What’s Broken About Canada

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 201

  • @marcosesteban4392
    @marcosesteban4392 2 года назад +8

    The Canada I remember from before 2006 was a much nicer place than what it has become over the years. You are right about everything in this video. The wait times are ridiculous in the health system to see a specialist when you need one. The only exception is if the situation is life threatening and that's the only time.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад

      Yup! I guess all you can do is pretend you’re dying to get attention?😟

    • @evemarie1605
      @evemarie1605 2 года назад

      You should be glad that you actually get to see a physician eventually:- in small towns native-born Canadians often go years without access to a physician. The Conservative provincial governments deliberately restrict the training of new physicians to control costs while the Liberal federal government allows too many immigrants in too quickly and they all go to the big cities where immigrants like you actually get much better access to healthcare than do native-born Canadians in small towns but still you complain.

    • @mostafabakhtiari7522
      @mostafabakhtiari7522 Год назад

      ​@@evemarie1605 Real Canadian are Indians.
      Other than that are imigrants.
      Canada is made its economy by imigrants so they have rights to complain.
      I know many Iranian genuis people work as professor or engineer in Canada.
      If Canada tell elits of other countries come to Canada the government is responsible for healthcare system and jobs and other life stuffs.
      It's not modern slave system people give their efforts with no facilities.

  • @123benny4
    @123benny4 2 года назад +5

    I was born and raised in Canada and after watching your video I WANT TO MOVE OUT! LOL! My parents were European! Why did they move here? I've never really had any problem with the health care system. I will support it and wait for the public service over the private. You are right about attitude. Canadian political correctness, politeness, being reserved, cautious, and risk aversive is absolutely true. We know exactly what to expect though when you live here, but it might be a challenge for some people from a more open/direct culture. Hate the housing problem and banks. And the business aspects you mentioned in your video; all spot on. Frustrating. Yes, there are a lot of positive things in Canada. My Italian mother used to say Canada was paradise. I guess that came from living through WWII and then immigrating here. But she's no longer with us and isn't living through this current reality. I told her once that I wanted to get my Italian passport and to pursue European opportunities. She said, but BEN, you are CANADIAN! We should never label ourselves, but enjoy the best life we can, no matter where you are. All the best to you both. Great videos and great content. Thanks for confronting the realities of life, good and bad. Cheers!

    • @eve-marie6751
      @eve-marie6751 2 года назад

      Hi, I'm also the born-in-Canada child of European war refugees who actually came here in 1948 as "indentured laborers" (ie semi-slave labor). My parents were much like yours:- this is our new "home", learn the language and get along as best as possible but of course the way ahead was always blocked by stupid gate-keeping anglo-Canadian "donkeys" like Scott Aitchison who prospered off our parents' labor. I had to put up with "dumb Polack", "stupid European peasant" and "second-generation immigrant" (despite being born here) (although for you it was more like "stupid wop" or "f*ing Ahytalian dago!", hey, I've heard it all!). Nowadays I call myself a "Cosmo-Canadian" or even "Cosmo-European" or "creole European". I really dislike all the fake refugees and illegal migrants who come here with a sense of entitlement and expect an "easy ride" at our expense:- perhaps we should go back to Europe and ask a sympathetic European government for a "charter of foundation" to establish a new little Cosmo-European urban republic to accommodate all of us Cosmo-Europeans who would like to return to our ancestral European homeland:- in Toronto we've long had our own little informal "European Union" with ~1.2+ million EU citizens and we could certainly teach them how to be real "Europeans" because we understand that concept much better than they do! "Mother Europe" is a very old lady 8000+ years old but she can still sometimes birth a new baby in the form of a new European state and there's no harm in asking!

  • @teejaylecapois9741
    @teejaylecapois9741 2 года назад +14

    Thank you for this honest and refreshingly realistic video. I came to Canada in 2009, with a college degree from Massachusetts, USA. I have since earned a Canadian university degree. I speak and write English and French fluently. I have clearance with the Canadian government. I am still working jobs that are barely professional and just okay. I should be further along in my career and making more money. Canada isn't very open to minorities with ambition and politely but actively discriminates against educated newcomers. Polite xenophobia is still xenophobia. Got my citizenship now. Looking to move elsewhere within a year. Ambition is illegal in Canada if you are a minority. Trust me on that one.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад +4

      Very well said Teejay!
      “Polite xenophobia is still xenophobia”
      “Ambition is illegal in Canada”
      We can relate to this so much 🙌
      Where do you want to move?

    • @xeray6032
      @xeray6032 Год назад +1

      Are the Canadians making more money? Is that all you got a degree for? I was educated in Canada, have a degree, and I have never made as much money as if I had stayed in Canada. To compare things you need points of comparison. It was your CHOICE. Why would an American who wants money move to Canada is what I find myself thinking. No one does that. I have worked with many Americans in Canada and that is NOT why they moved, and they would never move back. I think the woman who do this vlog have interesting points, but .... Canada doesn't owe you anything, nor does anywhere else. There are lots of things I don't like about places I have lived, but it's my life and I CHOOSE to see what is good, like activities or ... Get out of your box. The work I did was MY choice. I was often offered far more lucrative positions, but I am Canadian born and I CHOSE less money and more interesting work. Immigration is a choice. I have done it more than once. It's not all good and no one owes me anything and if you want poor education with A+ an easy goal I can give you some leads. So many of these post just seem sour grapes. Look at what IS there and if it isn't what you want go somewhere else. We all make our own happiness. Freedom of choice.

  • @ajmaeenmahtab8456
    @ajmaeenmahtab8456 2 года назад +3

    Services provided by the government doesn't have to be always bad, Cuban health care is good and it is provided by the state. Even Soviet health care was good 👍. And the thing about monopolies are that, it is sponsored by the government and by the state which is creates these laws which create monopolies.

  • @2GringosOnTheGulf
    @2GringosOnTheGulf 2 года назад +2

    2 Gringos On The Gulf sending you girls support from Mexico Merida Cheers J&D 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇲🇽🇲🇽🇨🇦🇨🇦

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад

      Thank you dear gringos! Sending warm hugs back!

  • @devinjohnson1999
    @devinjohnson1999 Год назад

    You mentioned credit cards. Before moving to Canada in 2012 (officially), I had a ScotiaBank savings account from 2007 to 2012 and by the time I moved there, I had 5K in it. I had Bank of America which had a reciprocal relation with SB such that no fees. I used my partner's address and had opened the account (to save the money since the more I saved, the less I would have to withdraw later). Anyway, when I got a job here (by luck), SB would not give me a credit card (even a card based on savings). I went to TD and they gave me one with no issues (other than putting in savings x amount of $ related to limit, which I thought was fair and what I wanted to do with SB). Why SB did not want to do that to someone whom already had money, a Canadian mailing address (and I even had a number through Rogers before moving here (US companies at the time did not have Canada as part of their plans) is beyond me.

  • @angelacamargo4309
    @angelacamargo4309 Год назад

    Wow it’s amazing because at universities they always say they are super evolved and the “first world” but it seems that they really are very undeveloped. They don’t have health care or public transportation 💁🏻‍♀️ Europe is better.

  • @kangkang8800
    @kangkang8800 2 года назад +1

    I'm now considering about immigrating to NS, is that easy to find a job(NOC) there?

  • @Cubanbearnyc
    @Cubanbearnyc 2 года назад +2

    ....you complaint about the weather in Canada and your are from Russia.....?! absurd....

  • @thelonewanderer1191
    @thelonewanderer1191 Год назад +3

    At least in Canada nobody tries to kill you to steal your phone, or put bombs on your gas stations, or kill you with taxes that you can't see, even with the healthcare waiting problem, at least you have medicines and nobody tries to bribe everyone in the public system. Compared with my problems, Canada seems to be a good place to live, except for the weather.

    • @mostafabakhtiari7522
      @mostafabakhtiari7522 Год назад

      But thousands of children specially Indians native were killed in Christians schools in Canada and government apologize only in media and did nothing.

  • @teekaramg4719
    @teekaramg4719 Год назад

    Come join me here in Guyana

  • @usman448
    @usman448 2 года назад +1

    💯agreed girls

  • @coolheeling
    @coolheeling 2 года назад +1


  • @enkidughom2508
    @enkidughom2508 2 года назад +3

    you forgot a major one: goose attacks!

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад +1

      Ah yes! The infamous geese!😅

    • @sarahchan5604
      @sarahchan5604 Год назад

      I live in Canada for a few decades,seeing Canada geese daily,never attacked by them,never saw them attack anyone at all,seeing them is just an enjoyment,we live peacefully with them in harmony

  • @ahmedawad563
    @ahmedawad563 2 года назад +17

    100% agree with everything you said! this is my 6th year in Canada, and I've experienced everything you said. The most critical is the terrible health care system. Which came as a shock for someone like myself. Not only do you wait for months, but more often than not, when you finally get to see a specialist, they're incompetent. Or don't care.
    Keep up the excellent work.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад +3

      Yup! Thanks Ahmed. The best thing you can do in healthcare is to pretend things are a lot worse than they are to get doctors to pay attention. Canadian healthcare is reactive, but proactive.

    • @lighty9023
      @lighty9023 2 года назад

      I've been here 5 years have never had a problem with the health care system. Are you in the Eastern provinces or cities like Toronto or Montreal? Maybe it's more of a French thing, the not caring, rather than a Canada health care system thing? (Edited- because I agree with the second half of the video)

  • @magdalenasz3520
    @magdalenasz3520 2 года назад +15

    I agree with all points! I'd add very high tuition fees for international students and a difficulty to land a qualified first job with a foreign experience and no Canadian degree. Cities are made for drivers, I was even shocked to see an ATM drive through! Moreover as a Polish, I also miss art science, affordable theatre and performances, and cultural events that you have all over Europe. University tuition is also expensive for local students. Lastly, travel...I can't even say how much I miss a short low cost flight or train to another country over a long weekend or vacation.. greetings to both of you!! 🤗

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад +2

      Thank you for your comment and kind addition Magdalena! Cultural aspect is something we are missing a lot too! Sending you cheers from Toronto

    • @sarrich4428
      @sarrich4428 2 года назад

      Certainly you have made some relevant points concerning travel, even the natives who don't travel a lot feel it to some degree. As far as art and culture, that depends a lot on where you live. Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and even Winnipeg have diverse and world class art communities and houses, more performances than you can shake a stick at and festivals galore. I suppose what I'm trying to say is, if you live in small town Canada maybe don't generalize to the rest of it? Finally, Canada post secondary is actually quite affordable even for international students, with the exception of maybe a few Universities. If you actually compare apples to apples (1st world, top 10 economies) , it does a great job of keeping tuition low. Compare with US tuition, the UK, or Japan. Some examples of affordable University cities include: Edmonton, Lethbridge, Victoria, and Regina, all big cities with one or more Universities with lower cost of living and lower tuition fees. International fees are more expensive everywhere and that makes sense. Neither you nor your parents have ever paid taxes there so you need to foot the whole bill whereas natives pay a little of the bill their whole lives. What do you think?

    • @evemarie1605
      @evemarie1605 2 года назад

      Oh dear!:- another unhappy member of the Polish "royalty" who does not like our Canada and thinks everything is so much better in Poland. My Polish war-refugee parents came to Canada in 1948 as "indentured laborers" (a fancy Canadian term for slave workers) and had a very rough start but they never complained because they could never return to "Planet Poland":- this was their new home and they made it work with a lot of struggle and hard work. Please do not expect Canadian taxpayers to subsidize your university education in Canada, they have their own priorities which do not include subsidizing self-entitled opportunistic Polish visitors pretending to be "immigrants" taking advantage of us. Canadian employers are very wary and suspicious of "foreign experience" because often the applicants are lying. If you don't like it here then just return to Poland where it obviously suits you much better. Canada does welcome legitimate immigrants who want to settle here and become productive members of our Canadian community without any whining but otherwise please stay away because you are not really doing us any favors by deigning to grace our drab Canadian lives with your illustrious presence.

    • @evemarie1605
      @evemarie1605 2 года назад

      ps:- I'm Polish too but I like the Russian immigrants better than the Polish immigrants because they don't complain, no matter how "bad" it is here, it's much worse in Russia and, like Canadians, they never ever complain about the weather and just enjoy whatever
      Nature sends our way. Poland especially has a very bad habit of exporting its problems elsewhere including opportunistic people looking for an "easy ride through life" and complain incessantly when they don't find it here:- however, like everywhere else, there are no "easy rides" in Canada.

    • @magdalenasz3520
      @magdalenasz3520 2 года назад

      @@sarrich4428 thank you! Very insightful comments and good perspective! Greetings! ☺️

  • @Desperoro
    @Desperoro 2 года назад +5

    1. Risk averse is very well seen on building sites. Ordinary sidewalk repair looks like there was terrorist attack. So much signs and personal showing other people where to go. Not speaking about construction works on roads, thats nightmare
    2. The only way how to workaround terrible helath system is pay private medcials, but its sooo expensive, maybe it is possible to pay doctor in US. People are going to Europe, Asia or South America for their medical threatments
    3. Housing crisis is almost everywhere :D Pros to Vancouver and Calgary is quite well developed public transport system. Buying a car is still a must, but you can combine with public transportation.
    And only ways how to travel in Canada is...changing works, remote working, have contract with "european holidays" so 4 better 5 weeks
    4. Canada and Scandinavia in Conflict avoidance and correctens are leaders and its sometimes hell. Especially when should be decided any approach and you must talk with colleagues as long as you all agree for something. It is like voting for pope...but manytimes a month. Same with jokes, Canadians feel everything offensive. And behind all that correctnes they can hide some disadvantageous agreement or poor quality product or service. After all everything is "beautiful, fine, great, lovely, suitable....". Dont get fooled when Canadian shop assistant behaves nicely to you.
    5. Prices for cellphone data are incredible. 25 dollars for 1 GB ? Insane and poor signal quality in mountains
    6. Vancouver = Raincouver, not great, not terrible. It is northern country, people should expect it

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад +1

      That’s a wonderful recap, mate! Thank you for putting it together, we appreciate it!

  • @gingi453
    @gingi453 2 месяца назад +1

    Many good points, but do not forget to mention, that Canada is also good for enterpreneurs, and if someone has a degree or trade and higher than 120 IQ, + a bit of own capital, it is much better to start a business, than to look for employment and low wages. Many migratns from Europe do not learn how to build business, but this is what Canada is good for, for the right people of course..not much local experience needed if you can learn fast..! No pain no gain..and also no risk no profit..one has to learn it fast..

  • @antoniomilano7700
    @antoniomilano7700 2 года назад +27

    Excellent video from a Canadian. :)
    Canadian health care is a joke as you mentioned. Public education is pretty bad nowadays as well. 30 years ago education was better.
    Most immigrants leave Canada and return home after they get their passport.

    • @dylanjohnson3346
      @dylanjohnson3346 2 года назад

      Yet you think america is good lol you are so delusional

    • @evemarie1605
      @evemarie1605 2 года назад

      We really do not need "immigrants" like you:- did you really think you are doing us a big favor coming in here to take advantage of our health, education, and social-welfare systems while you "get your passport" and whine a lot while here and then run back to your home country expecting us to be your "insurance policy" when things go bad back there? Canada is not a "hotel" and once we get a Conservative government hopefully the door will shut to your kind and perhaps all those "Canadians of convenience" living abroad will be "cut off" too.

    • @mefisto7583
      @mefisto7583 2 года назад

      Or move somewhere better like the US or many countries of Europe. Many come for the PR which is fast amd relatively easy to get for the educated. But yeah if you got talent and drive, it's hard to stay in Canada long and accept their ways.

  • @johnsmith21123
    @johnsmith21123 2 года назад +5

    Is it possible to buy health insurance or use paid clinics to get to doctors faster in Canada?

    • @witoldlitwin5722
      @witoldlitwin5722 2 года назад

      Nope. There's no such thing as private healthcare in Canada, so, unfortunately, there's no alternative to the publicly funded system.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад +1

      There actually are semi-private clinics, but they are still very much dependent on government budgets. For instance if you go to a clinic as opposed to a hospital, you may actually get your ultrasound or ecg done a little sooner.

  • @Uneducated.Musician
    @Uneducated.Musician 2 года назад +26

    I just moved my family out of Canada after 18 years of struggle. The vaccine mandate, inflation and autocracy of the current dictatorship were the last drop. Bye, Canada!

    • @dylanjohnson3346
      @dylanjohnson3346 2 года назад +1

      Must be a trump supporter

    • @murraytown4
      @murraytown4 2 года назад

      Good riddance.

    • @Olga77759
      @Olga77759 2 года назад +1

      And where did you move?

    • @teejaylecapois9741
      @teejaylecapois9741 2 года назад +1

      I hope you find happiness elsewhere, sir. I think America and the Caribbean are more open to smart foreign businesspeople with ambition.

    • @Uneducated.Musician
      @Uneducated.Musician 2 года назад

      @@Olga77759 Republic of Georgia (Europe)

  • @Dreadlock1227
    @Dreadlock1227 2 года назад +2

    The healthcare in Canada frustrates me because I feel like they just compare it to healthcare in the United States and go “well it’s free here, so we have a better system than the US.” And then they just kind of stop there. I’ve met a lot of Canadians who think they have the best healthcare system in the world, which is just objectively not true. It only ranks a little bit higher than the US, and even ranks behind a handful of developing countries. It kind of feels like a lot of things in Canada, the goal is just to “do it better than they do in the United States” and once they accomplish that, they’re satisfied, no matter how much more that system could still improve. “Better than the US” is a pretty low bar a lot of the time, Canadians should aim higher

  • @jacinthebriand1582
    @jacinthebriand1582 Год назад +1

    I am Canadian, born here, and I am starting to look to move to a different country. The cost of living, especially basic necessities such as food and a roof over your head, is becoming very unaffordable. Plus Canadians are slowly losing their freedom due to greedy politicians who give themselves a raise while raising our taxes, like the carbon tax going up in April and June of 2023. This will make life even harder for Canadians.

  • @rakerdavid
    @rakerdavid 2 года назад +3

    Why did you say at the ending of the video - Makes me think why people still strive to move to Canada? Do you regret your move to Canada or what?

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад

      No we don’t regret moving to Canada at all. Given what we value and care about, these disadvantages are not deal breakers, however for some people, with some professions and life style Canada is a bad choice.

    • @rakerdavid
      @rakerdavid 2 года назад

      @@MakeThatChange ok got it. I decided to come to canada, your videos have been very informative to say the least.

  • @CJAgwaziam
    @CJAgwaziam 2 месяца назад

    [11:00] Unless, of course, in SK, because of SaskTel, They have to kind of lower prices in some form.

  • @michaelcuaresma5368
    @michaelcuaresma5368 2 года назад +1

    There are more Cannabis store than Tim Horton's Coffee shops. Isn't that alarming??

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад

      What about the number of liquor stores? Or stores selling cigarettes and other tobacco products

  • @RishabhMazumdar
    @RishabhMazumdar 2 года назад +2

    Both of you way of speaking is awesome love watching your videos ❤️
    Truth is always bitter so don't worry about some rotten tomatoes 🙂 and keep making such nice/informative videos 👍

  • @sacphilip
    @sacphilip 2 года назад +3

    Hey guys! Lovely to see all aspects of Canada. Would love to know about Montreal as well soon

  • @casebeth
    @casebeth 2 года назад +2

    "surrounded by nice Canadians and monopolies" xD I'm glad you all are so honest and pros AND cons. It's so important to move somewhere new with your eyes wide open

  • @Erintii
    @Erintii 2 года назад +2

    As ex-PR of Canada I will say even Canadian job experience means nothing if you don't have network and it's hard to network if no one introduce you. Credit cards are needed everywhere but to get credit score is needed. When it comes to waiting time for doctor's appointments in Poland where I came from it's not better unless you pay for private visit. Housing.. in Toronto it was bad when I left and I heard it's much worse. But this is also happening in the UK. Public transit, yes this is hard for European.
    About conflict avoidance: it's the same in Switzerland. People will be nice and polite and then tell you to go away with no explanation. Or provide rude explanation. But I understand your concerns and this annoyed me as well.
    I really liked weather in Toronto more than in Zurich.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад

      Thanks for sharing this Erinti, but do mountaines in Zurich compensate for all those things? It must be so beautiful there

    • @Erintii
      @Erintii 2 года назад +3

      @@MakeThatChange Switzerland is a beautiful country with high standard of living. Even from Zurich mountain views are seen and many places looks like postcards. Cities are clean, well maintained and safe. Locals are not as welcoming for foreigners as Canadians, but of course it all depends. Switzerland is great, Canada is great but both countries are great in different ways. Swiss are hard and closed not all but its cultural to behave in reserved manner.
      But is Switzerland better than Canada? Money-wise yes. Community-wise not. In general? There is no winner.

  • @valpetrolhead1806
    @valpetrolhead1806 2 года назад +2

    I was laughing my brains out when you went for you coffee hahahahaha

  • @richt7506
    @richt7506 2 года назад +3


    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад +1

      Yep many people we know have left too.

    • @mostafabakhtiari7522
      @mostafabakhtiari7522 Год назад +1

      So why Canada advertise too much come here if they couldn't prepare suitable life for imigrants?

    • @kwasibaah-wiredu3200
      @kwasibaah-wiredu3200 Год назад

      @@mostafabakhtiari7522 just to make money 💰 off people

  • @vnguyen1620
    @vnguyen1620 2 года назад +4

    All good points and correct!

  • @wpaker01
    @wpaker01 2 года назад

    As compare with other poor country.. foreign workers don't mind this as disadvantages 🤔. Their still have advantages for them because canadian dollar much higher than asian money they send money their love once. Maybe you should try to live first in poor country and have your own family before you can say this as disadvantages. Maybe it's the investors who do this as their or own advantage for the poor foreign new comer. And the government allow them. It's only my opinions 😂

  • @xeray6032
    @xeray6032 2 года назад +1

    roflmao!!! The Canada is conservative has two sides. It's why people born and raised in Canada will stay there rather than following the money, and it is also why so many people want to immigrate to Canada. The Canadian dollar did not go ballistic as banks floated currency globally, but it stayed stable and there was not serious crash and ... Who cares? There's nothing wrong with putting your energy into enjoying life instead of chasing a buck. :) Good call. You nailed it.
    OMG! Try opening a bank account and getting a credit card in Ecuador, or even Australia. This is the stuff that happens in every country. All you have to do in Canada is get a guaranteed credit card. Even people who have gone bankrupt can get one. You need to try harder. You want a card? You agree to leave the same, or twice, that amount frozen in your account. You pay it down as you go and then after few months they give you an open credit limit. You both speak English beautifully. Talk to a better loan's agent or you manager.
    American banks are happy to take greater risks, and to take your business and home and ... Think deeper. If your business fails, you lose everything.
    There is a history that has worked for Canada's conservative ways. Dig a bit deeper.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад +1

      It has certainly worked so well for Canada because it is still one of the best countries to live in. Doesn’t mean it’s perfect. The goal of this video is to set the expectations right and argue a different side.
      There’s a reason why there’s a saying that Canada is a country of middle class, while US has a huge wealth gap between rich and poor - all middle class flees to Canada. There are good and bad things about it, depending on what matters to you most.

  • @arturraban1738
    @arturraban1738 Год назад

    About you girls,russian winter is same maybe harsher,whenever I figure why you love this dillusion promise land.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  Год назад

      Russia is huge, there are warmer cities, there are colder cities. Same in Canada. So you can't compare the whole country's climate as one. So what's your point?

  • @michaelcuaresma5368
    @michaelcuaresma5368 2 года назад +1

    The legalization of Marijuana which triggered illegal drugs to follow suit is what worries us most. We came here knowing this Country can be a good foundation for our kid's future. Everything turned out to be just a dream.dream,dream..

    • @mnkwazi
      @mnkwazi Год назад

      @Michael Cuaresma so overall you like it?

    • @sarahchan5604
      @sarahchan5604 Год назад

      Educate them to be drug free,be a good example : be drug free yourself, children likes to copy and learn from their parents

  • @ivangracia151
    @ivangracia151 Год назад +1

    I love that joke at 11:14

  • @0amine0
    @0amine0 2 года назад +1

    First I started watching this channel to gather information as I’m landing in Canada very soon, now I’m in love with Anna’s eyes 😍

  • @1975edgard
    @1975edgard Год назад

    Well, Well... I'm watching a lot of videos to get knowing how things really are in Canada. It surprises me the time to get an appointment with doctor. I'm from Brazil and live in the biggest city... if you go to a public health care, it takes around 3 hours to be in doctor's room, but you do. Also, deppending on situation or emergency you get at least a quick blood examination, electrocardiogram and no often a surgery (but happens). Oh yes, if you're falling to a heart attack, a stroke or something related they're fast... but it's usual in really big cities. However, in contryside it's fast enough to create an agenda and be paired to a doctor. Curious, if you pay for a private medical assistance, deppending on how much you pay, the services are a bit fast, but not even better (impressive huhhh) and the quality of it is the same, public or private health care. Thanks for sharing all these informations that really helps to understang what's coming up to someone moving to Canada.

  • @aysecalgin8962
    @aysecalgin8962 2 года назад +1

    Your video makes me wonder why you are still here. Some of your analysis are incomplete and/or inaccurate.

  • @dennypfa8480
    @dennypfa8480 Год назад

    I'm wondering why many of your videos or reviews show so many 'DISADVANTAGES' of living in Canada.... I mean if you really don't like or enjoy so much living in Canada, why you just don't go back to wherever you come from...

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  Год назад

      as unfortunate as it is, negativity sells more. It is very unfortunate that our most popular videos are about negative things, while the positive videos barely get a 1/3 of attention. In the end of the day, none of disadvantages matter for people who flee war or repression.

    • @dennypfa8480
      @dennypfa8480 Год назад

      @@MakeThatChange Well, you certainly can be more creative than selling negativity... indeed very unfortunate.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  Год назад

      Another thing is that RUclips algorithm suggested you a negative video instead of a positive one and you clicked on it

    • @dennypfa8480
      @dennypfa8480 Год назад

      ​@@MakeThatChange Lets be honest. Your previous explanation was actually the truth, and It isn't the Algorithm. Never mind, I got your point. it is about getting as much attention to your content, and I can accept that.

    • @vitaliybochan192
      @vitaliybochan192 Год назад +1

      This is about russian mentality to shit in the bowl from which they eat soup. It's OK for them but hard to understand.

  • @xrgiok
    @xrgiok Год назад

    11:03 Stroke the furry wall 😅

  • @SebastianDavidPB
    @SebastianDavidPB 2 года назад

    I've seen and experienced worse in my country which is now in the EU.
    I just wonder how much it would cost to start over there, like a second university especially if that would be attainable while working a part time job in tandem.

  • @audiogabby9808
    @audiogabby9808 2 года назад

    Interesting. I'm looking to buy an Apt. in Montreal but to spend summers in Canada. I love summers in Montreal. I find the city a breath of fresh air (literally). I'm in Central Florida and it gets extremely hot in the summer, 98 and above is very common. Thanks for the video.

  • @MoAlnaseri
    @MoAlnaseri 2 года назад +2

    Do the opposite of this video 👌🏻

  • @gingi453
    @gingi453 2 месяца назад

    There are lots of worst places than Canada..

  • @xeray6032
    @xeray6032 2 года назад +1

    How about a medical system that makes that old saying by Med students come home: What do you call the guy who graduates at the bottom of the class? A: Doctor.
    I am saddened by this video. I thought you were both more intelligent, and I still think you are. Get some time in. You aren't Canadian until you start to realize why it attracts so many people. Including yourselves.
    I hace lived in a few countries. The nice thing about being Canadian born is that I got on with living and enjoying and ... Later in other countries when I heard people brag... I was quite surprised that Canada was a better place to be, like taxes.
    I agree. The American medical system that cost thousands per year is great! Keeps crappy and dishonest doctors in check because the insurance companies have serious clout! That makes it better for a country with a tax base about one tenth the size ...
    Think about it.
    Bored now. You haven't put the time in. hmmm

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for sharing your Canadian perspective Xe. We totally agree with your point around becoming a true Canadian when you start appreciate Canada. We appreciate Canada for what it has to offer, because we have something to compare it to - a country that has no freedom of speech or social security.
      Our appreciation for Canada doesn’t stop at all positives, there are disadvantages to any place, any country and this is just a sober view on the other side of affairs.

    • @beemer2k
      @beemer2k Год назад

      I've been here 18 years, so I have put the time in. This list is 100% correct. The doctors here suck, and I have perspective because I work in healthcare and I have doctors here and in the US. Everyone here has a story about how a doctor misdiagnosed or mistreated them or someone they know. Also, Canadian healthcare isn't free. I pay $700 per year. It's buried in everyone's taxes, but its there. I also pay for US healthcare because id rather not wait 4-6 months to see a specialist or get an MRI. And if theres malpractice in the US, at least I have legal recourse. Best of luck bringing up a doctor here on tort.
      Canada is a great place to live if you want to stay safe and insulated. Not necessarily bad, but when risk is seen to be avoided at all costs it brings growth and achievement to a near standstill.
      Great place to raise kids to be confident in their underachievement. Did you know 80% is an A here and 51% is passing? Getting one out of every two right on a test is a passing grade. On a good day, I can do that with a coin flip. ...but that's ok, because the last thing you want to do is expect performance or make a kid feel the pressure of competition with other people in the world who have to maintain >90% to get an A.
      Learn how to work on your own house, because there aren't enough licensed contractors to go around.
      I could go on and on...

    • @xeray6032
      @xeray6032 Год назад

      As the Australians say: If you don't like it GO HOME. I made the mistake of saying I had never seen a tree like the one I was looking at. I removed the expletives. I have lived in many countries, and the Canada I grew up in died long ago when the first Trudeau opened the floodgates to people who don't want to live in their own countries. As for education ... It's more important to LEARN, than to regurgitate for a letter. I did get all As, and at universities in other countries the As were much easier to get. Constructive criticism is good, bitcing about everything and wanting it "free" ... millennials.

  • @bappabakshi3186
    @bappabakshi3186 Год назад


  • @ojasbakshi8089
    @ojasbakshi8089 Год назад

    All of your videos on this channel are so much informative! Please market your channel more so to get more audience! 😀

  • @gohfai
    @gohfai 2 года назад

    hi,I am hongkong Canadian.No country is heaven. I enjoy living in coquilam 20 years ago and also now in my born place hongkong.Support your channel and keep going,and take care!

  • @cococalgal
    @cococalgal Год назад

    I really appreciated this video thank you for the information!
    Over the years I've heard some immigrants say if you don't have your own family or a small circle of friends it is very hard to get Canadian friends even when you try to fit in.

  • @nasermoqadam2499
    @nasermoqadam2499 2 года назад +2

    7:35 :)

  • @SubjectOR-dt2tx
    @SubjectOR-dt2tx 2 года назад +1

    Internal screaming native Canadian here.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад

      Please elaborate, sir 🙂

    • @mnkwazi
      @mnkwazi Год назад

      @@MakeThatChange You ladies are so polite. He should not have written that.

  • @idolmam2114
    @idolmam2114 2 года назад +1

    Why does it take so long for the visa what is happening 😞😞

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад

      I’ve heard that Ukrainian refugees visas are getting expedited now, which causes delays for everyone else ☹️

    • @idolmam2114
      @idolmam2114 2 года назад

      @@MakeThatChange even though that other nationalities is also in danger😯😯 i just hope everyone is safe & arrive safely but the way they treat them & treat the other countries is really unfair

  • @makarandpokley6941
    @makarandpokley6941 2 года назад +1

    which country which would you suggest as a better alternative to Canada other than US ( considering its hard stay there )??

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад

      The answer to this question had to be personalized we think. In order to answer your question, what aspects of life are most important to you?

    • @makarandpokley6941
      @makarandpokley6941 2 года назад

      @@MakeThatChange 1.lot of career opportunities in tech. 2. Lower crime rate.

    • @witoldlitwin5722
      @witoldlitwin5722 2 года назад

      @@makarandpokley6941 perhaps the UK would up your alley? There's a lot of IT companies or companies hiring IT specialists, quite often for better money than in Canada. Safety is on a similar level. If you settle outside of London, the cost of living should also be lower. UK is not as good now as it was before Brexit, but can still be a viable option for immigration.
      Another country that comes to my mind is Singapore, but I don't have personal experience with it.

    • @witoldlitwin5722
      @witoldlitwin5722 2 года назад

      @@makarandpokley6941 Another idea - Ireland, Dublin especially. Multiple IT companies, high safety and still in the EU, as opposed to the UK. You might also consider Germany.

    • @armandmo2572
      @armandmo2572 Год назад

      @@makarandpokley6941 South Africa, one of the most free countries in the world. Its a developing country so careers in technology is growing. One of the best standards of living in the world if you live the same lifestyle in Europe as on South Africa you would have to be a millionaire in Europe. There are crime issues but if you stay and move in certain areas and take safety measures, you will avoid that. The citizens has over the years adapted to this problem and equipped themselves in avoiding it, like security estates for living and private security companies. Most South Africans are members of private security companies where you pay a small amount and they are there to protect and help in an instant. Its also one of if not the most culturally diverse countries in the world. Also an extremely beautiful country with propably the best climate in the world and no natural disasters. There is government healthcare but most citizens opt for private healthcare which is very affordable for South Africans and works perfectly.

  • @leninicordeiro1578
    @leninicordeiro1578 2 года назад

    I think you should move to Brazil and check why Brazilians are fleeing a paradise. These problems list sound like heaven to me, as a Brazilian.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад

      Anna has been to Brazil and is closely familiar with what you mean 😊 beautiful country nevertheless!🇧🇷❤️

  • @anasalkrad
    @anasalkrad Год назад

    Thank you for all the info you provide in all your videos:), Dose the health care get better if your employer provides you with health insurance? Or you would still face same concerns.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  Год назад

      We made a whole video about healthcare system in Canada and how it works, I think you'll find it useful and informative ruclips.net/video/PmVIKcOoRaM/видео.html

  • @valpetrolhead1806
    @valpetrolhead1806 2 года назад +1

    This ending kind of depressed me

  • @arshS27
    @arshS27 2 года назад +1

    perfect , guys - i have a question : if we pay rent in cash in Montréal as i am planning to land there ; can it be shown as expense in tax filing ? or it has to be paid via cheque to reduce tax burden ?

    • @magdalenasz3520
      @magdalenasz3520 2 года назад +1

      Hi, you don't receive tax return on rent typically. Why would you claim it on your tax return?

    • @arshS27
      @arshS27 2 года назад +1

      I heard we can show it as expense to reduce tax liability?

    • @magdalenasz3520
      @magdalenasz3520 2 года назад +1

      @@arshS27 I see! I'm not sure if it's different in Quebec, but in Ontario you can't claim rent for your tax return. It's only for home owners as far as I know.

    • @deanburns5101
      @deanburns5101 2 года назад +2

      In Alberta and all of Canada as far as I know, in general you cannot use rent or mortgage payments as a way to lower your taxes. However, if you run a business from your home, you can write off a part of your living space and utilities etc., even if you are renting.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад +1

      You have to be self employed and collect gst/qst to be able to claim tax returns on things like rent.
      Paying cash is fine, as long as your landlord gives you a receipt/invoice for that. There needs to be a paper trail

  • @ChrisG4Johny
    @ChrisG4Johny 2 года назад +1

    Spot on! ;)

  • @nasermoqadam2499
    @nasermoqadam2499 2 года назад +1

    good topic . tnx again guys

  • @snoopdoggfanclub
    @snoopdoggfanclub 2 года назад

    wow.. you guys soured on canada at the end, eh? i was always thinking you guys were more positive on canada than it warranted.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад

      We are positive on Canada, that was more like a sarcastic sum up 😊 guess we didn't deliver it well enough

  • @artax-rx9mb
    @artax-rx9mb 2 года назад +1

    thank you ladies

  • @queenkibuti6312
    @queenkibuti6312 2 года назад

    Am here after Rogers crush, shame shame shame

  • @asokanms1003
    @asokanms1003 2 года назад +1

    Are you Canadian

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад +2

      One of us has gotten Canadian citizenship already, but both of us were born in post USSR countries

  • @bachchanshaikh2707
    @bachchanshaikh2707 2 года назад +1


  • @muzamilahmed3970
    @muzamilahmed3970 2 года назад +1

    I agreed

  • @shdvchauhan3426
    @shdvchauhan3426 2 года назад +1

    Good job👍

  • @muzamilahmed3970
    @muzamilahmed3970 2 года назад +1


  • @globalizedworld3518
    @globalizedworld3518 2 года назад +1


  • @MiltV121
    @MiltV121 Год назад

    Thanks for posting these videos about CA

  • @oleggv5518
    @oleggv5518 2 года назад

    And despite all these disadvantages, Canada is in first place in the ranking of the best countries to live in. On some websites, it's not in the first place, but still in the top 10. How so?

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад +1

      Because there's no perfect place and many countries have much much more problems and disadvantages

    • @oleggv5518
      @oleggv5518 2 года назад +1

      @@MakeThatChange I'd like to believe it :) moving to Canada is my dream, but your videos make me take off the rose glasses and see what is really happening. So now I understand that I have to do my homework better. Thanks for sharing this information with us!

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад +1

      This video should be thought provoking for you ruclips.net/video/4bzVC_-ZuX4/видео.html

    • @oleggv5518
      @oleggv5518 2 года назад

      @@MakeThatChange Thanks!

  • @jdcc15
    @jdcc15 2 года назад +2

    Hi, great video! If you're wondering why there are still people striving to move to Canada, I'll share why I would like to. In my home country, public healthcare is even worse, public unrest is soaring and all authorities are incompetent. Furthermore, it is getting so insecure that we cannot risk taking our children to walk in the park due to kidnapping gangs (they even kidnapped children from schools). So I think it depends on the pros and cons and varies from person to person.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад

      Hi Jose, we totally understand you since some places in Russia have the same exact issues. For folks like us, Canada is a great place to live, since it at least gives us access the most basic need for safety and well-being.

  • @timothyborthwick5071
    @timothyborthwick5071 2 года назад +1

    Love your perspectives about being a new comer, and the + and - of your immigrant adventures.
    I have lived and travelled all over our world, and our version of life, peace and community is one of geographical advantage, bounty of our natural resources, commitment to always trying to improve gov't, and living beside a sleeping giant who could roll over and "squash you" at any time. The issues that are highlighted in your video are most part global in scope. It is interesting reading the comments, there seems to be some attitudes of country "shoe" shopping. You know try different ones on for size, feel and durability but easy to discard and buy new ones. Canada has gained around 18 million new people over the last 50 years.This is an increase of almost 90% growth. We have failed as a Capitalist democracy to let the market dominate the 5 W's of economic growth and urban planning. So now like everywhere else in the world, we have too many people chasing too few homes, schools, hospitals and gov't services. We also were 20% urban dwellers and 80% rural but have transformed in the last 100 years to the opposite demographics in urban/rural split. Political power still leans towards a rural conservative cultural cloud resting over cities far too long, and preventing sunshine from warming up attitudes and policy for making things warmer, more progressive and nimble to react to major changes and challenges. Also reflect back to world eco crisis in 2008 cause by Wall st. Only one western democratic country survived and thrived through this global financial crisis. Guess who? Canada and its boring, conservative, pragmatic 5 big banks financial system. Sometimes incrementalism is the solution and not the problem. Long live Peaceful, Safe, Gigantic and Stable but boring :-) CANADA!!!!!!

  • @dylanjohnson3346
    @dylanjohnson3346 2 года назад +3

    Id rather wait for docters in canada than die cuz i cant afford it in america

    • @antoniomilano7700
      @antoniomilano7700 2 года назад +17

      Its not free in Canada.

    • @dylanjohnson3346
      @dylanjohnson3346 2 года назад +1

      @@antoniomilano7700 didnt say free i said easy to access for everyone

    • @antoniomilano7700
      @antoniomilano7700 2 года назад +17

      @@dylanjohnson3346 its not easy to access compared to US. If you work in USA you automatically get health benefits. You get to use superb health systems like Kaiser and others. In Canada you often have to wait a long time to see specialists. Hospitals in BC are in worse shape than some 3rd world developing countries.

    • @dylanjohnson3346
      @dylanjohnson3346 2 года назад

      @@antoniomilano7700 dude in the us you are only cared about if your a rich white male the us healthcare like the country sucks

    • @antoniomilano7700
      @antoniomilano7700 2 года назад +1

      @@dylanjohnson3346 your arguing is racist and childish. I bet you have never worked and lived there. FYI info I live in both countries and rest assured Canadians are more racist than Americans. But they do not show it to your face.

  • @johnstakos1875
    @johnstakos1875 2 года назад +3

    Canada is long gone!
    There are opportunities looking into the new superpower allied world which arises (China, Russia, India, etc).
    Hope next week orthodox Easter will bring peace and prosperity to ucranian people and heavy losses to NATO, us, british and canadian mercenaries troops on the field in ucrania.
    Win to Russia in this particular war is an ultimate condition in order to live in a safe world of balance and peace.
    Happy Easter to everybody!

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад

      Hey! 😊 How have you been? Are you in Canada these days? I remember your negative comments towards Canada a few months ago when we made a video about Why People Leave Canada and you wanted to leave if I'm not mistaken

    • @johnstakos1875
      @johnstakos1875 2 года назад

      I am still working and living in Toronto. As long as European Union experiment fails and global crisis persists our choices have to be more personalised and careful.
      Take a camera guys and get out of home. By starting visiting groceries stores and talking with strangers about the cost of living in the city and their feelings about how the making change process goes you will expand your chanel being able to support much more and chip content. After all you ve got a solid concept, but it seems you have forgotten that your main customer lives already in Canada rather than gets prepared to relocate.
      Victory to Russia!

  • @martinwozenilek485
    @martinwozenilek485 2 года назад +2

    Just to calm you down, some of the the discussed topics exist in other countries too. For Germany the house prices have raised the same, medical and health situation is becoming more and more worse, public transport is expensive and unreliable. Some problems exist for the whole western hemisphere, as things are changing at the moment rapidly. The golden years are over.

    • @MakeThatChange
      @MakeThatChange  2 года назад

      Thank you Martin. We feel a lot calmer now, thanks to you.