Lost Soul Aside Is FINALLY Releasing In 2025! | New Trailer Released

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 11

  • @worlds_greatest_detective6667
    @worlds_greatest_detective6667 15 часов назад +1

    Fast paced hack’n slash is my favorite genre and I was hyped for it, but they told the same thing about 2024.

  • @kenshin391
    @kenshin391 17 часов назад +1

    YEA!... we've heard this before remember they said early 2024? I wouldn't get to hype because they still don't have an actual release date after all this time. 👀

  • @DarrenShields-g3u
    @DarrenShields-g3u 4 часа назад

    I've been following Lost Soul Aside for what feels like forever, and I genuinely can’t wait to play it. That said, after trying a few other Chinese games, I really hope this one gets an English dub. Don’t get me wrong-this isn’t about disliking other languages or anything like that. I watch tons of foreign films with subtitles, so I’m totally used to reading while watching. But when it comes to games, it’s a different story. For me, games require multitasking-reading subtitles while keeping up with fast-paced combat or traversal just overwhelms me. It’s especially tricky with Chinese games where there’s often a lot of banter during gameplay. I struggle to enjoy the experience when I can’t fully follow what’s being said in the middle of the action. I get that it’s probably a "me" thing-maybe I just never developed the skill for it-but I can’t be the only one. If there are others who feel the same way, we should try to communicate this to the devs. I know the Lost Soul Aside team is small, but adding a dub could make the game more accessible to a broader audience and likely boost sales too. Have they actually commented on that?

  • @wisconsinking323
    @wisconsinking323 11 часов назад


  • @redcronojm
    @redcronojm 15 часов назад

    i remember the ffxv inspiration for the game and its been like 9 yrs

    @WHIKKEDDDD 12 часов назад

    finally! love to see it

  • @Dant_360
    @Dant_360 14 часов назад +1

    This game has been in development for so long that I've ended up losing interest, in that period of time I've played so many games of this genre, with a similar style and gameplay, this game right now just seems more of the same to me, it looks very eye-catching and the fact that it has been developed by only one guy has a lot of merit, I'm not going to deny it, but I feel like this isn't for me anymore

  • @TevyaSmolka
    @TevyaSmolka 17 часов назад +1

    Looks great 😊

  • @KinghtofZero00
    @KinghtofZero00 2 часа назад +1

    I forgot this existed! How many years hasit been?