Quick Practice For Better Balance 15 mins

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 44

  • @Hectooth
    @Hectooth Год назад +1

    Thank-you Katja. Thank-you for bothering to care. 💟🌺🌼

  • @evertfriberg3388
    @evertfriberg3388 Год назад +2

    Fabulous work Katja! So very motivative for 55+ aged people

    @ΓΕΩΡΓΙΑΚΑΛΑΝΤΖΗ Год назад +1

    Thanks Katja you are great teacher!!

  • @danamorgan5538
    @danamorgan5538 Год назад +3

    Love this and all of your videos. You have a lovely and calm presence that challenges and reassures . Please more one hour videos if you have the time.

    • @PilatesYogawithKatja
      @PilatesYogawithKatja  Год назад

      Thank you for your positive feedback, Dana. I appreciate it. Pls check out my video platform where you can find more full length classes: www.pilatesyogawithkatja.com
      I’d be delighted to have you there. 🙏😊🙏

  • @justlikem12
    @justlikem12 Год назад +1


  • @patlawrence8026
    @patlawrence8026 Год назад

    Thank you for this balance class, we enjoy all your classes, very good instructions. From Pat and Pete in West sussex

  • @agnjed17
    @agnjed17 Год назад

    Great work, thank you ❤

  • @Anahata.rainbow
    @Anahata.rainbow 3 месяца назад

    Really helpful to build up confidence after surgery x❤

  • @2008ana
    @2008ana Год назад

    Thanks Katja!

  • @danaturner483
    @danaturner483 Год назад

    I love Katja's videos. Challenging but with a focus and helps to condition my body so much.

  • @teresabtc5022
    @teresabtc5022 Год назад

    Great video to exercise my right feet who need some balance. Thank you for another excellent workout Katia ❤

  • @davidmurphy1527
    @davidmurphy1527 Год назад

    This was a nice class to do as a warm up to another of your classes from the 24 you did before last Christmas. Both were very enjoyable thank you. You will be pleased to hear that Jan does your classes next to the TV not the other side of the room Ha ha.

  • @Mkr7942
    @Mkr7942 3 месяца назад

    Thanks you so much for these videos.

  • @michelekobayashi890
    @michelekobayashi890 Год назад +1

    thank you for today's class! at 61 I have been practicing balance exercises for 1 1\2 years & this was still challenging! Michele in Yokohama japan💖🤎💜💙💛❤🧡

  • @magentamagenta1274
    @magentamagenta1274 Год назад

    🙏 I practice balance exercises everyday, I’m adding in standing on one leg for ten seconds each side with my eyes closed :) it’s challenging.

  • @robinnagi1974
    @robinnagi1974 Год назад

    Thanks Katja. Another useful ‘quickie’ session, useful if you don’t have a lot of time.

  • @gerrymcentagart164
    @gerrymcentagart164 Год назад

    thanks for posting Katja

  • @barbaramathias5760
    @barbaramathias5760 Год назад

    Thank you again Katja, always enjoy every class, shall redo this one again and again. Thank you. B

  • @jacquiflint8435
    @jacquiflint8435 Год назад

    This was great Katja, I did it twice with a much improved balance the second time. Thank you so much.

  • @natalieanderson8969
    @natalieanderson8969 10 месяцев назад

    Great workout ❤this one 🎉😊Thank you

  • @alicealex9076
    @alicealex9076 Год назад

    Thank you so much again Katja- so useful, harmonious and perfectly- instructed as always ! I feel joy after doing this with you - Best regards - Alice from Greece

  • @ceciliaboldrini5134
    @ceciliaboldrini5134 Год назад

    Dear katja thank you very much for this new lesson and for your wonderful way to explain everything. This is one of my favorite lessons and today l will be solicitude, to dedicate myself to this class.GOD BLESS YOU, YOUR FAMILY, CHILDREN AND PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD. Cecilia

    • @PilatesYogawithKatja
      @PilatesYogawithKatja  Год назад

      As always, thanks so much for being here with me, Cecilia! Hope you are well. 🙏😊🙏

  • @kellypantaleoni5166
    @kellypantaleoni5166 Год назад

    Balance work is so essential!
    Thank you ❤

    • @PilatesYogawithKatja
      @PilatesYogawithKatja  Год назад +1

      Absolutely, agree with you, Kelly! Hope you are well. 🙏😊🙏

  • @helenwoodley1329
    @helenwoodley1329 6 дней назад

    I feel quite strong and flexible for a 50 year old, but this routine lets me know that my balance is shocking!

  • @lesleycorner7447
    @lesleycorner7447 Год назад

    Excellent 😊

  • @dailypilates1646
    @dailypilates1646 Год назад


  • @alanjmasters
    @alanjmasters Год назад

    Nice practice