It's very interesting that the door code to the BFG is 7 levels ahead, when players find the BFG in the room they have to find a code and they look around the level not finding the right thing when they had the PDA with the code 7 levels ago and the fact that they try to trick the player with the door code with 901 when it's 931 as it says in the mail. This is a very good secret to find in the game.
That weapon is op
Code for the room is 931
It's very interesting that the door code to the BFG is 7 levels ahead, when players find the BFG in the room they have to find a code and they look around the level not finding the right thing when they had the PDA with the code 7 levels ago and the fact that they try to trick the player with the door code with 901 when it's 931 as it says in the mail.
This is a very good secret to find in the game.
Darkstar Archangel thx
They let the player guess the middle code actually because there are no 0 in the dial number ,901 -> 931
hey gracias muy buena pista la que has dado ya que tenia el informe y no había revisado bien hasta que leí tu comentario de nuevo gracias
De nada!