The Name of the Messiah Shiloh and it’s secret meaning revealed.

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024

Комментарии • 64

  • @TorahLight
    @TorahLight  Год назад +12

    Shiloh means SENT if you reverse the Hebrew of Shiloh it means THE LION. Together it forms, The Lord has SENT THE LION.

  • @shylocounts2132
    @shylocounts2132 6 месяцев назад +5

    His gift
    The bearer of light

  • @torahcodesofthehouseofdavi3607
    @torahcodesofthehouseofdavi3607 Год назад +1

    Wow... Bravo👏👏👏👏 right on target 🎯! Excellent! HaShem, blessed be his holy name gave the Mashiach his names even before there was time, space or the cosmos, the Mashiach preexisted, you can say he is from passed worlds with HaShem his creator, and the Messiah his servant. If you go to the Bible Code, you will see who the Lion of Judah is. Great video. Chag Sukkot Sameach! #HouseofDavid #CasadeDavid #SonofJesse #Shiloh_ZemahbenYishai #Sammy

    • @iamjames8403
      @iamjames8403 Год назад +1

      Anytime I hear the name Moshiach my mind immediately says the Moshiach of time and space.

  • @iamjames8403
    @iamjames8403 Год назад

    @Torah Light Do you still have access to your older videos?

  • @WokeDivineSeer
    @WokeDivineSeer Год назад +3

    Moses was also SENT ❤

    • @TorahLight
      @TorahLight  Год назад

      Thank you for pointing that out.

  • @TorahLight
    @TorahLight  Год назад +4

    The lion with the staff between his legs pointing forward is the symbol of Shiloh that I dreamt, it’s a Lion being Sent aka the staff pointing forward. The seal is the hieroglyph of Shiloh. The lion being sent.

    • @ChigozieJohnpaul
      @ChigozieJohnpaul Год назад

      Wonderful please what will Elijah do to prove he is Elijah according to Jewish traditiona

    • @TorahLight
      @TorahLight  Год назад +2

      @@ChigozieJohnpaul He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their sons. Meaning he will restore the families of Israel. Family restoration. Which in modern times would be a wonder….

    • @ChigozieJohnpaul
      @ChigozieJohnpaul Год назад

      @@TorahLight how is it by performing miracles

    • @TorahLight
      @TorahLight  Год назад

      @@ChigozieJohnpaul Do you have kids? It will take a miracle to turn the hearts of the sons to their fathers. Jesus said he came to destroy families, but Elijah will restore them.

    • @ChigozieJohnpaul
      @ChigozieJohnpaul Год назад

      @@TorahLight yeah but many Jewish rabbis I have seen in interment say Elijah will do (taku)that is solve mysteries too difficult for them to solve until now so I want to know do you think Elijah will solve the mystery(controversy) of Trinity and prove Christians wrong will he be able to do that what do you think

  • @jerryhogeweide5288
    @jerryhogeweide5288 10 месяцев назад +1

    Only problem is the verse says the scepter departs when Shiloh comes. So he’s not from Judah. For god to fulfill his promise to David then this has to be one of his heirs but through a daughter. Maybe all nations come to him because he’s a gentile but David’s line still continues. Shiloh can’t be from the tribe of Judah and hold the scepter too.

  • @RachelSonz-mp9xe
    @RachelSonz-mp9xe 6 месяцев назад +2

    Shiloh=The Righteous Branch=The One That Collects The Penny. Study the scriptures about the penny in the New Testament. Revelation 6:6. The voice in the midst of the 4 beast collects the PENNY.

  • @GodsElph
    @GodsElph 3 месяца назад

    Hello friend. If i may offer some wisdom in reference to Zion, it refers to a hypothetical point at the peak of any wave of force, pressure, or urge that indicates the highest value of its strength. Its point rest at 120°, which is both the height of the trine ( or delta 🔺️) and the perfect arc for direct force to pass through a vortex despite heat resistance.

    • @GodsElph
      @GodsElph 3 месяца назад

      Its secret lies in carbon's emulation of the sun's force when dormant matter is enhanced with purified noble metals.

  • @gilgalbiblewheel6313
    @gilgalbiblewheel6313 3 месяца назад

    Apostle means sent as Shiloh:
    [Hebrews 3:1 KJV]
    Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

  • @meliholmes
    @meliholmes Год назад

    I Looked up how many times Shiloh is mentioned in the Torah and it says 33 and then it led me to the Scripture about Devorah it was first about the palm and then to the weeping oak ...
    But I have a question what does the palm have to do with Sunday?
    Have you heard of Palm sunday??

    • @TorahLight
      @TorahLight  Год назад +2

      I’m not certain. But, let’s speculate that Palm Sunday for the Christian’s means Palm trees. That would mean they’re connecting Hoshana Raba that is in Sukkot with Passover. When the women waved palm branches at Jesus and cried out Hoshana! Well that wouldn’t have happened during Passover. It would only occur during Sukkot. It’s a corruption of the feasts, but the writers of the Christian gospels were focused on gentiles and they wouldn’t know the difference. So it may be that Palm Sunday is alluding to the Palms that were waved at Jesus during Passover. Of course that didn’t happen.

    • @WokeDivineSeer
      @WokeDivineSeer Год назад +1

      The waving of the palms happens in Sukkot. The Salvation Feast.

    • @meliholmes
      @meliholmes Год назад

      @@TorahLight Yes I see How the New testament corrupted things and copied off the old stories and turned them around Just like Hanukkah it's about connection to hashem and seeing the inner light within.
      Yet the Christians who knew nothing about the true anointing that has to do with really understanding the sephirot or the tree of life ....
      They took that and put it into another fable and they have christ mass trees
      And buy each other presents yet the true present isn't about outward gifts its about the connection to hashem and seeing the light within and no wonder why their Christmas tree is the brightest at the top that's symbolic of the anointing we see inside us within our keters ...
      To be a Christian means to be a follower of christ and christ means annointed so they haven't been annointed if they haven't seen the light within does that make them the Anti Christ (Anti Annointed)??
      My goodness I think so 🤷‍♀️

    • @meliholmes
      @meliholmes Год назад

      @@TorahLight we should keep proving how they copied off the stories of old and changing things around and instead of people focusing inward and their connection to Hashem what Christianity did was take people outside themselves looking and waiting for someone else to save them.
      It's sad because only hashem can save us and what God annionts NO MANS HANDS CAN Touch because it's inside us all to connect to God.

    • @TorahLight
      @TorahLight  Год назад

      @@meliholmes Christianity is a faith based religion. They don’t need proof of anything, not even if Jesus is the messiah. It’s very unique. It’s not a physical religion, it’s whatever they belief to be true.

  • @12TRIBES144
    @12TRIBES144 Год назад


  • @altonbrice1632
    @altonbrice1632 Год назад

    Very good video. Now what Tribe of the 12 is SHILOH from.

    • @TorahLight
      @TorahLight  Год назад

      He will come from the line of David, Judah. As David was a prophet so will Shiloh also be a prophet.

    • @altonbrice1632
      @altonbrice1632 Год назад

      @@TorahLight Well this is where a Problem rises. For over 40 years I asked and looked and read and no where in the Torah does it say that the Messiah will come from the Tribe of JUDAH. What I see here is you like many others make the assumption that because it saids in Jeremiah Chapter 23 for example that God Will Raise Unto DAVID A Righteous Branch you automatically assume its speaking about King David the Man God used to Kill Goliath. So any other idea before I continue.

    • @TorahLight
      @TorahLight  Год назад +1

      @@altonbrice1632 The concept of an eternal covenant between God and David is most prominently described in 2 Samuel 7:12-16. Here is the relevant passage:
      "When your days are over and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, your own flesh and blood, and I will establish his kingdom. He is the one who will build a house for my Name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be his father, and he will be my son. When he does wrong, I will punish him with a rod wielded by men, with floggings inflicted by human hands. But my love will never be taken away from him, as I took it away from Saul, whom I removed from before you. Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever."
      This passage is often referred to as the Davidic Covenant. It promises that the lineage of David will last forever and that his kingdom will be eternal.
      The covenant with David and his seed is eternal. The messiah has to come from his line.

    • @TorahLight
      @TorahLight  Год назад

      @@altonbrice1632 “I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant, ‘Your seed will I establish forever, and build up your throne to all generations.’”

    • @altonbrice1632
      @altonbrice1632 Год назад

      @@TorahLight Yes you are right when speaking what God said to A DAVID but he never saids such a thing to the Tribe of JUDAH which King David was of. So why the confusion. Look I'm agreeing with you regarding David but my Point is no one can prove its referring to King David Himself who was of the Tribe of Judah. The Messiah has to come from 1 of the 12 Tribes and no one will be able to find that the Torah saids he will come from the Tribe of JUDAH. Never. So why is that.

  • @michaelbendahwid8436
    @michaelbendahwid8436 Год назад +1

    The deeper meaning is the fact that he’s going to be a solar diety and not lunar. The lion is symbolic of the Sun. So yes he will be a lord and a king. Solar dieties are more powerful than lunar ones.

    • @TorahLight
      @TorahLight  Год назад

      He will definitely be the light of Israel.

  • @MBD_MLO
    @MBD_MLO 5 месяцев назад

    The lords not gonna let just anyone figure out the name of the person till he reveals him. That would put him in danger if it was known. But you bet it’s gonna be one of those “are you kidding me why didn’t I think of that it’s so obvious”. There’s only one name that fits the role. This names meaning says it all…. I’ll leave you with that hint. So if the lord wants you to have it then he will lead you to the name. An remember. It’s not gonna be a crazy wild Hebrew name no one can read or say easy. It’s gonna be a very regular name like Peter or Paul. But there’s one name with a powerful meaning. It’s the only name like it.

  • @arenaren3077
    @arenaren3077 5 месяцев назад

    shiloh means messiah or anointed one.

  • @JessicaGallant-tp3jt
    @JessicaGallant-tp3jt 4 месяца назад

    Is Shiloh the real name of Jesus?

  • @socioprophet
    @socioprophet Год назад

    The Bright Star Hillel is your Messiah.

  • @JamesPetrycia-zj7yq
    @JamesPetrycia-zj7yq 5 месяцев назад

    First sevan Names in the Holy Bible (Gen.)

  • @ryanplaster8621
    @ryanplaster8621 Год назад

    Is it possible it’s using Shiloh for the Ark of Covenant?
    That’s where it was originally housed til David took it to Jerusalem. We know the Ark was taken from us til the end of days where it will rise the throne of Yah to judge.
    Maybe it’s being used as a way to hide what’s really being said.

    • @TorahLight
      @TorahLight  Год назад

      Sorry, I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.

    • @altonbrice1632
      @altonbrice1632 Год назад

      You're right before King David took the Ark of The Covenant Box From SHILOH and brought it to Jerusalem The Ark spent almost 400 years years in the Territory of the Tribe of Ephraim. Which is why they named the Place SHILOH which means The Place Of His Rest as in God's rest because God rested there for almost 400 years. Something God never did anywhere else before or after. But speaking of the Ark Of The Covenant this is what the Messiah is The New Ark of God's Covenant with Humanity. Why because the Old Ark was made of Wood a dead thing and God is the God of the Living not of the Dead. So the New Ark is the Messiah just as Isaiah Chapter 61 saids that The Spirit of God will rest on the Messiah and not leave.

  • @lauriecct
    @lauriecct Год назад +4

    Do you desire that all should be invited to Salvation?
    Or just the Jewish people?
    In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
    - Jesus Christ at the Feast of Tabernacles.
    Watch for Him in the clouds in that last and great day.
    Many are called but few are chosen.
    First shall be last and the last shall be first.

    • @WokeDivineSeer
      @WokeDivineSeer Год назад

      The concept of salvation for a few people is a Christian belief. Israel was chosen to be the priests to the world. They teach and shed light unto the world so that the world may be blessed. They are called to have direct access to Hashems wisdom. Have you read the torah and the tanakh? It's all there.

  • @Yeshua690Gematria
    @Yeshua690Gematria 19 дней назад

    Shiloh means messiah

  • @Mashiach2025
    @Mashiach2025 Год назад +1

    He is a Noahide

  • @supermiki2
    @supermiki2 Год назад +1

    מה מפריע לך בנביא האחרון?

  • @JamesHayden-q9h
    @JamesHayden-q9h 5 месяцев назад

    Only christians and messianics who believe the messiah to be God are the ones who put much emphasis on the name of a messiah. Torah puts the emphasis on the name YHWH as God and the only God who exists.

    • @TorahLight
      @TorahLight  5 месяцев назад

      Isaiah 9:6 and many others. Are you new?

    • @JamesHayden-q9h
      @JamesHayden-q9h 5 месяцев назад

      @@TorahLight You should read Isaiah ch 9 in context and you will see that someone has been named and already existed in the past.

    • @TorahLight
      @TorahLight  5 месяцев назад

      @@JamesHayden-q9h His Kingdom is eternal, and will not end. He will be called the Prince of peace. This is a Torah channel, meaning, I know the Torah and tanakh, spread your ignorance elsewhere. There has never been such a figure in all of the history of Israel until this day.

    • @JamesHayden-q9h
      @JamesHayden-q9h 5 месяцев назад

      @@TorahLight You should take a hard look around you and see that no messiah has come but he will be revealed in due time. In the mean time you should focus on the only name that has been revealed to us, YHWH.

    • @TorahLight
      @TorahLight  5 месяцев назад

      @@JamesHayden-q9h and the names in Isaiah 9:6 and others