Top 5 Best iPods to Purchase in 2022 (Buyer's Guide)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 212

  • @mmmbbq
    @mmmbbq 2 года назад +140

    Instead of saying D A C, just say "dak". And Nano 7th is used by me every day. It's got BT!

    • @sybsygstgstsgysg5330
      @sybsygstgstsgysg5330 Год назад +5

      Was thinking the same thing

    • @JJTech-life245
      @JJTech-life245 Год назад

      Asking it for Christmas

    • @alvzcizzler
      @alvzcizzler 8 месяцев назад

      Doesn't the iPod Touch also has Bluetooth? because he said the iPod Nano 7 was the only iPod ever with Bluetooth

    • @mmmbbq
      @mmmbbq 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@alvzcizzler Not sure, but If I was going to walk around with a phone sized ipod, I'd just use my phone. The nano 7th is the size of a small box of matches and is puuuuurfect for walking around with or whatever. I'd never want anything larger for what I use it for.

    • @Guishe96
      @Guishe96 7 месяцев назад

      @@alvzcizzler yes, iPod Touch has BT from 4th Gen to 7th Gen.

  • @clydeosterhout1221
    @clydeosterhout1221 Год назад +32

    The iPod Touch 4 is still just as functional as the Nano 7. It still plays music, it has Bluetooth, it plays podcasts and videos (HD!). You can even (surprisingly) play the web version of RUclips on it. Plus it can use the camera for photos and FaceTime! Would I buy it instead of the Nano 7? Probably not. The 7 is just so cool! But the Nano 5 is still my all time favorite.

    • @n.park1
      @n.park1 8 месяцев назад +3

      The nanos and touches are a pain in the ass to replace the battery

    • @clydeosterhout1221
      @clydeosterhout1221 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@n.park1 true! I pay someone else to replace the batteries on mine. No way I’m going to try it!

    • @bennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
      @bennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 4 месяца назад +4

      my main disdain for ipod touches, is that they have internet/apps/etc... i love the simplicity of the other ipod models.. music only (video too for some)

    • @clydeosterhout1221
      @clydeosterhout1221 3 месяца назад

      @@bennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn agreed! Although not so much anymore. As of this year my iPod Touch 4s can no longer access the App Store at all, even for those few apps that still work on iOS 6. I just use mine for music and videos, pretty much the same as I do my iPod 5. It can still play RUclips, though, which I find incredible!

    • @bennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
      @bennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 3 месяца назад

      @@clydeosterhout1221 thats interesting... i find myself borderline addicted to youtube and reddit.. so i like not having access to it (i removed youtube and internet browsers from my phone)

  • @Doctor_Badass_
    @Doctor_Badass_ Год назад +71

    I had a nano 6th gen in high school. I wore it as a watch with one of those bands and ran earbuds up my sleeve. We weren't allowed to listen to music on campus even outside of class. That was one of the few ways to get away with it since Bluetooth earbuds weren't really a thing yet. Good times.

    • @nathanj7423
      @nathanj7423 4 месяца назад +1

      That's mad cool fam. How'd u get it as a watch tho?

    • @HanzCastroyearsago
      @HanzCastroyearsago 2 месяца назад

      ⁠@@nathanj7423he bought a band for it

    • @guitarboyjeff
      @guitarboyjeff Месяц назад

      I remember when I was in middle school in 2000 we weren’t allowed to have CD Players but I would still carry it and use it before and after school. Lol that was harder to hide but in your case that nano was a perfect setup because of how small and hide ability of it!! I am sort of jealous lol.

    • @guitarboyjeff
      @guitarboyjeff Месяц назад

      @@nathanj7423 later Apple released an update to it that added watch faces like the Apple watch today. You can say the Nano 6th gen was the watch before the watch. I’m sure they took inspiration from this one for the watch.

  • @SamNEllas
    @SamNEllas 2 года назад +53

    The Wolfson DAC is in quite a few different models. But as you said it comes down to so much more than just the audio quality, it's really the experience.

    • @toddomg
      @toddomg  2 года назад +10

      Experience, end source (speakers), wiring of the schematic, interference from other parts, etc. Almost impossible to pin it down to just DAC from an electrical standpoint!

    • @escapetherace1943
      @escapetherace1943 6 месяцев назад

      the wolfson dac sounds worse than the newer ones, from an objective standpoint

  • @theminecraftace
    @theminecraftace Год назад +10

    5:25 That fly wanted to be in the video.
    I've still got my iPod Touch 7th gen, and it's on ios 15, so it got two more major releases than what you said. I don't have to worry about it interrupting me with a spam call unlike my iPhone SE.

  • @ccoloured
    @ccoloured Год назад +37

    me when I got one because I find spotify boring:

    • @h6yle
      @h6yle 2 месяца назад

      Which one did you end up buying?

  • @Techn1cated
    @Techn1cated Год назад +12

    I have a 5.5 gen and want a 7th gen because I prefer the metal look and the software, but I’ve been put off by people saying how difficult it is to open up… maybe I’ll just put Rockbox on the 5.5!

  • @blankmantm2501
    @blankmantm2501 Год назад +5

    I have the Touch 7. It’s perfect for me, and Intake it everywhere. It’s so capable and so small. The battery is just fine for what I need, and I can catch up on all my podcasts while offline.

    • @blankmantm2501
      @blankmantm2501 Год назад

      Also, shortcuts are great for music, accessible from the home screen

  • @kylehazachode
    @kylehazachode Год назад +33

    The iPod 3g is my daily driver, but it's very picky on what adapters and CF/SD cards it can use. The iPod 4g monochrome on the other hand, is extremely easy to upgrade and you have a larger selection of higher capacity batteries to choose from. The monochrome screens from the older iPods are so much easier to read, especially in direct daylight.

  • @aprfinancing481
    @aprfinancing481 2 года назад +4

    10:53 the ipod touch 7th gen is actually on iOS 15 as it's final version

  • @rgnoc
    @rgnoc 8 месяцев назад +4

    i use the iPod touch 4 daily and I love it due to how small and thin it is compared to the 5/6/7.

  • @MikeCee7
    @MikeCee7 Год назад +5

    I much prefer the iPod Touch, because I occasionally DJ at informal private house parties like; Halloween, Christmas, New Year’s Eve etc:, usually in someone’s backyard, and if my iPad touch gets stolen, or a beer spills on it, no big deal, (versus leaving my iPhone out there) Also, I can make playlists and arrange the songs in particular order that I like. (I don’t know if I can you can do those of those older iPods with the smaller displays screens) but it’s very important for me to have songs in a certain order on my playlist. Not just having a playlist with songs in a random order.
    So I can can easily see the playlist songs on the iPod touch, the best for me based on its large display.
    I could manually see & skip from song #3 to song #7 on my playlist easily.
    (Verse it seems to me that it would be much harder to do with with the first two iPods or the Last two iPods you demonstrated)

  • @Libraluv90
    @Libraluv90 Год назад +8

    I have two of the 7th generation as a millennial dance teacher! People see the doc I have for it in my home speaker and laugh lol my students have yet to figure out how to use it in dance class. I had the nanos too! Love these videos! 🎉

  • @stephenisip5008
    @stephenisip5008 Год назад +14

    The 128 gb limit you refer to only applies to the 6g. Both my 5g and 5.5 g ipods run 1tb sd cards

    • @Kurazaybo
      @Kurazaybo Год назад +2

      This is accurate, even the iflash page says the recommended upgrade is up to 256 gb on the 5g 30GB iPod video

  • @erickhernandez3918
    @erickhernandez3918 Год назад +6

    I’m looking for an iPod I can take with me on deployment and not loose music after 30 for not connecting to internet.

    • @andrejka_talking_out_loud
      @andrejka_talking_out_loud 11 месяцев назад +1

      that is the reason to get one... they seem to be pretty durable though temperature extremes like cold and very hot might be a problem for the battery of the ipod.

  • @EremittV
    @EremittV Год назад +5

    I have a 5.5 and 7th gen and I clearly hear a difference between the two. I have a very sensitive pair of iems and the 5.5 gen has more noise than the 7th gen. The 5.5 gen sounds a bit darker/warmer than the 7th gen, but that is more of a matter of taste.

    • @Kurazaybo
      @Kurazaybo Год назад +1

      Also can confirm this, I have a 5g, 6g and 7g. With IEMs I perceive noise on the 5g which is not there on the older gen ones.

  • @indie5826
    @indie5826 Год назад +3

    I buy ipod touch v2. Its cheap , and I only use it for music and the Bluetooth to connect to car. Love the shuttle and its no brick ❤

  • @robiocraft
    @robiocraft Год назад +16

    I have heard people comment that iPod Classic 5th gen has a bit more darker sound, while having better spacial soundstage and iPod Classic 7th gen essentially sounds like a modern iPhone, having an overall brighter sound and having more detailed imaging for the instrumentals. I have also seen comments that 5th gen would let you listen to it for more hours without your ears getting tired while the modern DAC sound on 7th gen and later will sound higher quality in short term, but will make you more tired in longer term. This is all very subjective information and should be taken with a grain of salt. I admit that it's not something I would be able to pick up on a blind audio test, however, I do admit that overall and especially after longer use you can feel a different theme, by using the same headphone equipment, in using an iPod 5th gen and iPhone audio I really do attest in 'perceiving' these aforementioned differences.

  • @galaxyglow5187
    @galaxyglow5187 Год назад +4

    I have all 7 generations of both the iPod Touch and iPod Nano. I even have two first gen iPod Minis but one of them has a dead hard drive and I do want to save the iPod. I have yet to get a second gen iPod mini but I will remain patient.
    I have two soon to be three iPod Shuffles. I have the first and second gen shuffles and the one coming in the mail is a fourth gen. I have many iPods as I never had one during my teen years.

  • @TheGelatinousSnake
    @TheGelatinousSnake Год назад +4

    iPod Video 5 & 5.5 sound great, easiest to mod, use the least power when modded. Wolfson DAC is the same brand DAC in the Original Sony PSP, excellent. If you use a higher quality external DAC anyway, then don’t worry about it. It’s not really a DAC for Audiophiles but a DAC for nostalgia junkies that “sounds right” because Wolfson DACs were in the devices we prized in the 2000s. Audiophiles will just take the Digital out of any iPod and feed it to the best external DAC they can afford… and honestly, any external DAC worth any worth $25 or more should be able to pump out more accurate sound than a 15 year old device.

  • @n.park1
    @n.park1 8 месяцев назад +2

    The ipod mini should be on this list as it is super easy to repair almost all components, as well as having rockbox support. Batteries is something that people often overlook here

  • @guitarboyjeff
    @guitarboyjeff Месяц назад

    4:15 not true in my case. I had a 5th only not 5.5 with 512GB Micro SD and it worked very well. Although I never use the shuffle so It’s why I didn’t have problems. I eventually changed it to a 7th gen which it was originally a 7th gen but my battery connector broke off which is why I had to go with a 5th gen for a while. Lol!

  • @savage_0217
    @savage_0217 Год назад +12

    I have both 5.5 and 7th gen ipod classic. Sound wise 5.5 have slight edge when it comes to clarity and sounding more louder than 7th gen but you already pointed out its not a deal breaker if your just a normal consumer.

    • @iikatinggangsengii2471
      @iikatinggangsengii2471 Год назад

      livepro is more accurate and yes clearer, smth really beneficial if you listen to natural sounds often, music not so much

  • @stevehumm1678
    @stevehumm1678 3 месяца назад +1

    How do you transfer music to these?
    I cant get itunes to connect to mine anymore

    • @ShepTheCreator
      @ShepTheCreator 3 месяца назад

      Then rockbox may be your only way, but if it's not connecting to iTunes and being finicky try resetting it on finder. That worked with mine

    • @paullyashenko1201
      @paullyashenko1201 26 дней назад

      itunes works for me on windows 10 for next ipods: shuffle 2; touch 2, 3, 4; nano 4, 5; havent tried classic 6th gen yet

    • @stevehumm1678
      @stevehumm1678 26 дней назад

      @paullyashenko1201 what version of itunes are you using please?

    • @paullyashenko1201
      @paullyashenko1201 26 дней назад

      @@stevehumm1678 version is 12 13 4 4 (with dots inbetween)

  • @spaceKadz
    @spaceKadz 5 месяцев назад +2

    I have the iPod 5.5 and I used to have a 6th gen nano. Gonna get one again for the gym.

  • @6891s
    @6891s 16 дней назад

    I have the iPod Touch 5 it running on ios 6.0. It had around 32 gb which is not a lot but it can store pretty much all of the songs that i listen to in high definition (granted it can only go up to 16-bit 44000hz if i want to use the eq on the music app but it’s worth it for both nostalgia and audio playback)

  • @WalterGalindo
    @WalterGalindo Год назад +6

    Thank you for the video ive been biten with the ipod bug of lately, i lost a 160gb 7gen long time ago, and i miss it, i want a new (to me) one to modernize and was wondering if it was the best one to get.

  • @christopherwilliams9418
    @christopherwilliams9418 Год назад +1

    A note for anyone watching this now, if you go looking for a 7th gen make sure you buy the 160gb model and not the 120gb model 7th gen or the 160gb model 6th gen... The ONLY iPod that can do the 1tb mod without RockBox to my understanding is the 7th gen 160gb.
    Learned this the hard way buying a 7th gen 120gb, put a 256gb SD in it and it can only see half of it. You can't even bypass the limit with Rockbox either because it's hardware locked on the 6, 6.5 and 120gb 7th. :(

  • @KenzieTrinityDeasy
    @KenzieTrinityDeasy 4 месяца назад +1

    I have 3 iPods 5th gen classic, 1st & 3rd gen Nano, nanos are great if I don’t have pockets, not heavy, also because it has low storage I can find a artist or song quick and not spend forever scrolling through ALLLLLLL my music. My 1st gen Nano has only Japanese Artists on it.

  • @abdelali9279
    @abdelali9279 Год назад +2

    It's a cope, but I got an iPod Touch 4th gen for $12 in a thrift store, for a moment I though it was bootleg as I didn't remember an old iPod touch having a front and back cameras, but turned out great, the battery still holds up, and it has 32GB so it is enough for my collection, since my car is compatible with iPods it's literally my daily driver as a kind of jukebox for my car.

    • @blankmantm2501
      @blankmantm2501 Год назад

      Hi! I want to know, what do you mean compatible with iPod? I’ve heard that about a few cars but never really understood it

    • @Bonkerous
      @Bonkerous Год назад

      the 4th gen touch actually DOES have front and back cameras and it was introduced with this generation

    • @abdelali9279
      @abdelali9279 Год назад

      @@blankmantm2501 it doesn't connect just by aux but USB so I can use my car radio to navigate my iPod's library playlists without having to get the iPod out

  • @avozdocoracao734
    @avozdocoracao734 2 года назад +4

    but what about ipod mini 2nd gen???
    reason: you only need 1 adapter for up to 256GB SD Cards mate! it's fun to disassemble it up, it has a ridiculously long lasting battery life! 18HRS! it uses the same remote as the 1st to 4th gen ipod classic! you forgot to mention it! other than that, nice vid!

    • @toddomg
      @toddomg  2 года назад +1

      I’d pick it over most of the nanos for repairability but as far as functionality it is trumped by the iPod video series. However - cool factor is important, and second gen mini is VERY cool!

    • @avozdocoracao734
      @avozdocoracao734 2 года назад

      @@toddomg ok thanks mate!

  • @Rogers1977
    @Rogers1977 3 месяца назад

    I want to say an honorable mention is the Mini 2nd gen! Easy to open up and modify, the 2nd gen will take 256GB. I've been using my old Mini again after getting it back from my parents and it's such a fun experience. The click wheel is as snappy as ever and the monochrome screen is easy to read when sunlight hits it. Best of all, they're still cheap!

  • @davilealsilveiradacosta9606
    @davilealsilveiradacosta9606 3 дня назад

    The sound of the iPods it’s:
    5th gen and iPods nanos 1-3: a sound like k7, very warm bass and mids and less highs, it’s good an any speaker and any phone.
    6.5th gen and 7 gen: a sound like CD, flat and crisp, better for great phones or speakers.
    I prever the sound of a CD (or 6.5/7 gen), but some stiles of music is better in older iPods.

    • @toddomg
      @toddomg  3 дня назад

      @@davilealsilveiradacosta9606 Total BS. Prove you can tell the difference in a blind test and upload it to RUclips.

  • @paullyashenko1201
    @paullyashenko1201 26 дней назад

    detailed video, the only thing i disagree that ipod’s touch 1-4 are dead. probably it’s personal, but i still have 1-4 touch and shuffle 2gen 2 gb, still usable for cycling or basic music consumption. the biggest advantage of touch before classic (for daily use) are bluetooth and proper search of music with regular querty keyboard. also if i drop or damage 1-4 gen i literally don’t care because i can easily get another one for under $10-15. of course if battery is ok, all ipods that i have, surprisingly have good batteries (i liked and subscribed anyway, good content)

  • @crBudgetWatches
    @crBudgetWatches Год назад +2

    I have both the 5.5 and 7th gen and I struggle to find the sound difference maybe my ears are not audiophilic enough.

  • @meerkhat6123
    @meerkhat6123 12 дней назад

    What’s the mat you use and where can I purchase it!

  • @social3ngin33rin
    @social3ngin33rin Год назад

    @12:00 how come the chunky one will last forever, but the previous ones were bricked? Won't the chunky ones become bricked too?

    • @n.park1
      @n.park1 8 месяцев назад

      The parts can be replaced more easily

  • @Stallzyx
    @Stallzyx 2 месяца назад

    The ipod touch 2nd gen has bluetooth. I have one from back in the day and apparently it wasn't enabled on launch but teardowns show the chip is there and they enabled it in ios3+

  • @efisiopiantacarote8780
    @efisiopiantacarote8780 23 дня назад

    iPod are getting very pricey and is getting difficult to find one in pristine condition, meaning one that was not opened up and tampered with. The cheap alternative are iPhone 4s and 5s/SE 2016. Very easy to find, very cheap, still have 3,5 headphone jack, just put them in airplane mode and you have a perfectly functional iPod. They are quite easy to open up and change battery too, and finding accessories is extremely easy and cheap. Try finding a carrying bag for an iPod 4…

  • @luckclumonM3
    @luckclumonM3 8 месяцев назад +1

    Got my iPod fixed since it has 5000 songs on it and nowadays you need to pay monthly for music you’ll NEVER own. So it was an easy choice.

  • @spectral4314
    @spectral4314 Год назад +1

    Where should I go to buy a iPod nano 7th gen i want quality but obviously not over priced

    • @gameonfunnn
      @gameonfunnn 3 месяца назад

      same here mate (i ain't an aussie btw)

    • @Jengswm
      @Jengswm 2 месяца назад

      Maybe try eBay bids in your local area or Facebook marketplace

  • @pikaporeon
    @pikaporeon 11 месяцев назад +2

    Hard disagree with the 7th gen due to how hard it is to get inside one as necessary
    (Also the Mini for price to get to 256gb)

  • @mqaisataloss.5951
    @mqaisataloss.5951 Год назад +1

    I got a 7th gen back in the day, recently slapped in a new battery because it was going crazy since i replaced the HDD with 512GB flash storage XD
    New battery and some calibrating later and now it lasts me so crazy long each charge :D
    Its going on 14 years old now ? maybe older and nowadays its used in situations where it could break.
    For any other situation its been replaced by a Sony walkman, superior audio quality and the ability to download a library for offline use on tidal.
    But most likely the ipod will outlive the walkman, simply due to the fact that at some point sony will stop supporting the walkman software wise.
    And the ipod is just super easy and cheap to fix.

    • @Kurazaybo
      @Kurazaybo Год назад +1

      15 years with my 6g and still going strong. To think it will turn 16 years old next year is just wild.

  • @m.f.3347
    @m.f.3347 2 года назад +2

    just bought a 5th gen 60gb with a dead drive for an absolute steal, with the intention of flash modding it once all the parts arrive

    • @toddomg
      @toddomg  2 года назад

      This is perfect! Congratulations! You’ll love it. Consider rockbox as well.

  • @nitrosophelin
    @nitrosophelin Месяц назад

    ipod 4th gen monochrome and esp the ipod mini 2nd gen are great as well. 2nd gen mini might be the very best ipod in terms of just being a music player

  • @TazSandrin
    @TazSandrin Год назад

    I got an iPod 5th gen and installed iPodLinux and Rockbox onto it. On the iPod classic, only can do Rockbox.

  • @sudden-K
    @sudden-K 4 месяца назад +5

    I blame the one Aussie for bringing me here

    • @ShepTheCreator
      @ShepTheCreator 3 месяца назад +3

      Does the Aussie start with a D and end with an ankPods???

    • @gameonfunnn
      @gameonfunnn 3 месяца назад +1

      @@ShepTheCreator probably

  • @laylaylomadam8450
    @laylaylomadam8450 Год назад +1

    ı am between classic 7 and nano 7 is classic 7 so much better better in sound or minor difference? if its only minor ı choose nano because of form factor good software and screen

  • @DiyfixtoolCi
    @DiyfixtoolCi Год назад +2

    I like and appreciate your knowledge, your videos explain it very well

  • @lissybug0176
    @lissybug0176 Год назад

    The 4g and 6g can only see 128GB and 5g, 5.5g and 7g can see more the iPods are limited by the amount of RAM they have and you’ll lose the ability to shuffle songs because of the amount of metadata it has to keep track of. So if you don’t care about shuffling your entire library you can put 1 or 2TB in it.

  • @CosmizP
    @CosmizP 8 дней назад

    5th gen Nano with a replaced battery (not as extreme as people say to do) is the best Nano

  • @jansshrimps3785
    @jansshrimps3785 9 месяцев назад

    hey where did you buy the scroll wheels ?

  • @nandogrando
    @nandogrando Год назад +1

    I love my iPod touch 3rd gen the way it is.

  • @MrToryhere
    @MrToryhere 2 года назад +5

    I have two 7th generation Nanos and they are brilliant. My 32GB 3rd Generation Touch is a much better music player than my 5th generation Video

    • @toddomg
      @toddomg  2 года назад +3

      Third gen touch better than a 5 gen video is quite the hot take

  • @user-tu1zw8pj9b
    @user-tu1zw8pj9b Год назад

    Is it worth buying factory sealed if I get it on eBay? Like will the batteries work or I need to get it replaced? I am taking about the nano 7th gen and the classic 5.5 and 7th gen

    • @Kurazaybo
      @Kurazaybo Год назад +1

      Pretty unlikely, as the batteries are going to be at minimum 8-9 years old. Also I would personally doubt a factory sealed one on ebay for a reasonable price is real.

    • @user-tu1zw8pj9b
      @user-tu1zw8pj9b Год назад +2

      @@Kurazaybo yeah I might check out elite obsolete who makes custom iPod classic 5.5s.

  • @anders6418
    @anders6418 2 года назад +3

    To be able to hear any difference you need to have really good source, like loss less files, great pair of headphones, if you don't have that I don't think it really matters which one you pick.

    • @dwigtscott9552
      @dwigtscott9552 2 года назад +1

      The iPod doesn’t support lossless files playback

    • @toddomg
      @toddomg  2 года назад +3

      This is just plain false. Even if you mod it with Rockbox to support FLAC files I have A/B tested blindly in my studio with $2,500 monitors against other iPods and could never spot the Wolfson DAC.

    • @anders6418
      @anders6418 2 года назад

      @@toddomg ok

    • @afonsosousa2712
      @afonsosousa2712 Год назад

      ​@@toddomg i respect desagree with you on this matter though!!
      If you use the rockbox as is intend you really could bring out the best of the ipod 5.5 !!

  • @leosto2504
    @leosto2504 Год назад +2

    I have both a 5th gen and a 6th gen and I've noticed that my 6th gen sounds noticibly quieter than my 5th. Is this to do with the different headphone jack? Could it be that the previous owner of my 6th gen replaced the headphone jack with a lower quality one, hence why it sounds quieter or is it the dac? Thx

  • @SelenaFerreyra-y8g
    @SelenaFerreyra-y8g 9 месяцев назад

    So which iPod classics and the gb types are label as the “thick” and “thin” versions?

  • @2660MHz
    @2660MHz 7 месяцев назад

    is it possible to upgrade the storage capacity of a Nano 7th gen?

  • @Mark-fs7ok
    @Mark-fs7ok 7 месяцев назад

    If you're planning to mod your iPod, the 5 or 5.5 are waaay easier to open. The 6 and 7 generation are a huge pain to open, and you're likely to scratch it up in the process

  • @blakesooly2722
    @blakesooly2722 Год назад

    The iPod Touch 1st generation from 2007 has a Wolfson DAC and is what I use

    • @marioman971
      @marioman971 6 месяцев назад

      Calling any of these ewaste is absolutely absurd lol. I have a 1st gen Touch and a near new 6th gen nano that I cycle between when working outside.
      I still get solid battery life from that Touch too, it's actually pretty good

    • @marioman971
      @marioman971 6 месяцев назад

      Dare I say the Mini is the best overall for music, easiest and cheapest to repair and mod

  • @mkuhnactual
    @mkuhnactual Год назад +1

    shame you can't jailbreak the touch's to get around lack of support in the future

  • @otavioalfano
    @otavioalfano 2 месяца назад

    Were can I buy one of the oldest iPods?

  • @ahoorahatami140
    @ahoorahatami140 Год назад

    Where can I buy one with healthy battery?

  • @helelman7184
    @helelman7184 Год назад

    Which one is the best from quality of music sound

  • @AmandeepKajal
    @AmandeepKajal 10 месяцев назад

    Where can i get these from?

  • @AngelChris-e7h
    @AngelChris-e7h 3 дня назад

    Still got 7th classic ❤

  • @sfeddie1
    @sfeddie1 8 месяцев назад

    The IPod 7 Bluetooth doesn’t support AirPod 2’s. Bluetooth will connect, but there is no audio out. Tried all the RUclips fixes. No luck.

  • @kristenkwhitfield
    @kristenkwhitfield Год назад

    Thanks Todd! Now that I have the brand new Classic 7th gen - I'll be darned if I can sync my music to it on my MAC - can you help me? I know it is now done thru finder - when I plug it in, the iPod shows up but it never stops the "loading" process. I never can get it to come up with the syncing screen.

    • @toddomg
      @toddomg  Год назад

      Hi Kristen! I haven’t had that problem myself so I’m not sure how to fix it. Does your iPod play songs normally? Does it shuffle songs okay? If so, then it’s a software issue I haven’t encountered before. If the iPod doesn’t play songs or shuffle playlists then it may be a hardware (likely hard drive) issue. Let me know if I can be of assistance - but it’s hard to assist when not there in person. Good luck!

    • @kristenkwhitfield
      @kristenkwhitfield Год назад

      @@toddomg Thanks! It is brand new, I loaded it with my music, worked like a charm. I connect it to my car stereo via usb - my problem came up when my car erased everything one day. When I go back to my MAC (now running Ventura) using finder, I can't re-load my music. I am trying to find someone that has these old classics that can help, if you know of anyone! Thanks!

  • @deimosb1697
    @deimosb1697 2 месяца назад

    I do love my little iPod shuffle tho

  • @Philipdroneadventure
    @Philipdroneadventure 11 месяцев назад

    Great video:) But calling the first Ipod Touch a brick isn´t quite right. Just charged one and loaded it with audiobooks and have started using it again. Surely all other apps are more or less useless and not possible to use. But as a Ipdo for music/podcasts/audiobooks it still works fine:)

  • @Sjrick
    @Sjrick 9 месяцев назад

    Any suggestions on where to buy parts for ipods ? Im going to attempt to replace the hard drive in mine. I tried the flash models but was really disappointed in them. Much slower and had terrible lag.

    • @n.park1
      @n.park1 8 месяцев назад


  • @basikeconomics5154
    @basikeconomics5154 Год назад

    5th gen and touch 6 are my based ipod, with mini having some fun sometimes

  • @Stllno
    @Stllno 6 месяцев назад +1

    Awesome review! Love my nano! Shame Apple discontinued iPods! 😔😢

    • @Joniyah444
      @Joniyah444 3 месяца назад

      Elite obsolete electronics ❤

  • @Usbluthooth
    @Usbluthooth 5 месяцев назад

    It's that ipod r magnetic that u can put in the usb Bluetooth plug

  • @captainclockwork4007
    @captainclockwork4007 11 месяцев назад

    I have an iPod Touch 7th generation. Will it still work in 5-6 if I don’t use it with the internet and just download MP3 files from my iMac?

  • @sybsygstgstsgysg5330
    @sybsygstgstsgysg5330 2 года назад +14

    I’ll take your old iPod touches, I can get them jailbroken

  • @aninnaeem4717
    @aninnaeem4717 Год назад

    Where can buy those?

  • @boop53
    @boop53 8 месяцев назад

    just purchased an ipod video 5.5!

  • @AM562
    @AM562 Год назад

    I had a 7th Gen iPod touch and I was running iOS 15 the only difference between the iPods was the processor the iPod 6th Gen had the processor from an iPhone 6 and the 7 Gen had the processor from iPhone 7 they both have 1GB of RAM and a 1000mha battery

  • @fcubeboy4959
    @fcubeboy4959 4 месяца назад +1

    How dare you but the older touches down like that. I know they don’t connect to the App Store. I don’t need it to, it’s a music player, nothing more. I daily a 2nd gen touch. Because fuck streaming and it has Bluetooth, I like to use airpods with it. I also love old iOS. My dad brought it back in 2009 and the battery is still great. I’m looking to upgrade to a 32gb however as I’ve quickly used all 8gb of storage

  • @XENO567
    @XENO567 Год назад

    Little correction; the 7th gen iPod touch goes all the way up to iOS 15

  • @Whytedebil
    @Whytedebil Год назад

    5 or 5.5 hands down.

  • @trrde
    @trrde Год назад

    loved the video, drop the music please hahaha

  • @rbriggs89
    @rbriggs89 Год назад

    Yeah. I can't really tell a difference between wolfson dac and 6th / 7th gen dac either 😅

  • @RomyTrinidad-lets-go-make
    @RomyTrinidad-lets-go-make Месяц назад

    12:52 OMG I NEED THIS

  • @montec4763
    @montec4763 Год назад

    Brilliant video

  • @tbu_drachenkater5397
    @tbu_drachenkater5397 11 месяцев назад

    I bought the Nano 3rd gen 8gb in black for €17

    • @n.park1
      @n.park1 8 месяцев назад

      Try to replace the battery on that one

    • @tbu_drachenkater5397
      @tbu_drachenkater5397 8 месяцев назад

      @@n.park1 hell no. For one it doesn’t need replacement, cause it still holds a more than decent charge and secondly it’s extremely challenging and you need soldering skills

  • @thetruth3499
    @thetruth3499 Год назад

    Looking at getting a Ipod classic 7th generation but how do you download music to it? I have a PC and don't own any music from iTunes

  • @istvanfabian7566
    @istvanfabian7566 Год назад

    iPod mini w/ a new battery, thank me later! 1 of the B E S T ever made! But cover flow is amazing, so gen 7th... or nano 3rd...

    • @n.park1
      @n.park1 8 месяцев назад

      Nanos, Touches and 6/7 gens are a chore to replace the battery!
      So that's why I'm getting a pink ipod mini. I can replace the battery everytime it starts to degrade

  • @Raufers
    @Raufers 2 года назад

    I have found lost in my job an ipod touch 4th and a ipod nano 3th. They need repair to use, witch is the best for this?

    • @toddomg
      @toddomg  2 года назад +4

      Neither. Both are almost impossible to repair. If you have to try, try the nano, but it is a very skilled and difficult repair.

  • @Usbluthooth
    @Usbluthooth 5 месяцев назад

    How many gs

  • @RyanaRyder
    @RyanaRyder Год назад

    Can Nano 7th gen download youtube music? To download offline music from?

  • @scotdotwtf
    @scotdotwtf 5 месяцев назад

    7th and 6th gen has basically the same customization as 5th gen 😭 or atleast on elite obsolete electronics

  • @Humansofearth2941
    @Humansofearth2941 7 дней назад

    The big problem is buying the music. These iPods don’t connect to any of the streaming services.

  • @FishingRandomPlaces
    @FishingRandomPlaces Год назад

    If I log into iTunes with my Apple ID, can I drag and drop all my downloaded music into an iPod? Or is it not that simple?

    • @ZeginMakesMusic
      @ZeginMakesMusic Год назад

      Its that simple

    • @FishingRandomPlaces
      @FishingRandomPlaces Год назад

      @@ZeginMakesMusic itunes does not allow you to move music downloaded from apple music to an ipod.

    • @ZeginMakesMusic
      @ZeginMakesMusic Год назад +1

      @George Claxton I literally sync my ipod every day with music from itunes. I'll upload a video of it later tonight.

    • @FishingRandomPlaces
      @FishingRandomPlaces Год назад

      That would actually be extremely helpful. I press the little download icon on the song in my library but then when I try to drag and drop it on my iPod it doesn’t work.

    • @ZeginMakesMusic
      @ZeginMakesMusic Год назад +1

      @George Claxton What happens when you click on the tiny ipod loaded at the top, Then click on music and select sync all?

  • @oreooreo7
    @oreooreo7 4 месяца назад

    I want an iPod nano 5th bc it has a camera meanwhile it isn't an ipod touch, I want to use it as a retro camera , ik its one of the worst iPods to repair hahahaha

  • @k1tajfar714
    @k1tajfar714 Год назад

    i wish i could have one of your old bricked ipods :_)

  • @subiludo1928
    @subiludo1928 7 месяцев назад

    "I think the DAC is bs." Just translated to me as "I don't have a headset worth a 💩"

  • @JJTech-life245
    @JJTech-life245 Год назад

    People still use iPod shuffle so add it