  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 12

  • @fontainenews0
    @fontainenews0  Месяц назад

    Hey everyone, thank you so much for watching the video! I'm really happy you took the time to check it out. I just wanted to ask one thing: 99% of you who watch aren’t subscribed to the channel yet! So, if you enjoyed the video, don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell so you won’t miss the next ones. It really helps me keep bringing more content to you. Thanks again, and see you in the next one!

  • @neilfishingcamp
    @neilfishingcamp Месяц назад +3

    For people who dont actually top up/buy primogems, this is not a bait but a great rerun. If you dont have nuevelette, go for him. If you are a mobile player, go for zhongli, top pick for mobile players.

    • @AbrarAsif-lb3du
      @AbrarAsif-lb3du Месяц назад

      bro can you please elaborate why mobile player should go for zongli

  • @nightburst7859
    @nightburst7859 Месяц назад

    god why is this even a debate , people need to understand that they can pull on whoever they want , its not just about meta , its about if u like there style , mechanism , lore , look , even woepen , they can pull whoever they want , its not a debate about who to pull for

    • @faeriemoonlight
      @faeriemoonlight Месяц назад

      Because this game is about fighting and beating levels? They want to know who’s stronger and easier to play with - wth? They understand they can pull for whoever they wanna pull for and they choose to get other peoples opinions on it that’s normal.

  • @Alexandresousalegend7
    @Alexandresousalegend7 Месяц назад +3

    O don't care about fake or bait, for me Zhongli and Kazuha is the best for me i don't care about nobody, for feel great play In Rank SS, S, A you are playing with this characters and you like just play that you like to play that the reason of Geshin Impact 👌💯👑🗿

    • @pr9cious
      @pr9cious Месяц назад +1

      Top advice honestly same here I’ll be going for zhongli for my hu Tao even tho she’s not considered “the best” because of Arlecchino and whatever other reasons. It’s all about who you enjoy at the end of the day!

    • @Alexandresousalegend7
      @Alexandresousalegend7 Месяц назад

      @@pr9cious yes is true, but Zhongli is one of the best still in 5 best of best easy, I like zhongli that the reason i go for him, and Kazuha is the next

  • @starmhatextingstory2889
    @starmhatextingstory2889 Месяц назад

    I'm gonna wait for mauvika cuz she might be a dps/support so she can be great for cloride plus I like how she looks so idc if shes bad(I have neuvi c0r1 so I'm good) :D

  • @yeettb3313
    @yeettb3313 Месяц назад

    Even though I have been saving for more than 4 months I would like to go for zhongli for my archon collection ( got raiden ) but i need my pity for mavruika

  • @taorroarcano7626
    @taorroarcano7626 Месяц назад

    Gonna skip all and play my 4 star team wait for capitano c6 😂

  • @chrstphrmsngcy
    @chrstphrmsngcy Месяц назад +1

    It's a bait