I am getting an error on the board, four blinks which means under voltage, I supplied it with 311 volts dc and still I get the error. I am also not getting any output. Can you help?
That because you turns the potentiometer too much. When you set the potentiometer on (let say) 240V , the input must be at least 340V DC but you feeding 311V only so the controller detects under voltage, You have to set the potentiometer correctly.
Very well done, thank you very much.
Wow, best explained inverters... Great sir... Thanks
5:00 can you tell how you got the min dc voltage of 311V dc for 220V AC ?
The 220V RMS with sinusoidal shape has a peak voltage of 311V from this formula:
Vrms *Crest factor = Vpeak
(220 * √2 = 311 )
Can I use city electricity for the input supply as the "battery" of this inverter? I need it for the isolation circuit and soft start feature
NO, The input must be DC voltage
Very helpfull
Nice video n explain
Excellent , thanks !
Can this inverter work as grid tied inverter?
I love your clip
What is the specification of the inductor coil. No info about that anywhere in the video. Can you give more information about the inductor coil used.
It is a ferrite ring with diameter of 30mm and about 200 turns of 0.7 mm copper wire. The inductance is 2mH.
I am getting an error on the board, four blinks which means under voltage, I supplied it with 311 volts dc and still I get the error. I am also not getting any output. Can you help?
That because you turns the potentiometer too much.
When you set the potentiometer on (let say) 240V , the input must be at least 340V DC but you feeding 311V only so the controller detects under voltage,
You have to set the potentiometer correctly.
Pretty cool thanks