+killroy_washere2 exactly! it's said that she has no human emotion, but based on lines concerning Gerard, she seems as if she kind of regrets killing him, or disappointed.
It's possible that she was acting under some sort of subliminal suggestion. We know that after she killed him, she went back to Talon for more conditioning. Since we know that Talon didn't erase her memory, it's possible that she still holds some emotions associated with Gérard. After all, the only time we ever see her showing any emotion that isn't smug satisfaction or mild annoyance is when Gérard is involved.
I don't know if you encountered this, but I was playing Widowmaker on Watchpoint Gibraltar and when she first leaves the spawning room she mutters Gerard's name in a nostalgic manner. Between this and her line to Ana, I wonder if she still misses him even though she was the one who killed him.
I'vs heard that line several times in different maps. Heck, I was staring at an arcade machine in Hanamura's Attacking Spawn Room, and she mentioned Gerard's name after sighing. She sounded sad, to say the least.
I only seem to hear it on Watchpoint Gibraltar. Maybe that's just my luck. But you're right, she does sound sad whenever she says his name. It's interesting.
Considering that the only time we've actually seen her angry (barring maybe her annoyance at Tracer) was when Ana put Gérard's trust in her into question, I'd say she still loves him, or at least remembers him fondly. She must have sincerely loved the guy, and here Ana insinuates that she was a bitch who was just using him and then betrayed him.
Ye I heard that voiceline too several times so far and she really sounds sad. What a pity Hammeh did not cover it. But with the rates of real deaths in OW. What is the chance of Gerard Lacroix really being dead^^.
Thanks for the patience - after a few weeks break, Hero Lore and Voicelines is back! Please do let me know what you think about the length (it's pretty long, there are time codes to skip in the description if you need) and who you'd like to see next - big thanks to Mdids for the gameplay footage, the french fact check of Titesouiris, and wisdom of Reddit on Widow's Tattoo meaning! What do you think about Widowmaker's line to Ana, when Ana criticises Gerard's choice of her as a wife? Interesting stuff!
Doesn't Tracer say something like "Hey! That's not true!" or "Take that back!" BEFORE Widow says "So predictable, etc."? I was playing as Widow in one of my games, and I could have sworn Tracer said that.
You started your voice playback a little early. Usually you don't talk when you show your intro. I suspect there's a piece of Amelie in Widow. That was a defensive response from her when Ana called her ex-husband a fool.
Hammeh - Overwatch (FailCraft) I googled the phrase and actually found a Wikipedia page for it! The page states that it "Comes from the 1854 novel 'The Mohicans of Paris'," and it's repeated throughout to novel. It goes on to say that "The phrase embodies a cliché of detective pulp fiction: no matter what the problem, a woman is often the root cause." I'd never heard the phrase before playing Overwatch, but I think it's very fitting for her! 😄
I think Overwatch does not know Widowmaker was reconditioned. Ana's voiceline suggests she thinks Amelie betrayed Overwatch. Also explains Tracer asking "Why would you do this?" in the end of Alive. They simply think Amelie willingly killed her husband and joined Talon.
Widow says "a legend falls" when she kills anyone from the original strike team, I think -- I've heard it when she kills 76, Reinhardt, Ana, Mercy and even Reaper once.
I don't think Amelie fully became widowmaker. In my opinion, that voice line between Ana and her is really important, along with that line she says on watchpoint where she just sighs a bit sadly and says the name of her dead husband. I'm pretty sure that his death and the memory of him is what keeps her from fully becoming widowmaker. Either that or maybe she did not kill him? Because she does say "You know nothing about him" upset, as if Ana were to be disrespecting him. I doubt she'd care if she were a cold blooded killer.
It's pretty clear, I think, that that line shows she still has at least her old memories, and maybe some of her old emotions. Every time she shows something different from smug satisfaction, it's when Gérard is involved. Right now, her memory of him is probably her only anchor to sanity.
+Antonio SCENDRATE GATTICO Well, they are going to release the graphic novel which will explain some of the past events.. so after that, I suppose they can focus on the events happening in the current time? We also have comics and animations, though I'm sure they will now focus on the new map which I'm sure that it'll be the moon base, probably a "king of the hill" type map and the special weekly brawl will be all Winstons or something.
I love watching these lore analysis videos you make they really bring up a lot of questions and opportunities to really think about the characters you touch up on. Thanks for the videos!
I found a McCree voice line that i am not sure if it is triggered by McCree being on fire or killing someone who is from an eastern world but he says this " And that's how the West won "
that line Widowmaker says to Ana after she says her husband was a fool for loving her makes me think. There's a touch of emotion in the cold, assassins voice. "You don't know ANYTHING about him." Could her indoctrination be wearing off? You would expect her to say something like "Indeed he was". But she's instead defensive of him. She clearly has feelings for him still. Another possibility is that Talon's reprogramming was so successful that they have her convinced that, despite her love for him, he needed to die. On an unrelated note, I think the reason Talon had Mondata (sorry if I spelled that wrong) killed is simply to keep tensions high and chaos flowing. This makes them more valuable. They seem to be slightly mercenary in nature, judging by the offer she makes Hanzo, so a civil war between those for omnics and those against them would be profitable.
William that's what's been bothering me too Why would Widowmaker rush to Gerard's defense if she was a cold, emotionless assassin? Why would it matter to her that Ana insulted Gerard, Calling him a fool simply for loving his wife. But what threw me off was that Widowmaker spent her Christmas at Gerard's grave. She put a rose on his grave. Why? Why would a cover op agent for Talon visit the grave of the man she killed who just so happens to also be a former overwatch agent, a high priority target for Talon at that. My theory is that Widowmaker never did pledge her loyalty to Talon, and that she somehow held on during the brainwashing. And that she planned for Gerard to fake his death, in order to fool Talon, and is now acting as a double agent for Overwatch, trying to usurp Talon from within but waiting until she has the chance to either recruit Reaper and Sombra, or get them out of her way. She and Reaper alike never seem to like Sombra, so killing her wouldn't shock me, not would I be surprised if she isn't above"accidentally" shooting Reaper instead of her target if she fails to recruit him. Now all of this is most likely with Winston most likely knowing, but no one else.
Blizzard should make a map in France (wherever Widow lived. Paris would be best) and make it so one of the apartments you walk into was her house or something. And the base of the Eiffel Tower would be the capture point or maybe objective B on a two point map?
According to the official website, Widowmaker is from Annecy (a city near the alps, quite lovely, I went there a few times) This idea is great tho, I hope Blizzard will do something like this
TheDreamer AndVisionary The lake and the castle I guess, I can't really think of something else (google Château d'Annecy and Lac d'Annecy if you want to see it) It's not a well-known city in France tho
i'm guessing widow is mocking mercy, someone who is against pointless violence and killings, for helping widow kill more ppl.... that or she wants the Mercy x Widow porno to be a thing
Gah, loved the video. Fave hero and all that. :D Though I am surprised there was no mention of the little bits with Widow and Mercy whenever Widow is sometimes healed by Mercy or resurrected by her. There have been times where you hear Widow actually call out to her ex-husband. This is what has me saying and my theory about her: Widowmaker = Marvel Comics Winter Soldier. I don't think all of the old Amélie Lacroix is totally gone in that perfect weapon/brainwashed mind of Widowmaker. Perhaps there is the chance we see a possible redemption/breaking away from Talon and fighting through the brainwashing against her to bring out the old Amélie Lacroix? That would make me so giddy! lol.
+Dewicre Thabks Dewicre! Anything new you'd like to see or think might be good, just yell, always good to hear new ideas! Hope you're having a great weekend!
I may be remembering wrong but I think the "A legend falls" line occurs when you kill any original member of Overwatch.Again I may be remembering wrong but I'm almost certain I've heard it after killing a Reaper and a Reinhart.
Okay so I'm French and your accent is so funny to hear (not the bad way dude :D)! and I have my game in english too so beside "Manifique" what means "Wonderful" I don't know other lines she has. continue tes vidéos elles sont géniales! (=continue your videos they are awesome!)
I think you missed a few voice lines I remember hearing Widowmaker saying "Death becomes you" when killing a enemy Reaper and I heard this rare voice line between Widowmaker and Tracer on the map King's Row on attack spawn where they talk about the After math of Alive short I didn't quite hear Widowmaker's voice line but I do remember Tracer replying back with "It's not going happen again this time"
Interesting on the Alive one - is that the response to "every time you go back in time you make the same decisions"? Cool on the Reaper one, I knew that one but had a problem grabbing it, nice catch :D
I've heard it a few times playing with a friend who mains Widow (I don't touch her because I'm an awful sniper), but sometimes Widowmaker will sigh and wistfully say Gerard's name, like she misses him. I've heard it on both Kings Row and Route 66, so I'm not sure what triggers it. It's kind of sad though, knowing her backstory.
Awesome, good job Hammeh! :D 11:34 "Newer interaction" -> Was i right, that there were some new interactions added (even if I didn't meant it after the summer games patch)? :o
When you're aiming with Widowmaker's scope, she says things in french even in the english dub, like "Allez, montre toi" meaning "Come on,show yourself"
Don't worry Hammeh, your french isn't bad XD One of her best french lines is "La vengeance est un plat qui se mange... maintenant" (Vengeance is a dish best served... now) which is a modified version of "La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid" (Vengeance is a dish best served cold).
That's a brill line! I loved the fact that the heroes in french all have translated names, including Widow - thanks for sharing that line Arti, very cool..I'll try find it in the files :) And too kind, my accent probably isn't that great :)
That feeling when you realize you have almost all WM's legendaries, all emotes, and wasted your money on her mistletoe highlight etc i have 85+ hours sh
one of the lines i didn't hear or probably missed that widowmaker will mention is when she sighs and says "Gerarld" as if she misses her husband since she still thinks about him.
don't know if you know this one yet but i've been hearing this one voice line a few times in game where she sighs and says her husband's name, Gerard! i believe it's a newer line that was added in one of the recent patches but i think it brings up some very interesting conversation!
yup blade and soul does seem to fit at least for duokumo (again a spider boss lol) and i think that line is related to the daily quest... or dynamic quest at the end of the dungeon... not too sure but yea
Widowmaker is just amusing to me, because as a french speaker, i enjoy hearing her french voice lines. Since not too many people can, it's a bit of a thing being able to translate.
Does your lore analysis reveal anything about the hair gel Widowmaker uses? Her gigantic ponytail seems remarkably stiff almost whenever she swings upside-down. (E.g, 2:54)
Here is my theory about the Doomfist Gauntlet. Based on what I know, it has had three owners. Each man doing his own thing. I think that Talon wanted to create their own Doomfist, completely under their control. Cybernetically and surgically enhanced, the perfect soldier. If that kid with the cast is to be believed, the Gauntlet is very powerful, regardless of who wields it. Make a better soldier, and get a better Gauntlet.
I've heard a lot of people on reddit and on the overwatch wiki mention a line where widow calls out for Gerard and/or comments about the fact that she's still alive when she's resurrected by Mercy, but I've also heard a lot of scepticism about this because nobody can seem to find the voice line and very few people say that they've heard it. Any thoughts on this one? If you've read the sub reddit and the wiki you might know what I'm talking about.
There's one recent line that you didn't talk about. Before a battle starts, Widowmaker will sometimes sigh and say "Gerade" in a soft tone, making me wonder how permanent her reprogramming is
I feel like Hanzo rejecting Widowmaker's offer with "But at what cost" might also be a nod towards Genji. As you know, in order to take charge of the Shimada clan, Hanzo was forced to kill his younger brother (or so it seemed at the time), which prompted him to turn his back on everything he'd worked for. To me, it sounds like Talon's offer to make the Shimada clan great again brings up painful memories of what happened the last time he tried to bring honor to his former clan, which instead brought him great shame and cost him his own brother.
I'm pretty sure the "Gerard was a fool/You don't know anything about him" exchange was Ana assuming Amelie betrayed Gerard's trust and murdered him, rather than being brainwashed, and Widowmaker becoming upset, because deep down she knows she loved him
She says "a legend falls" for most of the original overwatch strike team, like ive heared her say it after killing reinhardt several times and i think once for torb
They should give Ana a line where she says: "Thats how its done" which triggers when killing a enemy Widowmaker or when killing a enemy when a friendly Widowmaker is nearby.
You forgot the line when she get res'd by a Mercy and she goes " *sigh* Gerard.. " which proves she might still have human emotions and still love him. That might explain why she get mad at Ana judging their relationship saying he was a fool to love her.
So playing with Widowmaker more I've come to realize that Widowmaker will say "A Legend falls." to not just Soldier 76, but also Reinhardt, Ana, and even Reaper. I suspect that she says it to the original members of Overwatch, particularly the eldest members. EDIT: I also found out that whenever Reaper kills an OW member, she says: "Talon strikes!"
Also when she kills a reaper she says death becomes u and she says a legend falls when she kills any of the original over watch member like Anna, solider, Reinhardt, and I think mercy, torbjorn, and Winston
OK so now I know i have three references : 1- mcree's reach for the sky, reference to toy stories woody. 2- Winston's Houston we have a problem, don't know a reference to what exactly . 3- widows step in to my parlor of the spider web.
When widow said "you must REALLY like me" the pose he used for it the face that she made was perfect!!!!
XD I do try!
Hammeh - Overwatch (FailCraft)
I'd love to hear Anna say "an eye for an eye" when killing an enemy Widowmaker
One time I think heard a Widow sighing and then saying "Gerard".
Yes, I looked for this - its an awesome line! Good catch!
+Hammeh - Overwatch (FailCraft) Gerad new hero :v
Could be a hint that her conditioning hasn't COMPLETELY eradicated everything she was before...
+killroy_washere2 exactly! it's said that she has no human emotion, but based on lines concerning Gerard, she seems as if she kind of regrets killing him, or disappointed.
It's possible that she was acting under some sort of subliminal suggestion. We know that after she killed him, she went back to Talon for more conditioning.
Since we know that Talon didn't erase her memory, it's possible that she still holds some emotions associated with Gérard. After all, the only time we ever see her showing any emotion that isn't smug satisfaction or mild annoyance is when Gérard is involved.
My favorite line from Widow is when she kills McCree and says, "Americans..."
Fortis Byzantivm my favorite line
I know when McCree kills widowmaker he says “I don’t like shooting a lady, but for you I might make an exception”
I don't know if you encountered this, but I was playing Widowmaker on Watchpoint Gibraltar and when she first leaves the spawning room she mutters Gerard's name in a nostalgic manner. Between this and her line to Ana, I wonder if she still misses him even though she was the one who killed him.
I'vs heard that line several times in different maps. Heck, I was staring at an arcade machine in Hanamura's Attacking Spawn Room, and she mentioned Gerard's name after sighing. She sounded sad, to say the least.
I only seem to hear it on Watchpoint Gibraltar. Maybe that's just my luck. But you're right, she does sound sad whenever she says his name. It's interesting.
Considering that the only time we've actually seen her angry (barring maybe her annoyance at Tracer) was when Ana put Gérard's trust in her into question, I'd say she still loves him, or at least remembers him fondly.
She must have sincerely loved the guy, and here Ana insinuates that she was a bitch who was just using him and then betrayed him.
+Antonio SCENDRATE GATTICO well no one knew about the whole brainwashed part so as far as ana knows that's exactly what she is
Ye I heard that voiceline too several times so far and she really sounds sad. What a pity Hammeh did not cover it.
But with the rates of real deaths in OW. What is the chance of Gerard Lacroix really being dead^^.
Thanks for the patience - after a few weeks break, Hero Lore and Voicelines is back! Please do let me know what you think about the length (it's pretty long, there are time codes to skip in the description if you need) and who you'd like to see next - big thanks to Mdids for the gameplay footage, the french fact check of Titesouiris, and wisdom of Reddit on Widow's Tattoo meaning!
What do you think about Widowmaker's line to Ana, when Ana criticises Gerard's choice of her as a wife? Interesting stuff!
Doesn't Tracer say something like "Hey! That's not true!" or "Take that back!" BEFORE Widow says "So predictable, etc."? I was playing as Widow in one of my games, and I could have sworn Tracer said that.
We all know who shall be next....
You started your voice playback a little early. Usually you don't talk when you show your intro.
I suspect there's a piece of Amelie in Widow. That was a defensive response from her when Ana called her ex-husband a fool.
She does - couldn't find it in time, but it's an awesome line - nice catch!
The one with hanzo is that he wont take the offer because it would dishonor him and his family bringing shame on his name.
At 6:32, the subtitles say "Step into my palace", but the proper quote is actually, "Step into my parlor", its from the poem "The Spider and the Fly"
Yeah, probably auto subtitles but if not i'll fix! Sorry about that!
cool dude
I'm french and honestly your accent sounds great, Bonne vidéo mon ami
"Un tir, un mort.."
Make some researches.
Basically: "one shot - one kill."
Morte means death or kill or mortality depending on the French context. At least in the Haitian and Canadian dialect.
This is my favorite engineer shotgun.
+Biz Heya midge
It's my Favorite hoody sandvich
i prefer JUSTICE
+Tenochtitlan Monster Well it does rain from above.
I really like Widowmaker's voice line that (if I remember correctly) translates to "Watch for the woman."
Cherche La Femme!
Hammeh - Overwatch (FailCraft) I googled the phrase and actually found a Wikipedia page for it! The page states that it "Comes from the 1854 novel 'The Mohicans of Paris'," and it's repeated throughout to novel. It goes on to say that "The phrase embodies a cliché of detective pulp fiction: no matter what the problem, a woman is often the root cause." I'd never heard the phrase before playing Overwatch, but I think it's very fitting for her! 😄
Hammeh - Overwatch (FailCraft) c'est cherchez la femme en fait
If Hanzo's shot in the general direction of Widowmaker he would kill her with a head shot
Not anymore
+F.u.c.k Allah did they fix it?
Slane Hogan Yeah now Hanzo is kinda useless if you're bad at it. But the good thing is Hanzo's ult charge super fast
Yeah his hitboxs arent broken anymore but he can still just scatter arrow you and kill you by mistake
The ''a legend falls'' line is used upon killing,S-76, reaper, ana, not sure if it is said with death of toblerone and reinhart.
Toblerone xD
You call him Toblerone too?! Glad to see I'm not the only one.
I think Overwatch does not know Widowmaker was reconditioned. Ana's voiceline suggests she thinks Amelie betrayed Overwatch. Also explains Tracer asking "Why would you do this?" in the end of Alive. They simply think Amelie willingly killed her husband and joined Talon.
I mean they wouldn't trust what widow says because shes lied and committed a lot of crimes.
Widow says "a legend falls" when she kills anyone from the original strike team, I think -- I've heard it when she kills 76, Reinhardt, Ana, Mercy and even Reaper once.
I don't think Amelie fully became widowmaker. In my opinion, that voice line between Ana and her is really important, along with that line she says on watchpoint where she just sighs a bit sadly and says the name of her dead husband. I'm pretty sure that his death and the memory of him is what keeps her from fully becoming widowmaker. Either that or maybe she did not kill him? Because she does say "You know nothing about him" upset, as if Ana were to be disrespecting him. I doubt she'd care if she were a cold blooded killer.
It's pretty clear, I think, that that line shows she still has at least her old memories, and maybe some of her old emotions. Every time she shows something different from smug satisfaction, it's when Gérard is involved. Right now, her memory of him is probably her only anchor to sanity.
Honestly, I really want to see how Widowmaker's story will end. Blizzard will have to make an Overwatch movie SOMEDAY.
+Antonio SCENDRATE GATTICO Well, they are going to release the graphic novel which will explain some of the past events.. so after that, I suppose they can focus on the events happening in the current time? We also have comics and animations, though I'm sure they will now focus on the new map which I'm sure that it'll be the moon base, probably a "king of the hill" type map and the special weekly brawl will be all Winstons or something.
Well, graphic novels revolving around past events are cool and all, but yeah, I want the story to progress.
But all in due time, I guess.
Widowtracer OTP
WidowMercy FTW
Pepijn Rözer No, Mercy busy at the Pharmercy.
+StarTsurugi nice
shut up
I love watching these lore analysis videos you make they really bring up a lot of questions and opportunities to really think about the characters you touch up on. Thanks for the videos!
I just discovered this channel and i love this series!! Its amazing
Thanks Nada! Glad you enjoy - anything you'd like to see more of, just let me know! I've done 18 out of 22 heroes at the moment!
I found a McCree voice line that i am not sure if it is triggered by McCree being on fire or killing someone who is from an eastern world but he says this " And that's how the West won "
I believe it actually is "And that's how the West was won." refering to his general Wild West theming.
that line Widowmaker says to Ana after she says her husband was a fool for loving her makes me think. There's a touch of emotion in the cold, assassins voice. "You don't know ANYTHING about him." Could her indoctrination be wearing off? You would expect her to say something like "Indeed he was". But she's instead defensive of him. She clearly has feelings for him still.
Another possibility is that Talon's reprogramming was so successful that they have her convinced that, despite her love for him, he needed to die.
On an unrelated note, I think the reason Talon had Mondata (sorry if I spelled that wrong) killed is simply to keep tensions high and chaos flowing. This makes them more valuable. They seem to be slightly mercenary in nature, judging by the offer she makes Hanzo, so a civil war between those for omnics and those against them would be profitable.
William that's what's been bothering me too
Why would Widowmaker rush to Gerard's defense if she was a cold, emotionless assassin? Why would it matter to her that Ana insulted Gerard, Calling him a fool simply for loving his wife.
But what threw me off was that Widowmaker spent her Christmas at Gerard's grave. She put a rose on his grave. Why? Why would a cover op agent for Talon visit the grave of the man she killed who just so happens to also be a former overwatch agent, a high priority target for Talon at that.
My theory is that Widowmaker never did pledge her loyalty to Talon, and that she somehow held on during the brainwashing. And that she planned for Gerard to fake his death, in order to fool Talon, and is now acting as a double agent for Overwatch, trying to usurp Talon from within but waiting until she has the chance to either recruit Reaper and Sombra, or get them out of her way. She and Reaper alike never seem to like Sombra, so killing her wouldn't shock me, not would I be surprised if she isn't above"accidentally" shooting Reaper instead of her target if she fails to recruit him.
Now all of this is most likely with Winston most likely knowing, but no one else.
I love this bitch everything about her is perfect and I love playing as her
Fay AL-Faddagh Same dude same
FAY AL-Faddagh then why are you calling her a bitch???
Because she's a cold, hard bitch.
Isn't that why people love her?
Same, Widow main and love her
I've been waiting for this video for so long 😭 Thank you ❤️
I don't really mind how long the vid is, they're all very informative which is what i'm after! Thanks, Hammeh!
Blizzard should make a map in France (wherever Widow lived. Paris would be best) and make it so one of the apartments you walk into was her house or something. And the base of the Eiffel Tower would be the capture point or maybe objective B on a two point map?
According to the official website, Widowmaker is from Annecy (a city near the alps, quite lovely, I went there a few times)
This idea is great tho, I hope Blizzard will do something like this
Shosseth are there any prominent landmarks there?
TheDreamer AndVisionary The lake and the castle I guess, I can't really think of something else
(google Château d'Annecy and Lac d'Annecy if you want to see it)
It's not a well-known city in France tho
There a really big lake in Annecy near to the mountains this can ne beautiful in a Blizzard map ;)
they did.
i'm guessing widow is mocking mercy, someone who is against pointless violence and killings, for helping widow kill more ppl.... that or she wants the Mercy x Widow porno to be a thing
The way she said it, its just practically begging for people to ship them
Mercymaker lives!!!
"what u looking at."
"an annoyance."
i laughed so hard shes a savage
+Andres Garza burn!
Gah, loved the video. Fave hero and all that. :D Though I am surprised there was no mention of the little bits with Widow and Mercy whenever Widow is sometimes healed by Mercy or resurrected by her. There have been times where you hear Widow actually call out to her ex-husband. This is what has me saying and my theory about her:
Widowmaker = Marvel Comics Winter Soldier. I don't think all of the old Amélie Lacroix is totally gone in that perfect weapon/brainwashed mind of Widowmaker. Perhaps there is the chance we see a possible redemption/breaking away from Talon and fighting through the brainwashing against her to bring out the old Amélie Lacroix? That would make me so giddy! lol.
I love Hammeh's french! Genuinely, it's really good.
the only thing i can focus on is that sick widowmaker play.
nice video btw.
Cheers! Dids is all credit for the widowmaker - check him out on youtube :D
Thanks, gotta check him out and your videos are amazing, keep up the good work!
I love the editing on these.
+Dewicre Thabks Dewicre! Anything new you'd like to see or think might be good, just yell, always good to hear new ideas! Hope you're having a great weekend!
The only thing that might bother people is the long intro, though, personalyy I don't see it as a huge problem.
Thanks and have fun as well.
her line when she sees enemies while scoped in "allez montre-toi" is my favorite and it means something along the lines of "show me more"
I've seen some vids on widows story, but you are the best I've seen, so much detail and facts it's awesome man! Subbed
That quick scoping is very enjoyable to watch
I may be remembering wrong but I think the "A legend falls" line occurs when you kill any original member of Overwatch.Again I may be remembering wrong but I'm almost certain I've heard it after killing a Reaper and a Reinhart.
i thought it was after killing ana... Again
I've definitely heard it for Reinhart as well
I LOVE THESE! I'm so glad you did this
Yay, I've been waiting for this! Also your french wasn't too bad, good job on the translations.
YES IT'S FINALLY HERE! keep up the great work hammeh
Im french and that was not the worst thing ive heard! Gj! :D
By far, my favorite widowmaker line is when I kill Mccree, she goes like "pfffft... Americans."
Yes finally the widowmaker vid, Thabk you so much hammeh
Finally! I've been waiting for this one. Thanks Hammeh!
Cheers Ocean - do let me know what you think and how i can improve! This was pretty long, so let me know if length was ok, or could be shorter!
+Hammeh - Overwatch (FailCraft) the length is great! Better if I might add. The intro was a bit loud though. Keep it up dude!
Okay so I'm French and your accent is so funny to hear (not the bad way dude :D)!
and I have my game in english too so beside "Manifique" what means "Wonderful" I don't know other lines she has. continue tes vidéos elles sont géniales! (=continue your videos they are awesome!)
Merci Kashmir! I will try to keep going on both the videos and improving my pronunciation :)
+Hammeh - Overwatch (FailCraft) keep it how it is ahaha ;)!
It's ironic that Widowmaker made herself a widow
I wish there was a line like: *shoots ana* Deja Vu?
I think you missed a few voice lines I remember hearing Widowmaker saying "Death becomes you" when killing a enemy Reaper and I heard this rare voice line between Widowmaker and Tracer on the map King's Row on attack spawn where they talk about the After math of Alive short I didn't quite hear Widowmaker's voice line but I do remember Tracer replying back with "It's not going happen again this time"
Interesting on the Alive one - is that the response to "every time you go back in time you make the same decisions"?
Cool on the Reaper one, I knew that one but had a problem grabbing it, nice catch :D
I've heard it a few times playing with a friend who mains Widow (I don't touch her because I'm an awful sniper), but sometimes Widowmaker will sigh and wistfully say Gerard's name, like she misses him. I've heard it on both Kings Row and Route 66, so I'm not sure what triggers it. It's kind of sad though, knowing her backstory.
Before a match begins, I've heard Widowmaker give a long sigh and say "Gerard..."
Awesome, good job Hammeh! :D
11:34 "Newer interaction" -> Was i right, that there were some new interactions added (even if I didn't meant it after the summer games patch)? :o
Your French is perfect ! (not like my engilsh XD ). I looked all of your videos on the lore of Overwacth, and it s a very great job !
Great work hammeh, can tell you put a lot of work into it! Excited for future episodes! (Roadhog ;) )
I got "a legend falls" when I killed an enemy reaper a few times. It might just be for the original overwatch members.
Yeah, think you and others are right on that one, it's not just an S76 trigger! :)
I guess no one can hide from Hammehs sight when it comes to interactions and voice lines :)
Your accent was spot on mate ! Keep up the great work ! Much love from France ! :)
i heard that when she gets revived she sometimes calls out for Gerrard
Yo ! just discovered the channel and (as a french) your accent isn't that bad ^^ keep up the good work !
À la vie, à la mort sounds like something that a priest would say at a wedding (in life and death). Maybe some French peeps can confirm?
Priest used to say "jusqu'à ce que la mort vous sépare" translated to "until death divides you" "A la vie à la mort" is more of a saying
There are some voice lines for when she is scoped in long enough and possibly having her sights on a person. Ive heard about 3 or 4
In one of the sprays for widow it says "je te vois" which means "i see you"
When you're aiming with Widowmaker's scope, she says things in french even in the english dub, like "Allez, montre toi" meaning "Come on,show yourself"
Don't worry Hammeh, your french isn't bad XD
One of her best french lines is "La vengeance est un plat qui se mange... maintenant" (Vengeance is a dish best served... now) which is a modified version of "La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid" (Vengeance is a dish best served cold).
That's a brill line! I loved the fact that the heroes in french all have translated names, including Widow - thanks for sharing that line Arti, very cool..I'll try find it in the files :) And too kind, my accent probably isn't that great :)
Love this series of your videos!
Thanks Smile, next will be this week! Scouts honour!
That feeling when you realize you have almost all WM's legendaries, all emotes, and wasted your money on her mistletoe highlight etc
i have 85+ hours sh
one of the lines i didn't hear or probably missed that widowmaker will mention is when she sighs and says "Gerarld" as if she misses her husband since she still thinks about him.
don't know if you know this one yet but i've been hearing this one voice line a few times in game where she sighs and says her husband's name, Gerard! i believe it's a newer line that was added in one of the recent patches but i think it brings up some very interesting conversation!
yup blade and soul does seem to fit at least for duokumo (again a spider boss lol) and i think that line is related to the daily quest... or dynamic quest at the end of the dungeon... not too sure but yea
When she kills reaper, sometimes she also says "A legend falls" too
she's says it to every fallen overwatch team she kills
ana, Reinhardt, s76, reaper and mercy
I think the leader of Talon is doom fist and he wants the gauntlet back
Widowmaker is just amusing to me, because as a french speaker, i enjoy hearing her french voice lines. Since not too many people can, it's a bit of a thing being able to translate.
Does your lore analysis reveal anything about the hair gel Widowmaker uses? Her gigantic ponytail seems remarkably stiff almost whenever she swings upside-down. (E.g, 2:54)
Here is my theory about the Doomfist Gauntlet. Based on what I know, it has had three owners. Each man doing his own thing. I think that Talon wanted to create their own Doomfist, completely under their control. Cybernetically and surgically enhanced, the perfect soldier. If that kid with the cast is to be believed, the Gauntlet is very powerful, regardless of who wields it. Make a better soldier, and get a better Gauntlet.
10:11 Hmmmm... Could it be because Widow is now a ruthless assassin who shot out Ana's right eye? No, that's crazy!
I've heard a lot of people on reddit and on the overwatch wiki mention a line where widow calls out for Gerard and/or comments about the fact that she's still alive when she's resurrected by Mercy, but I've also heard a lot of scepticism about this because nobody can seem to find the voice line and very few people say that they've heard it. Any thoughts on this one? If you've read the sub reddit and the wiki you might know what I'm talking about.
There's one recent line that you didn't talk about. Before a battle starts, Widowmaker will sometimes sigh and say "Gerade" in a soft tone, making me wonder how permanent her reprogramming is
I've gotten the "le faucher claims another" line, if Reaper kills someone next to Widow it triggers that line on rare occasion!
Ana please! She's new and i would love to learn the voice lines she has with some of the original Overwatch members.
I feel like Hanzo rejecting Widowmaker's offer with "But at what cost" might also be a nod towards Genji. As you know, in order to take charge of the Shimada clan, Hanzo was forced to kill his younger brother (or so it seemed at the time), which prompted him to turn his back on everything he'd worked for. To me, it sounds like Talon's offer to make the Shimada clan great again brings up painful memories of what happened the last time he tried to bring honor to his former clan, which instead brought him great shame and cost him his own brother.
Widow maker also has an interaction with soldier. When she kills an rent soldier she says "A legend falls"
I'm pretty sure the "Gerard was a fool/You don't know anything about him" exchange was Ana assuming Amelie betrayed Gerard's trust and murdered him, rather than being brainwashed, and Widowmaker becoming upset, because deep down she knows she loved him
Her "You like me" line is a reference to a famous quote, I forgot who, "You like me! You really like me!
Your accent is actually quite good compared to a lot of non-native speakers I've met.
i cant even pay attention the gameplay is too good
+Kenya Fox hah, thank Dids for that! You can see his work on his youtube :)
She says "a legend falls" for most of the original overwatch strike team, like ive heared her say it after killing reinhardt several times and i think once for torb
I like the longer video!
They should give Ana a line where she says: "Thats how its done" which triggers when killing a enemy Widowmaker or when killing a enemy when a friendly Widowmaker is nearby.
You forgot the line when she get res'd by a Mercy and she goes " *sigh* Gerard.. " which proves she might still have human emotions and still love him. That might explain why she get mad at Ana judging their relationship saying he was a fool to love her.
I'm pretty certain I heard that one where she says reaper claims another, it happened when I was widowmaker and reaper next near me killed someone
Another great video hammeh!! Worth the wait :D
Thanks weather! :) Hope you're having a great weekend!
"Personne n'échappe a mon regard" Don't widowmaker use this line while using her ultimate in the french client ?
She says it whenever she is on the enemy team and uses her ultimate, in any language setting.
VoidHunter Okay thanks ^^
enemies always hear the line in that version, enemy ultimate callsout with a few expection are said in the native languages of the user
Also when you activate her ultimate in her Huntress legendary skin, she'll say "No one can hide from the hunter." :)
i started watching him yesterday night and I'm about to finish the Lore's and story
My favorite Widow line is "now you have my attention" when you respawn.
So playing with Widowmaker more I've come to realize that Widowmaker will say "A Legend falls." to not just Soldier 76, but also Reinhardt, Ana, and even Reaper.
I suspect that she says it to the original members of Overwatch, particularly the eldest members.
EDIT: I also found out that whenever Reaper kills an OW member, she says: "Talon strikes!"
11:48- 11:51 where's that clip with Tracer from? That's not in the Alive short & the Reveal trailer!!
It should be pointed out that Widow's Kiss isn't how she describes her shots, it's the name of her rifle.
what's the song that plays in the background? (not the overwatch theme) starts at 0:45
as a french canadian, just want to say you got a pretty great french prononciation !
Also when she kills a reaper she says death becomes u and she says a legend falls when she kills any of the original over watch member like Anna, solider, Reinhardt, and I think mercy, torbjorn, and Winston
OK so now I know i have three references :
1- mcree's reach for the sky, reference to toy stories woody.
2- Winston's Houston we have a problem, don't know a reference to what exactly .
3- widows step in to my parlor of the spider web.
When I killed Mercy as Tracer in front of Widowmaker widow said something along the lines of “ I knew you had it in you”