Silicon or Plastic?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 21

  • @tonywise198
    @tonywise198 3 года назад +5

    10K+ subscribers - well deserved.

    • @CyberGizmo
      @CyberGizmo  3 года назад +1

      Thank you so much 😀

  • @andrewpalm2103
    @andrewpalm2103 3 года назад +1

    A few years ago I programmed a series of C and Forth demo programs for the STM32 version of the ARM M0. It's a cool little processor.

    • @CyberGizmo
      @CyberGizmo  3 года назад +1

      Its a great little CPU, and hope they develop it further. Thanks Andrew

  • @tahasama3157
    @tahasama3157 3 года назад +2

    Great content mr dj ware keep up the good work

  • @Innocentdarkness72
    @Innocentdarkness72 3 года назад

    nice video ! great work to look it all up....

  • @andynn6691
    @andynn6691 3 года назад

    Congratulations DJ!
    It is always interesting to hear your thoughts on various subjects. Looking forward to every new video.
    Keep up the good work!

  • @guilherme5094
    @guilherme5094 3 года назад

    Congratulations on the 10k!

  • @esra_erimez
    @esra_erimez 3 года назад

    Congratulations. I think this is just the beginning. I suspect your channel will continue to grow.

    • @CyberGizmo
      @CyberGizmo  3 года назад

      I hope so, Esra and thank you

  • @syrefaen
    @syrefaen 3 года назад +1

    Cool. I got a rbp4-b it has software video acceleration. Kinda sucks tbh. Would be cool with a fully linux kernel supported arm-device. Postmarket(Alpine based) uses arm build servers to build native arm, that's cool.

    • @CyberGizmo
      @CyberGizmo  3 года назад +2

      The thing I like about the Odroid N2+ is that is uses the SPI petiboot, so you can grab the official Debian or Ubuntu distros for it, no downloading, or burning an SD-Card.

  • @bakedbeings
    @bakedbeings 3 года назад +1

    Nice! m0 is teeny but it's the brain of the arduino feather i set up to connect my usb keyboards over bluetooth. Sure would be neat if it was a sticker I could slap on the underside 👍

    • @CyberGizmo
      @CyberGizmo  3 года назад

      That would cool wouldn't it.

  • @martinkessler7013
    @martinkessler7013 3 года назад

    Opticom did some research in plastic memory in the late 90 together with Intel.

    • @CyberGizmo
      @CyberGizmo  3 года назад

      Didn't know that one, thanks Martin

  • @mathyoooo2
    @mathyoooo2 3 года назад

    90mm process can't be correct. Imagine a 9 cm large transistor. I'm pretty sure 90nm is actually correct