Title: Sparkster - Lakeside 0:06 Shizuku - Search 0:22 Super Mario 64 - Flip Select 1:20 Arcana - Rooks ~ The Card Master 2:45 EEK! The Cat - Zoo 4:15 Jazz Jackrabbit - Deckstar 5:34 Megaman & Bass - Pirate man 7:51 Mega Man ZX - Wonder Panorama 11:49 Metroid Zero Mission - Brinstar 18:02 Spanky's Quest - City 20:35 Cave Story - Last Battle 22:04 Mega Man 10 - Nitro Man 23:05 Romancing Saga 2 - Battle Theme 23:56 Final Fantasy IX - Final Battle 24:36 Ganbare Goemon 4 - Credits
From now on, even if (2020s) SMW hacks have vanilla graphics for their endings, all that matters is if they have custom music like Vanilla Level Design Contests 8-9 (which started the amazing existence of the idea. Either that or it was Mario’s Mad Adventure and Mario, Luigi and the 7 Eggs, Cyphermur9t’s first hacks even before Mushroom Kingdom Meltdown 1 (after that and in the 2010s, he made the best hacks like MKM2, the Mario Gives Up trilogy and Underworld) that I would love to give the Luigi’s Adventure OSE treatment by giving it custom music and possibly more robust and industrious levels) and Super Mario World: The Princess Rescue by Crash Bandicoot of all characters/SMWCentral directors, and not only does Mostly Harmless deliver on that, but it even has MP3 quality music that sounds like disco! *mega fan scream*
1:31 Mario Kart 64 - Toad's Turnpike
10:29 Earthworm Jim 2 - Anything But Tangerines
14:26 Mega Man 7 - Freeze Man
Title: Sparkster - Lakeside
0:06 Shizuku - Search
0:22 Super Mario 64 - Flip Select
1:20 Arcana - Rooks ~ The Card Master
2:45 EEK! The Cat - Zoo
4:15 Jazz Jackrabbit - Deckstar
5:34 Megaman & Bass - Pirate man
7:51 Mega Man ZX - Wonder Panorama
11:49 Metroid Zero Mission - Brinstar
18:02 Spanky's Quest - City
20:35 Cave Story - Last Battle
22:04 Mega Man 10 - Nitro Man
23:05 Romancing Saga 2 - Battle Theme
23:56 Final Fantasy IX - Final Battle
24:36 Ganbare Goemon 4 - Credits
From now on, even if (2020s) SMW hacks have vanilla graphics for their endings, all that matters is if they have custom music like Vanilla Level Design Contests 8-9 (which started the amazing existence of the idea. Either that or it was Mario’s Mad Adventure and Mario, Luigi and the 7 Eggs, Cyphermur9t’s first hacks even before Mushroom Kingdom Meltdown 1 (after that and in the 2010s, he made the best hacks like MKM2, the Mario Gives Up trilogy and Underworld) that I would love to give the Luigi’s Adventure OSE treatment by giving it custom music and possibly more robust and industrious levels) and Super Mario World: The Princess Rescue by Crash Bandicoot of all characters/SMWCentral directors, and not only does Mostly Harmless deliver on that, but it even has MP3 quality music that sounds like disco! *mega fan scream*
Great music selection!
9:58 - I spy a missed opportunity to cheese.
Awesome TAS!
Great romhack!
That OST is fire
09:15, 12:15, and 24:38 best tracks of the OST w/o a doubt
Super video gaming Binavik
whats the name of the song in 5:33
Mega Man & Bass - Pirate Man
@@mateusdutra8963 thanks bro
I get this is kinda old but does anyone know what the first song is from the first level I’ve been searching everywhere
*aaaaaa bom dia*