I have been dealing with this problem for the past 9 days with my group and it is ridiculous that i have to make custom build to different characters just to ks and even then still lose. This definitely helped out alot and will be showing this video to my squad.
valir and hylos superslow minotaur and guinever unli knockup sun-popol-zhask all-lane pushers odette and minsi no escape estes and faramis sustain popol and selena cc everywhere yss-aldous-selena/novaria map vision
Guys, please remember if you want to win then your goal is to break the enemy's base tower , not picking the fanciest hero that can kill a lot. No point you can kill all enemies when all your teammate dies and no one can push tower.
@@zohost420 no hes not wrong once i was playing thamuz and my team was getting whooped so i just focuse don pushin turrets and the enmey has a pro fanny so it was a bit hard to do but in the end i managed to destory 4 turrets ina row al in the exp lane and won
@@zohost420The guy is telling the truth, you know how many times I had a comeback bc the enemy was so focused on kills they didn’t realize they have less turrets than us?
@00:30 , *Carmilla(Tank), Faramis(Mage) & Hayabusa(Jungler) trio is the best trio for me. Plus if paired with Terizla or Yu Zhong(EXP laner) then with an AoE damage ultimate marksman like Claude or Ixia, all of them together could be a **_nightmare_** for the enemies for sure! And it's all thanks to Carmilla's ultimate for greatly amplifying their damage. HahaHah* 😂
Its good but with diggie as mage akai as tank they can counter easily and them main reason this combi has low cc(stun ) so hero like alucard with be monster for them
@@Worthoffun25 the Counters for Carmilla's ultimate are Mathilda & all other blink-a-lot Assassins. I think Diggie or Rafaela can also counter Carmilla's ultimate but it depends on how close each enemy hero is to each other. The enemy would rather surround us or lineup horizontally far away to each other, just to avoid getting caught by Carmilla's AoE ultimate. Valentina also could be pick by the enemy since Carmilla really is a good damage amplifier tank/support hero.
This video made me remember the good old times, when I played trio and we wrecked everyone with the Minotaur-Martis-Badang combo. Sadly Badang fell off and we don't play trio just as much as before, so it's been a long time since we last used the combo.
I just got back from ranked and finally won after losing streak but that win was partially because it was an epic comeback but thank god,i was about to lose hope
This combo is a squad combo and its: Tigreal(Roam) Terizla(Exp) Ixia(Mm) Pharsa or vale(Mage) Julian(core) This team comp ofc requires some skill as the mm core mage need to farm well for this to work this team comp also has 80% success rate if done right as it provides long ahh stuns lasting 4 or 5 sec hope this squad combo helps🗿
Hope every duos and trios watch this video. Reason why ? - I play solo que and meet duos and trios who don't even know how to combo pick or ban . Especially trios , when you trio the outcome of the game depends on the trios in most scenariosm trios should practice and learn in classis as to determine which heroes works best for them . Yet I meet trios who can't even do teamwork while enemy trio take mid/roam/jungle combo and wreak havoc all day long
Make more videos like this, we want more lineups that we are best at...most of the lineups can't be picked because of either that is hard to pick or just we are not much good at or we don't have that hero. :'< So sensei, we want more easy versatile lineups.
Me and my brother play Gatotkatca and Fredrinn...we fil either roam, exp or jungle...the Tankiness, cc and 2v5's are unmatched Edit: when we can't pair them, we do Novaria/Franco, ez hooks and suppress.
1. Vexana and carmilla 2. Luo yi and chip 3. Kadita and atlas 4. Fredrinn and Angela 5. Roger and floryn 6. Benedetta and Lancelot 7. Akai valir 8. Kaja and Bruno 9. Tigreal and Guinevere 10. Alpha and Mathilda List for me to go back to🫶🏻
i hope moontoon soon will fix their MATCHMAKING, for god sake so many players really wish this update i hope they will do it before players leave this game.
Solo player like the comment 😊
Yup, no calling for help and holding hands here.
Me to am a solo plqyer
Im solo player and I'd rather stay this way because whenever I play with friends I get stressed out and play poorly 😅
Me to a solo player
Guys wanna play together?
I have been dealing with this problem for the past 9 days with my group and it is ridiculous that i have to make custom build to different characters just to ks and even then still lose. This definitely helped out alot and will be showing this video to my squad.
im playing trio for a year or more now, it doesnt matter what you pick, the 2 randoms are god tier at feeding so you still lose
valir and hylos superslow
minotaur and guinever unli knockup
sun-popol-zhask all-lane pushers
odette and minsi no escape
estes and faramis sustain
popol and selena cc everywhere
yss-aldous-selena/novaria map vision
Guys, please remember if you want to win then your goal is to break the enemy's base tower , not picking the fanciest hero that can kill a lot.
No point you can kill all enemies when all your teammate dies and no one can push tower.
Bruh.. as long as u think like that , all you have to do in life is dead
@@zohost420 no hes not wrong once i was playing thamuz and my team was getting whooped so i just focuse don pushin turrets and the enmey has a pro fanny so it was a bit hard to do but in the end i managed to destory 4 turrets ina row al in the exp lane and won
@@zohost420The guy is telling the truth, you know how many times I had a comeback bc the enemy was so focused on kills they didn’t realize they have less turrets than us?
@00:30 , *Carmilla(Tank), Faramis(Mage) & Hayabusa(Jungler) trio is the best trio for me. Plus if paired with Terizla or Yu Zhong(EXP laner) then with an AoE damage ultimate marksman like Claude or Ixia, all of them together could be a **_nightmare_** for the enemies for sure! And it's all thanks to Carmilla's ultimate for greatly amplifying their damage. HahaHah* 😂
Its good but with diggie as mage akai as tank they can counter easily and them main reason this combi has low cc(stun ) so hero like alucard with be monster for them
@@Worthoffun25 the Counters for Carmilla's ultimate are Mathilda & all other blink-a-lot Assassins. I think Diggie or Rafaela can also counter Carmilla's ultimate but it depends on how close each enemy hero is to each other. The enemy would rather surround us or lineup horizontally far away to each other, just to avoid getting caught by Carmilla's AoE ultimate. Valentina also could be pick by the enemy since Carmilla really is a good damage amplifier tank/support hero.
@@KokoJeuru agreed
This video made me remember the good old times, when I played trio and we wrecked everyone with the Minotaur-Martis-Badang combo.
Sadly Badang fell off and we don't play trio just as much as before, so it's been a long time since we last used the combo.
I just got back from ranked and finally won after losing streak but that win was partially because it was an epic comeback but thank god,i was about to lose hope
This video is good for me because I'm on a 17 lose streak
Howwww???? I'd delete ml immediately if my lose streak ever enters double figures
@Goruden_4407 it will never happen :(
relatable, especially as a roam main in solo q
Time to install Ludo
@@Goruden_4407she's good bruh.. haya old meta was the best now he is too easy to kill.. when old haya2018 was there bruh everytime maniac
Bro after hearing many defeat words in my classic,brawl and even rank matches it still gives me nightmares all night
I was need this video alot thanks daddy kazuki
This combo is a squad combo and its:
Pharsa or vale(Mage)
This team comp ofc requires some skill as the mm core mage need to farm well for this to work this team comp also has 80% success rate if done right as it provides long ahh stuns lasting 4 or 5 sec hope this squad combo helps🗿
9:19 Bro just casually stole a maniac😂
Tbh he dealt the damage to floryn so he didn't steal it he just took his own kill
very important combo
Xavier (back damage + carmillas ult
Carmilla (Ult and front damage)
Your not making any sense bludd
Carmilla's ult can link enemies and xavier can hit his ult and it'll hit everyone.
Hope every duos and trios watch this video.
Reason why ? - I play solo que and meet duos and trios who don't even know how to combo pick or ban . Especially trios , when you trio the outcome of the game depends on the trios in most scenariosm trios should practice and learn in classis as to determine which heroes works best for them . Yet I meet trios who can't even do teamwork while enemy trio take mid/roam/jungle combo and wreak havoc all day long
Thanks idol ❤
Late but never miss ur video
I use tigreal + odette combo with my friend🗣🔥🔥 its actually a monster combo
We use Hanabi and Lolita combo ✨
one esme in enemy n over 😔
wow your so creative with alpha and mathilda its like hit and run
Make more videos like this, we want more lineups that we are best at...most of the lineups can't be picked because of either that is hard to pick or just we are not much good at or we don't have that hero. :'<
So sensei, we want more easy versatile lineups.
Floryn, uranus and alpha combo also works really well because floryn removes antiheal so you get 2 unkillable frontliners with huge damage from alpha.
Carmilla with good awareness + any hard cc and big damage heroes = womp² to the enemies
Womp squared is jokes hahahaha
Carmilla combo.with any heroes are Dangerous
What Victory sounds like so relatable i lose 20 stars this season mythical honor to mythic 5*
Morning kazuki ❤
Thankyou guys for watching keep supporting kazuki official ❤
Carmila ult and second skill + chang e ult can be dangerous too
Zilong plus helcurt 💀
Zilong laugh in the background 💀
There's one more missing:
Zilong Changbao Skin + Helcurt💀💀💀
Triggers PTSD for squishy heroes💀
Carmila roam and faramis mage is insane too
Thank you bro
Thank you guys for 400 subscribers road to 1k❤
Fredrinn and vale are also op due with vale crowd control fredrinn gets time for his ult to execute and the enemies cant escape
Helpful vid tnx
Me and my brother play Gatotkatca and Fredrinn...we fil either roam, exp or jungle...the Tankiness, cc and 2v5's are unmatched
Edit: when we can't pair them, we do Novaria/Franco, ez hooks and suppress.
Another duo combo which is good is Johnson+Odette. Johnson slamming his car at Target and then Odette immediately pulls her Ult
Everyone knows that one
Guys try Mathilda and Odette combo it will become a tornado it has so much damage with Odette flying with Mathilda along with the enemy
No low-key sometimes these are so GOOD
Playing with friends is just MVP loose for me😂
Trio is often underrated.. manage to get more than 90% win rate with trio rather than in team's of five
Kazuki didnt remember carmilla and gatotkaca
There last powers match
First carmilla sets with last power and gatotkaca jumps in
6:17 Man, why didn't you tell us to put on headphones at this moment? My family was next to me, and you made them doubt me.
The bonk audio in Fred and angela 🤣
Carmilla and zuhxin is also powerful as zuhcin's stunts and airbonds can pass through everyone
Hanabi and Lolita combo is underrated
1. Vexana and carmilla
2. Luo yi and chip
3. Kadita and atlas
4. Fredrinn and Angela
5. Roger and floryn
6. Benedetta and Lancelot
7. Akai valir
8. Kaja and Bruno
9. Tigreal and Guinevere
10. Alpha and Mathilda
List for me to go back to🫶🏻
bro can you make a video on " Which legend skin is the best to buy right now "? or " Worst to best legend skin " its hard to choose.
I'm actually surprised there's no ruby combo since she is one of the best cc fighter and very good sustainabiity
Don t know if its still as powerfull but Frederin-Floryn-Lylia never dissapointed me
They like the unstopable trio
Fredrinn works pretty good with any healer and at least one damage dealer
Wish you gave more jungle mid combos
That carmila and vexana is so op me and my bro spammed it and win 12 matches continuously
Been playing with my brother in duo for a while and we have kept winning. We either use minsitthar or dyrroth and badang or franco.
Now many players start a match and then : DEFEAT
I just channelled all my rage into playing Layla and hanabi and won 🤣
Tigreal and aldous one of the best duos
I came for gusion & js😢
In trio i always play terizla along with tigreal or atlas and vale with my squad mates
Bro will there be phase 3 at aspirants event please need some words on it
no phase 3
Kazuki can you talk about gatokaka jungler since I usually play him as a jungler and yup I do have a 60% win rate with Gato jungle ❤
U forgot johnson and odette
My wr in rank is usually around 65%-70% , this season is 54%
The Ruby not making the list means it's incomplete
Morning dude
Helcurt and zilong?
Any information about Aspirent phase 3?
For me and best friend duo is
Hato+Popol and kupa
Yeah we think that but that one enemy with arrival 😂
Zilong chabampoo commander + helcurt ult
I hope this video will give me many victories😊😊
Nowadays Helcurt Zilong combo is sick and funny 😆
Can you give us screen shot to all comboes?
Is it possible that saint seiya event coming on November🤔
I got fredrin ,Angela duo but thanks to our tank and my irithrel
I was 37 star this season and now i am 12 stars can u imagine the pain of 25 lose streak.😢
👇They know.
only 1 person knows which is probably you.....
Kazuki did you still add code to your video
Never give up solo Q 🗿
Is there phase 3 of aspirant event thus time ?? Any news?
I was also wondering
Has anyone tried Zhuxin and Camilla? I carried an entiere mcl with a friend, those two can win a teamfight in seconds. It's so fun
We can also combo carmilla nd gatotgacha ulti
Kazuki please make a m6 event video❤
Carmilla + ixia combo works well.
Chou and gusion duo=freestyle combo
Nice contents
can u do 5 man comps plzz
Tiger and gatoka best combo
i hope moontoon soon will fix their MATCHMAKING, for god sake so many players really wish this update i hope they will do it before players leave this game.
Zilong, Argus, Sun turret destroyers🗿
Honarable mention, Karina with tigreal/atlas
my girl can just let the tank set, ult multiple times, get savage
pov: tank cant set
ahahahahahaha that happened to me too
What about Odette Johnson 😢
Minsi smiling when bene n lance comr
Please share gatotkaca combo heros
sir is there any phase 3 of aspirant event
need reply pls sir
Not adding Johnson and Odette combo is a crime
Johnson kadita is even better ngl
Melissa combo with Ixia, Tigreal soo Crazy❤😅
only late
Selena+ Novaria🔥🔥
Do you think arlott is the best fighter.
Please do reply
Why did u forget Ixia, Yve and Mino
Honor of king v mlbb which is better bro
My boy said Duo and Trial lol