@@aure8634 imagine someone hitting you on white. And then able too see one dodge read from you and your dead just from the one dodge read " those three seconds of no dodge" he can predict it all just from one hit.
I so happy to see you and boomie having a good time, you inspired me to play brawl and now I'm 2100 diamond from learning how you play and using your tactics. Keep up the good work!
Sandstorm you are literally the best brawlhalla player imo since you made a crappy weapon like scythe go into god mode and you also showed us what greatsword looks like with skill
Ik I may be a little bit late for him to see this, but could you make a katars how to? Watching those videos really helps! Also, keep up the good work!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@gdsandstorm, do you know anything about this RUclips channel called the brawlhalla cafe, it is a really long story but basically he had all the tournament avatars and he had everything in the game, he was also friends with remmy, swerpy, and simbuh, he had all the metadevs and esports colors for everyone. He wouldn’t turn on his mic so I couldn’t tell if it was you. He was saying it was u on a different account when I played with him
10:24 me and my friend said the same thing yesterday when we went up against simba and santy and we’re just like “why they trying so hard” especially simba like YOU GOTTA TRY TO FUCKING WIN A RANK MATCH!!!! good lord LOL
Yo sandstorm u playing g dash anymore we were great friends we'de message and i remember u were a big figure in the gdash community alright just wanted to check up on u seems ur pretty big now glad to see it have a nice day buddy
my mic is quieter than boomies will be fixed
Honestly not too bad tho. Funny shit lol
brawlhalla but you cannot use dlight or dsig
yes show bmg that ur the best team inn da world
We need longer vids !
15:35 for anyone who watched Boomie's video
a man of culture
thanks man!
you a real one
thank u so much sue
4:14 "Isn't it crazy that our main competition isn't even them?" (Cody Travis and Phazon)
"It's Snowy and Zacoi."
Damn Boomie out here being a savage.
Sandstorm: queues for a match
Bots: Oh no not again
I honestly love it when Boomie and Sandstorm plays together. It seems really fun and they're having a good time.
19:12 i just laughed my ass off with this
Same, that scream was too funny
3:55 almost got team combo by bots yo
This is the funniest thing ever i swear
@@Basketball.American Do you even know what i was talking abt the like wave thing
Nah I experience funnier things on daily basis
Killua ❤️❤️❤️🌫🌫
why do i feel like this is how they be during tournaments too😂
It is, they’ll SD when they miss a team combo, or boomie will just walk off stage and throw a stock it’s hilarious
i love how when sandstorms on scythe, hits one hit and almost gets 1 read at white and says "he almost died",
that too me is terrifying .
wtf dude i cant understand
@@aure8634 imagine someone hitting you on white. And then able too see one dodge read from you and your dead just from the one dodge read " those three seconds of no dodge" he can predict it all just from one hit.
When tho
yea but he has to read the jumps and not jumping
Damn this the same vid as boomies
I so happy to see you and boomie having a good time, you inspired me to play brawl and now I'm 2100 diamond from learning how you play and using your tactics. Keep up the good work!
from the way you speak it feels like your in gold
@@jordanmitchell174 He could be foreign.
bro finally i have something to watch while i eat my cinnamon toast crunch
At 7:00 pm?
@@savanied2758 not everyone lives in the same country as you
@@kappa5523 that's not a r/whooooosh you don't even know when to use it properly
@@kappa5523 it wasn’t a joke lol the guy that said 7pm is just dumb
I wanna see egg soup and him 1v1
egg soup is on us-west so it'd never really be fair ):
He has the potential to rival em both but is always so chill and laid back such a cool dude.
@@freevxshal wait why?
Hidro different sides of the us so someone will be at a disadvantage in terms of connection and delay
Sandstorm: does a combo
Boomie: "straight facts tho"
I like that ulgrim roast lmao “how do people play that character” “I hate ulgrim with passion”
I died in laughter
the SHEEEESH moments got me XDD
Congrats on your tournament win man good job
19:28 here after boomie played him the whole tourney
Canon great-sword
I love how you csn tell they're having a great time, and they support and praise each others plays
I like how much they mess and fuck around lol in d i a m o n d
I know since they are pros and they have been playing the game for so long it’s suprising how they still enjoy the game
Everytime they scream when they about to die I just start laughing, it's too funny 😂
Bro love your vids you are the best
I’ve beaten nox in ranked and my man throws his weapon more than Sandstorm yells “SHEESH!”
You are bad calm down
@@zuko8687 thanks zuko! I bet 1700 was the hardest elo of your life!
@@handmaderug1332 damnn
@@migueloharasupremacy hey I mean he hasn’t replied, so who won. He’s def 1600
i thought bcx is gonna be all gs and such.. but having u both playing again and vibin makes me have high hopes for this year's bcx :)
Lmfaoo boomie got spooked by the lucien katar dsig
ngl I would scream too
The amount of voice cracks💀💀
these are the type of vids we wanna see
I enjoy watching them just having fun like they don't body people in actual comp
100k my man
Finnally the 2s that I wanted
I just watched boomie's and this is the same, but i gotta watch again this was gold.
10:23 so, thats what you hear in 2vs2 when boomie is on red xD
CONGRATS ON 100K!!!! 🤗
When boomie and sandstorm are uploading the same video and you watch them both till the end
Congrats on 100k :)
This does put a smile on my face
This is literally what boomie uploaded
Nice job on 100k dude :D
Man said life is a highway
Yo, that sig is sick
Been a long time worth the wait
Bro u two r slaying us
GG on 100k!!
The best duo
Congrats on reaching 100k subs.
Oh look it’s me but 1000000 times better
Let’s go sandstorm you hit 100 thousand
Sandstorm I love watching ur vidz do you play with keyboard or keyboard and mouse¿ and if so can I now ur kindbinds
They’re so happy☺️
I totally didn't expect this video
What about FodaStorm?
speedy as sanic
Hey sandstorm can u make a mordex guide or just a guide for anything
Big boi sandstorm be destroying with greatsord
11:45 WOW
Great Sword and Sword= Kalm
Great sword and Katars= Panik
9:18 4'Piece? How?
*Everyone liked that.*
Any tips to tackle Bow? I always lose to it
Sandstorm you are literally the best brawlhalla player imo since you made a crappy weapon like scythe go into god mode and you also showed us what greatsword looks like with skill
Scythe crappy? Good joke
Just cuz sandstorm is godly with it doesnt mean it is a good weapon....its the player
foda: visible confuse
Yoo GREATSWORD guide soon? I’d didn’t watch YET
"zero dodge windows"
Almost 100k subs i see you
I have a question ... is it better to play with the mnk or with the controller?
Idk what is mnk but keyboard is bettee
@@cauec2340 thank you, mnk is mouse and keyboard
Your so good ❤️
Good job on the mm cup win sandstorm
Which Keyboard your using
Mako Tsunamiii
Did they win the 2s mammoth cup?
19:13 is my favorite part
you guys should do a switchcraft 1v1
The moment you play my 2nd favorite character the vid ends :(
i need your opinion for something, what do you think is the most difficult weapon in brawlhalla?
ur ulgrim unbeatable fr
what keybord you's you
Can you teach us how to jangle with ps4 with big sword
Just chillin with the boys😎
what camera setting does he play on?
Ik I may be a little bit late for him to see this, but could you make a katars how to? Watching those videos really helps! Also, keep up the good work!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I saw Boomie video focusing on him, now I'm watching your video focusing on you, and gezz a totally different video haha.
I was confused for the first 5 mins lol
i love you sandwiches
I actually don’t think they understand how scary they are together 😅
I can't wait until they play their main
@gdsandstorm, do you know anything about this RUclips channel called the brawlhalla cafe, it is a really long story but basically he had all the tournament avatars and he had everything in the game, he was also friends with remmy, swerpy, and simbuh, he had all the metadevs and esports colors for everyone. He wouldn’t turn on his mic so I couldn’t tell if it was you. He was saying it was u on a different account when I played with him
do you go to college? if so where is it?
*Foda crying in a corner*
And little did he know he won world championship
Scythe guide please
Sos un capo hermano jugas re piola ❤💪
Best 2v2 team in history of brawlhalla
Why did u change your name
were your names set up like that? boo tie?
Correcttion : Tee
Nice dude
10:24 me and my friend said the same thing yesterday when we went up against simba and santy and we’re just like “why they trying so hard” especially simba like YOU GOTTA TRY TO FUCKING WIN A RANK MATCH!!!! good lord LOL
GreatSword is actually every weapon
Yo sandstorm u playing g dash anymore we were great friends we'de message and i remember u were a big figure in the gdash community alright just wanted to check up on u seems ur pretty big now glad to see it have a nice day buddy