Things I Think I Know About The Browns - What We Learned From Hard Knocks and Dustin Hopkins

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @the_furthest_reaches
    @the_furthest_reaches 3 дня назад

    What are the odds that Quincy talks in his sleep…all night…nonstop?

  • @Maxaldojo
    @Maxaldojo 5 дней назад

    Dillon Gabriel... Left handed? How much manipulation of the line does a left handed quarterback require. If the left-handed starter gets hurt, how does the line move around to seitch to a right-handed backup???

  • @trippeddownthestairs8238
    @trippeddownthestairs8238 3 дня назад

    The fact that you guys can shake your pom poms and portray the Browns under the Berry-Stefanski regime as a model franchise is absolutely nauseating. By defending Andrew Berry's piss poor decisions on the kicker position, Brad is literally saying it doesn't matter if the Browns score points. It doesn't matter if Dustin Hopkins makes his kicks because Brad Ward is going to gaslight the public on behalf of the Cleveland Browns organization, regardless of how many losing seasons they have!

    • @OrangeAndBrownReport
      @OrangeAndBrownReport  3 дня назад

      I’m just saying it doesn’t really matter as much right now, if he can’t make kicks in camp he will be cut and they will have eat 2.1m. I don’t see why that is a huge deal. Once again they won 11 games last year and he was excellent. I’m just saying let’s give him until camp.

  • @runningbeard7380
    @runningbeard7380 День назад

    Every 5 minutes… ads.

  • @bahumdinger8361
    @bahumdinger8361 4 дня назад

    Another berry apologist....he's not above average or even average in any area...drafting, free agency or cap.... the cool aid kids