR MALAYSIAN! Bangga kiterr ada org malaysia famous!
Ray- I have been playing the piano off and on since I was 5 (I play the flute, clarinet, and sax as well), and I read sheet music, but my piano skills are nothing like yours! I know you said you don't read music, but for what you do, it's truly a gift. I aspire to be able to play like you one day! =)
I played piano for 4 years... Then I stopped and never played one even once. I wish I hadn't stopped, now It'd be really difficult to catch up. Stupid music school and their stupid boring music.
+Ray Mak Thanks!
llgrctps yeah
I wan't to stop,but wehn i read this comment,i change my mind
llgrctps the reason you were playing boring music is because you need to learn the basics first and because the you want to play won't be so easy to play or even read.
There’s so many things as a kid i did but i quit. And i wish i never did. I wish i never quit piano. I wish i never quit swimming. I wish i never quit gymnastics.
I'm surprised you haven't been discovered yet. Your like the best pianist I've ever seen!
You've been blessed with a great talent that many people don't have.
totally rad rendition! I never there was a different chord before the chorus ("cuz ya know that baby I"), where you stay on the F for a bit, people don't include that on yt acoustic versions i'v seen. But I'm glad you included it cuz it builds a lot of tension. Oh, your rythm and timing is awesome, I'm a drummer and a stickler for groove, a lot of piano covers just pile drive through songs with out any regard for groove or feel, glad yer stayin in the pocket!
Dude, you replied to my comment from seven years ago lol.
@@fmbighair you're crazy
Too late ? Never too late for piano music :) ❤️
Thank you!
made me tear up more than the original song! Brilliant!!!
0:42 Your fingers are dancing over the Piano. How do you create best arrangement for all the songs
I play by ear =)
@@RayMak ❤️ Just incredible
I could listen to you all day!! you are a piano god!
Idk why my heart is touched.. i support you always dude!!!!
GOALS! such a great inspiration, thank you! I love singing along and you've definitely motivated me to play piano again.
I’m glad and content k found u again!!! Keep it up lovely talent on music!!! Specially my Gaga!
There is always the same word in my mind when I listen to your piano... AMAZING!
Ray Mak, I love your music. It is so inspirational and I just want to run up to you and give you a huge hug! This is just amazing and I wish I were more like you. Keep on with piano and keep feeding people's ears with wonderful music!
Holy moly this is perfect, I wish I could play this!
Thank you so much Eric!!
Best version I ever heard of this song. Amazing.
wow you are lucky to have a knight piano man! I wish i had one they play beautifully
It’s crazy how you manage to adapt these !! Bravo 👏🏻
Thank you so much
I know I’m really late but, you are such an amazing pianist, I could only dream of playing as well as you can, you really blew my mind 💖
This has to one of the best pieces I have ever heard in my life! Amazing work!
the force is strong with this one
It's so great to see people who truly deserve their views are actually getting them :D
The piano version sounds so sad somehow. Beautiful, but sad
There's a playlist for songs that I listen to in general..
And then there's a playlist for only your songs. :3
This song it’s so hot in Vietnam. I love the melody and the way u play it is so perfect. I’ll subcribe to yr channel 😘😘
Thank you so so much Thu!
perfect , just this . 💗💗😍😍
Thats awsome! I think you are my new fav person on YT!
Wow amazing!!! Really really good! Plus you play the song the way I wanna learn how to play it. Love it!!
you deserve as many hugs as the amount of songs you covered :)
I love watching your hands. Wrists up, fingers up.
Malaysians rocks! I'm a Malaysian too! Proud of you bro! Perfect every notes :D KEEP UP
You'll be famous ! That's Amazing.
Listening to your old covers makes me feel like I'm in 2013-14 again. So glad I got covid so I had more time to listen to you again Ray
This makes the song sound so BEAUTIFUL
I love this! All your piano songs are so good!
OMG! It's so beautiful!!
your vids deserve far far more views.
Total fan !!!
IM so AMAZED that wuz beautiful, and your a genius, I like to play piano although I don't know much, cuz I had no lessons or any sheet music, but one day I will learn that and think of you!
You're my favorite pianist :)
I could listen to you playing everyday. :) Instant mood uplift. xoxx
Wow that is BEAUTIFUL..
Thank you Allen!
omg you are extremely good
u have talent dude
omggg🥺🥺😭😭😭 ur so good at it can you pls do tutorial
You do this by ear? Outstanding !
I sure wish I could play ilke that...Youre hands are truly poetry i motion! How old are you? my hands are toooo small! Also, I don't think yoiu are playing the song in the same key as she is? I think the chorus starts with a C chord. Can you make another video in that key? Thanx!
I need themmm sheets, my god what a fantastic rendition
Oh my goodness this is soooooo beautiful!!! You're a very talented pianist I congratulate you! :3
dude, your great, great sounding piano too
nossa e cara e fera..parabens
this is freaking amazing!!
Truly Amazing!Loved it.
Awesome man...wish I could play it like that :D, keep up the good work. Gives a whole new edge to the song.
You should record songs and make an album with these songs just to have this in mp3 quality i would listen to this in better quality because i love pianos :D just dance is my favourite. Great Job !!!
w00000000t finally u did this one!!!! Now im only waiting for Alejandro from Lady GaGa :P
Awesome job!
im ur biggest fan
This is soo amazing man !!! DO YOUR THING ! :)
Wow makes me want to take up playing the piano again. Thank you!
i cryed when i heard that (is still dont know why xD) its exactly like the official song OMG AWESOME!
This is waaay better than the piano cover of paparazzi by that 11 year old... I just don't understand why that has 6 million views and this doesnt....
amazing is that a steel string piano it sounds awesome
Blown Away.
🤧 it sounds beautiful
OH I wish I could play the piano like you! THATS WUNDERFULLL! x3x3x3x3x3x3 i love it!
wow all your vids rock.... i just got a piano like a month ago and well you rock..... you should make and air plains cover i wana see how you can make it sound better just like you did to all the other songs........pleaz and thanks..... fyi you rock.!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't use to listen to Lady Gaga's song ,
but becouse of this , I do now =)
Okay so I'm officailly bindblown. Seriosuly like.... WOAH!!!! Man your amazing!!!! Grr Im jelous! Haha nice work, keep it up!
You are great and I'm just about to check out your tutorial... I think it's fantastic that you have made a tutorial and are so encouraging to fellow pianists who watch your vids! I'm def subscribed! Keep it up! :)
Beautiful it sounds nice on piano, good job
amazing! Do you like lady gaga so much? Because you played so much songs of her?
this is really epic. you have such talent . even though there's no stars you still get thumbs up :D
I love it, you're very talented!
you are very good, i am learning this by ear off this video. Can i have a hug(:
Ur too amazing.!!!! U shuld do tutorials so we can see how u do this.!!
omg thank you , i can play it because of you :D
i didnt even need a tutorial just watched your hand
Thanks =]
WOW! No sheet music? You memorized that? awesome! :D
I am going to teach myself to play piano and I hope I become as good as you. Any tips?
Great job, Do you have any sheet music for this?
I may be 10 years late but this is AMAZING
Thank you so much
I need a hug :(
Pleazze, you're soooooo good!
love this cover by none other than a Little Monster :)
omg this is matches up to lady gaga's version it sounds so good when i post my video on paparazzi i might use this version and please check it out when its finished!
i loved it
omg ..this is from heaven
how do you make everything so much more beautiful?
ahh the sense of nostalgia when i watched a volleyball competition and they played this song on timeouts 🤗
Thank you so much!! I'm so glad my cover brought back some sweet memories for you! =)
@makhonkit **comes back to life** yay i has hugz!
i subbed.... you are a very talented pianist.... keep up the good work :)
Sick! You're really good!
Dramatic! I like it!
very well executed, now i wants my hugs now