PERKEMAHAN ILMIAH DAN KEPEMIMPINAN, Angkatan 29 SMA Al Izhar Pondok Labu, hari pertama

  • Опубликовано: 11 окт 2024
  • The rising generation of young leaders have evolving expectations about leadership. Young leaders are ambitious and willing to work hard, but they also believe that great leadership does not necessarily require compromising work-life balance or authenticity. Organizations must adapt to these expectations if they want to attract the best and the brightest.
    As the younger generation of employees move into their first leadership positions, they will naturally be anxious, as any new leader would be, about the responsibilities, pressures, and risks that come with leadership. They will wonder, as the earlier generations of leaders did before them, about whether they are up to the task. And as with earlier generations of leaders, these concerns will be addressed and resolved through leadership development programs and on-the-job experience.
    Today’s potential leaders, however, also have certain expectations about leadership that reflect evolving attitudes about work, life and success.
    They believe that it is possible to have a successful career as a leader without sacrificing a successful personal and family life. They feel strongly that climbing the corporate ladder should not mean abandoning a sustainable work-life balance.
    The new generation of potential leaders also prefer to avoid the politics and game-playing that in the past was expected from leaders. As they step into leadership roles, they want to retain the authenticity of their personality. But many wonder whether their organizations would allow such authenticity.
    Professor Katleen De Stobbeleir of Vlerick Business School, who works closely with potential leaders and is an expert on leadership transitions, believes that today’s emerging leaders have the determination and talent to mould their leadership positions to meet their expectations. While long hours or even organizational politics are not going to be completed eradicated, young leaders will put their own personal stamp on the job.

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