Hi Erimias, I don't think anyone perfect in word of God. You are attempting to degrade others. Remember there are many unbelievers yet Jesus died for all of them. Whether they are right or not, God is the one judge any one. Also don't feel pride in your understanding. Daily those who read get a new revelation so whatever your understanding, don't underestimate anyone or judge. You need patient and walk him or her slowly. Again Jesus being God, he make himself lowly and even gave himself to those who denied Him. Absolutely you are no greater than our Lord Jesus Christ. See Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Again I am not they are right but the ongoing confrontation is unhealthy. It has to be teachable and in the spirit of Living God.
ኤድሚዬ❤❤❤❤❤ አቤት ስወድህ ብሩክ እኮ ነክ ተባረክ
Erimyas please be patient
ኦርቶዶክስ ምላስ እንጂ መልስ የላትም
የጌታዬን እናት ማርያምን እናት እንወዳታለን
ኦርቶዶክስ የእምነት መሠረት የላትም የኢቶጵያ ስብራትም ምክንያት ኦርቶዶክስ ናት
ወገብህ ይሰበር
No interception except through Jesus Christ with Him and between Him and His Father.
እውነት ነው የኢትዮጵያ መውደቅ መንስኤ ኦርቶ
የጌታዬን እናት እንወዳታለን እንጂ አንጠላትም ።
የጌታዬ ኢየሱስ እናት ማርያም
ማርያም የጌታዬ እናት ናቶ
የጌታዬ እናት ማርያም ።
የጌታየን እናት እንወዳታለን እንጂ አንጠላትም፡፡
ኢየሡሥ ይሠበክ አሜን
Ye Mariam Amlagenet yemote temerti now.(tesfa yelelow malet now)
innocent sister
ኤርምያስ የምትባል አፍህ በጣምሰፉ ምናልባት አንድቀን እ/ር ሀይሉን ይገልጣል አትቆይም
Yegetaye enat.
የለም ኸየት ይምጣ
በአንድአፍ ሁለት ምላስ.
የማሪያም አማላጅነት ትምህርት የሞተ ትምህርት ነው
አሁንስ አበዙት ኢየሱስ እኩያቸው አደረጉት።ከእኩያቸውም አሳነሱት። እግዚአብሔር ዝም ሲል የማይቆጣ አይምሰላቹ የሚባላም ዕሣት ነው።
Hard talker
Yemariyam amalajinet yemote timirti newu
Mariamen enewedat alen enj anetelaten.
ኦርቶዶክሶች ሳታነቡ , የመፅሃፍ ቅዱስ ቢያንስ በምትገቡበት ርእስ ጥቅስ ያለው መረጃ በመያዝ ግቡ አለዚያ በታሪክ አባቶች ምናምን ይዛቹ አታዳርቁን ሲጀመር መልስ ስታጡ አትሳደቡ ቢያንስ ተምራቹ እውቀት ሸምቱ
ኧረ ኦኦኦኦኦ ፍቅረማርያም ኧረ ኦኦኦኦኦኦ መቼም አትጨርስም አውርተህ
Esrael never take thanks from YHWH/ELOHIM
የማሪያም አማላጅነት የሞተ ትምህርት ነው ።
I understand that orthodox has no answer and follow telling story of elders
Ye fituran amalajinet yemote Timhirt nuw.
የማርያም አማላጅነት የሞተ ትምሕርት ነው
Endet be Tariq betetsafe yawim betemtata tarik endet Suw haimanotawi eminet yihonal? Le Orthodox
Yante krkr y€nstros new
Hi Erimias, I don't think anyone perfect in word of God. You are attempting to degrade others. Remember there are many unbelievers yet Jesus died for all of them. Whether they are right or not, God is the one judge any one. Also don't feel pride in your understanding. Daily those who read get a new revelation so whatever your understanding, don't underestimate anyone or judge. You need patient and walk him or her slowly. Again Jesus being God, he make himself lowly and even gave himself to those who denied Him. Absolutely you are no greater than our Lord Jesus Christ. See Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Again I am not they are right but the ongoing confrontation is unhealthy. It has to be teachable and in the spirit of Living God.