Hearing how chill everyone is and how they joke around pre game is honestly probably such a big reason why they did so well. Can't wait to see what's in store for next year. Best worlds I've ever watched. Proud fly fan 👊🏻
Wasnt a big fan before but will definetly tune in next year to watch your games. Super chill, creative and skilled team. Thats what i was looking for after my team left the scene. I loved the cheers and quad silently repeating them 🥰
I really appreciate that you have their cams on during the whole video! Even when this is played out live, and there is some outplays etc, they somehow manage to not include the face cams of the people involved in the play! Kinda incredible. You really do wanna see their reactions etc.
Love this team. Been a big Inspired fan for a while but the others have grown on me too. It’s awesome to see Massu being so funny with his team lol he’s usually more serious during interviews so I love seeing this. Keep it up Fly! Worlds doesn’t feel quite the same without you. Can’t wait to see you guys next year 💚
I thought that I would stop watching after the 2-1 lead against GENG, but I felt that it was only right to be there for the the highs and and the lows of this amazing run. Thank you Flyquest, you made me believe ❤
I hope this roster stays together for another year! I really do think they have what it takes, and now they made GenG have to pull out 20 min AFK farm Smolder in order to secure the win! I'm sure next year they can go all the way!!! THEY MADE US BELIEVE. Thank you Flyquest, the game vs GenG gave me literal chills. I haven't been that hyped for a league match in such a long time.
Bro like watching you guys play that series was the most fun I've had watching league in YEARS, the last time I was that excited and had that much fun was C9 and TL performances which feels a lifetime away now.
I love this team so much; the energy, the crazyness, and the silverscrapes against GenG is phenomenal. That's why i love FlyQuest from now on im your fan now LOL
Inspired asks Quad if Chovy can trist jump out of shockwave - Quad says "Yeah. For sure." It's like... yes, inspired, CHOVY knows how to buffer trist jump lol
I am so proud of you FLY. You guys made us all believe and completely made the Quarterfinals such an entertainment at peak levels. Although you didn't achieve pass Quarterfinals, it's still a huge accomplishment upon yourselves. Looking forward to seeing what you guys are cooking up next year. Get some rests and prepare yourselves for more bangers.
I thought you guys had no chance against GenG but damn, you had such cool draft ideas and fought back so well that even though I like GenG (and especially Canyon) I was kind of rooting for you to win. Definitely making up for all the times Huni looked like an idiot betting on you guys succeeding.
Mad respect to flyquest for even keeping in the low moments such as the ending to game 1 vs HLE, so proud of you guys can’t wait for what the future has in store
wow did anyone else catch this Bwipo: I dont think you should fight this Massu: its not that bad Bwipo: it looks giga fkd run Captain flowers: ALL YE OF LITTLE FAITH BELIEVE IN MASSU AND THE AD CARRY
Bwipo is so clearly essential in shot calling and teamfighting. It mirrors his out of game personality. Replace him at your peril, because glue guys matter.
for the editors note: i notice a lot of times in these voice comm videos that the player voice and video are much further ahead of the play on screen. How does this work? why is the game footage so delayed, and is this not something that can be changed in post?
hearing a crowd at an international event cheer so damn loud for an LCS team really made this series special
I mean there are as many europeans as americans on this team
@@whizz8991 + both coaches are european
@@whizz8991 nice comment! too bad its still an LCS team!
@@whizz8991America moment
@@whizz8991 Europeans not understanding what makes someone American will always be so funny to me
"Nuke, did you win the fistbump?"
"He mogged me"
I love this team
we do
This roster is so well crafted from top to bottom. (Including Coaching Staff)
I pray that this roster doesn't have any changes.
Massu is hilarious wtf
10:03 Inspired: "Nice draw, beat NA team and go to quarters LMAO"
This shit is hilarioussss
Hearing how chill everyone is and how they joke around pre game is honestly probably such a big reason why they did so well. Can't wait to see what's in store for next year. Best worlds I've ever watched. Proud fly fan 👊🏻
"We're gonna kill you with a rock" - Massu 2024
🪨 caveman style
ah jeez what a shame they cut out the "in game"
FLY has some new fans. Nice run boys.
Wasnt a big fan before but will definetly tune in next year to watch your games. Super chill, creative and skilled team. Thats what i was looking for after my team left the scene. I loved the cheers and quad silently repeating them 🥰
welcome :)))) glad to hear it :)))
"I drive" - Inspired 2024
World knows, never give Massu his Kai'Sa
This was the best comms I've heard in a while
Such a fun team to root for. I hope they stick together and do well in 2025!
14:22 🥺
I appreciate them leaving this moment in, just them soaking the cheers of the crowd ❤
that was so cute
I really appreciate that you have their cams on during the whole video! Even when this is played out live, and there is some outplays etc, they somehow manage to not include the face cams of the people involved in the play! Kinda incredible. You really do wanna see their reactions etc.
these guys are an actual team. great content
I love how each player takes accountability for their errors and everyone's supportive
This team made the west proud, everyone played so well. I've never been a bigger fan of a team and roster.
Respect to you FLY, you made us believe.
Love this team. Been a big Inspired fan for a while but the others have grown on me too. It’s awesome to see Massu being so funny with his team lol he’s usually more serious during interviews so I love seeing this. Keep it up Fly! Worlds doesn’t feel quite the same without you. Can’t wait to see you guys next year 💚
I thought that I would stop watching after the 2-1 lead against GENG, but I felt that it was only right to be there for the the highs and and the lows of this amazing run. Thank you Flyquest, you made me believe ❤
I hope this roster stays together for another year! I really do think they have what it takes, and now they made GenG have to pull out 20 min AFK farm Smolder in order to secure the win! I'm sure next year they can go all the way!!! THEY MADE US BELIEVE. Thank you Flyquest, the game vs GenG gave me literal chills. I haven't been that hyped for a league match in such a long time.
Massu on Kai'sa was absolutely phenomenal this Worlds - definitely one of the standout performers!
I’ve never loved a team more
10:04 Inspired is so real for that lmao
Time to run this sh*t back, Worlds 2025
Bro like watching you guys play that series was the most fun I've had watching league in YEARS, the last time I was that excited and had that much fun was C9 and TL performances which feels a lifetime away now.
This team is making the NA hopium levels unreasonably high
I love this team so much; the energy, the crazyness, and the silverscrapes against GenG is phenomenal. That's why i love FlyQuest from now on im your fan now LOL
such a quality team. I think I'm forever a FLY fan just because of this roster.
You guys took GEN to a game 5. Would I have loved to see the boys in semis? Yes. Am I still really proud of them? Even more so.
Whole team to Nukeduck: "... Did you win the fistbump?"
bwipo’s reaction to him flipping peyz into space was so funny
Thank you so much guys , I was at the adidas arena and I had a blast
Inspired asks Quad if Chovy can trist jump out of shockwave - Quad says "Yeah. For sure." It's like... yes, inspired, CHOVY knows how to buffer trist jump lol
Bwipo's reaction at 4:30 lmaoo
I am so proud of you FLY. You guys made us all believe and completely made the Quarterfinals such an entertainment at peak levels. Although you didn't achieve pass Quarterfinals, it's still a huge accomplishment upon yourselves. Looking forward to seeing what you guys are cooking up next year. Get some rests and prepare yourselves for more bangers.
its soo good having a na team to root for
I thought you guys had no chance against GenG but damn, you had such cool draft ideas and fought back so well that even though I like GenG (and especially Canyon) I was kind of rooting for you to win. Definitely making up for all the times Huni looked like an idiot betting on you guys succeeding.
Undoubtedly the best Western team at the worlds in 2024
that was fun to watch!
bwipo man
always take the blame, (some its his fault, some didn't) always commenting how good others is,
just having bwipo in team is nice
love this team
lmao the Kled i did not expect that but you guys are so unique ❤❤❤
Such an insanely fun series to watch vs gen g. Love how nontoxic the comms are, lol. NA will make finals next year, surely……
They made us believe
You guys rock! Hope to see the squad together next year!
having someone like bwipo in your team is necessary man
It was so fun to watch this team fight! So excited for next year!
"Darth Bwipo laugh"
So proud of these boys. Really cool to be able to hear the comms.
u guys made us believe hard!
5:16 Inspired Verstappen
Mad respect to flyquest for even keeping in the low moments such as the ending to game 1 vs HLE, so proud of you guys can’t wait for what the future has in store
you guys did the great job , really love your BP give us so many surprises!
Que buen equipo, no me arrepiento de apoyarlos🤟
Love this team!!!
They made me believe. 🥺💚
You gained a fan but i guess you already know that lol
I'm excited for this team next year! Go FlyQuest!
5:10 Doran LUL
14:06 when i enter a guma fan competition but my opponent is massu
i mean holy shit good work guys that entry to quaters was dodgy but holy shit the quaters themselves were goregous
After that HLE series I really wanted them to play g2. Easy 2-0
Keep this roster please
FlyQuest will be Worlds Champions 2025 let's go!
wow did anyone else catch this
Bwipo: I dont think you should fight this
Massu: its not that bad
Bwipo: it looks giga fkd run
You exposed Gen G and T1 won.
Now my dreams of having a second $500 Faker skin are almost a reality. Thanks for your sacrifice, Flyquest.
At the end of spring I was a hater. At the end of the year I am a fan.
bwipo and busio every loss: my bad
Bwipo is so clearly essential in shot calling and teamfighting. It mirrors his out of game personality. Replace him at your peril, because glue guys matter.
hello flyquest i love you
Lol my client is in Vietnamese
Bwipper gaming
What I learned from these Flyquest voice coms is that it’s always bwipos fault 😂😂😂
Nunu angle 😂
😂😂😂😂😂😂 first time i heard that sh*t but it works
비둘기 비둘기
maybe put the first half of the title in quotes to make it clear, as a title without that context it comes off as a lil off imo
first ! GJ FLY
NA goats
maybe swap ori renek, even if they follow then kass has longer lane top
lol comoare this to geng voice comms
EU PRODUCTION KEKW , they can't even send a decent footage
for the editors note: i notice a lot of times in these voice comm videos that the player voice and video are much further ahead of the play on screen. How does this work? why is the game footage so delayed, and is this not something that can be changed in post?
Quad should speak more loudly and with more confidence
I feel like his teammates don't really care of most of his calls
Darth Bwipo
IMPROVE the coms . only key words .
I agree with Quad @ 7:25, APA is hot garbage, he should have a relaxing lane :)
bwipo's bad attitude only makes things worse.
aw don’t be scared , show us the comms of their turret dives on kassadin
"im going in. oop. not enough." inspired
"my bad." quad
"all good, just unlucky" inspired
own that fraud @@FlyQuestLoL
Really fun team. I'm a fan now 🫶
why in the losing games you give us the comms we don’t need 🥱 let’s hear their comm process during the misplays too bruh
Hater energy
Bro is miserable lmao
@@nik_ms nah i’m just interested in the comms that actually matter lmao
You are such a miserable disgusting loser