Gen Z isn’t Lazy

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Let me know your thoughts, I’d love a good conversation about it.
    #genz #college #graduation #wealth

Комментарии • 27

  • @mustangmare
    @mustangmare 3 месяца назад +4

    I think gen z just doesn't want to willingly get taken advantage of and work like slaves, (like xers and boomers did.)

  • @chilltex9807
    @chilltex9807 3 месяца назад +6

    Being a youtuber is a meaningless fluff job. The irony. Let's see the useless fluff jobs, all fast food service chains, any restaurant. Well people will always need to eat, so serving people food has meaning. Any job working in manufacturing? Those places make the products you consume and love, such as your devices to make RUclips fluff content. So those also have meaning. Any trades, construction of any sort, or other trade related career. Well let's see to create the entire infrastructure of society that you enjoy, so those have meaning. Honestly, I cannot think of any job that has less meaning than that of a RUclips influencer. I would say your whole reasoning behind GenZ not getting jobs is just an excuse. Now I am not saying the world is perfect, no. But the economy is in a bad place right now, and I feel bad for the Gen Z's people in the aspect that they have a tougher time obtaining those things. But do not mistake the issue for an entirely false narrative.

    • @justAmood8
      @justAmood8 3 месяца назад +3

      I'd like to respectfully disagree. A youtuber can only be successful if they have viewers. So inherently the job is meaningless, but when they get attention, it means viewers have started assigning meaning to the channel. Another thing, RUclips today can be compared to traditional media, like television, but at a smaller scale. It's entertainment. Many youtubers plan videos weeks or months in advance, they have scripts, special equipment, they employ a whole team of editors, writers, and researchers to back them up.
      He didn't give any examples as to what he meant by meaningless jobs, but I'm sure it's a reference to office jobs where the amount of work assigned takes about 3 hours to do, so you have to look busy for the rest of the 5.

    • @chilltex9807
      @chilltex9807 3 месяца назад +1

      @@justAmood8 "Can" and "If" being the keywords in that paragraph. More fail than succeed. With those aspects most RUclips influence aspirations die off and then they have hopes and dreams crushed. And seeing as most believe they will be successful; they miss opportunities to actually start working towards a career. And unfortunately, it is harder to get good jobs the older one gets with lack of experience. Not to mention the target audience they want to attract now days are so fickle, one slip of a word and they will most likely be cancelled. Better thought, how about they use their intelligence with tech and start new businesses? Have some real impact on the stuff they hate so much. You know, versus the make a video complain about it and expect everyone else to do the work they are preaching..

    • @justAmood8
      @justAmood8 3 месяца назад

      @@chilltex9807 You can say that about literally any job. Lots of people pursue careers that don't work out for one reason or another, but it's not the end of the world. It's too much to expect a young person to know what they'll want to do for the rest of their life. Most normal people care about what's going to pay the bills more than anything else, and eventually, after a bit of hopping around, they find what works for them. Even influencers understand that. That's why a lot of them have full time jobs alongside doing social media, and they have degrees, or they're already business owners, or they're students, and social media is either a side hustle or something they do for fun.
      The biggest influencers out there also use their platforms to not only raise awareness for issues that they care about, but they also champion fundraising campaigns that raise millions for good causes. Those who complain and don't do anything about it aren't the influencers, they're regular people who made a one-off post that went viral.

    • @chilltex9807
      @chilltex9807 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@justAmood8 Pursuing a career with a skill set is far different than pursuing being an influencer. If one is an influencer and has a business which is promoted through the same channels, and/or connected in any form. Once that influencer slips and is cancelled, so is their business. Fame and long-lasting influence will not happen for most people who attempt it. They are better off finding something they love to do, and learn to make that a business. Not chase trends of the week.

    • @justAmood8
      @justAmood8 3 месяца назад

      @@chilltex9807 lol most of them don't have to worry about being cancelled. The vast majority of those who were "cancelled" still have online careers or pivot into something else, like the lady who intentionally said the n-word to launch her career into right wing media. There's thousands of creators out there with hundreds of thousands or even millions of followers that you've never even heard of who go on to never have any controversy. Keep in mind the loudest ones on the Internet are in the small minority and that algorithms like to boost the bad stuff. You're only going to hear about the ones who did something bad because of that, and that tricks people into thinking that this is some widespread issue.

  • @roydaniel2480
    @roydaniel2480 3 месяца назад +6

    That was very interesting and I agree with everything you said. I would like too hear more of these. Point of views

  • @eurykah9011
    @eurykah9011 3 месяца назад +5

    Who's gonna tell him doing and feeling purpose is a chicken and the egg scenario. I think the problem we have is a management problem. The tech industry is filled with really bad people managers. They haven't figured how to make employees feel meaningful and I'm witnessing it now working for ppl in my own generation for the first time.

    • @jordanwilliams2031
      @jordanwilliams2031 3 месяца назад

      The Internet economy pioneered both freemium business models and the decoupling of business value from an honest exchange of human value. We are a far cry now from even the honest cruelty of the early industrial era. You can tell that we are in an era of so many layers of deceit that some of the most popular people are just openly cruel because at this point even that is refreshing compared to what has passed for leadership. Meaning is derived from bringing your unique value into the world and benefiting others and yourself fairly for it

    • @AudraGibson
      @AudraGibson 3 месяца назад

      If someone is looking to have another human (any human much less a boss) give their life meaning, they are going to eventually be let down every time.
      I do manage people in tech. I ask them about their dreams and how they’d like to grow. I can mentor them and empower them. I can lead them with empathy and help them to feel seen and appreciated. But I’m never going to bring their life meaning. That’s not my role nor should it be.

  • @Griot-Guild
    @Griot-Guild 3 месяца назад +2

    People just want to get paid enough to have a life fr, right now we get paid enough to not starve

  • @AudraGibson
    @AudraGibson 3 месяца назад +1

    Bruh. The purpose of working can be making a difference. The purpose can also just be making a living.
    Speaking as a person who graduated into a recession workforce where almost my entire industry was on a hiring freeze, I worked double shifts at a restaurant to cover my portion of rent and buy groceries. It wasn’t “easy”.
    I graduated with honors. I interned at Disney and CNN. Even with that, there have been times in my life where I had good jobs on paper and times in my life where I was barely scraping by. But not working was not an option. Because I wanted to eat. Would I have lived a more meaningful job at times? Yeah. But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
    I’ve also started and run my own businesses. I loved it. But it didn’t make me rich and it sure wasn’t easy.
    Now I work a job I love that is very fulfilling. I had to apply for this type of position 6-8 times over 3 years before I got it. It wasn’t easy either. But I didn’t have the option of just not working because I didn’t have my dream job.
    I think some serious thought needs to go into the phrasing “slave to society”. Trust me. You aren’t anywhere close to a slave.
    And where did you come up with the idea that the government just supplies good jobs to people to pay them on the head and appease them or the idea that most jobs are useless. Neither is true. Construction work, useful for building homes. Teachers, useful to raise up an aware and prepared generation. Doctors, nurses, radiologists, health techs, useful for keeping people alive. Firefighters, EMTs, and first responders, useful for saving lives and properties. Project managers, useful for getting goals set and achieved in budget. I could go on and on.
    If you want to find a job you derive meaning from, by all means do it. But right now, you sound like you’re making a fair bit of excuses instead of doing something to either accomplish your goals or change the system if you don’t like it. And I say that as someone who doesn’t think Gen z is lazy.

    • @AnotherDante
      @AnotherDante 3 месяца назад +1

      **privilege intensifies**

  • @airgin3000
    @airgin3000 3 месяца назад

    "Javanese" for the Oriental Longhair. Also, "Colo[u]rpoint Longhair" refers to different breeds in other registries. There are many examples of nomenclatural overlap and differences of this sort. Furthermore, many geographical and cultural names for cat breeds are fanciful selections made by Western breeders to be exotic sou

  • @txspacemom765
    @txspacemom765 3 месяца назад +4

    If you don't like what you see, then work to change it. I'm a teacher, my husband is a first responder and my Gen Z son is an engineer. I would say we contribute greatly to society in many ways. Everyone is focused on money. Right now, the economy is hard but if you want to see change, then you have to BE the change. SHOW me what you what change and then go out and make those changes, to benefit everyone.

  • @ItsmeA717
    @ItsmeA717 3 месяца назад

    This! 👏🏽

  • @lord_niiich3_222
    @lord_niiich3_222 3 месяца назад

    Well put

  • @glowgirl8171
    @glowgirl8171 3 месяца назад +2

    But what happens when you have no money?

    • @damiancampbell7534
      @damiancampbell7534 3 месяца назад +1

      Humans aren't meant to just survive for survival sake. Life in modern society is too meaningless to justify even the effort of survival.

  • @Thorkildzen
    @Thorkildzen 3 месяца назад

    I'll check back in with your channel when you're doing I am homeless Now videos