I love that you presented the bags kitted out. It's great to see how they fill out when actually used. They look like fantastic bags, for EDC but also for travel.
Please include a shoulder pad and wider straps on future versions of your smaller bags. Shoulder pads are just useful because they do a better job of keeping the bag in place. Sometimes, bags without shoulder pads have a tendency to slide forward and out of place.
Man I like the shoulder bags, but the smaller ones (especially the 8) could really use a handle. I have had small camera bags this size without handles and its a pain (Hadley) the improvement the handles bring (Hadley Pro) is so worth it. Most messenger bags that size have a handle. Even the district Pro has a handle. Its a shame.
Do you have the measurements available for the 18 and 24's laptop pockets? I have a 15.6" laptop that is a bit chonky(14"x10"x1"). I'd prefer the smaller 18 but if only the 24 fits then so be it.
I love that you presented the bags kitted out. It's great to see how they fill out when actually used. They look like fantastic bags, for EDC but also for travel.
Please include a shoulder pad and wider straps on future versions of your smaller bags. Shoulder pads are just useful because they do a better job of keeping the bag in place. Sometimes, bags without shoulder pads have a tendency to slide forward and out of place.
Excellent stuff guys!!!
Great overview.
Man I like the shoulder bags, but the smaller ones (especially the 8) could really use a handle. I have had small camera bags this size without handles and its a pain (Hadley) the improvement the handles bring (Hadley Pro) is so worth it. Most messenger bags that size have a handle. Even the district Pro has a handle. Its a shame.
Do you have the measurements available for the 18 and 24's laptop pockets? I have a 15.6" laptop that is a bit chonky(14"x10"x1"). I'd prefer the smaller 18 but if only the 24 fits then so be it.
I wish the Summit 28 had these straps
What’s that blue pack on the wall? Second row on the left?
It's a Superset 30: www.mysteryranch.com/superset-30-pack