MC Mladja-Legionarska tuga

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • PODRŽITE VIDEO ‪@shooter0114‬ SA SUB I LAJK !
    The text in English is in the first comment
    Tekst Srpski
    je suis légionnaire… je suis légionnaire
    Legionarska tuga.....
    Razmisli o svemu više nemam dilemu
    Ostaviću svoju nevenčanu ženu
    I drugim će da krenu putevima noge moje
    Marširaj ili umri oni za ljude postoje
    To je što je nas dvoje nekad bili smo jedno
    Naš zajednički život bio je ko sedmo nebo
    Znam da sam sjebo znam da nisam trebo
    Ali Volim te Bebo i znaj da nije mi svejedno
    Znam da neću se iskupiti sa medom od pliša
    Zato čekam let za Pariz dok vani pljušti kiša
    Vani ali u meni jedan deo kaže stani deo drugi kaže kreni
    Poslednji poziv za putnike sad ,ja sam jedan od njih
    Lud,zbunjen i mlad
    Ja osecam glad, ja osecam jad
    Naš uređen stan menjam za pakleni Čad
    Podižem torbu ko thousand kila
    Noge teške ko greške
    Slomljenih krila rengenom prolazim
    Dolazim do stepeništa ulazim u plane
    Smeštam se i vežem
    Navlačim zavesu i našu sliku stežem
    Pogledom tim mojim obojenim setom
    Odlučio sam eto ali se ipak kao pseto
    osećam moj nežni anđele lepi
    pilotu poleti….
    je suis légionnaire… je suis légionnaire…
    Legionarska tuga....
    Svuda okolo magla jedva sletesmo nekako
    Čeka me taxi za povratak je prekasno
    Vozi me ispred baze Legije stranaca
    Ja lagano hodam pored zelenih ranaca
    Tog ustrojenog voda
    Tebra dolazim do vrata
    I portiru se javljam na lošem francuskom
    Svoju želju mu prestavljam
    I ulazim u nešto što nisam ni sanjao
    A neki lik sa činom ladno
    Šta te je dovelo ovamo momak?
    Pita me a pitanje mi probada stomak
    Ukus gorak mi je u ustima ko mastilo
    Vreme prolazno istrčo sam fantastično
    Kuper super kaže instruktor na stazi
    Onda pravac tušerica pa paviljon u bazi
    Tad postaje mi dom motam ,kockam opremu
    Dok obliva me znoj brate moj još nije valjano ni svanulo
    A dežurni trubom budi nas kao namerno što glasnije može
    Mili Bože minut za brijanje i minut za sranje
    I minus je napolju žešće mozga pranje
    Kroz fizičke vežbe muke paklene obuke
    Svakim danom sve je teže ali me veže svojstvo odluke
    Zato sam Majko mila na završnom maršu drilla
    S puno volje s puno žara
    Neki su otpali mi ostali postali deo legionara
    Prvi izlazak u grad
    Ajde brate idi karaj tamo Afro-amerikanku neku
    I odvodi ortak azijatkinju lepu
    Ali ostajem sam za stolom sa svojim bolom
    Još jedan dan je prošao dušo u mislima sa tobom
    je suis légionnaire… je suis légionnaire…
    Legionarska tuga....
    Došao je red na prvu mirovnu misiju
    I ja sam na spisku a ortaci potpisuju
    Isto što i ja da niko ne odgovara ako nam se nešto desi
    Da postoji mogućnost da nas vrate i u kesi
    Ali sve ortak do ortaka da jedan drugog teši
    Sve će biti kako valja
    Opet ćemo svi u treši
    Champs-Élysées tebra šetati se srećni
    A sad kreći
    Jedan za drugim ludi svi u istom smeru
    U avion pravac Peru
    Gde keru kožu deru
    I sa istog mesa žderu
    Gde za sanduk municije
    Otac prodao bi ćeru
    Sin prodao bi kevu
    Gde tone gudre valjaju
    Zabole ih baš da peru
    Svoj prljavi novac
    Sad sam borac kao lovac
    Uz reku u šteku
    Sa jedne strane mosta u senci sa ortacima
    A tiha noć kao Bosna
    Odjedanput posta zbog treštanja rafala
    Vala nadomak nas i granata je pala
    Bogu hvala svima glava na ramenima je brate
    Odgovaram na pucanj pucnjam
    Ortaci me prate
    Brzo sjebasmo stražare
    Ali i dalje se puca
    Kao sumanut pucam mecima
    Meso kao džukac kidam sa peruanskih vojnika
    Ova noć je naš most
    Osvaja moja ekipa
    je suis légionnaire… je suis légionnaire…
    Legionarska tuga....
    Svi su opijeni srećom u toj tesnoj kantini
    Svi grle se i ljube
    A ja u svojoj tmini
    Povlačim se
    Izvini ali ne mogu
    Da se ne prisetim setim
    Tvog lepog lica
    I posle lude noći
    Iako postao sam ubica
    Sve je prošlo tako brzo
    Izbegao sam rafale
    Ali me je zato okrzao
    Taj metak sećanja
    Sećam se dušo šta si obećala
    Nema veze
    Furam dalje
    Već je peti mesec prošo
    Već samo metar dana
    I do cilja sam došo
    Redovne obaveze svakoga dana
    Dežurstvo ,patrole, pomoćništva i straža
    I baš poslednjeg dana
    Zapalo mi se ko po nalogu Vraga
    To jebeno češljanje jebenog grada
    Kada u uličici tih ljudi strada
    Tada klinca sam spazio
    Stoji koji me je tebra pogledom pazio
    Svaki pokret moj
    Tim očima svojim natopljenim
    Morem straha
    Iskulirao ga
    Okrenuo se
    I ni par koraka napravio nisam
    A čuo sam pucanj
    Pucanj ..Pucanj se čuo i u Srbiji
    Na tvom svadbenom veselju
    Udaješ se svoju si ispunila želju
    Svog pronašla si muža
    Nakon svečanog čina
    Iznenada ti je suza
    Krenula niz obraz
    Kao suza deteta
    Kada okusi poraz
    Baš gorka suza
    A ja osetih trzaj
    Metak probio je pancir
    Vrela krv svoja zrnca
    Po mom telu redja
    Taj uplašeni klinac me je upucao sa ledja
    Ja sam sav u krvi
    A na tebi venčanica bela
    Pada mrtvi mrak
    Na moje oči
    Ispod šlema
    Kada čovek sreće nema…
    Sad po istim Suncem istim krovom ovoga neba
    Suprug te grli
    Smeši se i gleda
    U istom tom trenutku ja umirem
    Ja umirem
    I nestajem kao senka…
    je suis légionnaire… je suis légionnaire…
    Legionarska tuga....

Комментарии • 22

  • @MarkoJovanović-l8q
    @MarkoJovanović-l8q 10 месяцев назад +3

    Republika SRPSK LPN

  • @WojciechTygrys
    @WojciechTygrys 10 месяцев назад +2

    Miecz anioła i co Polskie podhalanczyki

  • @shooter0114
    @shooter0114  Год назад +3

    e suis légionnaire… is suis légionnaire
    Legionary grief.....
    Think about everything, I don't have a dilemma anymore
    I will leave my unmarried wife
    And others will follow the paths of my feet
    March or die they exist for the people
    It is that the two of us were once one
    Our life together was like seventh heaven
    I know I'm a jerk, I know I shouldn't be
    But I love you Baby and know that I don't care
    I know I won't make up for it with teddy bear honey
    So I'm waiting for my flight to Paris while it's raining outside
    Outside, but inside me, one part says stop, another part says go
    Last call for passengers now, I am one of them
    Crazy, confused and young
    I feel hunger, I feel misery
    I'm trading our tidy apartment for hellish Chad
    I'm lifting a bag that weighs a thousand kilos
    Legs heavy as bugs
    I pass the X-ray with broken wings
    I reach the stairs and enter the plane
    I settle in and fasten
    I draw the curtain and squeeze our picture
    By looking at that colored set of mine
    I made up my mind, but I still behave like a dog
    I feel my gentle angel beautiful
    the pilot takes off….
    is suis légionnaire… is suis légionnaire…
    Legionary grief...
    All around the fog, we barely landed somehow
    I'm waiting for a taxi to go back, it's too late
    He drives me in front of the Foreign Legion base
    I walk slowly past the green backpacks
    That organized platoon
    Tebra I come to the door
    And I answer the porter in bad French
    I present my wish to him
    And I'm getting into something I never dreamed of
    And some character with the rank of cold
    What brings you here boy?
    He asks me and the question pierces my stomach
    The taste is bitter in my mouth like ink
    The time passed and I ran fantastically
    Cooper is great says the track instructor
    Then the direction of the showers and the pavilion at the base
    That's when it becomes my home, I roll, I stack the equipment
    While I'm covered in sweat, my brother, it's not even dawn yet
    And the duty officer wakes us up as loudly as he can on purpose
    Dear God, a minute to shave and a minute to shit
    And the minus is the intense brainwashing outside
    Through the physical exercises of the torments of hellish training
    It's getting harder every day, but I'm bound by the quality of decision
    That's why I'm Miko Mila at the final march of the drill
    With a lot of will and a lot of enthusiasm
    Some fell away, the rest became part of the legionnaires
    First outing in the city
    Come on bro, go fuck some African-American girl over there
    And the dude takes a beautiful Asian girl
    But I remain alone at the table with my pain
    Another day has passed honey with you in my thoughts
    is suis légionnaire… is suis légionnaire…
    Legionary grief...
    It was the turn of the first peacekeeping mission
    I am also on the list and the partners sign
    The same as me that no one is responsible if something happens to us
    That there is a possibility that they will return us in a bag
    But it's all buddy to buddy to comfort each other
    Everything will be fine
    We will all be in thrash again
    Champs-Élysées you can walk happily
    Now go
    One after the other, everyone is going crazy in the same direction
    On the plane to Peru
    Where they peel their skin
    And they eat from the same meat
    Where for the ammo crate
    A father would sell his daughter
    The son would sell the keva
    Where tons of mud roll
    It hurts to wash them
    Your dirty money
    Now I'm a fighter like a hunter
    Along the river in Štek
    On one side of the bridge in the shade with partners
    And a quiet night like Bosnia
    Suddenly fast due to the crackling of bursts
    It waved within reach of us and the shell fell
    Thank God everyone has a head on their shoulders bro
    I answer the shot by shooting
    My partners follow me
    We quickly killed the guards
    But still shooting
    I'm shooting bullets like crazy
    I'm tearing the meat off the Peruvian soldiers like a jackal
    This night is our bridge
    My team wins
    is suis légionnaire… is suis légionnaire…
    Legionary grief...
    Everyone is drunk with happiness in that cramped canteen
    Everyone hugs and kisses
    And me in my darkness
    IM retreating
    Sorry but I can not
    If I don't remember, I remember
    Your beautiful face
    And after a crazy night
    Even though I became a murderer
    It all went by so fast
    I dodged the bursts
    But that's why he brushed me off
    That memory bullet
    I remember, honey, what you promised
    Does not matter
    I move on
    Already the fifth month has passed
    Already only a meter of days
    And I have reached the goal
    Regular duties every day
    Duty, patrols, assistants and guards
    And just on the last day
    It struck me as ordered by the Devil
    That fucking combing of the fucking city
    When those people die in the alley
    That's when I saw the kid
    He is standing there watching me with his eyes
    Every move is mine
    Those eyes with their soaked
    A sea of fear
    Schooled him
    He turned around
    And I didn't even take a few steps
    And I heard a shot
    The shot ... The shot was also heard in Serbia
    At your wedding party
    You are getting married, you have fulfilled your wish
    You found your own husband
    After the ceremony
    Suddenly you have a tear
    It started down the cheek
    Like a child's tear
    When you taste defeat
    A bitter tear
    And I felt a jolt
    The bullet pierced the body armor
    Hot blood its grains
    According to my body, it is thinner
    That scared kid shot me in the back
    I'm covered in blood
    And you're wearing a white wedding dress
    It's getting dark
    On my eyes
    Under the helmet
    When a person is not lucky...
    Now under the same Sun under the same roof of this sky
    Your husband hugs you
    He smiles and looks
    At that very moment I die
    I'm dying
    And I disappear like a shadow...
    is suis légionnaire… is suis légionnaire…
    Legionary grief...

  • @aleskoren7694
    @aleskoren7694 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @WojciechTygrys
    @WojciechTygrys 9 месяцев назад +1

    Przyjmujecie z Polską kategoria E ,testy mogę zaliczać❤❤❤ POLSKA wasz beret bezcenny bracia moi ,to nie tak miało być, dobrze ze tak się skończyło😅😅😅😅😅

  • @UrošŠuša-u9t
    @UrošŠuša-u9t Месяц назад

    sad kad razmislim naš zajednički život imao je neprocenjivu vrednost i strast prema poslednjim uzdahom ❤

  • @WojciechTygrys
    @WojciechTygrys 9 месяцев назад +2

    Patrio De Nostra

  • @WojciechTygrys
    @WojciechTygrys 10 месяцев назад +2

    Parafia Świlcza

  • @MAZFAdamdam02100
    @MAZFAdamdam02100 6 лет назад +12

    Legio Patria NOSTRA

  • @UrošŠuša-u9t
    @UrošŠuša-u9t 25 дней назад

    ...marširam tako ja idem da dostignem pa imam utisak da nikad nije kraj ove lepe priče ❤😅🎉

  • @WojciechTygrys
    @WojciechTygrys 9 месяцев назад +1

    Spójrz na białego misia.😊😊😊❤❤❤

  • @WojciechTygrys
    @WojciechTygrys 9 месяцев назад +1

    Etrance La France Patrio De France😊

  • @WojciechTygrys
    @WojciechTygrys 9 месяцев назад +1

    Na kompanii pobutka pobutka rano wstać😊

  • @WojciechTygrys
    @WojciechTygrys 9 месяцев назад +1

    Najlepszy kawałek jaki słyszałem😊

  • @WojciechTygrys
    @WojciechTygrys 10 месяцев назад +1

    Na zawsze w sercu mym,

  • @WojciechTygrys
    @WojciechTygrys 9 месяцев назад +1

    Kołyska do snu

  • @kestismma9513
    @kestismma9513 4 года назад +2


  • @cakic83
    @cakic83 7 лет назад +3


    • @sonnylandham251
      @sonnylandham251 6 лет назад +2

      Milica Cakic Poz od jednog momka koji je došao kod tebe gde radiš a ti nisi izašla.

  • @mitosito334
    @mitosito334 5 лет назад +1


  • @WojciechTygrys
    @WojciechTygrys 9 месяцев назад
