Testing Radioactive Materials in the Cloud Chamber

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 171

  • @ame7165
    @ame7165 Год назад +222

    as for your problem with it not working, i think you're getting heat soak. -30 is barely in the range that you need. try putting insulation around your chamber sides and just film from the top. also put ice in the coolant tank. that alone will probably work. use a thermocouple to check the temperature. that's key. if it's -20, you likely won't see anything. if you can get it colder, like -40, that's when you'll see a lot. instead of using that many, use two lower power peltiers against the cold plate, then higher power peltiers on top of those. they're horribly inefficient so the second peltier has to be a lot higher power to pump its own heat PLUS the heat from the first peltier. this is called a cascade. each peltier can drop the temperature so much. but with two layers, you can get colder. i got mine down to less than -40 by doing this. (it might have been colder but my thermal camera has a maximum of -40c). oh and you're more likely to get a chain reaction if you give the particles a charge. you need a high voltage DC source. the cheap amazon bug zappers can work

    • @marks47
      @marks47 Год назад +8

      Your post reminds me of another build I saw. That guy used at least two layers of peltiers to get the temperature down low enough. I'm almost sure he used a lot more than just 6, and they were stacked, for sure.

    • @LuxGamer16
      @LuxGamer16 Год назад +2

      @@marks47 and he used a charging grid too iirc

    • @LumpyFPV
      @LumpyFPV Год назад +4

      Yeah what this guy said

    • @Kevin-ht1ox
      @Kevin-ht1ox Год назад

      Couldn't he just put a couple bricks of dry ice into the bucket with the washer fluid?

    • @ame7165
      @ame7165 Год назад +2

      @@Kevin-ht1ox dry ice is colder but has much much less heat density than ice from water. it's a common misconception. it WILL get the coolant colder, but if it's not glycol or alcohol or a mixture of water and something like antifreeze, it'll freeze, which isn't ideal, so using regular ice is easy and will probably work great for this application. he's already really close to the sweet spot so the ice should get him there fine. if not, dry ice is an option too, but it'll sublimate REALLY fast in water, so he'll need to buy a ton of it. that said, there are video where people use dry ice as the main source of cooling, so it can be used, but in his case, putting it in the liquid will make it go poof really quickly, which is probably tricky while trying to film

  • @bobhawkey3783
    @bobhawkey3783 Год назад +79

    The science center in Toronto had a big cloud chamber. It's fascinating to realize we are surrounded by speeding particles. Thanks for this! Great job.

    • @blaircox1589
      @blaircox1589 Год назад +1

      Science centre in Halifax has one as well. Kids and I were playing with it while there. If it requires a static charge on the outside of the chamber, then they had that being generated somehow within an inner chamber. Come to think of it, there were thin wires running across the top of the unit (inside), if those were highly charged, that was doing it. I think I took photos, but it definitely was multiple layers of glass/acrylic between the inner chamber and the exterior cabinet surface.

    • @praticle
      @praticle Год назад +3

      One of the best weekends of my life was an anime convention/rave at the Toronto science centre. Giving us after hours access to the science centre was pretty stupid but *insanely* fun while "enhanced" 😅

    • @christianankney
      @christianankney Год назад

      Saw that one as a kid and loved it. I believe the largest natural chuck of gold is also there.

  • @benediktl6238
    @benediktl6238 Год назад +31

    What worked for mine was connecting the hv Modul of a bug zapper to the cloudchamber. Negative to the coldplate and the positive to a metal mesh under the sponges. You can find out the polarity of the hv Modul by hooking it up to an LED.

  • @adamreynolds3863
    @adamreynolds3863 Год назад +1

    Dude! This is AWESOME!!! great job building and testing this!

  • @itzbakconhairitzbakconhair8276
    @itzbakconhairitzbakconhair8276 Год назад +1

    "One of my subscribers sent me a box full of radioactive materials"
    Seems about the right thing to send.

  • @Dazdigo
    @Dazdigo Год назад +3

    You can get thorium from Welding Rods and polonium-210 from Static Eliminators.

  • @Jakubu231
    @Jakubu231 Год назад +1

    Perfectly selected music

  • @JohnDuthie
    @JohnDuthie Год назад +3

    I wonder what would happen to a cloud chamber in a basement? Here in PA we're supposed to set up radon detectors to alert us in case of excessive radon.

  • @juslitor
    @juslitor Год назад +2

    Considering that americium-241 has a half life of 432 years or so, one can assume that your geiger counter doesnt detect alphas. Geiger tubes sensitive to alphas have a thin mica window.

    • @truantray
      @truantray Год назад

      Plastic wrap or even water can block alphas.

  • @glumpfi
    @glumpfi Год назад +3

    I don't know much about cloud chambers, but just an idea: You are using alcohol, right? Is it possible that it evaporates over time and since it is probably not pure alcohol, the water content rises. So if you refill it, it gets less concentrated over time

  • @lpt2606
    @lpt2606 Год назад +1

    very informative and COOOLLL

  • @hanneseichler5108
    @hanneseichler5108 Год назад +2

    I have an old marine pocket watch from my grandpa from the 1930-1940. i used to hold it in front of a Geiger counter in school. There was a very high count rate. Since then, I also want to build such a device to just see if I can see something.
    Since I know that the radioactive material could decay into radon gas I store the clock outside...

  • @jonclement
    @jonclement Год назад +2

    that metal rod you're using to push in the samples may be discharging the vapor/liquid ions. use an insulated or acrylic rod?

  • @KodakYarr
    @KodakYarr Год назад +1

    7:30 but if we do a little "radioactive boy scout role-playing" ☢️😋

  • @Creative_Electronics
    @Creative_Electronics Год назад

    Great video Simon and nice house update :)

  • @Pyromancers
    @Pyromancers Год назад +6

    Would it just be easier to use dry ice instead of peltiers? I mean I like the usablity and ease of having the system always readily available, but honestly having to chill and pump fluid and never being able to achieve those lower temps seems like a lot of moving parts and work. The ice could prolly last you all day. Unless dry ice is hard to come by in your neck of the woods. Our grocery stores and welding shops have it here in Montana.

  • @SeanHodgins
    @SeanHodgins Год назад

    I have a bunch of clocks and watches that are pretty radioactive from the radium. The reason radium is dangerous is because your body treats it like calcium and deposits it in your bones if you end up ingesting any particles by accident(or inhaling them). So as long as they're sealed up, its generally safe. The worst one I have no longer glows, and it still puts out 42,000CPM.

    • @truantray
      @truantray Год назад

      Women who painted radium dials suffered horrible bone cancers because they used to lick the tips of radium paint brushes. Today we use strontium aluminate, which is not radioactive, but does not last long light to dark.

    @LOGICALMAGNET Год назад

    I love how original and funny the guy from this video is :)

  • @chopracer
    @chopracer Год назад

    you should try making a MHD underwater thruster seems like something right up your alley

  • @seabeepirate
    @seabeepirate Год назад +1

    Cloud chambers are super cool! Is the chamber grounded? Should it be? Since fluffy things cause it to work again it seems like you're probably building up and wiping away charge. Could be caused by flowing water in your cooling system.

  • @Blazeww
    @Blazeww Год назад +1

    So what happens to those particles flying off. Do they evaporate or just go off and travel forever?
    And if they don't fade away is there any material or set of containment fields that can reflect them and bounce them around inside an object to make electricity?

    • @curtis_ny90
      @curtis_ny90 Год назад

      They can be used to create heat- which boils water which turns a turbine - which creates electricity. And THAT is how a nuclear power plant works.
      All elements have a half-life, which signifies their rate of decay. Elements (and their isotopes) which have a shorter half-life, decay more rapidly - and are classified as radioactive. Look up some simple explanation videos about half-life, and also how a nuclear power plant works.
      This will answer all of your questions.

  • @1kreature
    @1kreature Год назад

    On your GMC-320 you are confusing the battery for the scintillator. It's on the side of the unit behind those airvents...

  • @5minutehacks989
    @5minutehacks989 Год назад

    i think your issue with the tracks might be able to be solved with high voltage connected to the plate. It helped me and that might explain why rubbing a pool noodle causes it to work again (static)

  • @Gunnahan
    @Gunnahan Год назад +1

    6:58 "its so low radioactivity.... " the women painting the dials when they were produced that way (you had bigger ones for alarm- and wall-clocks too) often got ill. they licked the brushtips to get them into shape before painting.. the more you know..

    • @truantray
      @truantray Год назад

      Radium girls. Many lost their jaws and facial bones to cancer, and many died.

  • @righthoekstra
    @righthoekstra Год назад

    Good job on the new house&garage, and girl offcourse!

  • @William_ar98
    @William_ar98 Год назад

    Great decision to make reviews on a different channel. Just subbed to it

  • @thomas1000official
    @thomas1000official Год назад

    im from the usa and i love u vids keep up the good work

  • @Emil-eb2od
    @Emil-eb2od Год назад

    You look so much like a living version of your 3D version of you. I cannot unsee it 😂

  • @HawxAnimator
    @HawxAnimator Год назад

    your videos are so good i watch them twice so i can watch all the bits i missed whilst blinking

  • @icabobcrane8984
    @icabobcrane8984 4 месяца назад

    You were holding the radioactive items up to the battery . The geiger tube is an m4011 ,it's glass and it is perpendicular to the battery, look though the vents on the back of the geiger counter and you can see the geiger tube.

  • @achelp954
    @achelp954 Год назад

    This is amazing and very scientific

  • @mazchen
    @mazchen Год назад

    I have no idea what I am seeing here, but it sure is beautiful!

  • @wolfaja755
    @wolfaja755 8 месяцев назад

    Beta and alphas don’t penetrate a lot because they’re larger and or have a larger magnetic effect on the material they’re going through, therefore they lose energy quicker and do not penetrate so far. Gammas and neutrons penetrate pretty far since they have a low mass, or no mass at all, and no charge as well meaning they have to physically hit something to lose energy which is less likely due to their size. They can have an effect on something without hitting it however it’s not in the sense of magnetic forces it’s more of a nuclear force. Also physical contact for something like a gamma is determined on its spin and the spin of whatever its hitting so an electron with a -1/2 spin and a gamma with a -1 spin means the gamma won’t be absorbed where as if the gamma had a 1 spin it would be or if the electron had a 1/2 spin it would absorb the gamma. That’s why the objects that only produce beta and alpha particles don’t seem radioactive, you just need a radiac that is made to measure these larger massed and charged particles. Geiger counters are most commonly used because alphas and betas aren’t really a threat to people. Alphas are stopped by the layer of dead skin on your body and betas are stopped by clothing and don’t penetrate your body very far. Neutrons, electrons, and gammas are the ones that can cause serious problems at high doses which is why Geiger counters are great. A cool fact is that smoking tobacco exposes your lungs to alphas which is why lung cancer is so common in smokers and alphas do 40 times more damage than a neutron. The more you know.
    Also a lot of radiacs are calibrated where 100cpm is considered radioactive or higher than background. Not sure what yours is calibrated at but in my line of work 100 cpm is a pretty bad day especially if you see it spike to 200 cpm. Real bad day.

  • @mikerhinos
    @mikerhinos Год назад +1

    If there's anything related to static electricity I think that it could be a cool project to share with @ElectroBOOM 😁

  • @petter5721
    @petter5721 Год назад

    Superbra avsnitt 😀👍🏻

  • @charlesurrea1451
    @charlesurrea1451 Год назад

    Well the sounds of any as though the case had a charge that was influencing the end result but as far as I am already see him button you're going to need to make a holder keep that eyeball tasting the vapor otherwise it just points up

  • @DigiMannen
    @DigiMannen Год назад +1

    Try using 99.9% ACS Reagent Grade Isopropyl Alcohol for saturating the vapor chamber.

  • @LuigiGuevara
    @LuigiGuevara Год назад +1

    no entendí absolutamente nada, pero igual es fascinante ver todo esto!

    @EPIC-GOLF Год назад +2

    Less goo he has posted😅

  • @PhotoGraphees
    @PhotoGraphees Год назад

    What voltage and amperes are u using to power the peltiers

  • @owenholden3228
    @owenholden3228 Год назад

    I have the same giger counter and I have 4 pieces of americium from smoke detectors and it detects well over one thousand cpm you also don't need to open the part where the battery is just use bottom middle of the counter as it is right in the middle where the gas tube is and will detect more of the radiation that way while the part where you had it at was close to the tube it not a lot of radiation was able to be detected because most of it was flying off and not getting into the tube.

  • @phille8176
    @phille8176 Год назад

    And now Simon SÄPO and Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten will knock at your door🤣

  • @KodakYarr
    @KodakYarr Год назад

    7:00 "it's considered harmless"
    _the radium girls would like to know your location_

  • @minhenes
    @minhenes Год назад

    what light source you use

  • @ulwur
    @ulwur Год назад

    Put some magnets in the chamber to see if you can bend the paths of the charged particles.

  • @ivaneid164
    @ivaneid164 Год назад

    Very cool video, but update on electric boat?

  • @dewnl8389
    @dewnl8389 Год назад

    I noticed that there is a motion of the alcohol vapor from the back lights to the front. This could maybe be a convection current caused by the minimal but still existent heat from the lights.

  • @danneeson4341
    @danneeson4341 Год назад

    Jag demonterade en elektrisk flugsmälla och kopplade den till ett nät under den kalla skivan och andra polen till ett nät uppe under glaset. Funkade riktigt bra.

  • @fftaufiqgamer2135
    @fftaufiqgamer2135 Год назад

    Very nice 👍👍🙂🙂

  • @PS1212
    @PS1212 Год назад +6

    Can yall not kill this guy plz

  • @robertsorensen5938
    @robertsorensen5938 Год назад

    Very good son, I hope they can help you with the potential problem.

  • @ame7165
    @ame7165 Год назад

    there are some counters that can't do alpha particles. some do, but require you to open a door. some have a slider switch that changes the material covering the geiger tube for the three particle types. the one you have is probably just blocking alpha via the plastic shell

    • @owenholden3228
      @owenholden3228 Год назад

      I have the same counter and it detects alpha radiation just fine

  • @ishaanpatel2905
    @ishaanpatel2905 Год назад

    You should try prusament new Tungsten material It is supposed to be like a radioactive shield

  • @begeekru
    @begeekru Год назад +1

    Geiger counter does not react on alpha and betta particles.

  • @nathanieljames7462
    @nathanieljames7462 Год назад

    nuckin futs!

  • @gustarrezende
    @gustarrezende Год назад

    There is a movie called Radium Girls which tell about the women who helped to make those radioactive watch hands. Some of them died when making it.

  • @abundantharmony
    @abundantharmony Год назад

    How can the particles randomly turn so sharply? Why don't they all move in a straight path?

    • @truantray
      @truantray Год назад

      He explained that, they can bounce off the alcohol vapor.

  • @BrunodeSouzaLino
    @BrunodeSouzaLino Год назад

    Why did you change the video's title?

  • @bwise609
    @bwise609 Год назад

    Very cool I collect green glass

  • @groundskeeper5292
    @groundskeeper5292 11 месяцев назад

    Careful with those watch dials...the poor girls who painted those dials back in the day got terrible radiation poisoning which led to terrible illness, injuries, and even death. One probably won't affect you, but always good to be careful...

  • @berserkberserk997
    @berserkberserk997 Год назад

    FINALLY ANOTHER VIDEO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    it hurts when it's so long between videos

  • @beskamir5977
    @beskamir5977 Год назад

    The cut to pcbway lol 😂

  • @SustainableGal
    @SustainableGal Год назад

    Please use a High pass filter on your voice over sound mix, your voice is either really boomy or you use a Rode mic lol

  • @shakeymikesadventures6793
    @shakeymikesadventures6793 Год назад

    Use A grounding clamp to hold item. Make sure you ground it to earth.

  • @dalejr183
    @dalejr183 8 месяцев назад

    That model detector can’t pick up Alpha radiation. The Am241 should be screaming if u have the right Geiger.

  • @cameronidk2
    @cameronidk2 Год назад

    I remember watching you to learn how to do a proper 3D lythophane.. ... nice mustache .. and Great job kid

  • @geekcorerob
    @geekcorerob Год назад


  • @ymefg
    @ymefg Год назад

    will this power the raft? peace

  • @ivoman7
    @ivoman7 Год назад +1

    If there aren't any videos after this, I understand. I think I am alone in this.
    Should you be doing this at all?
    What about 'professionals'? Should they be doing this?
    Let's play with radiation and call it a video.

    @LRSTFJ Год назад

    You are getting close to 1m subs, how come you have slowed down on your videos?

  • @pneumantic6297
    @pneumantic6297 Год назад

    Alpha and beta particles in earths atmosphere will typically be a small percentage (like 5% to 15%) of the speed of light. Beta tend to move slightly faster. Speed can greatly vary tho. The chamber temp is probably the reason for you problem. I almost guarantee the pads you were using have degraded from use and possibly amp overdraw.

  • @TheFilledk
    @TheFilledk Год назад

    Gyro stabilized bicycle please :)

  • @GhVost
    @GhVost Год назад


  • @Ribo138
    @Ribo138 Год назад

    How about cell phone radiation?

  • @CuriousScientist
    @CuriousScientist 9 месяцев назад

    Your cooling system is a big mess. You need to learn how to use Peltier coolers. You can easily cool the cold plate to -30°C with a simple water cooler used for PCs. There is no need to "cheat" with precooled liquid to offset the dT of the Peltier cooler. You also run the Peltier coolers without voltage regulation which is another issue. If you run them at full power, they will heat themselves up too much due to the Joule heating. You need to lower their input voltage. It depends on which unit you use, the input voltage may vary, but it is typically 10-12 V. 12 V is often too much if the module is a high-power one. Regarding the "failure" at the end, as others already explained, you need a high voltage potential difference across the chamber.

  • @jakubtomas9154
    @jakubtomas9154 Год назад


  • @Pyromancers
    @Pyromancers Год назад +1

    Be cool if you could get a mini one on a plane and compare what the background level looks like up at altitude vs here on the ground. I mean TSA will prolly search yer butthole, but it would be a neat vid.

  • @savagesarethebest7251
    @savagesarethebest7251 Год назад

    You maybe have the same problem with your cloud chamber as Hyperspace pirate had. He has a video from 2 days ago

  • @CognosSquare
    @CognosSquare Год назад

    "Pelthier devices"? Vad i hela fridens? Du sa ju till och med apkonstiga Americium rätt. Säg alla rätt eller alla fel, tack.

  • @markmiranda3364
    @markmiranda3364 8 месяцев назад

    why are you touching it with your hands? i know it is in the plastic but damn..

  • @Average_J
    @Average_J Год назад

    Buy dry ice. Its around -80 celcius 👌🤓

  • @shergillfamily7983
    @shergillfamily7983 Год назад

    May be the washer fluid losing its effect. Try new one.

  • @Hellsatanx
    @Hellsatanx Год назад

    i bet it has something to do with science

  • @neversinkmakes
    @neversinkmakes Год назад

    You’re going to put NightHawkInLight out of business with videos like these. Jättehäftigt.

  • @blaircox1589
    @blaircox1589 Год назад +1

    BAHAHAHAHA, OMG - bought a house with a garage, errr girlfriend. 🤪🤣

  • @salhiyassine23623
    @salhiyassine23623 Год назад


  • @online2000.
    @online2000. 9 месяцев назад

    Definitely not smart enough to understand a hint of what’s being said (science was never my strong suit in school) but I’ve always held a fascination for radiation!

  • @rngaming7763
    @rngaming7763 Год назад +2


  • @Aweburn82
    @Aweburn82 Год назад

    Shit. I changed 69 likes to 70. Sorry.

  • @SirRanjid
    @SirRanjid Год назад


  • @binxyde
    @binxyde Год назад

    I love your channel, your content and especially your "MacGyverism" 😋

  • @Noah-ek8hp
    @Noah-ek8hp Год назад +6

    Regarding your problem with the cloud chamber, I have some Ideas as to why it may not be working. Some designs have a high voltage difference between the top and bottom of the chamber to make the tracks easier to see (I think this is to excite the valence electrons of the alcohol vapor but do not quote me on that). Another thing that may help is a leak or some convection in the chamber itself. If the vapor isn't still, it could make the tracks hard or impossible to see, and if there is too much of a temperature difference, convection will occur, and obviously that is not good- this problem may be due to your dual pump change. If vapor is escaping, that cold vapor doesn't have a chance to condense. But most importantly, make sure to have a great day!

  • @ДелайВсёСам
    @ДелайВсёСам Год назад +3

    Отличный опыт! Я как источник использовал старый военный компас. В обычных условиях число на циферблате было меньше 20. Когда я положил компас. Число стало больше 200!!!

  • @badger47-n3c
    @badger47-n3c Год назад +4

    Have you tried using Methanol instead of Ethanol in your cloud chamber? Last time I used a cloud chamber I remember methanol creating a thicker vapour than alcohol. (Although this was almost 20 years ago and we were using dry ice to cool the methanol.)

    • @РэйЧехов
      @РэйЧехов Год назад

      It's poisonous

    • @badger47-n3c
      @badger47-n3c Год назад +2

      @@РэйЧехов so is isopropanol and the methanol will be in a sealed chamber, I don't understand what you mean?

  • @kaasvaas
    @kaasvaas Год назад +3

    I enjoy watching you make stuf and figure stuff out! Really cool how you do this from out of the house! I wish you had more frequent posts!! Keep up te good work!

  • @Q3Coricoco
    @Q3Coricoco Год назад +2

    A build a cloud chamber for a univeristy here in spain, that chamber uses one of this rachets to kill flyes, that devices usually has a mini transformer that reaches 3000v or even more depending on the ratchet, we install the rachet grid on top, connected to the positive, and a copper plate in the bottom connected to the negative, that should help to attrack the particles to the mist

    • @EmuAGR
      @EmuAGR 6 месяцев назад

      Which university has that device? Interesting!

  • @eethon1
    @eethon1 Год назад +1

    you geiger doesn't detect Alpha, you need the GMC-600+. or Even go for a radiacode 102 which is a scintillator, you can have fun with gamma spectroscopy!

  • @patricioferman90
    @patricioferman90 Год назад +1

    hahahaha nice joke about the garage, saludos from Argentina

  • @Flowpexx
    @Flowpexx Год назад +8

    I‘m very hyped, this video finally came out! Surely it will be great as always!

  • @deltajegga
    @deltajegga Год назад +1

    yeah, as other have said, you need a high voltage metal mesh above your cold plate.