Bhagavad Gita 09.18-24: Ajaran Mistik Sang Krishna

  • Опубликовано: 24 окт 2024

Комментарии • 91

  • @faithsaddy7255
    @faithsaddy7255 5 лет назад +16

    Saya muslim, tapi saya suka menonton ini.*
    *template komentar kalo videonya versi sebelah

  • @igedewirta6976
    @igedewirta6976 2 года назад +1

    Diharapkan semakin banyak maha guru dari India, utk membina umat hindu di Indonesia, tentu diharapkan fasih berbahasa Indoneaia, shg dpt mencerahkan umat. Trm kasih Maha Guru bpk Anand Krishna.

  • @m-dc5083
    @m-dc5083 2 года назад

    Parama Suksma Hyang Guru Anand Krishna wejangannya , sangat bermanfaat bagi umat, semoga kita tercerahkan . Jika Tuhan yang Maha Esa adalah sang Krsna ,maka. Umat hindu bali seharusnya menyebut Ida Sanghyang Krsna ( Tuhan yang maha kuasa )

  • @mahesaandiyudhistira9649
    @mahesaandiyudhistira9649 3 года назад +3

    Saya beragama muslim🤝 dalam ajaran sprti ini ditemukan digolongan penganut kaum tassawuf dan ajaran ini disebut Makrifat (kesadaran jiwa secara Total) karna sejatinya manusia adalah mkhluk rohani yg dapat terhubung kepada Tuhan dan Seluruh Alam semesta..❤️ Semoga seluruh Makhluk Alam semesta selalu diberi kedamaian dan kebahagiaan. Amin

    • @ayatahm9987
      @ayatahm9987 Год назад +1

      Krishna itu nabi ia dirasuk Ruh bahkan menyatu dgn Allah juga
      Ana abu ar ruh wa adam abu insan
      Aku adalah bapa segala ruh, Adam bapa insan
      Qoran 16:2 Ia menurunkan para malaikat bersama2 roh yg membawa perintahNya ke atas sesiapa saja yg dikehendakiNya dari hamba2Nya, (seterusnya menyebabkan mereka berseru seperti nabi2)
      Krishna itu cocok seorang nabi atau setidak2 nya wali Allah yg sangat besar pd zamannya dan ia termasuk orang salih berdasarkan penyampaian dalam Bhagavad Gita

    • @ravindran563
      @ravindran563 Год назад

      @@ayatahm9987 jangan salah paham ya

    • @ayatahm9987
      @ayatahm9987 Год назад

      sinkretis - beranika tetap satu, kebenaran takkan mendua

  • @mahayanaketut9928
    @mahayanaketut9928 2 года назад

    Kepingin terus menonton wejangan Guruji tentang Bagavad Gita. Suksme.

  • @igustingurahsuryantaratv
    @igustingurahsuryantaratv 5 лет назад +5

    Salam Rahayu
    Vido yang sangat mencerahkan untuk saya pribadi, semoga demikian juga dengan yang lainnya. Selama saya menonton videonya sangat jelas ulasannya dan sangat saya apresiasi. Tulisan tak mampu mewakilkan seluruh yang ingin dikatakan, begitu juga kata kata tak dapat mewakilkan seluruh dari kesadaran, cara menyadari satu satunya jalan harus mendekat pada sumber kesadaran. Sehingga mampu menyadari dibalik nama, dan rupa (bentuk) itulah mistik. Itulah esensi. Teks, nama, kata dan apapun adalah atribut, diluar atribut masih banyak yang perlu diselemai dalam laku (sadhana). Vido yang sangat menarik, ternyata di balik atribut (nama, bentuk) ada esensi yang perlu saya selami.
    Salam rahayu Bapak Anand Krishna, semoga video video berikutnya segera hadir.

  • @afzarharianja1477
    @afzarharianja1477 5 лет назад +6

    Pranam Maharshi. Berkarya Tanpa Pamrih di Alam dualitas ini.

  • @indonesianpeoplepower2457
    @indonesianpeoplepower2457 3 года назад +5

    Akulah Krishna dan akulah Sidharta gautama. Akulah Abraham dan akulah isa. Akulah Muhammad, dan Aku juga Kalki yang hidup di zaman Kaliyuga. Tak ada siapapun kecuali aku.

    • @ravindran563
      @ravindran563 Год назад

      Kata kata nya dari mana?

    • @LIA-LHS
      @LIA-LHS 3 месяца назад

      Saya dulu juga pernah baca dr bbrp buku tp saya lupa judul dan penulisnya. Kl nda salah yg 1 constanitine volney 1791 sama 1 lg kl ga salah "secret to world history". Banyak jg penulisan dr scholar yg menuliskan Abraham and His wife, Sarah derived from Brahma and His wife Saraswati. Mohon maaf kl ada salah penulisan ya 🙏

    • @m-dc5083
      @m-dc5083 2 месяца назад

      Jadi Sri Krsna sumber segala perwujudan , sumber kebijaksanaan ,kebenaran tertinggi .

    • @MbahHarjo-hi7wo
      @MbahHarjo-hi7wo 15 дней назад

      Bahasa teologis hal ini benar adanya, saya dah paham. Kebenaran ada setiap ajaran agama.

    • @MbahHarjo-hi7wo
      @MbahHarjo-hi7wo 15 дней назад

      Aku seorang Hindu.
      Aku seorang Budha.
      Aku seorang Kristen.
      Aku seorang Islam.
      Aku seorang kejawen.
      Itulah konsep Wahdatul Adyan ( kesatuan agama) dlm pandangan ilmu tasawuf.

  • @madesuryani9428
    @madesuryani9428 2 года назад

    salam hormat guru telah memberkan pencerahan jiwa dengan pemahaman yang sangat gamlang mudah di mengerti dan di pahami menyejukan nurani semoga tuhan krisna melindungi

  • @mahento2005
    @mahento2005 5 лет назад +4

    Banyak orang yang memahami fanatisme sebagai sosok BUKAN bgmn melakoni hal yang disampaikan...
    Saya baru memahami bhw Yang dimaksudkan sebagai Mistisisme adalah pemahaman yang lbh tinggi ttg ajaran Mulia...
    Rahayu Bapak Anand Krishna...

  • @hartantoferdyanggraiwan3270
    @hartantoferdyanggraiwan3270 3 года назад +1

    Terimakasih bapak , saya sangat tercerahkan untuk tentang mengenai mengenal lebih dekat shri BHAGAVAN KRSNA , semoga penjelasan bapak rishi dapat membantu tubuh kasar saya untuk menjalani kehidupan yang sementara ini dengan bahagia , aum svastyastu 🕉🕉🕉🙏🙏🙏

  • @roarmania3120
    @roarmania3120 4 года назад

    Saya muslim tp saya betul betul terpana dengan nasehat2 krishna pada bhagavadgita

  • @yogiarsini
    @yogiarsini 3 месяца назад

    terimakasih pencerahannya terimakasih damai

  • @madesaka2454
    @madesaka2454 3 года назад

    Rahayu guruji, semoga kita semua tercerahkan oleh chenal ini, mencapai moksa tam jagat Dita ya ca idthi darma, ananda Maya kosa, nirwana nibanna dan mencapai tempat tinggal KU bhagawad Gita bab 15 sloka 6, Rahayu

  • @deshortcut7867
    @deshortcut7867 4 года назад +1

    Saya menghormati beliau Sri Kreshna... Semoga Sejahtera bersama anda guru...

  • @nyomanseri9581
    @nyomanseri9581 4 года назад +2

    Suka menonton kerena bisa pemahami begawan gita tahap demi tahap serta maknanya

  • @sentotwidodo8888
    @sentotwidodo8888 3 года назад

    🙏 Suwon 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 , Kulo sangkeng jowo daerah Muncar Banyuwangi , Sentot Widodo 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 . Jiwa adalah jati diri ku ,mahajiwa inti dri tempat ku 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦

  • @igustingurahsuryantaratv
    @igustingurahsuryantaratv 5 лет назад +4

    Ulasan dan penjelasan yang sangat mencerahkan, dan sangat sangat ilmiah.🙏🙏🙏

  • @N1Mmgl
    @N1Mmgl 5 лет назад +3

    Sungguh mencerahkan...terimakasih Maharshi 🙏

  • @ridhayanimannawi2793
    @ridhayanimannawi2793 2 года назад

    Pranam Guruji...terima kasih videonya sangat mencerahkan tentang ajaran Shri Krishna 🙏🙏

  • @ketutsumerti1777
    @ketutsumerti1777 5 лет назад +2

    Terima kasi Maharsi pencerahannya,,sy menjadi paham dengan kehidupan ini 🙏🙏🙏

  • @dominggusminggukoro5371
    @dominggusminggukoro5371 3 года назад

    Terima kasih banyak atas uraian Bapak. 🙏

  • @gayatrimade2844
    @gayatrimade2844 5 лет назад +1

    pranaam maharishi.
    terima kasih banyak untuk wejangan"nya.

  • @ketutmuliati1249
    @ketutmuliati1249 5 лет назад

    Pranaam Maharshi
    Terima kasih bapak,selalu saja ada pemahaman baru dan itu sgt membantu saya.I dont know,What would I do without you🙏

  • @TinaTina-rr7hv
    @TinaTina-rr7hv 4 года назад

    My fav youtube channel❤❤❤❤❤ Thank you Guruji 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @BudiSatrio
    @BudiSatrio Год назад

    Terima kasih penjelasannya guruji

  • @gedesumarda4591
    @gedesumarda4591 4 года назад

    Terimakasih Tuhan..... Suksme Hyang Widhi.... 🙏🙏🙏 Terimakasih Guru AnandKhrisna... krn telah berbagi pengetahuan tentang KEBENARAN HAKIKI.....

  • @narasenapati3773
    @narasenapati3773 5 лет назад +3

    Tuan Swami, bolehlah saya sarankan kepada rakan Hindu di Malaysia untuk melihat video Tuan... Lagi pun, di Malaysia ini, yang digunakan banyak Bahasa Tamil untuk menerangkan mengenai ajaran ini.

    • @AnandKrishnaIndo
      @AnandKrishnaIndo  5 лет назад +3

      Nara Senapati silakan bisa share dengan teman2 di Malaysia - memang sebaiknya kita fasih juga berbahasa Melayu/Indonesia sehingga bisa saling mengenal dan meapresiasi 🙏🏼 Salam

  • @deshortcut7867
    @deshortcut7867 4 года назад +1

    Semoga banyak orang semakin sadar dan bersama sama melakukan perbaikan..

  • @putumahendra683
    @putumahendra683 3 года назад

    Bagaimana soal Buddha sebagai Awatara setelah Khrisna? apakah Umat Hindu juga perlu membahas ajarannya seperti ini? karena menurut sy video pembahasan tiap sloka ini sangat baik sekali.. Rahayuu

  • @nuraditohakamsul3420
    @nuraditohakamsul3420 5 лет назад +1

    Terima kasih Guruji.

  • @harnyrahayuning3319
    @harnyrahayuning3319 5 лет назад +1

    Bapak, bagian terakhir tampaknya dalam sekali maknanya. "Ada layar yg tidak bergerak dan ada gambar2 yg bergerak, tdk semuanya bergerak. Kl semuanya bergerak kombinasinya tdk akan bagus".
    Terima kasih Bapak. Namaste 🙏

  • @mushtardino
    @mushtardino 3 года назад

    This enlighten me, thanks for this video.

  • @giridyatmika2851
    @giridyatmika2851 4 года назад

    "Jgn beli kucing dalam karung"
    Mungkin kalimat ini sedikit membantu saya dalam pencarian,,,,
    Dan juga dalam cerita mahabarata yg sangat menarik adalah dimana krisna memeperlihatkan ajaran RAJA GUHYA
    (Sugre pakulun palungguh RATU HYANG BHAGAWAN VYASSA)

  • @ninikwidjaja4156
    @ninikwidjaja4156 2 года назад

    TQ pak Anand

  • @igstnyoman2624
    @igstnyoman2624 2 года назад +1

    Siapakah Sri Krishna?
    isvarah paramah krsnah, sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah
    anadir adir govindah sarva-karana-karanam
    "Krishna, yang dikenal sebagai Govinda, adalah Keperibadian Tuhan Yang Maha Esa (isvarah paramah)' Beliau memiliki badan rohani yang kekal, penuh kebahagiaan, dan penuh pengetahuan. Beliau adalah asal mula segala sesuatu dan Beliau adalah sebab dari segala sebab (sarva-karana-karanam, Prima Causa). (Brahma-samhita 5.1)
    "Hamba memuja Govinda (Krishna), Tuhan Yang Maha Esa (adi-purusam), yang piawai memainkan seruling-Nya, dengan mata padma merekah bagaikan daun-daun bunga padma, dengan kepala berhiaskan bulu merak, dengan perwujudan yang tampan warna awan biru, dengan cinta kasihnya yang unik menawan berjuta-juta Dewa Asmara." (teks 31)
    "Hamba memuja Govinda (Krishna), Keperibadian Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang tidak bisa diakses oleh Weda-Weda, tetapi bisa diperoleh dengan pelayanan bhakti murni dari sang jiwa, Beliau tidak ada yang ke dua, Beliau kekal tanpa awal, dan adalah keperibadian kekal ; tetapi masih Beliau adalah keperibadian yang memiliki ketampanan muda belia." (brahma samhita 33)
    Dengan menyangkal Sri Krishna sebagai Tuhan Yang Maha Esa (isvarah paramah krsnah), bahwa sang jiwa yang atomik bisa menjadi seperti Krishna, adalah hanya akan membohongi umat. Menjelaskan Bhagavad-gita yang adalah ajaran Waisnawa dengan paham Mayavada Sankara Siwa adalah sudah pasti menyesatkan.

    • @m-dc5083
      @m-dc5083 2 месяца назад

      Ya benar itu Pak Gusti ,patut asapunika jik !

  • @iwayanariwangsa362
    @iwayanariwangsa362 5 лет назад +2

    Berkarya tanpa mengharapkan pamrih, mk Keberadaan akan memberi lebih

    • @CHMguiden
      @CHMguiden Год назад

      Tidak mengharap pamrih malah mengharap pemberian lebih 🤣

  • @putuwaisnawarishi1381
    @putuwaisnawarishi1381 5 лет назад +1

    Anandam Swamiji. Suksma

  • @akeniofargas4025
    @akeniofargas4025 3 года назад

    Salam.🙏...mungkin mksud pencerahn Krishna yg prtama itu adlh ttng" JIWA" dn mksud pncerahan yg kedua Krishna adlh "JIWA & RAGA"...

  • @jajanucraft
    @jajanucraft 5 лет назад +1

    Cerdas dan bijak ... guru mulai sya merasa puas...

  • @weningmulyasari3628
    @weningmulyasari3628 5 лет назад +1


  • @zeembry
    @zeembry 5 лет назад +2

    Terimakasih Bapak, hanya fokus pada sosok, tidak pada ajarannya, apalagi mempraktekkannya untuk kesejahteraan semua makhluk ternyata bisa mengarah kepada fanatisme buta.

    • @AnandAshramIndonesia
      @AnandAshramIndonesia 5 лет назад

      Semoga semua makhluk berbahagia

    • @paramgatim611
      @paramgatim611 5 лет назад

      Sosok sangat penting, sosok dan ajarannya tdk bisa dipisahkan. Seorang penjudi dan pendusta mengajarkan ilmu kerohanian.....? Seorang RSI mulia mengajarkan ilmu kerohanian.....? Nilai sendiri. Sosok sangat penting sama penting dgn ajarannya. Namaste.

    • @nugrahaib208
      @nugrahaib208 5 лет назад

      Ista saya Siwa.
      Ajaran bisa dari berbagai pustaka.
      Banyak parampara dalam Hindu, saya tidak fanatik dalam satu ista. Salah satu ajaran dari parampara Siwa..
      Banyak orang menjadi kaku, karena sosok.
      Bisa kita lihat seperti tradisi2 di luar sanatana dharma.
      Menjadi radikal.
      Suksma pencerahan dalam Video Bapak Anand Krishna.
      Om Shanti.

  • @wayandarmada9584
    @wayandarmada9584 4 года назад


  • @ayatahm9987
    @ayatahm9987 Год назад

    kira2 seperti Krishna dirasuk roh tuhan (bahkan menyatu dgn tuhan) lalu berpirman kepada Arjuna
    qoran 16:2, qoran 40:15, bible bilangan bab 11 ayat 24-30

  • @ngurahmuliada2832
    @ngurahmuliada2832 4 года назад

    Salam Guru Salam Swami Anand Khrisna ,Salam Teman2 Diashram Semoga Sehat Selalu,Sabbe satte Bhavantu Sukittata.Terima kasih atas bimbinganya dan Pencerahanya Swami Anand Khrisna

  • @giaanggriawan7236
    @giaanggriawan7236 3 года назад

    Guru bahas aswatama dong 🙏🏻

  • @mademahendra6299
    @mademahendra6299 4 года назад +1

    Pranam Maharsi

  • @paramgatim611
    @paramgatim611 5 лет назад +2

    Mempelajari bagawadgitha adl mempelajari tentang Krishna , untuk mengerti Krishna ada yg namanya parampara (Brahma madwa waisnawa sampradaya). Penjelasannya bagus tapi belum sempurna, tuhan turun kedunia bukan karena karma tapi Krn membawa misi tertentu, berbeda dgn manusia yg lahir ke dunia karena karma, jadi dia dipengaruhi hukum karma/ hukum alam. Kenapa Krishna seolah olah terkena hukum karma/hukum alam? Karena dia sedang memberi pengetahuan pada manusia bagaimana hukum karma itu bekerja.
    Disaat dia sdg melakukan lilanya di bumi disaat yg sama dia ada di kerajaan rohaninya di goloka vrindavana, disaat dia sedang berperang melawan para asura, disaat yg sama dia ada di kerajaan Hastinapura menyelamatkan Drupadi
    Yg sdg dilucuti pakaiannya oleh dusasana, untuk memahaminya memang perlu waktu, Namaste.

    • @idaayukusumasari849
      @idaayukusumasari849 5 лет назад +2

      Dalam Sanatana Dharma - Hindu, ada 3 Sampradaya utama yakni, Waishnawa, Shaiwa, Shakta. Masing masing parampara punya banyak sekali cabang2
      Saya sendiri pengikut Shaiwa.
      Tetapi saya sendiri sangat menghormati dan memuja Krishna sesuai ajaran BG
      So.... semua oke oke saja.
      Dus dengan demikian, kita tidak menjadi keras dan kaku...
      Menjadi pengikut Sanatana Dharma, menjadikan kita lebih cool.....

    • @paramgatim611
      @paramgatim611 5 лет назад

      @@idaayukusumasari849 Dayu benar tapi untuk memahami tentang Wisnu/narayana/Krishna, seseorang sebaiknya mencari guru kerohanian dari sampradaya waisnawa, Namaste.

    • @m-dc5083
      @m-dc5083 Год назад

      Jadi nah itulah kemahakuasaan Tuhan (.Sri Krsna )

  • @jajanucraft
    @jajanucraft 5 лет назад +1

    Trmkasih guru..... mhon bahas tentang NAMASMARANAM dgn bhs indo. Suksma

    • @AnandKrishnaIndo
      @AnandKrishnaIndo  5 лет назад

      JANU ART ya akan kita bahas dalam waktu dekat 🙏🏼

  • @cokistri187
    @cokistri187 5 лет назад +2

    Anda bilang dgn bilang, menyelesaikan masalah, Saya banyak punya teman yg bhakta krishna mrk banyak bekerja keras, bahkan jadi pengusaha. Orang dewasa mengerti kemana arah bicara anda

    • @mahento2005
      @mahento2005 5 лет назад

      Sekali lagi Terima kasih atas komentar anda. Semoga Hyang Maha Widhi memberikan pandangan lbh jelas ....
      Rahayu teman. Silakan berkunjung ke Anand Ashram di Kuta...

    • @AnandKrishnaIndo
      @AnandKrishnaIndo  5 лет назад

      sri devi sedang berusaha untuk menjadi Bhakta Shri Chakradhaari Krishna, semoga bisa menjadi alatNya 🙏🏼

    • @cokistri187
      @cokistri187 5 лет назад

      Anand Krishna saya pribadi, apapun yg dipuja seseorang, asal bisa membuat mrk bisa lebih baik dan bermoral, tdk mengganggu orang lain, silahkan...saya sangat menghormati. Klu kita semua saling menghormati, tdk saling mengganggu, bumi ini pasti damai, dan pemerintah tdk susah mengurus /menjaga rakyatnya krn semuanya baik dan memiliki sifat” suci.

    • @AnandKrishnaIndo
      @AnandKrishnaIndo  5 лет назад

      sri devi betul sekali, sekali lagi setuju dengan setiap kata - memand demikianlah Sanatana Dharma - Shri Krishna sharanam mama, Hari Bol 🙇🏻‍♂️

    • @TinaTina-rr7hv
      @TinaTina-rr7hv 4 года назад +1

      @Cok Istri: take it easy gurl !!😩By commenting like that it shows that you are the fanatic one😨. Guruji is explaining in a very simple explanation through statues; so that we could get the message. It is very clear that he truly respects every religions. Rahayu Guruji 🙏🙏🙏

  • @agungprabowo7632
    @agungprabowo7632 4 года назад

    Saya sangat suka Hindu tapi tidak dengan India yg berlebihan itu

  • @kadekariase1264
    @kadekariase1264 4 года назад +1

    Seribu bagawsd Gita yang anda bikin tanpa mengakui Krisna sebagai tuhan yang maha esa berarti anda hanya mengambil keuntungan dari bagawsd gitA dan hanya mrnokohkan dan hanya mengambil kr utungan dari Sri Kresna dengan mengambil sloka sloka Krisna untuk ke untungan dan mencari popoler dan anda akan seperti menjilati madu yang ada didalam botol aartinya anda akan menjilati botol tidak menjilati madunya itu .itu lah bila belajar bagawad Gita tanpa mengakui Sri krrsna sebagai tuhan yang maha esa

    • @m-dc5083
      @m-dc5083 2 месяца назад

      Yes it ,that's true

  • @cokistri187
    @cokistri187 5 лет назад

    Pak, di bali banyak di rumah” penduduk yg beragama hindu memajang patung Deva Ganes dan patung Deva Siva. Itu yg bapak bilang fanatik?..klu anda bilang fanatik silahkan, tapi kami tdk mengganggu orang lain. Dan klu anda merasa terganggu janganlah masuk kerumah orang yg memajang patung deva Ganes, patung deva Siva dll. Apalagi di bali di bbrp hotel sering terlihat patung deva” dipajang, itu akan membuat hati setiap melihat menjadi damai dan ada perasaan spirit terlintas. Lebih baik ceramah anda jangan menyinggung perasaan orang lain. Saya jadi bertanya, anda beragama apa ya.

    • @mahento2005
      @mahento2005 5 лет назад

      sri devi Terima kasih atas komentar anda. Ttp tolong anda pergi ke Ubud Anand Krishna Center. Banyak pajangan yang anda sebutkan di atas kami hormati juga...
      Ashram di Jakarta, Ciawi, Singaraja dan Yogyakarta juga ada pratima sebagaimana yang anda sebutkan di atas...

    • @cokistri187
      @cokistri187 5 лет назад

      Marhento Wintolo Klu demikian jangan isi kata fanatik, nanti yg memiliki patung deva” dirumahnya bisa tersinggung.

    • @AnandKrishnaIndo
      @AnandKrishnaIndo  5 лет назад +1

      sri devi setuju dengan setiap kata yg Anda katakan, itulah Sanatana Dharma yg kita anut 🙏🏼

    • @cokistri187
      @cokistri187 5 лет назад

      Dharma Shree Krishna bersabda, berpikirlah senantiasa tentangKu. Berarti kita disuruh selalu berpikir tentang Beliau, baik fisik dan kegiatan Beliau. Andaikan anda berpikir tentang kegiatan ayah anda, tapi anda tdk tahu bgmn rupa ayah anda, apakah itu bisa membuat anda berbahagaia...? tetapi klu anda memang memiliki keyakinan demikian, jalanilah keyakinan anda dgn baik dan jangan mengusik keyakinan orang lain. Banyak para seniman melukis bentuk/fisik Deva Siva dan para Deva lainnya, apa itu salah. Saya bbrp kali ke india, hampir 99,9% disetiap rumah orang hindu di india memajang foto Deva” pujaan mrk. Di bali juga orang hindu banyak memajang foto para Deva pujaan mrk di rumahnya.Apalagi skr banyak bhakta Shree Krishna di bali, hampir di setiap rumah mrk pasti ada foto krishna. Dan diceriterakan sebelum kita akan dharsan ke pura Shree Krishna, kita diwajibkan untuk memohon karunia Deva Siva agar bisa dharsan ke arca Shree Krishna. Tdk perlu saya jelaskan terlalu banyak hal ini kpd anda krn anda tdk akan mengerti.

    • @dharmaagamas2025
      @dharmaagamas2025 5 лет назад +1

      Maksudnya bukan wujud dan pajangan yg dibuat kelihatan seseorang itu spiritual sehingga ego yg berjalan bukan kesadaran spiritual

  • @Kirishita
    @Kirishita Год назад

    ChatGPT Mar 23 Version. Free Research Preview.

    • @Kirishita
      @Kirishita Год назад

      sacred text related to Lord Krishna
      Agni Purana: Agni Purana is a Purana that contains stories related to Lord Krishna and his various incarnations, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Ananda Vrindavan Champu: Ananda Vrindavan Champu is a text written by Kavi Karnapura that describes Lord Krishna's pastimes in Vrindavan in detail.
      Aniruddha Samhita: Aniruddha Samhita is a text that describes Lord Krishna's form, qualities, and pastimes, and is considered to be a valuable source of inspiration for devotees of Lord Krishna.
      Bhagavad Gita: The Bhagavad Gita is a sacred text that is part of the Mahabharata and contains the teachings of Lord Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. It is considered one of the most important and influential texts in Hinduism.
      Bhagavata Purana: The Bhagavata Purana, also known as the Srimad Bhagavatam, is a Purana that focuses on the life and teachings of Lord Krishna. It is believed to have been composed around the 9th or 10th century CE and is considered a highly respected text in Hinduism.
      Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu: Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu is a text that describes the various aspects of devotion to Lord Krishna, including the different stages of devotion and the characteristics of a devotee.
      Brahma Purana: The Brahma Purana is a Purana that contains the story of Lord Krishna's life and teachings, as well as information on other deities and religious practices in Hinduism.
      Brahma Samhita: Brahma Samhita is a text that describes Lord Krishna's form, qualities, and pastimes, and is considered to be a valuable source of inspiration for devotees of Lord Krishna.
      Brahma Samhita: The Brahma Samhita is a text that contains hymns and prayers to Lord Krishna and is considered to be a valuable source of information on his divine nature and qualities.
      Brahma Vaivarta Purana: Brahma Vaivarta Purana is a Purana that contains stories related to Lord Krishna's childhood, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Brahma Vaivarta Purana: Brahma Vaivarta Purana is a Purana that contains the story of Lord Krishna's life and teachings, as well as information on other deities and religious practices in Hinduism.
      Brahma Vaivarta Purana: The Brahma Vaivarta Purana is a Purana that contains the story of Lord Krishna's life, including his childhood pastimes, battles, and teachings.
      Brihad Gautamiya Tantra: Brihad Gautamiya Tantra is a tantra that contains Lord Krishna's teachings on the nature of the self and the ultimate reality, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Brihad-bhagavatamrita: Brihad-bhagavatamrita is a text that describes the different forms of the Supreme Lord and their characteristics, with a particular focus on Lord Krishna.
      Devi Bhagavata Purana: Devi Bhagavata Purana is a Purana that contains stories related to Lord Krishna's various incarnations and his role as the supreme lord of the universe, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Devi Bhagavata Purana: The Devi Bhagavata Purana is a Purana that contains the story of Lord Krishna's life and teachings, as well as information on the worship of the Divine Mother and other deities in Hinduism.
      Garga Samhita: Garga Samhita is a text that contains the story of Lord Krishna's life and teachings, as well as information on other deities and religious practices in Hinduism.
      Garga Samhita: Garga Samhita is a text that describes Lord Krishna's form, qualities, and pastimes, with a particular focus on his childhood and adolescence.
      Garga Samhita: The Garga Samhita is a text that contains the life story of Lord Krishna, as well as descriptions of his childhood pastimes, battles, and teachings.
      Garuda Purana: Garuda Purana is a Purana that contains stories related to Lord Krishna and his various incarnations, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Gopala Tapani Upanishad: Gopala Tapani Upanishad is an Upanishad that contains Lord Krishna's teachings on the nature of the self and the ultimate reality.
      Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya: Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya is a text that describes the various aspects of devotion to Lord Krishna, including the different stages of devotion and the characteristics of a devotee.
      Hari-bhakti-vilasa: Hari-bhakti-vilasa is a text that provides guidelines for devotees on how to worship Lord Krishna and other deities, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Harivamsa: Harivamsa is a text that contains the story of Lord Krishna's life and teachings, as well as information on other deities and religious practices in Hinduism.
      Harivamsa: The Harivamsa is a supplement to the Mahabharata that contains the life story of Lord Krishna and his descendants. It is considered to be a valuable source of information on the life and teachings of Lord Krishna.
      Jaimini Sutras: Jaimini Sutras is a text that provides guidelines for devotees on how to worship Lord Krishna and other deities, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Krishna-karnamrita: Krishna-karnamrita is a text that describes the form, qualities, and pastimes of Lord Krishna, with a particular emphasis on his role as a cowherd boy in Vrindavan.
      Krishna-karnamrta: Krishna-karnamrta is a text that contains prayers and hymns to Lord Krishna and is considered to be a valuable source of inspiration for devotees of Lord Krishna.
      Krsna-sandarbha: Krsna-sandarbha is a text that presents a philosophical analysis of Lord Krishna's nature and his role in the universe.
      Mahabharata: Mahabharata is a text that contains the story of Lord Krishna's role in the Kurukshetra war, as well as his teachings to Arjuna on the nature of the self and the ultimate reality in the form of the Bhagavad Gita.
      Mahabharata: The Mahabharata is one of the two great epics of Hinduism and contains the story of the Kurukshetra War, in which Lord Krishna played a crucial role as the charioteer and advisor of Arjuna.
      Mahaprabhu Charitamrita: Mahaprabhu Charitamrita is a text that describes the life and teachings of Lord Chaitanya, who is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Krishna.
      Matsya Purana: Matsya Purana is a Purana that contains stories related to Lord Krishna and his various incarnations, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.

    • @Kirishita
      @Kirishita Год назад

      Narada Bhakti Sutra: Narada Bhakti Sutra is a text that provides guidelines for devotees on how to cultivate devotion and love for Lord Krishna and other deities.
      Narada Bhakti Sutra: The Narada Bhakti Sutra is a text that focuses on the practice of devotion (bhakti) and contains teachings on how to develop love and devotion for Lord Krishna.
      Narada Bhakti Sutras: Narada Bhakti Sutras is a text that describes the various aspects of devotion to Lord Krishna, including the different stages of devotion and the characteristics of a devotee.
      Narada Purana: Narada Purana is a Purana that contains stories related to Lord Krishna and his various incarnations, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Narasimha Purana: Narasimha Purana is a Purana that contains stories related to Lord Krishna and his various incarnations, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Narayaniya: Narayaniya is a text that contains Lord Krishna's teachings to his friend Arjuna on the nature of the self and the ultimate reality, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Padma Purana: Padma Purana is a Purana that contains stories related to Lord Krishna and his various incarnations, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Padma Purana: Padma Purana is a Purana that contains the story of Lord Krishna's life and teachings, as well as information on other deities and religious practices in Hinduism.
      Padma Purana: The Padma Purana is a Purana that contains stories and teachings related to Lord Krishna and is believed to have been composed around the 4th century CE.
      Sankalpa-kalpadruma: Sankalpa-kalpadruma is a text that provides prayers and mantras for devotees to worship Lord Krishna and seek his blessings.
      Satvata-samhita: Satvata-samhita is a text that describes Lord Krishna's form, qualities, and pastimes, with a particular focus on his teachings to his devotee Uddhava.
      Shri Krishna Charitra Mahakavya: The Shri Krishna Charitra Mahakavya is an epic poem that tells the story of Lord Krishna's life and teachings in a poetic form.
      Shri Krishna Karnamrita: The Shri Krishna Karnamrita is a text that contains prayers and hymns to Lord Krishna and is considered to be a valuable source of inspiration for devotees of Lord Krishna.
      Shri Krishnavatara: The Shri Krishnavatara is a series of books that retell the story of Lord Krishna's life and teachings in a narrative form, with a focus on his divine nature and qualities.
      Shrimad Bhagavad Mahapurana: The Shrimad Bhagavad Mahapurana is a Purana that contains stories and teachings related to Lord Krishna's life, as well as information on other deities and religious practices in Hinduism.
      Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam: The Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam is a text that focuses on the worship of the Divine Mother and contains stories related to Lord Krishna's life and teachings.
      Skanda Purana: Skanda Purana is a Purana that contains stories related to Lord Krishna and his various incarnations, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Skanda Purana: The Skanda Purana is a Purana that contains the story of Lord Krishna's life and teachings, as well as information on other deities and religious practices in Hinduism.
      Srimad Bhagavad Gita: Srimad Bhagavad Gita is a text that contains Lord Krishna's teachings to Arjuna on the nature of the self, the universe, and the ultimate reality, and is considered to be one of the most important texts in Hinduism.
      Srimad Bhagavatam: Srimad Bhagavatam is a text that describes Lord Krishna's form, qualities, and pastimes, with a particular focus on his childhood and adolescence.
      Subala Upanishad: Subala Upanishad is an Upanishad that contains Lord Krishna's teachings to his friend and devotee Subala on the nature of the self and the ultimate reality.
      Subodhini: Subodhini is a commentary on the Bhagavata Purana that provides detailed explanations of the text and its teachings related to Lord Krishna.
      Uddhava Gita: Uddhava Gita is a text that contains Lord Krishna's teachings to his friend and disciple, Uddhava, on the nature of the self, the universe, and the ultimate reality.
      Uddhava Gita: Uddhava Gita is a text that describes Lord Krishna's teachings to his friend and devotee Uddhava on the nature of the self and the ultimate reality.
      Varaha Purana: The Varaha Purana is a Purana that contains stories related to Lord Krishna and his various incarnations, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Varaha Purana: Varaha Purana is a Purana that contains stories related to Lord Krishna and his various incarnations, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Vayu Purana: The Vayu Purana is a Purana that contains the story of Lord Krishna's life and teachings, as well as information on other deities and religious practices in Hinduism.
      Vayu Purana: Vayu Purana is a Purana that contains stories related to Lord Krishna and his various incarnations, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Vedanta-sutra: Vedanta-sutra is a text that provides philosophical insights into the nature of the self and the ultimate reality, with Lord Krishna being considered the supreme personality of Godhead.
      Vishnu Purana: The Vishnu Purana is a Purana that contains the story of Lord Krishna's life and teachings, as well as information on other incarnations of Lord Vishnu.
      Vishnu Purana: Vishnu Purana is a Purana that contains stories related to Lord Krishna and his various incarnations, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Visnu Purana: Visnu Purana is a Purana that contains stories related to Lord Krishna and his various incarnations, as well as information on religious rituals and practices in Hinduism.
      Vraja-mandala Parikrama: Vraja-mandala Parikrama is a text that describes the various holy places associated with Lord Krishna's pastimes in the region of Vraja.
      Vrindavana-mahimamrta: Vrindavana-mahimamrta is a text that describes the glories and significance of the holy land of Vrindavana, where Lord Krishna performed many of his pastimes.
      Yajnavalkya Smriti: Yajnavalkya Smriti is a text that provides guidelines on ethical and moral conduct for individuals, with Lord Krishna's teachings in the Bhagavad Gita serving as a key influence.
      These are just a few of the many sacred texts related to Lord Krishna in Hinduism. Each of these texts offers a unique perspective on Lord Krishna's life and teachings, and they continue to inspire and guide devotees around the world.

    • @Kirishita
      @Kirishita Год назад

      the saints of Hinduism
      Adi Shankara - He was an 8th-century philosopher and saint who is known for his commentaries on the Vedas, Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita. His teachings emphasize the importance of self-realization, discrimination, and detachment as the means to spiritual liberation.
      Adi Shankaracharya - He was a 9th-century philosopher and theologian who is credited with the revival of Hinduism and the establishment of the Advaita Vedanta school of philosophy.
      Adi Shankaracharya - He was an 8th-century philosopher and theologian who is known for his teachings on Advaita philosophy. His teachings emphasized the importance of self-realization, knowledge, and the unity of all existence.
      Adi Shankaracharya - He was an 8th-century philosopher and theologian who is widely considered one of the most influential figures in the development of Hinduism. He is credited with reviving the Advaita Vedanta school of philosophy and establishing the Shankara mathas.
      Akka Mahadevi - She was a 12th-century Kannada poet and mystic who composed many vachanas, or devotional poems, expressing her devotion to Lord Shiva. Her poetry is known for its passionate intensity, its mystical depth, and its focus on the inner experience of the divine.
      Anandamayi Ma - She was a 20th-century saint and spiritual teacher who is known for her teachings on the importance of devotion, selfless service, and the unity of all religions. Her teachings emphasized the importance of surrender to God and the spiritual path of love.
      Andal - She was a 9th-century Tamil poet and devotee of Lord Vishnu who composed many devotional songs in praise of the divine. Her poetry is known for its emotional intensity, its beauty, and its expression of the path of devotion and love.
      Andal - She was a 9th-century Tamil poet and devotee of Lord Vishnu who composed many hymns and poems in praise of the divine. Her poetry is known for its lyrical beauty, its vivid imagery, and its expression of the longing for union with the divine.
      Basavanna - He was a 12th-century Kannada poet and social reformer who composed many vachanas that convey his teachings on social equality, religious tolerance, and the importance of self-realization. His poetry is known for its simplicity, its directness, and its emphasis on the power of devotion to bring about social and spiritual transformation.
      Chaitanya Mahaprabhu - He was a 15th-century saint and founder of the Gaudiya Vaishnavism tradition. His teachings emphasized the importance of devotion, love, and surrender to Lord Krishna as the means to spiritual liberation.
      Eknath - He was a 16th-century Marathi poet and saint who composed many abhangs and devotional songs in praise of Lord Vitthala. His poetry is known for its simplicity, its emotional depth, and its expression of the longing for union with the divine.
      Eknath - He was a 16th-century saint and poet who is known for his devotional poetry in Marathi that celebrates Lord Vitthala. His works emphasized the importance of devotion, self-realization, and the path of love.
      Guru Nanak - He was a 15th-century poet, philosopher, and founder of Sikhism. His teachings emphasize the importance of meditation, service, and devotion to God as the means to spiritual realization.
      Jayadeva - He was a 12th-century poet and saint who composed the Gita Govinda, a famous work that celebrates the love between Radha and Krishna. His poetry is characterized by its musicality, its evocative imagery, and its expression of divine love.
      Jnaneshwar - He was a 13th-century saint and poet who is known for his devotional poetry in Marathi that celebrates Lord Vitthala. His works emphasized the importance of self-realization and the path of devotion.
      Jnaneshwar - He was a 13th-century saint and poet who is known for his devotional poetry in Marathi, which celebrated the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. His works emphasized the importance of devotion, knowledge, and action as the means to spiritual realization.
      Kabir - He was a 15th-century mystic poet and saint who composed many dohas and devotional songs in praise of the divine. His poetry is known for its simplicity, its directness, and its emphasis on the path of devotion and love for the divine.
      Kabir - He was a 15th-century poet and mystic who composed many dohas, or couplets, that convey his teachings on the nature of reality, the importance of self-realization, and the need to overcome ego and attachment. His poetry is known for its simplicity, humor, and directness.
      Kabir - He was a 15th-century poet and saint who is known for his devotional poetry in Hindi that celebrates the unity of all religions and the importance of love and devotion. His teachings emphasized the importance of inner purity, self-realization, and the path of love.
      Kabir - He was a 15th-century poet and saint who is known for his devotional poetry that blends Hindu and Muslim spiritual traditions. His works emphasize the importance of love, devotion, and service to God as the means to spiritual realization.
      Kabir - He was a 15th-century poet and saint who is known for his devotional poetry that emphasizes the unity of all religions and the importance of direct experience of God.
      Kabir - He was a 15th-century saint and poet who is known for his devotional poetry in Hindi that celebrates the unity of all religions and the importance of self-realization.
      Meera Bai - She was a 16th-century poet and saint who is known for her devotion to Lord Krishna. Her poetry expresses her deep love for God and her longing to be reunited with him.
      Meera Bai - She was a 16th-century saint and poet who is known for her devotional poetry in Rajasthani that celebrates Lord Krishna. Her works emphasized the importance of devotion, love, and surrender to God as the means to spiritual liberation.
      Meerabai - She was a 16th-century Rajasthani poet and devotee of Lord Krishna who composed many bhajans and poems expressing her devotion to the divine. Her poetry is known for its emotional depth, its expression of divine love, and its focus on the path of devotion and surrender.
      Mirabai - She was a 16th-century poet and devotee of Lord Krishna who composed many bhajans and poems expressing her devotion to the divine. Her poetry is known for its emotional depth and its themes of longing, surrender, and the quest for spiritual union.
      Mirabai - She was a 16th-century poet and saint who is known for her devotion to Lord Krishna. Her poetry expresses her deep love for God and her longing to be reunited with him.
      Mirabai - She was a 16th-century poet and saint who is known for her devotional poetry that celebrates her love for Lord Krishna. Her works emphasize the importance of devotion, surrender, and the power of love to overcome obstacles on the spiritual path.
      Mirabai - She was a 16th-century Rajasthani poet and devotee of Lord Krishna who composed many bhajans and poems expressing her devotion to the divine. Her poetry is known for its emotional depth, its expression of divine love, and its focus on the path of devotion and surrender.

    • @Kirishita
      @Kirishita Год назад

      Mirabai - She was a 16th-century saint and poet who is known for her devotional poetry in Rajasthani that celebrates Lord Krishna. Her works emphasized the importance of devotion, love, and surrender to God as the means to spiritual liberation.
      Namdev - He was a 13th-century Marathi poet and saint who composed many abhangs and devotional songs in praise of Lord Vitthala. His poetry is known for its simplicity, its expression of the path of devotion, and its emphasis on the grace of the divine.
      Namdev - He was a 13th-century poet and saint who composed many abhangs, or devotional songs, in praise of Lord Vitthala, a form of Lord Vishnu. His poetry is known for its simplicity, humility, and its emphasis on the power of devotion to bring one closer to the divine.
      Namdev - He was a 14th-century poet and saint who is known for his devotional poetry that emphasizes the importance of surrendering to God.
      Namdev - He was a 14th-century saint and poet who is known for his devotional poetry in Marathi that celebrates the unity of all religions and the importance of devotion and love. His works emphasized the importance of self-realization and the path of devotion.
      Narottama Dasa - He was a 16th-century Vaishnava saint and poet who composed many bhajans and devotional songs in praise of Lord Krishna. His poetry is known for its simplicity, its clarity, and its expression of the path of devotion and love for the divine.
      Narsi Mehta - He was a 15th-century poet and saint who is known for his devotional poetry in Gujarati, which celebrated Lord Krishna. His works emphasized the importance of devotion, love, and surrender to God as the means to spiritual liberation.
      Narsi Mehta - He was a 15th-century poet and saint who is known for his devotional poetry that celebrates Lord Krishna and Radha. His works emphasize the importance of devotion, service, and surrender to God.
      Narsi Mehta - He was a 15th-century saint and poet who is known for his devotional poetry in Gujarati that celebrates Lord Krishna. His works emphasized the importance of devotion, self-realization, and the path of love.
      Paramahansa Yogananda - He was a 20th-century Indian yogi and spiritual teacher who founded the Self-Realization Fellowship and is known for his book "Autobiography of a Yogi."
      Paramahansa Yogananda - He was a 20th-century spiritual teacher and founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship. His teachings emphasize the importance of meditation, self-realization, and the unity of all religions.
      Ramakrishna - He was a 19th-century saint and mystic who was a disciple of the goddess Kali and is revered as a spiritual teacher and guru.
      Ramana Maharshi - He was a 20th-century spiritual teacher who is known for his teachings on self-inquiry and the path of knowledge. His teachings emphasized the importance of self-realization, non-dualism, and the unity of all existence.
      Ramana Maharshi - He was a 20th-century spiritual teacher who is known for his teachings on self-inquiry and the path of self-realization. His teachings emphasize the importance of direct experience of the Self as the key to liberation.
      Ramanuja - He was a 12th-century philosopher and saint who is known for his contributions to the Bhakti movement and his emphasis on devotion and surrender to God. His works include commentaries on the Vedas, Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita.
      Ramanuja - He was a 12th-century philosopher and theologian who was instrumental in the development of the Vishishtadvaita school of Vedanta.
      Ramanujacharya - He was a 11th-century theologian and saint who is known for his teachings on Vishishtadvaita philosophy. His teachings emphasized the importance of devotion, self-surrender, and the unity of all existence.
      Ravidas - He was a 15th-century mystic poet and saint who composed many bhajans and devotional songs in praise of Lord Rama. His poetry is known for its simplicity, its directness, and its focus on the inner experience of the divine.
      Saint Tukdoji Maharaj - He was a 20th-century saint and social reformer who is known for his efforts to promote education, health, and social justice in rural Maharashtra. His works emphasize the importance of spiritual practice, service, and compassion.
      Sant Eknath - He was a 16th-century poet and saint who is known for his devotional poetry that expresses his love for God and his commitment to social reform. His works also include philosophical and ethical teachings that continue to be relevant today.
      Sant Kabir Das - He was a 15th-century Indian mystic poet and saint who composed many dohas and devotional songs in praise of the divine. His poetry is known for its simplicity, its directness, and its emphasis on the path of love and devotion.
      Sant Tukdoji Maharaj - He was a 20th-century Marathi saint and poet who composed many abhangs and devotional songs in praise of Lord Vitthala. His poetry is known for its simplicity, its emphasis on the path of devotion, and its expression of the longing for union with the divine.
      Sri Aurobindo - He was a 20th-century Indian philosopher, poet, and yogi who wrote extensively on spirituality, yoga, and the nature of consciousness. His poetry is known for its spiritual depth, its philosophical insights, and its exploration of the divine.
      Sri Aurobindo - He was a 20th-century Indian philosopher, yogi, and spiritual leader who founded the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and emphasized the importance of spiritual evolution and transformation.
      Sri Aurobindo - He was a 20th-century spiritual teacher and philosopher who is known for his teachings on integral yoga and spiritual evolution. His teachings emphasized the importance of spiritual transformation, self-realization, and the unity of all existence.
      Sri Aurobindo - He was a 20th-century spiritual teacher, philosopher, and poet who is known for his integral yoga and his emphasis on the evolution of consciousness. His works include poetry, essays, and commentaries on the Vedas and Upanishads.
      Surdas - He was a 16th-century poet and devotee of Lord Krishna who composed many bhajans and poems expressing his devotion to the divine. His poetry is known for its emotional depth, its vivid imagery, and its expression of divine love.
      Surdas - He was a 16th-century poet and devotee of Lord Krishna who composed many bhajans and poems that celebrate the divine love between Radha and Krishna. His poetry is characterized by its musicality, emotional depth, and vivid descriptions of the natural world.
      Surdas - He was a 16th-century poet and saint who is known for his devotional poetry in Braj Bhasha that celebrates Lord Krishna. His works emphasized the importance of devotion, love, and surrender to God as the means to spiritual liberation.
      Surdas - He was a 16th-century poet and saint who is known for his devotional poetry that praises Lord Krishna.
      Swami Chinmayananda - He was a 20th-century spiritual teacher and founder of the Chinmaya Mission. His teachings emphasize the importance of Vedanta philosophy, spiritual practice, and service to humanity as the means to spiritual growth and realization.
      Swami Chinmayananda - He was a 20th-century spiritual teacher and founder of the Chinmaya Mission. His teachings emphasized the importance of Vedanta philosophy, self-realization, and service to society as the means to spiritual growth and realization.
      Swami Ramdas - He was a 20th-century spiritual teacher and founder of the Anandashram spiritual community in Kerala. His teachings emphasize the importance of love, self-surrender, and devotion to God as the means to spiritual liberation.

    • @Kirishita
      @Kirishita Год назад

      Swami Sivananda - He was a 20th-century spiritual teacher and founder of the Divine Life Society. His teachings emphasize the importance of self-discipline, meditation, and service to humanity as the means to spiritual growth and realization.
      Swami Sivananda - He was a 20th-century spiritual teacher who founded the Divine Life Society and emphasized the importance of yoga and meditation in spiritual practice.
      Swami Vivekananda - He was a 19th-century Indian monk and philosopher who played a key role in the introduction of Hinduism to the West.
      Swami Vivekananda - He was a 19th-century Indian philosopher, monk, and social reformer who wrote extensively on spirituality, Vedanta philosophy, and the nature of the self. His teachings are known for their clarity, their practicality, and their emphasis on self-realization and service to humanity.
      Swami Vivekananda - He was a 19th-century monk and social reformer who is credited with introducing Hinduism to the Western world. He founded the Ramakrishna Mission and emphasized the importance of spiritual practice and service to humanity.
      Swami Vivekananda - He was a 19th-century spiritual teacher and founder of the Ramakrishna Mission. His teachings emphasize the importance of Vedanta philosophy, meditation, and selfless service as the means to spiritual realization.
      Swami Vivekananda - He was a 19th-century spiritual teacher and founder of the Ramakrishna Mission. His teachings emphasized the importance of Vedanta philosophy, self-realization, and service to humanity as the means to spiritual growth and realization.
      Tukaram - He was a 17th-century Marathi poet and saint who composed many abhangs, or devotional songs, in praise of Lord Vitthala. His poetry is known for its simplicity, its directness, and its emphasis on the importance of devotion and surrender to the divine.
      Tukaram - He was a 17th-century poet and saint who is known for his devotional poetry that expresses his deep love for God and his longing to be reunited with him.
      Tukaram - He was a 17th-century saint and poet who is known for his devotional poetry in Marathi that celebrates Lord Vitthala. His works emphasized the importance of devotion, self-realization, and the path of love.
      Tulsidas - He was a 16th-century poet and saint who is best known for his epic poem, the Ramcharitmanas, which retells the story of Lord Rama.
      Tulsidas - He was a 16th-century poet and saint who is best known for his epic retelling of the Ramayana, called the Ramcharitmanas. His poetry is characterized by its simplicity, clarity, and devotional fervor.
      Tulsidas - He was a 16th-century poet and saint who is known for his devotional poetry in Hindi that celebrates Lord Rama. His works, especially the Ramcharitmanas, emphasized the importance of devotion, righteousness, and the path of love.
      Tulsidas - He was a 16th-century poet and saint who is known for his devotional poetry that celebrates Lord Rama. His works, including the famous Ramcharitmanas, emphasize the importance of devotion, service, and surrender to God.
      Tyagaraja - He was an 18th-century Indian composer and saint who composed many kritis and devotional songs in praise of Lord Rama. His music is known for its beauty, its emotional depth, and its expression of the path of devotion and surrender.
      Vallabhacharya - He was a 16th-century saint and founder of the Pushti Marg sect. His teachings emphasized the importance of devotion, love, and surrender to Lord Krishna as the means to spiritual liberation.
      Vallabhacharya - He was a 16th-century saint and philosopher who composed many devotional works in praise of Lord Krishna, including the Shodash Granthas and the Anubhashya. His poetry is known for its philosophical depth, its expression of the path of devotion, and its emphasis on the grace of the divine.
      These are just a few examples of the many saints and spiritual figures in Hinduism. The teachings and examples of these saints continue to inspire and guide spiritual seekers around the world, offering a powerful means of connecting with the divine and deepening one's spiritual practice.

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