For the people who don't understand Chinese, here is the translation of the video, the title of this video means "Unknown fortune for Najib to have his luxurious life. " 0:00 ~ 0:20 : Saying that Wall Street Journal had revealed the scandal of Najib and so with comparison, MalaysiaKini found out that there was some coincidence to Najib family money spending. 0:20 ~0:44 : Roughly saying that Najib went for vacation in Europe Southern after finished working in Netherland and his son posted the photo to the instagram dated on 2014/ 8/ 7. and this was so matched with the news of Najib spending money in luxury about milion reported by WSJ. 0:45~1:30: After playing golf with Obama, due to the flooding problem occured, so Najib shorthend his journey to U.S and came back to Malaysia with 9MMA flight. But the flight did not directly fly back Malaysia instead of going to L.A, New York, London , Dubai, Mangkok and K.L. 1:31~1:48 : Rosma denied the claim of travelling using government money but her son, Azman posted a photo in Insta about he was so glab to be in L.A. 1:49 ~ 2:08 : Saying Najib son celebrating his engage wedding by using RM400,000. 2:09~ 2:19 : Najib then using USD52000 to buy luxuries car reported by WSJ. 2:20 ~2:44 : Saying Najib has been reported by media about his unknown fortune.
Why the Court need to take so many years to give this Bossku guilty judgements. Waste of taxpayers' money. Clear cut evidences his salary totally do not match his spending spree. 👎👎👎
Keluarga Najib memahami kehidupan yang tinggi, , pi sana sini .. beli kapal terbang peribadi .. duit rakyat, pi melancong , duit rakyat, beli belah jenama canel , Lv . mcm mcm lagi lah. .. hebat tu, duit rakyat.. jumpa obama pun main golf .. duit rakyat juga.... kapal terbang peribadi kena servis ,minyak lah apa lah makan berjuta - juta rm , duit rakyat juga.. Bila kita bersuara , tak boleh , kena tahan , duk diam diam sudah lah. yang perlu banyar GST (GEE .SUKA TU) , cukai tu lah , saman ni lah.. mcm mcm , nak belanja RM50 mcm belanja RM 5 jee. sehari.. itu yang di katakan mersa rakyat, so 1 malaysia rakyat didahulukan pencapaian diutamakan, rasanya kena tukar tak kena tu 1 malaysia rakyat GST, family Najib DIutamakan.,.. oh ya Film Wolf of Wall Street . katanya hasil sumbangan duit rakyat... betul ka???
+syafiq petak For the people who don't understand Chinese, here is the translation of the video, the title of this video means "Unknown fortune for Najib to have his luxurious life. " 0:00 ~ 0:20 : Saying that Wall Street Journal had revealed the scandal of Najib and so with comparison, MalaysiaKini found out that there was some coincidence to Najib family money spending. 0:20 ~0:44 : Roughly saying that Najib went for vacation in Europe Southern after finished working in Netherland and his son posted the photo to the instagram dated on 2014/ 8/ 7. and this was so matched with the news of Najib spending money in luxury about milion reported by WSJ. 0:45~1:30: After playing golf with Obama, due to the flooding problem occured, so Najib shorthend his journey to U.S and came back to Malaysia with 9MMA flight. But the flight did not directly fly back Malaysia instead of going to L.A, New York, London , Dubai, Mangkok and K.L. 1:31~1:48 : Rosma denied the claim of travelling using government money but her son, Azman posted a photo in Insta about he was so glab to be in L.A. 1:49 ~ 2:08 : Saying Najib son celebrating his engage wedding by using RM400,000. 2:09~ 2:19 : Najib then using USD52000 to buy luxuries car reported by WSJ. 2:20 ~2:44 : Saying Najib has been reported by media about his unknown fortune.
let who to be PM not lst choir. Who is god father of Nasjib...Mahati.. Alternatively..Nasjib learn from Who?? this is a cultural dnt blame each others. Must put a good seed to the ground.therefore everything will be change
Oooo mcm 2 cita nya....faham2,Wartawan:Makcik pak mat tempeh pempempempom kebabom!..telangar motorcar!...Makcik:ooo pakmat ko memang mcm 2 slalu blik lwt tagih hutang...wartawan:eeeeee!!...en sound dia rosak!...makcik pakmat tempeh pimpimpumpampam kemalANGAN!!!!!...makcik:hhaaa...😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
For the people who don't understand Chinese, here is the translation of the video, the title of this video means "Unknown fortune for Najib to have his luxurious life. "
0:00 ~ 0:20 : Saying that Wall Street Journal had revealed the scandal of Najib and so with comparison, MalaysiaKini found out that there was some coincidence to Najib family money spending.
0:20 ~0:44 : Roughly saying that Najib went for vacation in Europe Southern after finished working in Netherland and his son posted the photo to the instagram dated on 2014/ 8/ 7. and this was so matched with the news of Najib spending money in luxury about milion reported by WSJ.
0:45~1:30: After playing golf with Obama, due to the flooding problem occured, so Najib shorthend his journey to U.S and came back to Malaysia with 9MMA flight. But the flight did not directly fly back Malaysia instead of going to L.A, New York, London , Dubai, Mangkok and K.L.
1:31~1:48 : Rosma denied the claim of travelling using government money but her son, Azman posted a photo in Insta about he was so glab to be in L.A.
1:49 ~ 2:08 : Saying Najib son celebrating his engage wedding by using RM400,000.
2:09~ 2:19 : Najib then using USD52000 to buy luxuries car reported by WSJ.
2:20 ~2:44 : Saying Najib has been reported by media about his unknown fortune.
Melvyn Tie damn u rlly took the time
Kwai Heng Wong 1
The background music is super duper loud! Very lousy post production.
好難看 掌權者多少會貪一點 但吃這麼多 這麼難看 還被美國司法單位指名的大概就只有納吉了
I strongly suggest KiniTV to make such kind of videos in BM or English so that more Malaysians can know the truth.
Jingzu Yee
已经是 公开的 秘密
At least have subtitles. Thanks
Jingzu Yee
subtitle would help
where? i dint saw
勇敢的马国人民政党轮替改朝换代是值得世人尊敬的, 独裁的国会, 一党长久没有竞争的专政, 人民是没有幸福保险与保障的, 民主国家如果领导自家成员原续越过两任会就会形成独裁政治体系之国, 人民无知生活过的好是因为有竞争者, 竞争是健康的, 只有政党轮替改朝换代以防独裁腐败长时间霸权, 霸财, 才能真正改变的更好, 旧换新的好处更多, 只有旧换新的才能够证明旧的清白, 旧的无能, 新的改革生活更好, 国家财富从新洗牌, 从新公平, 平等划分, 平民少付, 生活费低, 减少压力, 日子好过, 旧的不去, 新的不来, 旧的出错新的弥补, 旧的无能新的改变, 旧的贪污新的逮捕, 是人之路从小到大, 从无到有, 改变思为创新创造更好的生活, 无知的要自主需要培养竞争者, 创造竞争平衡政权代表人民的重要意义,今天的世界, 王朝的国家立宪改为民主(国会代表人民)独裁如果霸权太久就会养成贪才精英和一大群蛇狼狗, 最后被人民推倒,而却有少数国家的独裁政府以假民主想改变为王朝(以国会独大代表皇权), 独裁的国会为了维护皇亲国戚自家亲信, 保留老弱, 虚弱, 强霸和强大的王朝亲信的美好利益, 利用政权, 打压陷害反对党, 以外国不能干涉内政, 国情不同为耳以假新闻打压网络自由评论, 民主无国畀, 网络无国畀, 是自由给世人发表不同想法的评台不能打压, 打压自由评论, 是屠杀人类大脑, 打压自由评论是谋杀世人的智慧, 示威游行是民主, 打压是独裁霸道, 用国库高利益聘请自家亲信贪才傀儡精英, 而在国会, 没有真正代表人民权利的反对党之下, 一手遮天, 为所欲为, 独裁者是不会有爱民和公平与平等的, 独裁者变相变卖金国土, 产业, 等等以搞经济, 高储备金或赤字为耳要人民付出代价而受苦受难, 皇亲们却高高的收入享受富贵, 传宗接代的享受人生, 却以不择手段, 向人民征税再加税, 合法的要人民的钱, 赚人民的钱, 等等.而等人民给到穷光蛋, 而一无所有时, 或大选来临时, 会利用人民给的国库钱和国家储备或赤字来买自己的单, 以各种末来的好处, 甜言蜜语和末来的危机恐吓选民, 陷害和人身攻击反对党, 只有他们是天神, 蛇狼狗能, 以集选区为目地, 是要让老弱独裁, 后代和傀儡独霸国会的, 送钱送礼给贫民引诱养成人民贪恋的心态, 利用愚蠢, 卑鄙, 畜生, 小杂种, 贪利益毒汉奸不道德的陷害人民, 害人害己, 这是很不道德的陷害人民与国家社会, 独裁者, 你们是人吗? 良心公义何在, 难道做人一生只为了金钱和利益权威吗? 人类有爱, 你有吗?
Peter Chan 胖也没有用,吃不了诶,我们肚子饿
Jacknie Sherly 没听说过河马食量很多吗哈哈哈哈😆
Mint薄荷 现在的河马哪有心情吃饭了瘦了许多看着都可怜
今天,我们做到啦。大马人民的努力,创造了历史。 [比心]
1mdb 的錢真好用,游世界,买珠宝,二个上泝之后,会不会游进牢,永世长居,丁丁怎么了解 ?
祝愿天下摆脱 五盖“远离贪嗔痴慢疑。😑
大马是个很有钱的国家 ,钱永远花不完,没有一个国家比得上,敢花钱 ! 花了才会有更多 ,全世界好好学习吧 。
how come rosmah can buy so many diamonds and rings
Hang cc her husband Najib is a King of corruption, that's why she can buy whatever she want to
一但成名天下知, 马来西亚将大贪官那只名留在马的历史教科书,留芳下一代好榜样,也让马来族一亮, 贪的下场不可为。。。。。。晚年如此令人叹息。
This guy ' have a lot of Money ! 💰 he said Cash is King 🤴 😳
美国 !! xD (有钱才讲
+Agar. StrawBerry (Berry) 爱一个人
泰国军政统治 没几年就来个政变 國家根本没发展
Many fools still think that this guy is innocent!
yup they are the truly real fool
the very reason they can never progress
啊哟这些钱是人家从出生开始存的零用钱 那么多零用钱我也想要
听说这个平台因为播了首相不好的一面而收到来自政府的warning letter
ling lee 不用紧,他下台了
支持国阵BN =保护Mo1
Why the Court need to take so many years to give this Bossku guilty judgements. Waste of taxpayers' money. Clear cut evidences his salary totally do not match his spending spree. 👎👎👎
Clear cut corruption. He was former PM and Finance Minister. He controlled all Malaysia money. Take so many years to sentence him. 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
馬来西亚可以是个多元文化美好家园,,被 飞禽走兽弄到 乌烟瘴气
5月9号后又看到了这个视频的点我! 大快人心!
Keluarga Najib memahami kehidupan yang tinggi, , pi sana sini .. beli kapal terbang peribadi .. duit rakyat, pi melancong , duit rakyat, beli belah jenama canel , Lv . mcm mcm lagi lah. .. hebat tu, duit rakyat.. jumpa obama pun main golf .. duit rakyat juga.... kapal terbang peribadi kena servis ,minyak lah apa lah makan berjuta - juta rm , duit rakyat juga.. Bila kita bersuara , tak boleh , kena tahan , duk diam diam sudah lah. yang perlu banyar GST
(GEE .SUKA TU) , cukai tu lah , saman ni lah.. mcm mcm , nak belanja RM50 mcm belanja RM 5 jee. sehari.. itu yang di katakan mersa rakyat, so
1 malaysia rakyat didahulukan pencapaian diutamakan, rasanya kena tukar tak kena tu
1 malaysia rakyat GST, family Najib DIutamakan.,.. oh ya Film Wolf of Wall Street . katanya hasil sumbangan duit rakyat... betul ka???
+Nizam Zamani , jangan susah hati kita kan ada BRIMMmmmm... (mcm bunyi mcm KAMBING HITAM rasanya..)
+Nizam Zamani sedih weyhhh, sedih sangat
kepalaknya koretsi rakjatnya susah.
rakyat sangat kesian😢😢
Jho Low's mom is Thailand. Seek and ask her where's her son!
Jlow learn mu thai in thailand...
can provide a subtitle? please
+syafiq petak For the people who don't understand Chinese, here is the translation of the video, the title of this video means "Unknown fortune for Najib to have his luxurious life. "
0:00 ~ 0:20 : Saying that Wall Street Journal had revealed the scandal of Najib and so with comparison, MalaysiaKini found out that there was some coincidence to Najib family money spending.
0:20 ~0:44 : Roughly saying that Najib went for vacation in Europe Southern after finished working in Netherland and his son posted the photo to the instagram dated on 2014/ 8/ 7. and this was so matched with the news of Najib spending money in luxury about milion reported by WSJ.
0:45~1:30: After playing golf with Obama, due to the flooding problem occured, so Najib shorthend his journey to U.S and came back to Malaysia with 9MMA flight. But the flight did not directly fly back Malaysia instead of going to L.A, New York, London , Dubai, Mangkok and K.L.
1:31~1:48 : Rosma denied the claim of travelling using government money but her son, Azman posted a photo in Insta about he was so glab to be in L.A.
1:49 ~ 2:08 : Saying Najib son celebrating his engage wedding by using RM400,000.
2:09~ 2:19 : Najib then using USD52000 to buy luxuries car reported by WSJ.
2:20 ~2:44 : Saying Najib has been reported by media about his unknown fortune.
+Melvyn Tie thank you
秋天 QiuTian 来杀啊鸡哥哈哈:-D
let who to be PM not lst choir. Who is god father of Nasjib...Mahati..
Alternatively..Nasjib learn from Who??
this is a cultural dnt blame each others.
Must put a good seed to
the ground.therefore everything will be change
丢脸丢到外国 你不丢脸 我们马来西亚人民都觉得丢脸 现在终于被踢下来了
Liew Mah Thiam
问najib mh 370 去了哪里
we did it!
用我们人民的钱 来干这种事
Haha644 Haha6473 ĺ
TMD 都怪你修仙修不到傢 仙家爛功力只能5成 只能預測未來 需要多多努力練到12重功力!😄
没事反正现在他倒台了 哈哈!
Yan l dont like shoppings in malaysia oversea no gst ...
他说他是清白的 口袋的钱是哪里来的 , 当人是白痴
Nainee Ling 他应该说口袋钱是人家烧给他的才有那么多。
Shopping lovers dont like malaysia product...
Next time sila adakan alihbahasa dlm BM
That reaaaally true AND its ALSO MAKE ME feel like i dont stay in MY OOOWN COUNTRY which was MALAYSIA
Altantuya !!! MURDER !! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
杰夫飞翔の梦 嘻嘻。。。可爱
程杰夫 整个政府组织连警察也是他的人是要怎么采取行动
509 ! 換政府!
夢乃あいか 傻嗨😁我可以为了他,学叶问(我要打一百个)😄
Oooo mcm 2 cita nya....faham2,Wartawan:Makcik pak mat tempeh pempempempom kebabom!..telangar motorcar!...Makcik:ooo pakmat ko memang mcm 2 slalu blik lwt tagih hutang...wartawan:eeeeee!!...en sound dia rosak!...makcik pakmat tempeh pimpimpumpampam kemalANGAN!!!!!...makcik:hhaaa...😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
明目张胆的贪, 我佩服得五体投地!!! 胆子够大, 马来西亚人民也无可奈何!!! 他也有家人啊, 这是他的软肋!!!
呵呵 难不成你还要他继续掌握人民的钱
Duit curi senang2an?
van nei horgh 谁说我们马来西亚人心态不正常,不懂马来西亚现在的状况,就别在这里找存在感。
那麼請你解說員馬來西亞現狀包括州際政局, 比如說經濟人文薈萃治安教育進出口航業連鏈條只見的銜結各個領域的狀態。沒有人在找什麼存在感, 也需要你解釋一下。
+van nei horgh 别把我们马来西亚华人扯进去
just feel rakyat's life getting difficult :-( can't take it :-(