Linked List | Remove Nth Node From End of Linked List | Data Structure & Algorithm | Hindi | MAANG

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Interview Question MAANG
    Linked List | Remove Nth Node From End of Linked List | Data Structure & Algorithm | Hindi | MAANG
    Leetcode Question Link:
    The code appears to be a solution to a problem related to removing the nth node from the end of a linked list. The use of two pointers, fast and slow, suggests a two-pointer approach to efficiently navigate the linked list.
    Create a dummy node temp and set its next pointer to the head of the original linked list. This helps in handling the case where the first node needs to be removed.
    Move the fast pointer ahead by n nodes. This positions fast n nodes ahead of slow.
    Move both fast and slow pointers simultaneously until fast reaches the end of the linked list. At this point, slow will be pointing to the node preceding the one to be deleted.
    Update the next pointer of the node pointed to by slow to skip the node to be deleted.
    Delete the node to be removed.
    Return the modified linked list.
    Time complexity:
    O(L), where L is the length of the linked list. The algorithm iterates through the linked list twice, once with the fast pointer and once with both fast and slow pointers.
    Space complexity:
    O(1), as the algorithm uses only a constant amount of extra space regardless of the size of the input linked list. The only additional node created is the dummy node, and the pointers fast, slow, and deletee are also constant space.
    #CPlusPlus, #LinkedLists, #MergeKLists, #DivideAndConquer, #TimeComplexity, #SpaceComplexity, #Algorithm, #CodeOptimization, #interviewquestions, #MAANG, #datastructures, #datastructureinhindi, #linkedlists, #linkedlist, #twopointer

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