Yeah it’s way too loud but just realised it after reading the comments. "Pre-rendering" it was all fine. Don’t know what I did. Guess that’s learning by doing👀🤯
really do enjoy your experiences out there on the road. Stay safe, continue having fun and please, keep sharing all of it!! Blessings and peace to ya.@@giantcheerio
I usally wildcamp just by popping into the forest somewhere, but a few years ago I asked permission from a man working in his garage while cycling through rural Virginia (USA). He looked at me like I had three heads but eventually went inside to ask his wife what she thought. She thankfully said "sure, why not?". I pitched my tent beside their beautiful fishing pond and left early the next morning. I like to think that afterwards they felt good about their act of kindness and a little less afraid of strangers.
I'm 62 and had my first wild camping experience this year in Sweden, which was a perfect start, as it is not forbidden there. I learned a lot about unnecessary concerns during my 6 weeks of bicycle touring, and at the end I just loved it so much! Plan to cycle to Liverpool from Germany next year and I am sure to wildcamp even more then.
while wildcamping, I usually eat before finding a spot, then I find a spot just before dark, my favourite spots are by the road, hidden by a hedge, the cars whizzing by give me a sense of security and quickly lull me to sleep. If I find a spot but I am too early, I just bide my time at some distance from the spot and then go back at dusk. If the area is densely populated I pitch the tent at around 10pm and hope for the best, in these cases I worry about the police giving me a fine, but it has never happened. If bad comes to worst (heavy rain, strong winds) I just go to a sheltered bus stop after dark and sleep there without pitching the tent, in these cases I sleep sitting in a corner resting my head on my knees with my sleeping bag under my seat and my bicycle in front of me.
Thank you so much for talking about this topic! As a solo female cyclist, I really appreciate this, because I am still feeling quite afraid to wildcamp solo. Crazy how that feeling changes while being with others!
extra tip, youtube the nocturnal animal sounds from the area where you gonna stay, it will make it easier at night to know that sounds are from animals and not monsters!
I love your videos and I love bycicletrips!!! I'm doing this for 20 years... next year I'm going live in my tent,sell my house and go in the world!!! Have respect for your surroundings and everything will be ok!!! Greetings from the Netherlands
Ah well, I'm following a Dutch couple who have done Eurasia and who are now in the Sahara desert in Morocco by bike ^^ So inspiring too but the Sahara?! they are crazy!
Thanks for an informative video. Others have said it, but it is worth repeating. Don't set up your tent too soon....wait until at least dusk before setting up, otherwise you will likely be noticed by others. Asking for permission is a good alternative to secretly camping. When I unexpectantly find myself in a town towards the end of the day, I go to the police station and ask them where I can camp....they appreciate knowing you are out there. As for secret places, I find cemeteries a great place for a quiet night of sleep.
Very useful tips! I'm a new camper and hope to do more bike packing. So, your experience is so helpful. Keep posting! You are an amazing strong rider and person. Hugs.
These are great tips, especially the one where you stay in a spot for 15 minutes without doing anything and just observe. Useful hearing from a solo woman’s perspective. Liked and subscribed. Safe touring!
Please may I add the following tips of my own to your excellent video? Identify your camping spot then have your dinner some distance away and only move to your spot and pitch your tent as it is getting dark. Position your bike and panniers so that any reflective tape doesn't catch the headlights of passing vehicles. You will already have removed any reflective tape from your tent. Don't show a light after dark if you can help it. I rate head torches by how dim they can go, not how bright. Back public roads here in South Africa are built on a servitude belonging to the local municipality, but if you cross a fence, then you are probably on private property. Wet used toilet tissue before burying it, don't try to burn it.
I wild camping in the southwest of Portugal with 4 friends and at night I were hearing a very strange sound like someone mumbling and later we understood it was some small concert. One thing that you should thing about is wildfires. In Europe there are a lot. And some can happen at night and go very fast. I would not camp in a dry forest like pine trees.
Thanks for this video. It brings all my own thoughts about this subject together. Right now Im back from a 2000 km bikepacking tour around Germany without a tent. On bad weather conditions I use resting places for hikers, little shelters, bus stops or anything that gives some kind of a roof. Sometimes in the middle of small villages under some surprised looking eyes. I never felt unsafe. The only I would never do is sleeping inside bigger cities. But... to ride 5-6 km outside in a more rural area needs only 15-20 minutes. All the best for you and still countless wonderful moments out there.
I absolutely agree with you on pitch a tent vs all the destruction humans do with nature, and you are on a bicycle! BOOM just in this way, you are kind to nature and travel in a sustainable way. I do the same, my first tent at 10 years old, and I love tents. It is the absolute freedom, and you don't harm anything or anyone . Keep on travelling in your way.
So good to see you looking and sounding so well. Great to see. Hope you will be back on the road again soon and sending us all frequent up dates. Take care and Bon Voyage. Stay safe.. Ken
Thanks, very helpful !! I would just like to add one detail, if you pick a tent, do not choose something with very bright colors, but go for a tent with dark colors, so people do not notice the tent immediately if they are in the area. I still go to campings most of the time, but I have to say it is starting to get expensive. Campings in Switzerland cost €20 minimum per night, and that adds up if you go on a 3 week trip. But for example in France, you sometimes pay €10 per night, that I find reasonable. I wild-camped twice, (because all campings were full) and I must say it was a bit scary. Every sound you hear.. you think there is somebody out there (of course, there never is). Anyways, enjoy your time off the bike.
Thanks for the tips. They are really helpful for I am going to travel to Armenia by bike, starting next summer. And yes, watching you is helping me to stay motivated and keep planning. With these words said, keep traveling safe. Cheers
Hi, I’m looking at biking some of the eurovelo routes taking me through France - Spain - Portugal. I am a bit nervous about wild camping so might start off on camp sites & take it from there. I do have a worry about bike security as well. Do you lock your bike up? I’m seriously thinking about getting a bigger tent that will fit my bike in alongside me. What’s your thoughts with your experience? Well done by the way👍🏼
Even though I don't like using lights when it gets dark as it can give out my position if there are people around (female solo traveler), it is worth checkin' out the grounds... I've pitched my tent in the dark in some ruins in Vietnam... it was full of ents!! lesson lernt!
For the first time, I am getting ready for going on a solo bikepacking tour from Istanbul/Turkiye to Thessaloniki/Greece, so this video was extremely helpful. Big thanks and good luck in my country
Great video! Agree with everything you mentioned. I would like to add: if you find a spot for wildcamping but you don’t feel comfortable after a few minutes, then just leave and go a little further. Otherwise you may not close an eye the whole night, worrying probably for no reason, but still worry… a good night sleep is as important as a good meal.
I went for a short solo bike camping trip with all of my kit in a very old borrowed dog trailer. Every turn of my pedals produced a loud squeak from behind. 200 miles of eee-aaaar every few seconds. That`ll teach me to be a cheapskate. My first night I spent under a picnic table in pouring rain!
I really enjoyed your last video on what and how you pack your bike. I remembered you were looking at putting a pannier rack back on..I would love to see a follow up video of that and how it's packed..all the best cheerio from Australia 👍😊
Came for the wild camping tips and found mesmerising blue/green eyes 😊 Last time I did a long bike trip I used campsites but in places they were few and far between, and while it was nice to have some facilities like toilets and showers, they were also busy and things like bike security were always on my mind (although it was a heavy tourer - maybe that’s why it stayed safe!). Now with a nice gravel bike I kind of like the feeling of freedom of wild camping but then I wonder where you shower and go to the loo! Great to get it all from a female perspective too, but no doubt the few horrible people out there could spoil anyones trip. Hopefully these tips mean far less likely to encounter. Btw the music was fine for me, could be quieter but not overbearing.
I also have an important wildcamping tip: Think twice bevor starting a campfire. First of all consider the fire hazard, is it safe to start the fire (is the area dry or has it rained recently, do you have water to put it out, what’s about wind and sparks etc.) And the second point (most people don’t think about) a fire gives away your location especially if you make one near to a lake or a river or in open landscapes. Always consider do you think somebody is able to see it and do you mind having visitors at night. I was out with my friend once, we were camping in a river Forest and had a fire started next to the river. You couldn’t see our camp from any road or path, but we had an visitor this night trying to search our bike bags. We think it was because there was a bridge a bit upstream and from there somebody had seen the fire
Ich hatte letztens in Österreich im Wald nahe eines Bauernhofes biwakiert. Mitten in der Nacht stupste mich etwas an. Ich sah dann nur die Umrisse einer sehr großen Gestalt. Kurz später hörte ich eine laute Art der Bellerei. Hörte sich wie ein großes Tier an, mit großem Brustraum. Es war aber stockdunkel. Am nächsten Morgen bei besseren Lichtverhältnissen sah ich dann im abstand von 10 Metern einen großen Hirtenhund, der fast die ganze Nacht mich anbellte und aufpasste. Hatte Glück gehabt, dass der Hirtenhund schon älter und weniger aggressiv war, auch wenn das Gekläffe sehr aggressiv klang. Ich stand auf und starrte ihm lang in die Augen. Irgendwann (nach ca. 30 langen Minuten) gab er dann auf und ging.
Love your videos very much. You present the experiences so beautifully and express the feelings in a way that is so easy to identify with. I wanted to add to the matter of choosing a place for the tent and this is the awareness of the dynamics of the area. Tracks should be examined and try to identify movement paths of animals at night (and stay away from them so as not to disturb) as well as identify human movement paths. These can be innocent travelers or a traffic lane of criminals. In addition, you should not settle at the bottom of a cliff. keep following you...
Planning my first solo night wild camping in a short tour for next weekend! I've camped at campgrounds solo before, and I've camped in the backcountry with a group before, but this will be my first time combining the two!
Me and my then boyfriend pitched out tent in the Turkish mountains and suddenly heard the sound of "twisted cat"😂. After searching a long time for the source of the sound, we saw a tiny frog sitting on a rock 😅. It would have freaked me the heck out if that had happened in dark😂
hi Giant I am from Spain Nice to see you with a new video. I am 66 years old and I love to watch your video about my wish to ride a bicycle. but I am still working. I am Spanish. living outside of Barcelona. Love to see you again with another bicycle ture. take care of yourself self. Giant your Samil is very beautiful. god bless you until next time.( chos pis nexta mal)
Hello, Lara! It's all incredibly interesting and valuable! I'll review it a few more times later) By the way, something has changed in you, you look very good))
Thank you for creating these videos, I have binged watched all whilst feeling unwell. I have never biked lond distance and am now inspired to do so. Before your first trip to Tenerife, did you have some experience in cycling and camping , for long distance? Hiya from the Scottish Borders 👋
Hello there! Before cycling to tenerife I actually did not have any experience. I cycled to work from time to time but that was it basically. I don’t think someone needs a lot of training or exercise for bikepacking. It’s more going with your own flow. Hope you’re feeling better today!
Wieder ein tolles Video, vielen Dank. Kleine Anmerkung: Ohne Musik wärst du viel besser zu verstehen und das Video hätte mir ohne das Gedudel echt besser gefallen. Nur meine Meinung. ❤ Good luck and stay healthy.
Ja die ist tatsächlich viel zu laut! Hab keinen Final check gemacht & vor dem Rendern war alles ok. Ärgerlich aber kann man nichts machen 👀👀👀 merci trotzdem!
How do you research or learn about local/regional natural hazards as you travel long distances? I know my local hazards but to travel between countries I do not have a clue how you do it? For my area, Toxic plants can give a rash that can scar you for years. Biting insects can bring disease or reactions for days and travel in numbers that seem like clouds. Toxic spiders/snakes vary so much per regions. And ticks, they can make you sick for a very long time with different symptoms. My local mammals are not a danger to my person but may be a danger to my food supply even when inside a tent with me. Once you travel into the mountains or into parks then the rules and risks regarding mammals change. Some flies can chase at 15 mph and bite hard enough to bring tears or be a non-biting fly that on hatch day needs to be cleaned up with snow plows. And the dangers of dogs and how to cope is a topic of its own. Even so, I am still out there doing this but not as much as you. Maybe a separate post on safety from weather for the biker who travels without a closet would also be good? Thanks for all your posts.
According to my personal experiences , if you could get a pepper spray , it might help you a lot in case you find yourself in dangerous situations ,without causing permanent damage to the intruder.
Du sagst oft, dass du gerne alleine bist. In manchen Folgen warst du aber auch froh ein paar Tage bei neuen Bekanntschaften zu bleiben :) Anyway. Ich könnte mir persönlich eine so lange Zeit ohne meine Frau gar nicht vorstellen. Gab es einen "speziellen Auslöser" dafür, warum du allein auf Tour bist? Brauchst natürlich auch nichts antworten, da es ja ne ziemlich persönliche Sache ist. Wünsche dir aber alles erdenklich Gute für die Zukunft, dass alles weiterhin relativ glatt läuft und du evtl. doch das ein oder andere Mal in deinen Videos wieder auf Deutsch fluchst. ;D LG Ralf
Exactly my thoughts on morality of illegal camping...if you leave no trace, just sleep there and them move on, you are doing no harm to anyone. Maybe im too idelistic but i imagine that the wildcamping ban is aimed against people rolling up in a car into forest and having a bbq there...but more realistically I guess it was implemented to suppress vagrancy and migratory populations
O Wow, nice to see you home with your hair combed and shining face with light makeup, looking so gorgeous. your advice on solo female camping is very appreciable 👋. hope some time you will also advice as to how one should control on getting freak on little issues🙃. Stay Cool.👍👍
Please make a remix of the soundtrack. The background music is way too loud and actually making me stop watching .. Otherwise the content and your experience is so interesting 👍
Great tips. Thank you. Suggestion: ditch the music. It's repetitive, very present and doesn't add value to your video. In fact I found it quite annoying. Questions: - How do you pee, poop and shower? - Where do you lock your bike to, so you don't risk not having your bike with you in the next morning? - Where do you do with your things (tent, panniers, etc) when you park your bike and go visit places?
Thanks for all the tips, but it was hard to watch the video because of the loud background music.
Yes, I had to stop half-way. Thank you anyway.
Yeah it’s way too loud but just realised it after reading the comments. "Pre-rendering" it was all fine. Don’t know what I did. Guess that’s learning by doing👀🤯
really do enjoy your experiences out there on the road. Stay safe, continue having fun and please, keep sharing all of it!! Blessings and peace to ya.@@giantcheerio
@@giantcheeriostil a good video though. Lots of info
You may want to re-upload this with lowered music, especially because its such a recent upload@@giantcheerio
I usally wildcamp just by popping into the forest somewhere, but a few years ago I asked permission from a man working in his garage while cycling through rural Virginia (USA). He looked at me like I had three heads but eventually went inside to ask his wife what she thought. She thankfully said "sure, why not?". I pitched my tent beside their beautiful fishing pond and left early the next morning. I like to think that afterwards they felt good about their act of kindness and a little less afraid of strangers.
Love your content !
Wonderful tips. I totally agree and do all those things too. Wild camping is the best.
I'm 62 and had my first wild camping experience this year in Sweden, which was a perfect start, as it is not forbidden there. I learned a lot about unnecessary concerns during my 6 weeks of bicycle touring, and at the end I just loved it so much! Plan to cycle to Liverpool from Germany next year and I am sure to wildcamp even more then.
while wildcamping, I usually eat before finding a spot, then I find a spot just before dark, my favourite spots are by the road, hidden by a hedge, the cars whizzing by give me a sense of security and quickly lull me to sleep. If I find a spot but I am too early, I just bide my time at some distance from the spot and then go back at dusk. If the area is densely populated I pitch the tent at around 10pm and hope for the best, in these cases I worry about the police giving me a fine, but it has never happened. If bad comes to worst (heavy rain, strong winds) I just go to a sheltered bus stop after dark and sleep there without pitching the tent, in these cases I sleep sitting in a corner resting my head on my knees with my sleeping bag under my seat and my bicycle in front of me.
Thank you so much for talking about this topic! As a solo female cyclist, I really appreciate this, because I am still feeling quite afraid to wildcamp solo. Crazy how that feeling changes while being with others!
extra tip, youtube the nocturnal animal sounds from the area where you gonna stay, it will make it easier at night to know that sounds are from animals and not monsters!
I love your videos and I love bycicletrips!!! I'm doing this for 20 years... next year I'm going live in my tent,sell my house and go in the world!!! Have respect for your surroundings and everything will be ok!!! Greetings from the Netherlands
Is it worth renting your house out while travelling? You'll then have an income while on your travels.
Good luck and wishing you all the best for your journey 🚴♂️🏕👍
Ah well, I'm following a Dutch couple who have done Eurasia and who are now in the Sahara desert in Morocco by bike ^^ So inspiring too but the Sahara?! they are crazy!
Thanks for an informative video. Others have said it, but it is worth repeating. Don't set up your tent too soon....wait until at least dusk before setting up, otherwise you will likely be noticed by others. Asking for permission is a good alternative to secretly camping. When I unexpectantly find myself in a town towards the end of the day, I go to the police station and ask them where I can camp....they appreciate knowing you are out there. As for secret places, I find cemeteries a great place for a quiet night of sleep.
Very useful tips! I'm a new camper and hope to do more bike packing. So, your experience is so helpful. Keep posting! You are an amazing strong rider and person. Hugs.
These are great tips, especially the one where you stay in a spot for 15 minutes without doing anything and just observe. Useful hearing from a solo woman’s perspective. Liked and subscribed. Safe touring!
Please may I add the following tips of my own to your excellent video?
Identify your camping spot then have your dinner some distance away and only move to your spot and pitch your tent as it is getting dark.
Position your bike and panniers so that any reflective tape doesn't catch the headlights of passing vehicles. You will already have removed any reflective tape from your tent.
Don't show a light after dark if you can help it. I rate head torches by how dim they can go, not how bright.
Back public roads here in South Africa are built on a servitude belonging to the local municipality, but if you cross a fence, then you are probably on private property.
Wet used toilet tissue before burying it, don't try to burn it.
I wild camping in the southwest of Portugal with 4 friends and at night I were hearing a very strange sound like someone mumbling and later we understood it was some small concert.
One thing that you should thing about is wildfires. In Europe there are a lot. And some can happen at night and go very fast. I would not camp in a dry forest like pine trees.
Thanks for this video. It brings all my own thoughts about this subject together. Right now Im back from a 2000 km bikepacking tour around Germany without a tent. On bad weather conditions I use resting places for hikers, little shelters, bus stops or anything that gives some kind of a roof. Sometimes in the middle of small villages under some surprised looking eyes. I never felt unsafe. The only I would never do is sleeping inside bigger cities. But... to ride 5-6 km outside in a more rural area needs only 15-20 minutes. All the best for you and still countless wonderful moments out there.
I absolutely agree with you on pitch a tent vs all the destruction humans do with nature, and you are on a bicycle! BOOM just in this way, you are kind to nature and travel in a sustainable way. I do the same, my first tent at 10 years old, and I love tents. It is the absolute freedom, and you don't harm anything or anyone . Keep on travelling in your way.
So good to see you looking and sounding so well. Great to see. Hope you will be back on the road again soon and sending us all frequent up dates. Take care and Bon Voyage.
Stay safe..
Very useful. Wise advice indeed.
Great video Cheerio!!.. BUT..In my honest Opinion, the music. Is it necessary? Sort of distracting. Again, just my opinion and again, great video.
It is too loud, that’s why it is annoying!
Lara hi, alles Gute für Georgien!
Go on go on donot feel any fear that is your best dream and your english is the best
fun bike trips.. hum, it makes you want to leave home.
Une belle expérience..bravo.❤😊
awesome tips, thank you so much
Thanks, very helpful !! I would just like to add one detail, if you pick a tent, do not choose something with very bright colors, but go for a tent with dark colors, so people do not notice the tent immediately if they are in the area. I still go to campings most of the time, but I have to say it is starting to get expensive. Campings in Switzerland cost €20 minimum per night, and that adds up if you go on a 3 week trip. But for example in France, you sometimes pay €10 per night, that I find reasonable. I wild-camped twice, (because all campings were full) and I must say it was a bit scary. Every sound you hear.. you think there is somebody out there (of course, there never is). Anyways, enjoy your time off the bike.
Thanks for the tips. They are really helpful for I am going to travel to Armenia by bike, starting next summer. And yes, watching you is helping me to stay motivated and keep planning.
With these words said, keep traveling safe. Cheers
Hi, I’m looking at biking some of the eurovelo routes taking me through France - Spain - Portugal. I am a bit nervous about wild camping so might start off on camp sites & take it from there. I do have a worry about bike security as well. Do you lock your bike up? I’m seriously thinking about getting a bigger tent that will fit my bike in alongside me. What’s your thoughts with your experience? Well done by the way👍🏼
Even though I don't like using lights when it gets dark as it can give out my position if there are people around (female solo traveler), it is worth checkin' out the grounds... I've pitched my tent in the dark in some ruins in Vietnam... it was full of ents!! lesson lernt!
Gutes Video again😄gite Tipps&schöne Bilder. Gute Reise🚵♀️💨
🌞👍👍🌞Thanks for your outstanding good video . I subscribed yesterday dear fellow artist. 🎉🎉
For the first time, I am getting ready for going on a solo bikepacking tour from Istanbul/Turkiye to Thessaloniki/Greece, so this video was extremely helpful. Big thanks and good luck in my country
Your english is fantastic 👏
Great video! Agree with everything you mentioned. I would like to add: if you find a spot for wildcamping but you don’t feel comfortable after a few minutes, then just leave and go a little further. Otherwise you may not close an eye the whole night, worrying probably for no reason, but still worry… a good night sleep is as important as a good meal.
Thanks for sharing!
Big greetings from Morocco
When will you go back to the road ?
Bravo! I’m qualified in this life and you certainly know your stuff. Bonne route.
Great tip about pitching relative to the rising sun.
Thank you. This is exactly what I wanted to ask you. Also, I find it funny when people offer you advice when you have been doing this for years.
I went for a short solo bike camping trip with all of my kit in a very old borrowed dog trailer. Every turn of my pedals produced a loud squeak from behind. 200 miles of eee-aaaar every few seconds. That`ll teach me to be a cheapskate. My first night I spent under a picnic table in pouring rain!
🎉🎉🎉Eagerly waiting for your videos
aaaah, super adiletten❤❤❤❤
in May going from Belgium to the Nordkapp Norway! Im super exited. Thx for sharing wonderfull information and youre amazing adventures.
Hi, you give so much inspiration and motivation. Thank you so much for that.
great tips. thanks for sharing. Love watching your adventures!
Well spoken , i hope i see ya on the road someday 🤙🤙
Really enjoyed watching your vlogs. Love from Omar.
I really enjoyed your last video on what and how you pack your bike. I remembered you were looking at putting a pannier rack back on..I would love to see a follow up video of that and how it's packed..all the best cheerio from Australia 👍😊
Came for the wild camping tips and found mesmerising blue/green eyes 😊
Last time I did a long bike trip I used campsites but in places they were few and far between, and while it was nice to have some facilities like toilets and showers, they were also busy and things like bike security were always on my mind (although it was a heavy tourer - maybe that’s why it stayed safe!). Now with a nice gravel bike I kind of like the feeling of freedom of wild camping but then I wonder where you shower and go to the loo! Great to get it all from a female perspective too, but no doubt the few horrible people out there could spoil anyones trip. Hopefully these tips mean far less likely to encounter.
Btw the music was fine for me, could be quieter but not overbearing.
Any great video .. always a pleasure to watch
Hi and thank you for these tips 🙂
I sold my house and go on my bycicle travel loooong time.....
Work 37 years oilandgasindustrie.
Im 57 now and i changed my life 180° degrees😊😊
I also have an important wildcamping tip:
Think twice bevor starting a campfire. First of all consider the fire hazard, is it safe to start the fire (is the area dry or has it rained recently, do you have water to put it out, what’s about wind and sparks etc.)
And the second point (most people don’t think about) a fire gives away your location especially if you make one near to a lake or a river or in open landscapes. Always consider do you think somebody is able to see it and do you mind having visitors at night.
I was out with my friend once, we were camping in a river Forest and had a fire started next to the river. You couldn’t see our camp from any road or path, but we had an visitor this night trying to search our bike bags. We think it was because there was a bridge a bit upstream and from there somebody had seen the fire
in my region the cops go with drones, watching out for illegal raves. illegal campfires are a sidehustle which goes along with that.
Thanks for all the valuable information!!
Ich hatte letztens in Österreich im Wald nahe eines Bauernhofes biwakiert. Mitten in der Nacht stupste mich etwas an. Ich sah dann nur die Umrisse einer sehr großen Gestalt. Kurz später hörte ich eine laute Art der Bellerei. Hörte sich wie ein großes Tier an, mit großem Brustraum. Es war aber stockdunkel. Am nächsten Morgen bei besseren Lichtverhältnissen sah ich dann im abstand von 10 Metern einen großen Hirtenhund, der fast die ganze Nacht mich anbellte und aufpasste. Hatte Glück gehabt, dass der Hirtenhund schon älter und weniger aggressiv war, auch wenn das Gekläffe sehr aggressiv klang. Ich stand auf und starrte ihm lang in die Augen. Irgendwann (nach ca. 30 langen Minuten) gab er dann auf und ging.
Love your videos very much. You present the experiences so beautifully and express the feelings in a way that is so easy to identify with. I wanted to add to the matter of choosing a place for the tent and this is the awareness of the dynamics of the area. Tracks should be examined and try to identify movement paths of animals at night (and stay away from them so as not to disturb) as well as identify human movement paths. These can be innocent travelers or a traffic lane of criminals. In addition, you should not settle at the bottom of a cliff. keep following you...
This is excellent information. After many years wild camping, most of this is my experience also.
Planning my first solo night wild camping in a short tour for next weekend! I've camped at campgrounds solo before, and I've camped in the backcountry with a group before, but this will be my first time combining the two!
Hi Cheerio! From the philippines! ❤
I love your videos. Keep it up. :-)
Loved this! Thank you, keep your videos coming soon please? 😊❤😇
Thanks for all of that useful tips, I am planning my first solo bikepacking in western Sáhara and I am a little bit scared. 🥺
Me and my then boyfriend pitched out tent in the Turkish mountains and suddenly heard the sound of "twisted cat"😂. After searching a long time for the source of the sound, we saw a tiny frog sitting on a rock 😅. It would have freaked me the heck out if that had happened in dark😂
Love your videos.
hi Giant I am from Spain Nice to see you with a new video. I am 66 years old and I love to watch your video about my wish to ride a bicycle. but I am still working. I am Spanish. living outside of Barcelona. Love to see you again with another bicycle ture. take care of yourself self. Giant your Samil is very beautiful. god bless you until next time.( chos pis nexta mal)
Thanks for the safe🎉🎉🎉
Agree the music is a little harsh, cc helps. Have a hard time getting past you riding with slip ons/open toes. But you do you. ;).
Good tips,hope theres more travels to come(tho i really shud do some of my own)😎
Hello, Lara! It's all incredibly interesting and valuable! I'll review it a few more times later) By the way, something has changed in you, you look very good))
Thank you for creating these videos, I have binged watched all whilst feeling unwell. I have never biked lond distance and am now inspired to do so. Before your first trip to Tenerife, did you have some experience in cycling and camping , for long distance? Hiya from the Scottish Borders 👋
Hello there! Before cycling to tenerife I actually did not have any experience. I cycled to work from time to time but that was it basically.
I don’t think someone needs a lot of training or exercise for bikepacking. It’s more going with your own flow.
Hope you’re feeling better today!
@@giantcheerio thanks for your reply, this is very interesting, at the age of 47 I am planning my first bike packing adventure, safe travels 😎
Why did you choose that tent? Why not a smaller one?
Wieder ein tolles Video, vielen Dank. Kleine Anmerkung: Ohne Musik wärst du viel besser zu verstehen und das Video hätte mir ohne das Gedudel echt besser gefallen. Nur meine Meinung. ❤ Good luck and stay healthy.
Ja die ist tatsächlich viel zu laut! Hab keinen Final check gemacht & vor dem Rendern war alles ok. Ärgerlich aber kann man nichts machen 👀👀👀 merci trotzdem!
Hello wonderful.i really like your latest stream.fallow you. Best to you.regards stockholm.p.🎉🎉🎉🎉
Hi 👋,
Thanks for the video, wanted to ask you something, chainring (how many teeth) does your bike has ?
how do you deal with ticks? That is what keeps me mostly from doing this actually.
What do you do for toilet facilities?
Hi you talked about leaving no trace. Do you poo in the bag and take your faeces with you?
Can you explain your strategy travel with bicycle transport your bicycle. Do you use bicycle box?
Thanks for your video! Have you ever met wild animals? And have you ever stayed a night in a place where bears or wolves for example can visit you?
Its august 30 2023 what’s up hope all is well.
Brave girl
In sweden i dont have that problem! The land of the free😂
Its hard to find girls with moving forehead and brows nowadays :) You look beautiful. And your storytelling is awesome!
Any issues with animals when wild camping?
Not yet ! Just some wild boars sneaking around the tent at night
How do you research or learn about local/regional natural hazards as you travel long distances? I know my local hazards but to travel between countries I do not have a clue how you do it? For my area, Toxic plants can give a rash that can scar you for years. Biting insects can bring disease or reactions for days and travel in numbers that seem like clouds. Toxic spiders/snakes vary so much per regions. And ticks, they can make you sick for a very long time with different symptoms. My local mammals are not a danger to my person but may be a danger to my food supply even when inside a tent with me. Once you travel into the mountains or into parks then the rules and risks regarding mammals change. Some flies can chase at 15 mph and bite hard enough to bring tears or be a non-biting fly that on hatch day needs to be cleaned up with snow plows. And the dangers of dogs and how to cope is a topic of its own. Even so, I am still out there doing this but not as much as you. Maybe a separate post on safety from weather for the biker who travels without a closet would also be good? Thanks for all your posts.
I watched some of the video hoping that the music would stop but it didn't. Couldn't watch anymore than a few minutes.Usually great content though.
According to my personal experiences , if you could get a pepper spray , it might help you a lot in case you find yourself in dangerous situations ,without causing permanent damage to the intruder.
Nice tips ! 🙂you scrub up ok ☺️🤗🙂👍🏻
I always have this anxiety that my bike will be stolen somehow 😅
I usually tie a wheel of my bike to a bag inside my tent, I use fishing line which is basically invisible.
interesting, the backgroud music is loud, am I the only bothered?
Du sagst oft, dass du gerne alleine bist. In manchen Folgen warst du aber auch froh ein paar Tage bei neuen Bekanntschaften zu bleiben :) Anyway. Ich könnte mir persönlich eine so lange Zeit ohne meine Frau gar nicht vorstellen. Gab es einen "speziellen Auslöser" dafür, warum du allein auf Tour bist? Brauchst natürlich auch nichts antworten, da es ja ne ziemlich persönliche Sache ist. Wünsche dir aber alles erdenklich Gute für die Zukunft, dass alles weiterhin relativ glatt läuft und du evtl. doch das ein oder andere Mal in deinen Videos wieder auf Deutsch fluchst. ;D LG Ralf
Exactly my thoughts on morality of illegal camping...if you leave no trace, just sleep there and them move on, you are doing no harm to anyone. Maybe im too idelistic but i imagine that the wildcamping ban is aimed against people rolling up in a car into forest and having a bbq there...but more realistically I guess it was implemented to suppress vagrancy and migratory populations
I agree and that's why overnight, discrete wildcamping is extensively tolerated by the police and the locals at large.
Schonmal vorab liken, bin gespannt! 😁
Looking 4ward to watching😎
O Wow, nice to see you home with your hair combed and shining face with light makeup, looking so gorgeous. your advice on solo female camping is very appreciable 👋. hope some time you will also advice as to how one should control on getting freak on little issues🙃. Stay Cool.👍👍
Please make a remix of the soundtrack. The background music is way too loud and actually making me stop watching .. Otherwise the content and your experience is so interesting 👍
Great tips. Thank you.
Suggestion: ditch the music. It's repetitive, very present and doesn't add value to your video. In fact I found it quite annoying.
- How do you pee, poop and shower?
- Where do you lock your bike to, so you don't risk not having your bike with you in the next morning?
- Where do you do with your things (tent, panniers, etc) when you park your bike and go visit places?
Music! Please, at least not so load!
Making wildcamping illegal is like making it illegal to access natural bodies of water. Go to hotel. Buy bottled water is the message here.