2019-05-13 Indonesia - Komodo Tatawa Besar - Giant moray, Moorish idol, Triggerfish, Green turtle

  • Опубликовано: 10 авг 2024
  • 169
    The giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus)
    Lunar-tailed bigeye (Priacanthus hamrur), goggle eye, moontail bullseye
    The ember parrotfish (Scarus rubroviolaceus)
    Moorish idol (Zanclus cornutus)
    The titan triggerfish (Balistoides viridescens), giant triggerfish or moustache triggerfish
    Lunar-tailed bigeye (Priacanthus hamrur), goggle eye, moontail bullseye
    The map puffer (Arothron mappa), the map pufferfish, scribbled pufferfish, or Kesho-fugu
    Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), green turtle
    Whitespotted filefish (Cantherhines dumerilii), barred filefish, orange-fin file, and yelloweye leatherjacket

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