Sir, I've the same kind of graph for aluminium oxide, for which the graph when fitted with 6 peaks, it is saying that the fit didn't converge. How to fic such an error.
The question now is HOW can we identify that the mode is A or B or E is there is a specific equation coming form the group theory that can be used to identifiy each raman peak?
I dont really understand much about Raman Spectrum's, but i am currently working with them for my project in Mathematics, Could you please tell me why is the peak fitting done? what is the use of Representing the Actual (Raw) Spectra as a sum of the lorentzian or gaussian curves?
sir please can you explain how to determine crystallite size,strain in ball milled powder particles? from raman spectra using origin or some other analysis software
Explicit analysis , so pleasent teaching on multiple peak fitting and identification. Thank you bro.
Very profesional explanation and of course, this short course is very helpful. Thanks.
Useful video. Thanks!
Sir, I've the same kind of graph for aluminium oxide, for which the graph when fitted with 6 peaks, it is saying that the fit didn't converge. How to fic such an error.
Very good, you are the best.
Very thank you for movies.
It is very helpful Sir. Thanks.
You didn't consider any Fwhm value ..without these information how did you proceed
My xps data indicates high noise. when I try to fit peaks, it does not fit very well.
Nice work!
The question now is HOW can we identify that the mode is A or B or E is there is a specific equation coming form the group theory that can be used to identifiy each raman peak?
I also want to know this peak identification. If anybody knows please explain.
thank you for the deconvolution explanation.
How to output the fitting curve? I want the mixture curve.
Hi What do you mean by background corrected data?
Thanks mate!
Very useful
Thank you for your video, I would like to ask how to calculate the area of every single peak after fitting?
nice work1
Dear sir, i want to find the area under D band and G band ...can you please share your video link for that
hello there, did you learn how to do it? Thank you a lot in advance
very much helpful
How to calculate ID/IG ratio?
I dont really understand much about Raman Spectrum's, but i am currently working with them for my project in Mathematics, Could you please tell me why is the peak fitting done? what is the use of Representing the Actual (Raw) Spectra as a sum of the lorentzian or gaussian curves?
same problem
sir please can you explain how to determine crystallite size,strain in ball milled powder particles? from raman spectra using origin or some other analysis software
Thank you brother !
thank you brother
super sir
Dear Sir, Please make a video on EXAFS and/or XAS fitting. can use the same fitting process for XAS data. What are the outcomes of XAS fitting?
I do the same thing but it doesn’t work... It doesn’t find peaks at all...
The value of A in the parameter list is no the area, it is the Amplitude of the curve.
very helpful
thanks brother