Ougon Musou Kyoku CROSS Bernkastel`s nipah

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 53

  • @mirandaxdret
    @mirandaxdret 11 лет назад +416

    Then She said "It's so embarrassing, doing this"

    • @smashshoot1389
      @smashshoot1389 3 года назад +8


    • @Archzenom
      @Archzenom Год назад +2

      ​@@smashshoot1389 But that was cute regardless of how embarrassing that was to Bernkastel Rika.

  • @user-cvbnm
    @user-cvbnm 9 месяцев назад +34

    "Say the line Bernkastel!"

  • @XxDellamorte
    @XxDellamorte 11 лет назад +182

    AWW~ 'FAITO, AH! NIPAH~!' So cute, yet so freaking deadly...

  • @HallMarkHM
    @HallMarkHM 3 года назад +16

    Nipaaah~! ✰

  • @NarutoUzumaski
    @NarutoUzumaski 3 года назад +18

    That soundtrack kinda bussin ngl

  • @rjmax3311
    @rjmax3311 4 года назад +90

    I'm still playing Umineko on ep 4 of the questions and the Rika Bern thing is so confusing. Everything is confusing the witches are amazing characters though.

    • @narutardkyuubi
      @narutardkyuubi 4 года назад +42

      Well, the series aren’t meant to be 1 to 1 sequels to each other.
      If (and this is an IF, mind you) Bern truly is related to Rika, the most common theory is that Bern is the collection of all the dead Rikas from Higurashi. In Rei, while Rika is in a timeline without the murders and disappearances, she muses (while drunk) about the fates of the other ‘Rikas’ and wonders if the current her is the original, or not. She then decided she’d be a time traveling witch, naming herself after Bernkastel.
      That Rika rejected that world to return to her own, not joining the others. Hence, Bern has nothing in her creation except pain and blood, which explains some of her...issues.
      Granted, this is only the most common theory. Without any definitive statements, it’s only just that. Personally, I admire Ryukishi’s willingness to take the design of the heroine of the previous series, and use it to make two of the most hated villains ever (Bern and Erika), definitely puts him high up my GOAT author list

    • @keicamboom9915
      @keicamboom9915 4 года назад +6

      @@narutardkyuubi "hated" and "villains" ;)

    • @Lgliam20
      @Lgliam20 3 года назад +14

      @@narutardkyuubi Have you read Saikoroshi-hen or just watched the Rei anime? Because Saikoroshi answers a lot of that.

    • @rjmax3311
      @rjmax3311 3 года назад +3

      @@Lgliam20 Only the anime I think. The VN hasn't been translated still? Mangagamer is like the white horse promise.

    • @ShahTalks
      @ShahTalks 3 года назад +7

      @@narutardkyuubi Ryukishi made Bern a villain because his friend liked Rika to troll his friend

  • @VixYW
    @VixYW 10 лет назад +186

    Is that enoght to raise the statement "Bernkastel is Furude Rika's 2º personality" to the Red Truth level?

    • @Scyclo
      @Scyclo 7 лет назад +30

      VixYW well the higurashi version of bernkastel, was created by the suffering of every past Rika that didn't make it. Basically every Rika before the ending of Kai, who knows how many times Rika has died in the higurashi universe. In another video someone perfectly explains all the bernkastels as I never finished higurashi or umineko

    • @kassavfaqurizary7546
      @kassavfaqurizary7546 3 года назад

      @@Scyclo but how about Gou?

    • @grim8948
      @grim8948 3 года назад +16

      There are at least 2 scene I can think of where Rika calls herself Bernkastel, both in the anime and in the manga. I think it's pretty blatant that Rika and Bernkastel are the same
      Whether Bernkastel is a personalization of Rika's suffering or Rika transcending to witch after suffering and winning a game miraculously
      I guess we'll see how gou ends (not saying anything else due to spoilers)

    • @Kanaotsuyuri1234
      @Kanaotsuyuri1234 3 года назад +2

      @@Scyclo she Was trappen over 100 years in Hinamizawa

    • @Kanaotsuyuri1234
      @Kanaotsuyuri1234 3 года назад +1

      @@grim8948 Bernkastel ist the Rika that never got her Happy Ending

  • @TNTDestruidor
    @TNTDestruidor 2 года назад +5

    "The first movement"

  • @ZaChousenWan
    @ZaChousenWan 3 года назад +9

    That clock is f*ckin terrifying.

  • @choris5481
    @choris5481 4 года назад +11

    Just thank you

  • @ciaraMaeGatchalian
    @ciaraMaeGatchalian Месяц назад

    Me:doctor what am i sick from?,
    The doctor: 0:21

  • @invictus82
    @invictus82 Год назад +1

    Cute to Adult voice

  • @TNTDestruidor
    @TNTDestruidor 2 года назад +5

    Love it!

  • @aurumferro
    @aurumferro 3 года назад +6


  • @Spingebil
    @Spingebil 2 года назад +3


  • @k1bo0o
    @k1bo0o 3 года назад +2

    Faito Ohh, Mii, Niipaah
    *_!_£@^@_*_-;*@^@101 cuteness overload&@£@&@£#&-€×€¥!_

  • @reinhartgregory
    @reinhartgregory 4 месяца назад +1

    Satoko and Rika waifu

  • @kiaraisnthere
    @kiaraisnthere 3 года назад +15

    0:19 thank me later :))

  • @vaybubaankemuune3611
    @vaybubaankemuune3611 4 года назад +4

    Why am I here again?

  • @gabrielbarcelos9006
    @gabrielbarcelos9006 Год назад +1

    Mi nipah

  • @MillenaryWish
    @MillenaryWish 11 лет назад +4

    o_o Bern...........

  • @anissakukuru112
    @anissakukuru112 11 лет назад +18

    Oyashiro-sama = loli. :3

  • @RanYakumomarthLOL
    @RanYakumomarthLOL 11 лет назад +3

    OMFG O.O

  • @kingkilla777
    @kingkilla777 2 года назад

    I wanna try this seies out

  • @BoneBeastKimimaro
    @BoneBeastKimimaro 11 лет назад +5

    It's O~! not Ah!, actually.

  • @Rolandovbasajr12
    @Rolandovbasajr12 6 лет назад +28

    Keiichi is the Butler....
    See , her moves like that
    And Beatrice is Rena
    Lambdedalta is takano
    Am I right...

    • @InfinityZ808
      @InfinityZ808 4 года назад +4

      I feel like Beatice is more like Mion or Shion

    • @腐ったミカン-c8w
      @腐ったミカン-c8w 4 года назад +15

      There is no Beatrice equivalent in higurashi
      Maria = Rena, same tendency to repeat stuffs like 'kana, kana' and 'uu,uu', tendency for violence, and bad term with their mother
      Jessica = Mion , tomboy girl in love role
      Aurora = Hanyu, obviously
      Eva = Miyo, same va (eva = miyo = lambda = satoko, but eva =/= satoko =/= miyo)
      Krauss = Young Okonogi, same va for anime, different in vn
      Sakutarou = Satoshi, imaginary supportive char role

    • @0doublezero0
      @0doublezero0 4 года назад +3

      @@腐ったミカン-c8w If I recall correctly, Okonogi was in both Higurashi and Umineko.

    • @rjmax3311
      @rjmax3311 3 года назад

      @@0doublezero0 He's in all of Ryu's work. I wonder if he plans on doing something special with him. I formed my own personally theory that Okinogi is probably some kind of God or something.

    • @kamuinincompoop3057
      @kamuinincompoop3057 3 года назад +5

      Lambdadelta would be satoko

  • @kulkuljator
    @kulkuljator 5 месяцев назад


  • @VanessaQ15
    @VanessaQ15 12 лет назад +2

    O_O ......