Glad I voted for her. As an Eritrean, I genuinely felt I was well represented by Sinit in the world stage with her unrivalled decency, self confidence and of course stunning Eritrean beauty. The story of her life reflecting her strong personality is exemplary and influential to the youth. And I am hoping that Ministry of Tourism along with other concerned Governmental bodies to take this into account and make an initiative to produce National Cultural posters featuring our Queen Sinit, which can be displayed in places like Airports, Hotels & Tourist destinations to further promote Eritrean cultures. And no doubt she will be a Brand Ambassador as she progress. One Love ! Your Eritrean Brother. 🇪🇷 🇪🇷 🇪🇷
One day I listen Ayda's interview and I was thinking she was being judged unfairly before I know the other side of the coins all this happen because those girls against Senit was their ego they were unable to be aware of their ego ,but what they did it want against themselves. Senit is a gentle ,wise, Hamble person I did not knew all your talk was lie Ayda shame on you .
Aida nenebsa eyuia hasiey zela ,xselahina seb yexselahka.but we r prouded by senit ,she is hero❤❤ senit is very brilliant ❤❤ fili well done qexselo ajoka ❤❤
Yes, when I heard on first time I am not expected for Senit I just think one lady from Africa, on that time so many people confused and delayed on the voting, it's so disappointing any way Senit we love ❤ 😍 you good job you are our queen ❤ 🇪🇷❤🌹🇪🇷
Eritrean, Please ✋️, don't say Snit didn't win.Snit is a winer ,she is an outstanding person. God already opened a tremendous opportunity to Snit.Wait and see Snit will be one of the influential people in the world.Let's focus and celebrate what she achieves she is still a winner .
300 ተሪፈናና ኣለዋ ኣቲና ሳብስክራይብ ጌርና ንምልኣየንвидео.htmlsi=fVI-lQHSfgycLRY1
They are family members very sad
ፍሊ ሓንቲ ተከታታሊት ናትካ ኢየ እዛ ፓስት ዝብላ ዘለኩ ናብ ሳሚሸኮር ገይረያ ነይረ እቲ ነገር ቅድሚ ሚስዩኒቨርስ ዝነበረ ኢዩ አይትታሃወክ 2 አሕዋትና ኢየን
አነ ካብቶም ንስኒት ዝደገፍኩ ኢየ ክሳብ መወዳእታ ሓገዘይ አየቓረጸኩን
አዚ ትዛረብሉ ዘለኩም ብኤመይል ክሲ ጭብጢ አለኩም ዲዩ? ምክኒያቱ አይዳ አብ መወዳእታ ክድግፈኪ ኢየ አላታ ነይረ እዚ ንአይዳ ምህራም ዝተጠጀአ ይመስል ኩላተን የሕዋትና ኢየን አይንፈላሊይ
ክትወዳደር ከለኻ ምዕዋትን ምሸናፍን ዘሎ ኢዩ ሰለዚ ምሸናፍና ንቀበል ስኒት ጺዒራ ዶ እወ ግን ካብኣ ዝበልጻ ብኩሉ ተረኪበን ተሸኒፋ ሰለዚ ሸንፈታ ናብ አሕዋትና ገርና አይንባላላዕ ። እንደገና ውድድርን ናይ ስድራ ጸገምን ዘራክብ የብሉን ሕጂስ አባህላኩም ሰኒት ብሕዝነት ከትስዕር ነይርዋ ዲዩ ሕተኩም።
ሰብ ማስሜዴያ ጉብኡኩም አይገበርኩሙን ሓግዙ ኢልኩም ረቢሸኩሙና ሓጊዝና ንምንታይ ሲ ስኒት አይተዓወተትን ኢልኩም ብግብእ ዘይተዛረብኩም ብፍላጥ ኢኩም ነዚ መባልዒ ክተውጸኡ ሼም ንዓኩም ኩላትኩም
Girna alona ata wedi love it
ፊሊ ሓወይ ደጋጊመ ምስ ሰማክዋ ደጊመ ክጽሕፍ ተገዲደ ትምርቲ ኢዩ እዚ ጸላኢኻ ካብ ርሑቅ ኣመጽእን ዝባሃል ሓቂ ኢዩ።
Pls ajoky nbela, + ety zetfeAto nkdawnta keA kekrub awatsina nkhasa
ፊሊ ንፉዕ መንእሰይ ኣነ'ውን ከማኻ ሕርቃነይ ሙቁጽጻር ብኽያት መጽኡኒ👍🇪🇷🇪🇷❤ QUEEN SINT ለባምን በላሕን ትሕቲ ዓለም ፈሊጥዋ ኢዩ 🇪🇷💪🇪🇷💯🇪🇷❤️🇪🇷🌿🇪🇷🇪🇷
አጆኺ ሰኒት ጋልና በጃኹም ደቂ ኤረይ ቀቅሩብና ነዋጻአላ ባህ ምእንቲ ክብላ እዚ ናዓና ንኤርትራዊ መሊሱ እዩ ዘምህረናን ዘበርትዓናን please go ahead God bless you sweetheart ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤we love 💕💕💕💕💕💕 💕💕💕 you
Newasie tray dikum tfeltu bkfue tfue kndey tsgumat sebat kelewus ashhat dolarat nezien hmumat alewu zhgezu meliom
ጽብቅቲ ኣይኮንክን ከማን ሳላና ኣብዚ በጺሕኪ በሊ ስኒት ሃብትኣብ ተ/መድህን ማለት ጻዕዳ ጓል ኤረ ምዃና ምስክር ኣየድልያን'ዩ ነብስኺ መርምሪ ጋውና ዋሒድ!
ናይ ብሓቂ ሓሳድ pro max
I'm so happy she's the winner thi beautiful gorgeous ❤Eritrean yang women ❤❤❤❤🇪🇷 🇪🇷 🇪🇷
ድሕሪ ስጋ ዓጽሚ ድሕሪ ነገር ፍጽሚ ስኒት ሓፍተይ ኣጆኺ በርትዒ ሰብ እንተ ጸሊኢካ ጽብቅካ ኣይምነን ኢዩ ስኒት ንስኺ ተስፋ ዘለዎ ዓቅሊ ይሃልወሣ
ብጣዕሚ ዝገርም እዩ ሕስድና ሲኒተይ አምላክ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሀብኪ አጆኪ ❤
Glad I voted for her. As an Eritrean, I genuinely felt I was well represented by Sinit in the world stage with her unrivalled decency, self confidence and of course stunning Eritrean beauty.
The story of her life reflecting her strong personality is exemplary and influential to the youth.
And I am hoping that Ministry of Tourism along with other concerned Governmental bodies to take this into account and make an initiative to produce National Cultural posters featuring our Queen Sinit, which can be displayed in places like Airports, Hotels & Tourist destinations to further promote Eritrean cultures. And no doubt she will be a Brand Ambassador as she progress.
One Love !
Your Eritrean Brother.
🇪🇷 🇪🇷 🇪🇷
Thank you for supporting our Queen Snit 🙏🏽🇪🇷🇪🇷
Miss Eritrea Snit blessing sister God with you forever we love you 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ንሓፍትኻ ክንድዚ ሕስድና ብጣዕሚ'ዩ ዘሕዝን!! ኤርትራዊት ድያኸ ብሓቂ? ጥማዕ ደኣ ከይትኸውን😢 ብዝኾነ ብተግባራታ ማራ ኢና ሓሪቕና:: ስኒት ሕጂ'ውን # 1 እያ ንዓና:: ባንዴራና ኣብቲ ዝዓበየ መድረኽ ዘንበልበለት ጅግና: ጽብቕቲ: ለባም ኤርትራዊት'ያ ኣኸለ!!!❤️🇪🇷🌹Subscribe ገረልካ'ለኹ ፊሊ ኣጆኻ በርትዕ!
ወረቀትኪ አባላሽኪ መሕፈር
ናይ በሐቂ አቢ አምለኻ አምና አምላኺ ከአ ረኒት ጋለይ እኺ አሊዋ የዒውትዋ ኩቢር ምሲጋና ነመዲህነ አለም አሜን
ባዓል ድሮግባ ጸለውቲ ሰባት ዮም ከም ኣፍሪቃውያን ንስኒት ሓፍትና ብምሉእ ልቦም ደጊፈማ።
ሰላም ወዲ ኤረይ ማዓረይ እንዳመን ሐሳዳት እየን አነውን ንካልእ መሲልኒ እንበር ንሰኒት አይመሰለንን ሰዲ እያ ሰኒት ግን ብባህላ ኤርትራዊት እያ አይዳ ሐሳድ ኢክ መንደቅ አባሻውል ግሃጺ ኪዲ ጎሐፍ
እዛሰብ ብጉቡእ ክትሕተት ኣለዋ ወይ ትፈልጦ እንተልዋ ብግልጺ ትግለጾ ወይከኣ ለኣኽቲ ኣለዋ ብግቡእ ሕቶትዋ
ፍሊ ናይኩላትና ሓብዩ ሓሲዳታ እቲ ኣገዳሲ ግን ስኒት ምዕዋታ እዩ ዋው ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ከምገለ ዓይነት ጓል ሓሳድ ክፍዕቲ ዘይከም ኤርትራዊት እንበርዶ ኤርትራዊትያ ጨናዊት ሓሳድ ፈጣሪ ከም ግብርኺ ይኽፈልኪ ሓሳድ ።
ስድራኽስ ከመይ ይጉኽዩ ይኾኑ መስጣ ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ስኒትን ይዉረድክን ።❤🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for supporting our Queen snit 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🙏🙏
Sinit ajohe kemza Wedikti esebta Junta eitehereke ne Eritreawian Miss World ehe eza fenfenti rehsti metahabet🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
ዘገርም እዩ ❤❤❤
ብረዋ ስኒት ጅግና ጅገና ናይ ኤረትራ ❤❤ኣቲ ሓሳድ ኣድያም መልክዕውን የብልክን እዚኣ ካብ ስራሕ ከማን ክስጉጋ ኣለዋ
Senitye Shekor Naty Agokee💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
I have no words for Sinit no matter what they did to her she is 💯 % queen 👸 and she is qualified for the role crown 👑 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ we love ❤️ queen 👸
Please etom resehat nay ayda group hasadat post belwom. GOD BLESS MY Queen Snit shkor 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🇪🇷 🇪🇷 🇪🇷
Entry eyu tesghema iyda
I love ertrana ❤❤❤❤❤🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷💯
Sinit she did her Best and she is Eritrean 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Away wdqet bhaqi saret kbehal kemzi u mskneyti bnay wlqawi rebhaki amber hagerka msmays gdki aykonen ybehal tehzni snitey mearey amlak msaki ykun senay hasabki agziabher yefexmki 🙏🏽💕🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
God bless you snit tebareki
ገሪሙኒ ብጣዕሚ ክፍእቲ ግብሪ ቀናእ ሰብ እያ እዚኣ። ኩለን እንተ ተረፋስ እስከ እንታይ ትረክብ። ጉዳም (:-
Aida tbehal fooo😂 hasad seb
ሓሳዳት ቀኒዕክን ግዳ ዘይትከዳ😢 እሳ ግን ቅንዕቲ ስለዝኮኮነት እግዛብሄር ኣምላክ ሐጊዝዋ congratulations ስኒት❤❤🥰🥰🌹🌹🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
Saket wedaz Haley Entay eyu ne eritrwe felalk merayo Tega hezak mezarb Tebok Ayekonen✍️✍️✍️
Sinit haftey kulu nxubuqi eyu enber ezi keman nuski kenki ajeku teray amlak alo nzelalem musaki❤❤❤
ዩሁዳ አብ ጎኒ ክርስቶስ ዩ ኮ ኔሩ.. very sad ሰይጣን ንኹፍኡ ዝሓሰቦ አምላኽ ንሰናይ ይልዉጦ ጹሑፉ ዩ...
ኣይዳ ንባዕላ እያ ፍክሳ ድሕሪ ሕጂ ዶ ክብር ከይትረክብ
Wow that looks great 👍 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
ኩሉና ኤርትራዊ ንስኒት ሓፍትና ንጸጋ ሞራላ ሓፍ ነብሎ እዛ ውቅብቲ ድምቅቲ ሓፍትና፥ ልቦናአ ሰማይ ጠቀስ ዩ፥ ኩሉ ንጽቡቁኪ ዩ ስኒተይ እግዛቢሄር ኣምላኽ ንዝፈትዎ ዩ ዝፍትኖ እሞ፥ ኣጆኪ ግዛዊ ሽግር ናይ ነዊሕ ራህዋ ዩ በርቲዒ ኩሉ ምሳኪ ኣሎ🙏❤🇪🇷።
ናይ ብሓቂ ሎቅማጽ ይገርም 70 ኢሮ ሰሊዐላ ነዛ ከዛብ ኣይዳ እንተ ኪኢልኪ ከማን ገንዘበይ ምለስለይ ኣብ ካልእ ከይተባጻሕና👌💯💪🇪🇷🇪🇷💪❤️❤️❤️
Way besemam tay aynet fetret eya ayda foooooo and God bless you sinit💞
Sinit semay kinseqla alena indiyamo eritrawiyan ❤
Selam naka fili 🌲❤️🌿🇪🇷❤️⛪️🇪🇷🕌❤️🌲🇪🇷🌹
ቅንኢ ሑሱም!
Wowww I’m so proud of deki Erie❤
እንታይ ዓይነት ደናቁር እየን እዚአተን ብጣዕሚ ዘሕዝን እምብር ስኒት ሲ ኮኮብ ናይ ህዝብን ሃገርን እያ እምላክ ካአ ምስአ እዩ she is blessed
ጋሓፍ ናይ ጋሓፍ ኢኪ ኣይዳ ድኽምቲ ፍጥረት ምሕረት የውርደልኪ።
Eway haftey Snit xbqti btaemi ahzinatni gn beti hade wegen kea xenia abzi mbxha kea akuriekna well done ❤🎉🇪🇷
Selam..wedi.erey 🇪🇷🇪🇷❤️❤️❤️❤️
Selsm Filli ,ahh kbdna tkerixna beka mzrab seena gn ሕተተልና ሰከ እዛ በሃም፡ ዓሻ-ገረብ ሓብትና ዳ ከ ከምዜን ዓይነት የሕዋት የብልና ምባል ይሓይሽ ። ብዝኮነ ስኒት ሓብትና ጻባ ኣስቲክና ኮሪዕና እና በኣኪ🎉🎉🎉
ትግረወይቲ ከይትኾን 😂😂😂😂
Kendeze hesdna emo nehafta Amlak kulu gezya mes wezat eyu seniat haftey zeba astkna ne hezbe etitra betame strong eke keydnekke kehalf aydelne eya Amlak sensy Neger gerlke eyu emo temesgen Amlak betame yeftwke eyu meknytu egzabher kenenke reyou negste nay eritra gerke we love you gual erna❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Iway kemzi kea alo imo nehafta..side..
Fili ghn nufii adinkeka bela bejaka.jigna.🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷👍👍👍👍👍🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
ኽንራከብ ኢና ድሓን በዓል እዚኤን ዝገበረኦ ብይቅሬታ ዉን ዝሕደግ ኣይኮነን
Nay bhaqi mechem💯🇪🇷💯💪💪
Ajoka wedi Erina aɓ gonka alena🇪🇷💪❤️🇪🇷💪❤️🇪🇷💪❤️
Sint amlak mesaki ykun nkulu gizi alewo ❤❤❤
ናይ። ብሓቂ ኣብ። ኣምላኽ። ዝተወከለ። ኣይሓፍርን። አዩ። ኣምላኽ። ዕድመን። ጥዕናን። ይሃባ። ምስ። ስድራቤታ
ኣምላክ። መልሽካ። ጸጋኣ። ይብዝሓዮ ስኒት። ጋለይ። ተባረኺ
ኣምላክ። መልሽካ። ጸጋኣ። ይብዝሓዮ ስኒት። ጋለይ። ተባረኺ
Merhaba Deqi Erey yehwatey zgeberka gerka yqreta moda koynu eiyu yqreta zgerm eiyu Amlak daemn bhgi zkeyd kab kulu xeblel ybeal aejoki Snit haftna kmten Aedetatna admen tanan yhabki aeb dlayki yebxhki aewet naeki Hagerna Hzbna dexewaki brkti ftet🙏🇪🇷👀❤️💯❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Bering good news to hear and see thank you 🙏🙏🙏🙏 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️🙏❤️
Snit lebam ❤❤❤ kulu nixbuqki eu 🙏🙏❤️❤️
Aytxaref ata hawey
Sinitey lebam ajoki❤ ente eta kifieti emo melka kufu gbra kufu
One day I listen Ayda's interview and I was thinking she was being judged unfairly before I know the other side of the coins all this happen because those girls against Senit was their ego they were unable to be aware of their ego ,but what they did it want against themselves. Senit is a gentle ,wise, Hamble person I did not knew all your talk was lie Ayda shame on you .
ኣጆካ እንቃዓ ተከፈተልካ ዩቱብካ🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷👌👌
Sent sweetheart you are winer you are Eritrawie Jegna!!!!!
እንታይ ኣይነት ባህሪ ነጥሪ ኣለና ግን እዚባህርያት እዚ ናይ ኤርትራዊ ኣይኮነን እንተኮይኑ ከኣ ካብ ጎዶቦታት ሃገራት ከኩፉኡ ቃላት።ብዝኮነ ሓፍቲ ሰልጠነ ኢለኪ ኣለኩ
እዛ ግዕዘይ ድሓን ክንራኸብ ኢና
Lemi xbuq medeb yhlifka bro❤❤
Ayda Eritrawi tebay yebilan
Hasad Eritrawi ylen abedia zbekolet eya mlkt dhretki eyu hanan
አጆኻ ንኺድ ጥራይ👍👍👍💐💐💐💐
Nay bahaki kubur hawey 🇪🇷❤️🇪🇷❤️🇪🇷❤️🤩👌
Fala arkey malesh dhan aythrek zarkey ❤❤❤❤❤
Ygram Ygram ❤❤❤
ከምዚ ዓይነት ሰብ ኩፉእ ዩ, ሓሳድ ዩ ቀናእ ዪ ብንእሽቶይ ነገር ዓቢ ዝኸስሩ ዮም, ንዓይ ጥራይ በሃልቲ ዮም , ክብሪ ናይ ሰብ የብሎምን, ብረብሓ ዮም ዝጽጉዑኻ ሓደገኛታት ዮም, ኩፉእ ክኣልሙ ኣይድቅሱን.
ናይብሓቂ ሓሳድ ኢያ እዚኣ ለቁማጽ 😢
Senet most of all you are the smartest, beautiful courageous, loving, caring person you be shining we love you go win it🇪🇷🙏🙏
God Bless Snit I will pray for her
Anbsa Fily wedey,aqlieyo ety mistir!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ነው በለን ሕማቓት ኩፍኣት፡ ስኒት ኣጆኺ ዕውቲ ኢኺ ኣንበሳ ዋዕሮ በለይ ዝወደይ ሓደራኻ!
Bsnesrat zeytzareb, ክልቲኤን የሕዋትና eyen ተክኢልካ ጽቡቅ ዘረባ ተዛረብ .....beal hadish meteras
Hafta tetkewn kemzi hsdna aymerayetn snesreat zereba nzgbeu eyu zzreb
hasadat yehwat yablnan
Nski ewn hasad eki@@nebiatmehari9838
Aida nenebsa eyuia hasiey zela ,xselahina seb yexselahka.but we r prouded by senit ,she is hero❤❤ senit is very brilliant ❤❤ fili well done qexselo ajoka ❤❤
OMG! Hsdna kemzy'u zgebr, guys, pls ezi mejemerta'u'mber, mewedaeta'ikonen'm, next-time kem'zy nkeyfter, memhari ntekemelu.
ብጣእሚ እዩ ዘሕዝን እዚአ አይዳ ትባሀል ነጂስ ዝኮነት ሰብ እያ ግን አይፈለጠትን ካልእ መአልቲ ከም ዘሎ አይተረዳአን
Sebeyteyyy B bibikyat 😢😢😢😢 kitmewut delya
ስጋ ድሕሪ ዓጽሚ ነገር ድማ ድሕሪ ፍጽማ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ygbakayu wedi Ereyyyy 🇪🇷♥️ nay Eritrea 🇪🇷 chanel kabi alewo❤
She is always queen to us ❤❤❤❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Nay baheki resah seb ayda sdi nay eritrean u ember nmen da
Eritreawi zemerexe kedamay neti haftna moral eyu endiyu pluse hagerana ketexewE and she did it gen yehznaka ezi hesdna hizem meguAzen 🥰🥰🥰🙏🏾
Yes, when I heard on first time I am not expected for Senit I just think one lady from Africa, on that time so many people confused and delayed on the voting, it's so disappointing any way Senit we love ❤ 😍 you good job you are our queen ❤ 🇪🇷❤🌹🇪🇷
❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤tebarek ayni hesad ydfnelna Egziooooooooo
Ajoki senit shkor 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
Senatey❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
Fili good job keep it up . Bravo!
sinitey shkorrrr Ajoki 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💝💝💝🌹🌹💪💪💪💪💪
Eritrean, Please ✋️, don't say Snit didn't win.Snit is a winer ,she is an outstanding person. God already opened a tremendous opportunity to Snit.Wait and see Snit will be one of the influential people in the world.Let's focus and celebrate what she achieves she is still a winner .
እንቋዕ ከፈቱልካ ሓላለይ ኩልኹም ደቅናን የሕዋትናን ካኣ ኩልና ላይክ ንግበረሉ እንተ ስኒተይ ኣጆኺ ብእምነትኪ ኣይትሓፍርን ኢኺ👍💯🇪🇷❤🌷
Fili kmy yes Thnaks❤❤🇪🇷🇪🇷🙏🙏