Pimp my 200PDS - Imaging the Bubble Nebula NGC 7635

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @garycampbell9709
    @garycampbell9709 2 года назад +1

    I love the Bubble, nice capture!!!

  • @Astronurd
    @Astronurd 2 года назад +1

    I would definitely paint the new secondary screws matt black. You don’t need a dew heater for your primary mirror. The secondary would be the mirror susceptible to dew.

  • @dumpydalekobservatory
    @dumpydalekobservatory 2 года назад +1

    Very nice Andy I've started to pimp my 250PX ready for galaxy season next year.

  • @JackieO74
    @JackieO74 Год назад +1

    Great video! How do you collimate your scope?

    • @AndyofAstro
      @AndyofAstro  Год назад

      Thanks for watching l. I use an Ocal, Lazer and Cheshire. However the only true test is on a star. I do find that the focuser has so much play that the collimation changes when the camera is fitted.

  • @gary122
    @gary122 Год назад

    Almost finished doing out my pds scope. Painted secondary sides and back plus mirror cell black as well as protruding focuser tube..flocked the whole inside. Made a round screw on backplate with a old pc fan to cool quickly and stop dew. Going to get a slightly bigger secondary mirror for better illumination but depends on the sensor size you are using.. oh and also removed mirror clips and floated mirror on blobs of silicone. All working nicely except my collimation isn't the best! Have to work on that one! Clear skies

    • @AndyofAstro
      @AndyofAstro  Год назад +1

      Sounds amazing! Well done buddy! I pc fan is a good idea, especially for dew management, I've heard this a few times. I think it is probably a better mod than adding a dew heater. Best of luck!

  • @Microtonal_Cats
    @Microtonal_Cats Год назад

    Very nice.
    Did you need any adapters or flatteners to attach your Zwo camera other than the compression ring for focus? Thanks!

  • @peacequest69
    @peacequest69 7 месяцев назад

    Just got my Skywatcher 150 Quattro. I'm amazed by the low quality and bad design of some parts ;(

  • @michaelbibby8636
    @michaelbibby8636 Год назад

    You're imaging at 1000mm but your guidescope has a focal length of 100-150mm. Assuming your guiding camera and imaging camera have the same pixel size, the focal length of your guidescope should be at least a quarter of the focal length of your imaging scope.

    • @AndyofAstro
      @AndyofAstro  Год назад

      Yes, the guide ratio wasn't brilliant on this occasion, I had already setup the guide camera focus and dark library in PHD2 for a different imaging setup. I would normally use my 60mm, 225mm focal length guide scope with this setup.

  • @darle94
    @darle94 2 года назад +1

    bonjour Andy.
    Super vidéo...merci à toi pour le partage..🙏🙏🙏
    Bien à toi et bon ciel de ( France ) 😉😉

    • @AndyofAstro
      @AndyofAstro  2 года назад +1

      Merci d'avoir regardé!

    • @darle94
      @darle94 2 года назад +1

      @@AndyofAstro c'est toujours un plaisir Andy. Merci encore et dans l'attente de tes prochaines vidéos

  • @Youtuber-ku4nk
    @Youtuber-ku4nk 7 месяцев назад

    You should have bought the Stellalyra or TS-Optics 200 f/5 - those have better quality mirrors

  • @woody5109
    @woody5109 2 года назад +1

    Assuming this is a new unit?