Her voice is so smooth and beautiful, when she speaks in this video it is hypnotizing. She is incredibly creative, it's just radiates off her She's been my icon since the 90's when Experimental Jet Set, Trash, and No Star was released. At that point I got obsessed and obtained almost every single album Sonic Youth made and also solo projects like Thurston's Psychic Heart, Kim's Free Kitten, etc. I was lucky enough to see them in 2009, Boise Idaho, The Eternal Tour. I am so glad I saw them before they broke up! She remains a rock goddess and a Legend. Her music speaks for itself.
Thanks for reminding me of Psychic Hearts and Free Kitten. Unbelievable how such a small group of musicians has been responsible for creating so much great music in the last 40 years.
Yeah, well try cleaning her crib for a few weeks and get back to me on that potpourri of projection. You know who she's with now? Don Jr. True dat. You would turn your feelings into hatred when you have to clean up the diapers strewn about the floors. Used. Depends. xxxsm.
@Pason Jayne no , I get that a lot. I'm Symbionese actually. My people don't speak Jive. It's a completely different dialect than the Racists of Racism . You should go back there again. I think you made an impression tiger hooves.
@@nonono8788 you're welcome. I need for you to keep track of your own shit though. I can't keep reminding you about everything. Can't you remember anything? Think for christ sake. I mean what do you do all day except read liner notes off of old sonic youth records and talk on the phone with your shrink. I mean what do you have to talk about? You don't do anything.
@rapskallion77 the art world has always had a strong and unfortunate relationship with the establishment, but dont get it twisted. The only anti status quo position there is, is anti capital, because that is the only position that threatens power. Even the vocabulary you use like status quo betrays this
@rapskallion77 I don't think I should be wasting time replying to someone who just wrote that the US is "basically socialist", I might get infected by big galaxy brain disease. Anyway - you didn't get my point. Of course a system needs work to function. What I'm saying is that capitalism fails even when no outside pressure is introduced. These failings I refer to are banks, yes, but also how it fails on a promise of better and more fair life. If 1% > 99%, your system has failed hard.
Reading Kims book and Joni Mitchells at the same time,... it was funny to read about Kim imagining Joni when she was young while reading about time frames of them both
Interesting, after I finished Kim's book I read Joni's bio Reckless Daughter by David Yaffe immediately after...is that the one you're referring to? There are definitely some common threads between the two of them despite existing in very different worlds musically. It's actually pretty amazing just how massive Joni's reach and impact has been for other artists, regardless of genre or even art form. Aside from her obvious talents, I suppose her determination to follow her muse and not compromise her artistic vision is something anyone with an artistic spirit can relate to and admire.
Is that true? I just keep saying things that are in complete contradiction with my desired outcome and they manifest? Great. I don't like paying that kind of money for music lessons for the kids. The progress is too slow too. I am going to give it a shot. Thanks.
Says a famouse musician who made a living off capitalism. Give up your millions than maybe I would believe or agree socialism would or could work. I know all the kool kids say F trump, but grow up. Kool kids say F Trump, and now they are the ones paying at the pump.
It’s called ‘luxury beliefs.’ These are rich trust fund kids talking about robbing you of your opportunities while they shop at Sachs and John Varvados, raise families, and send their kids to ivy league colleges.
I am sure Kim would give up the approximately $6 million it says she is worth on the internet to have a more modest, living wage after all of her years of hard work on the road with SY. I mean, does she really need all that?
@@troywalkertheprogressivean8433 Stolen from who? Most people who are anti capitalism and pro socialism are either very young or have very little or angry about their life choices. I am just a middle class working stiff but we still have a pretty great standard of living here. Capitalism isnt perfect and it sickens me to see pro athletes turning down 150 million dollar contracts because it isn't enough for them. I agree wages should also be more for most professions in the U.S. But what is the alternative? Socialism takes away ambitions to rise above the fray and eventually spending other people's money runs out.
@@STONESGAM capitalism is not the spark of innovation. necessity is the mother of invention. i think maybe you dont understand what socialism really is, and how our economy truly functions.
@@troywalkertheprogressivean8433 No, I clearly don't and am done with this conversation. I always loved Sonic Youth and Kim in the band but don't think they know too much about the economy or economics. You are more than welcome to enlighten the rest of the people commenting on the vid about how "socialism" really works and why they should vote for it...I am open to suggestion and would love to hear it.
What Kim does not realize is that Sonic Youth and her solo records would have gone nowhere or not even gotten going in a 'communist system'. So I hope she is not implying it is better than capitalism where the rewards for artistry and innovation (i.e. making music) go mainly to the artist.
Sonic Youth was never elevated by any sort of commercialisation or financial success. Some of their best work was made while they were dirt broke sales wise, but were pushed by there by their own artistry and passionate fan base.
You don’t need to read much of the history of pop music in the US to hear about artists being grossly exploited - publishing rights owned by labels, streaming services pay them nothing, etc. It doesn’t pass the laugh test to say most rewards go to artists.
It's hilariously sad to hear people call for the end of capitalism while massively benefitting from it. My grandparents escaped eastern Europe in the 1950's and emigrated to America; they were extremely grateful to be here. People who grow up here and bash capitalism are spoiled and don't know the true horrors that communism brings. The music industry wouldn't be an industry without capitalism. Is it perfect? No but it is the best system we have, far greater than communism.
Don't be confused, Being interviewed ",Oh, I'm so anti capitalist" , But my whole career is BECAUSE of capitalism.Just because your an artist doesn't mean you know your ass from a hole in the ground. Just constant pontificating. Its egoism and arrogance. A Carpenter builds your house that shelters you, but he isnt being interviewed for his "genius". IE. Its all all bullshit....
@@jupiter6647 thats ridiculous. You dont even know her and you insist she has no idea what she is talking about. Capitalism is a structure we all live within and you cannot reach people if you choose to live outside of it. Sonic youth played so many concerts with more popular bands and people got turned on to them because they did. Personally i would be more of a philanthropist if i made good money touring, so your point is taken. Sonic youth is important, without taking part in the capitalist machine, theyd reach far fewer people.
You can sell things as a worker cooperative to make profit. Your choice of economic system determines the way that profit is distributed. Any selling activity is commerce that still exist once capitalism ends. You are removing the capitalist being Elon Musk from the equation. A worker cooperative is not a capitalism enterprise as the surplus value of profits goes to the workers rather than the capitalist. As for sonic youth being in the capitalist machine, their success is in spite of capitalism. Most artists have contempt for the music business as it controls their creative output. Music can be produced without capitalist record labels. The music business under capitalism only functions if the artists agree to follow their prescribed formula
@John Smith people werent in charge in seattle or portland they were left in dispair. with still some state oppression . If you're looking for real life examples : 80% of human society prior to agriculture which also represent 80% of human time on earth. beginning of the french revolution (before the slaughter of anarchists by the bourgeois "revolutioners" beginning of the russian revolution (before the rise of lenine and the slaughter of anarchists of freed the soviets from the monarchists prisons) La commune de Paris the spanish anarchists against Franco (before he got sponsored by Mussolini, Hitler and Churchill) The greeks at the end of WW2 before getting slaughtered by Churchill and Roosevelt. Rojava in Syria And most eco-villages based on anarchist principles of equality, solidarity and democracy
@John Smith Well, socialism in venezula isn't socialism, and yes communism in north korea isn't communism, though the autoitarian structure of communism can easily led to north korea... or a neoliberal plutocracy like the US. You haven't read it seems my example The only slaughter that happened came from autoritarians from all boards (capitalists, monarchists, fascists) as for seattle, there's violence, because the state won't leave them in peace and is oppressing them, but from what I see it's too early to understand what's going on and to what it will lead. You're not talking about examples that were sustainable and proved it. I did
@John Smith capitalism is what is responsible for the 6th mass extinction (and possibly our own), so good luck with your "only way of life" which strangely looks like mass suicide and genocide of all life on earth !! Well done capitalism ;) You were saying something about people ruling by murdering other, isn't it the definition of what capitalism has done to the point of no return we actually are ?
Kim Gordon has such a way of articulating and phrasing in her singing that is so unique and I love it. One of the best musicians (Along with the rest of the bend) alive imo
Capitalism gives you the best and worst of everything but someone please give me the alternative? The only person I have ever heard speak on this well is Mark Fisher. It's kind of a bore to her this lady sit and speak about the evil capitalism when her jacket probably costs at least a couple hundred dollars.
i love you Kim, but "rockstars" should get off their Coachella nation mentality, they come on as so,pretentious and dissconnected from reality, i mean they always were, thats why we love them in the first place ,but now that they are this clean fashion machine integrated people i find it just insulting and in very bad taste
what the fuck are you talking about? she sounds down to earth, pretentious is the new buzz word people just throw off when they don't like how someone act? elaborate pls
@@liquidpebbles7475 dude, "down to earth" people dont PRETEND to be bored , cool and casual while being interviewed by an international medium about your "art", nor PRETEND to be all independent and anti capitalism while wearing gucci ,or whatever brand, her pristine brand new clothes are while simultanously being signed and paid by fckng geffen or whatever, just do your job Kim , sell your product, make me aware that you are still around, but dont PRETEND you got any relevant to say out side your own suckcess, and by the way I love her act , one of the most influential musician of her time, everything relesead by her band SONICfckngYOUTH, its beyond the scale,seminal New York band that would never had been half as important without her, their album Day Dream Nation (beautiful title by the way) its a pesonal favourite, give it a listen...peace
LMFAO she is not wearing Gucci. She and Thurston lived a very humble life here in MA for many years, they are the opposite of pretentious. If they truly cared about things like fame and selling product they would’ve taken greater advantage of their status by now
@@danielgreen2788 Given that her personality traits and interests have remained relatively consistent in any interview I've seen of her from the 80's to present, I'd be interested to understand the basis of your claim that she is pretending rather than simply being her authentic self. Sounds like you are projecting the way you believe you would handle yourself in someone else's shoes, and qualifying the authenticity of others based on what would be authentic behavior for you. Just because her reality is not your reality does not make it any less authentic. Kim's personality and observations have always been much more self-effacing than self-important; there's very little about her style of communication or her views that could realistically be deemed pretentious for anyone who understand the real meaning of the word (rather than its frequent misapplication as a means of disqualifying views, styles or ideas that do not resonate with us).
Well thanks doll face. It's a lot of pilates and juicing. It's a lifestyle change for sure. My hope is to diet into a size •◇• before my daughter's beheading on my birthday. Shhhh it's a secret!!
@@hushed4085 Jesus Mc Christ do you have to have a limited edition signed print from the s.y. gift shop comped to you to spell it out? No default swap derivatives on a bed of fresh greens if you want to know what time it is Wilma.
'Free Kitten' is a fun band to look up if you like her. I checked out 'No Home Record' at a library in Albuquerque! I had to buy it. So Awesome Blossom!
Love her musical legacy, but it's hard to not see her as a total hypocrite when she's preaching against capitalism while being a millionaire. I guess it's too much to expect anything else from entertainers these days besides "orange man bad".
Not really. If Kim became a millionaire from music it certainly wasn't planned that way or at a guess it certainly wasn't her motivation. I'm not Sonic Youth fan but I can appreciate and respect what they achieved. They never sought out the mainstream. If anything it was the other way around. Finally if she is a millionaire she made her money from honest means. Good for her.
Making money is not inherentely capitalist, snowflake. At least she didn't get a loan from daddy and went on to exploit workers by taking 90% or more of their labor profit. You know, like a real capitalist. Go read more.
In SY interviews I was always so use to hearing from the boys. Well, mainly Thurston's interpretations . It's so nice to have gotten more of a chance to get to know you Kim. You are ace.
I love that she brings up the fall of the Berlin Wall and the way it ushered in this triumphalism and false optimism about capitalism. Sonic Youth and other bands of the 80s had spent the last decade exposing the hypocrisy and sanctimonious piety of the Reagan years and all the corrupt things that were going on behind the scenes (e.g., Oliver North). Nobody realized that the end of Soviet totalitarianism was also a harbinger for the exposure of American decadence, the devolution of US capitalism into managerial and rent-seeking parasitism at the expense of education and skilled industry. SY's DIY aesthetic was a beacon in the gathering twilight. Now we're adrift on starless waters.
Oh but there is...people just fear the unknown. There is a Socialistic Democracy, but we as Americans have seemed to prefer the “fight tooth and nail to survive or just take someone else’s if you can’t make your own” economic system, aka Capitalism. Does it ever occur to some people that we are not born into this world to just get as much as we can?
A musician that made her fortune by selling records through Geffen and broadcasting videos on MTV can't blame capitalism come on. Fugazi can blame capitalism, not you.
When you live in a capitalist system, using the "capitalist mediums", to spread a message against capitalism is smart and a required part of such message spreading. Do you think a communist writer is gonna say no to having his book selling in a big bookstore? No, they're not! That's where the public is. Do you think a socialist anarchist is gonna scoff at the power social media like Twitter provides in spreading awareness of their cause? They're not! Advantage is only gained when working through such outputs. You people also keep conflating the selling of cultural goods with capitalism, and I really don't see how and why. Books would still be sold under socialism, music would still be on the radio under socialism, TV would still exist under socialism.
@Millennial Smark (Sorry, it's 3 in the morning here and am half asleep, deleted instead of editing had to recall my comment) Socialism-guided practices exist under capitalism, despite coercion by the capitalist system to not adopt those practices. Worker owned co-ops are a big part of the economy in the U.S, for example. But apart from production, consumption - cultural or not - is virtually impossible to distance itself from capitalism. Big media outlets are all owned by just a couple megacorps, and big retail and online stores have no trouble overshadowing those who want a free from capitalism working model, with either an indie or co op approach. It's near impossible, not because of "inside incompetence", but because of outside pressure. The spiral goes even deeper when you bring inevitables such as rent into the mix. It's hard to run a marathon with wolves chewing at your legs and saying "you're just lazy", basically. The adoption of "capitalist means of communication" is far removed from being hypocritical. It's merely one line of means of production that can be appropriated pre-socialism and seized during socialism. The material conditions of a society are always jumping points to the development of further ideologies.
Yeah fugazi is a bit more real than Kim Gordon. Again too cool to chic. I just can’t take it man what would Warhol do oh I’m so depressed. This world has just done me wrong man it’s like I’m not even a musician I’m just an artist who can’t even paint.
@Millennial Smark's WWE Channel socialism isnt a fucking vegan diet or something, dude. You dont just go "okay I'm doing a socialism now, so I'm just going to...not make any money or do anything". People need to make money under capitalism, or they have shit, boring, alienated lives, which is *why* capitalism is so shit and dehumanising. Kim Gordon and her family are allowed to work for a nice life whilst also observing the systemic inequalities around them. You sound like a cultist in denial.
@Millennial Smark's WWE Channel hahahaha yes, because we are just BASKING in the overwhelming success of capitalism right now, huh? You live in a fantasy world, my guy. I kinda envy you.
She looked way older than she was for a long time, like in her 20s she looked 45, but then she started aging slowly and now looks much younger than she is.
Real role model. She’s doing her thing. She‘s not using botox or any of that stuff. She‘s just herself and a wonderful beautiful creative woman. Though I was surprised by her choice which actress should play her. From the attitude of Kristen Stewart I totally get it. And I really have lots of sympathy for Kristen. Still I really do not find her acting skills convincing. But maybe playing Kim Gordon would actully be THE role for her. Don‘t know.
All capitalism means is that you can own your own property and business. I'm sure Sonic Youth would've hated the US government under Reagan and Bush having a say in their art.
I know i used to see them with the Hillary Clinton a lot. I hope they know who this person is by now and have distanced themselves with her and anyone like that altogether.
Its easy to say that; when your well to do..." Objectively speaking !!! What's made you well to do is capitalism, you shit on it..." Cause its edgy and cool to tell your fans that are mostly likely not Wealthy !!! I'm not saying wealth is answer; but it solves a lot of problems
@@taubevictor8989 What's amazing about this response is the fact that you get so mad at me for pointing out how stupid you are for going your whole life not being able to spell a very simple and common word right after you've been corrected probably dozens of times by now. What's your response to THAT?
@@saftovooey4569 Really; you are going to surmise my intelligence based on one word and call me stupid for it my whole life..." That's amazing how you can do that !!! You probably don't have much of a life; if you think a 5 letter word makes you smarter than most ! " good luck "
@@carolinafine8050 you will never be as cool or look as good as her. You settle for being a basic little boring thing that attacks another woman’s looks, the bottom of the gutter basically
Punk and alternative art will always be against the stablishment, misoginy and capitalism. If you don't like it then go listen to Mozart or whatever you boomers listen to
This people have no idea what capitalism is. It’s freedom, choice options, it’s rule your own life without any god damn politician saying what you’d about your life! Capitalism it’s not just make money and industries and bla bla bla... you guys should read about libertarianism.
Sorry Kim confusion is sex but lack of knowledge is inexcusable. 07/2/45 we became power structure and later with the fall of the Bretton Woods system opened Nixon to break the China market open. Supply side economics of the 1980's has seems to have proven "the push" to monopoly capitalism. Let's try some Keynesian-ism and bring the middle class back. what do you think?.
I know this is from two months ago but do you really think Keynes is the guy we should be looking at right now? Is circular flow really the idea we need to circulate in political discourse?
@@audiovideo-w6o Just wanted to chime and say I dug the super brief but civil exchange between you and fredo. There's so much venomous discourse online (not saying *I'm* innocent) that it's just refreshing to see a calm exchange. Cheers to both of you!
I love Kim as an attractive musician but her view on being in a Commuism utopia whilst using Capitalism to further her career is a complete disparety. This is pretty much what they're all about.
1) you gotta play the game. We were thrown on this world and we gotta live through it 2) capitalism isn't when you sell thing and the more thing you sell the more capitalism it is. Capitalism refers to a specific economic order and it doesn not have a monopoly on the idea of selling things
Alas, that media-driven Orange Man Bad hysteria galvanized so many easily manipulated people in hatred, it is really disappointing that an Artist so truly deserving of the title and as talented & intelligent as Kim Gordon would jump on the bandwagon. She is so original and doesn't _need_ to hitch herself to the media's money making hate-wagon like all those washed up and talentless hacks who cheered in anger to give a boon to their career. I was hoping out of all people, maybe she could see _past_ the media manipulation and social engineering and grasp the agenda behind all of the unwarranted viscous vitriol. Oh well! Political differences aside, I still absolutely adore Kim Gordon and love this new record! My absolute favorite modern artist, and always looked up to her like an older sister or kool friend. ✖️⭕️✖️❤️
Kim, you are a musician. You're definitely not a political or economic analyst. For any musician/ celebrity, please keep your mouth shut on topics you know absolutely nothing about. "Trump is not good at capitalism". That's why he's one of the richest people on the planet- because he's not good at it? And, he's the only person in recorded history that actually DECREASED his net worth by going into politics. If you're just spouting out the the ridiculous platitudes that they programmed you with, look in the mirror and do some critical thinking/ research.
In conversation with Kimberly Dash Gordon? My lord! Please stop this charade. You know some of the best "conversations " I have heard of Kimberly Dash Gordon are with her multiples. I hope she gets back together with Billy-Clyde Tuttle now that they are both available. I wouldn't rule anything out.
"America will NEVER become a socialist country!" ~ President Donald J. Trump ~ To get rid of capitalism you would have to take every American's private property away - beginning with their guns. That alone will never happen. 😉
Just so you know, it's quite transparent to others when a person chooses to attribute baseless qualities to someone as a means of undermining their credibility or point of view. Women are frequent targets of this type of profiling...again, for obvious reasons.
@@ian2079 I have been showing various vacant dwellings as a wheeling dealing real estate mogul. Look our nation has been run by one so I thought that I would throw my dick in the fire and see what comes of it. I think I have found myself again. You never know though. What's a suppressive person?
Ageism Communism's first rock n roll machine Tourism was how we earned Tore it up Burned it out Salads and mineral products L.s.d. Tripping on the flippity flop wax slacker You know the score Keep me in the loop I'm out here Saddling reality Battling the majors Selling into the wild Listen to me In target, Walmart, and Amazon prime It's not on my dime Let's rock!
Sonic Youth was an amazing band, kim is a great musician, but girl, youve been watching too many re runs of cnn, Capitalism is not only still here but with conservatives on the supreme court, kim must be freaking out that all her cnn/media matters sites are wrong hehe.
@@terryhaircastle5702 no actually. It's called striking a balance. In referring to it as "weird" is a very lazy critique. It keeps you open I suppose to jumping someone else's rickshaw to Candyland. Like if you really had a backbone running down your back you could write weird 👍, or weird 👎, but emojis aren't real. But you just say "weird" with an incomplete structure pattern. You think she crawled her way to the middle being palatable fo 40 years cashing your checks? No she got freaky for you enough to listen to her speak with conviction in couture grunge marc jacobs and haynes girdles with a cool sculpting team right of camera suckling the years in real time as they pass. If you think negative/ positive is my schtick you haven't been out much. The very first thing that happens when you're born is you cry then the doctors and nursing staff all pass you around the hospital and hit you until you cry louder only to give you a nipple of what you can only hope is a mammal's then jab you to find a vein. Positive ×negative = life. If you could get passed " confusion is sexytime " and you think structure is something you need in life I'd layoff all Kimberly Dash Gordon products and gravitate towards the Avira Lovogny pop punk and take your one ticket back to mediocrity for your giving me a migraine. Don't come to me for all the answers missy. You're a f average student here at Punkrock University . Listen, read, and work. Leave art alone. You have to find sense in everything? Jesus Mc Christ and the mary chain girls and rickjames!
@@trayc2762 Actually, her abilities as a creative thinker are what has made her well-known and what has kept her in the public eye. The majority of people who are born into a capitalist society will make use of its resources, but that's no reason to abstain from questioning its value or proposing alternatives. This notion of pledging some sort of allegiance to "Capitalism" is ridiculous, and anyone who works within its structure and utilizes the resources it affords is absolutely entitled to have an objective opinion about it that isn't always favorable. Making a comment alluding to the pitfalls of overzealous capitalism is certainly not akin to rejecting capitalism. It's not a black and white issue, and those who make it out to be are actually reducing opportunities for honest discussions that could allow it to evolve into something better. The fears that motivate the whole "you're either for it or against it" mindset are quite transparent to anyone capable of thinking outside the box.
So because Kim's artistic career was aided in some phantom way by capitalism... she is not allowed to critique capitalism? Such a stupid point to make, and not even the first time ive seen this one. The free market does not make up 100% of the idea of capitalism, which is the idea i presume you are alluding to when you say capitalism made Kim who she is. Besides, nobody has a fuckin choice in the matter of whether or not they participate in capitalism. You are always going to be brushing arms with it, and every major factor in your life is dictated by it. its unavoidable. There are many arguments to be made against certain capitalistic ideals, and many points to be made for the psychological effect capitalism has had on the entire population.
@@trayc2762 My comment wasnt directed towards you, was meant for the person you were replying to. Nevertheless, I still maintain my position that the claim of "Capitalism made you therefore you cant criticize it" is preposterous and yes, silly. Kim wasnt "working the system" when she was shooed into the limelight, she was in her early 30s and had met Thurston who was onto something big with Sonic youth. Capitalism didnt make Kim gordon Kim gordon, she did that herself. And there is a difference between "moaning" about issues and merely pointing them out. Is Kim not allowed to point out what she thinks are the faults of capitalism? I find this is a frequent problem with people, when artists express political views they are told to just stay in their lane, and are automatically shunned from such conversation. It's so ridiculous. Capitalism did not make Kim Gordon who she is.
@@trayc2762 Certainly you're entitled to your opinion, just as we're entitled to ours. When people choose to post dissenting or provocative views about an artist on RUclips, it should go without saying that they are likely to encounter some opposition. Obviously most people who choose to watch a video about a particular artist are either fans of the artist or they have watched other videos associated with the artist, so chances are there will be more supporters than dissenters reading the comments. I'm sure there are many videos on RUclips that would be a hot spot for people with views similar to yours, if that's the type of interaction you're looking for. You seem to be cool with agreeing to disagree though, which I must say is a refreshing change from a lot of people who post comments on RUclips, so I give you props for that. One other point I'd like to make here is that the context and/or intention of the point of view that is creating controversy in discussions such as these is often minimized or overlooked. In other words, this clip is an interview about Kim Gordon's album. Interviews can sometimes reveal an artist's political views within the course of the discussion, but that doesn't mean they are intended to be political statements. Interviews create the ideal environment for off the cuff remarks that may have as much to do with the questions being asked as they do with the answers being shared. Imagine yourself in a job interview...for most, it's a slightly uncomfortable and unnatural sort of environment, far removed from the more natural and more candid dialogue that can occur between friends. I've had interviews that have gone excellently, especially if I'm having a good day and I'm really in tune with the interviewer and they're asking the right questions, but I've also had ones that have gone terribly wrong, sometimes because of the questions, the interviewer, or I'm just having an off day and can't seem to get the right words out that effectively describe what I'd like to say. Now imagine the same job interview is also being recorded and will later be broadcast on RUclips for everyone's dissection. No pressure, right? Now, one could argue that this type of interview isn't the same because the goal is not to get a job, but it's not the goal that makes interviews uncomfortable, it's the fact that you're being judged on everything you say and you're being asked questions that you may not have the right answers for and you don't necessarily feel comfortable with the person you're speaking with. It's a situation that is about as far removed from the artistic process as one can get. Artists engage in this process often out of necessity, not because they have any particular interest in sharing their views or dissecting their work, but so they can get the word out about their art in the aim of supporting themselves through their art, as opposed to having to support themselves by joining the workforce and thus having less time to focus on their chosen creative pursuits. Again, this might all seem somewhat obvious, but I find that nuances like this are rarely considered when people react to artist's comments in interviews. And they should be. Because in this context, I certainly do not hear an artist moaning or attempting to draw any sort of parallel between the observations on overzealous capitalism that have informed her work, to her own personal views on the subject. I simply hear a lighthearted comment that was intended to be ironic and humorous.
Charles Black Translation « I’m a republican and I disagree with her views and I’m upset so she shouldn’t express them » Boo fucking hoo. So much for free speech, huh ?
@@JulesEdits1992 She can say whatever she likes and I can disagree. I don't need to hear her shallow lefty BS. If she had any qualifications to make political statements that would be a different matter. I'm nor GOP, I support Biden, I just recognize that Bernie would destroy America if he were ever to be elected. The adults in American came to this realization at the last minute to shut down Bernie the clown.
Charles Black How surprising, Joe Biden. I’m genuinely curious, do you have political qualifications yourself ? Regardless, since when do you need proper political qualifications to have or avow political opinions ? It’s ridiculous. Biden is an absolute joke of a democrat. He’s a corporate economist, a cowardly centrist. He also clearly suffers from some kind of mental degeneration. He can’t remember shit. Voting for him is beyond ridiculous and hypocritical as Americans are famously always in « need for change » the fact that Biden is in such a position right now clearly demonstrates the opposite. Trump is going to eat him alive.
@@Chasstful Ok so you're a spineless centrist, just like the rest of them who have failed working class Americans and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people overseas?
Her voice is so smooth and beautiful, when she speaks in this video it is hypnotizing. She is incredibly creative, it's just radiates off her She's been my icon since the 90's when Experimental Jet Set, Trash, and No Star was released. At that point I got obsessed and obtained almost every single album Sonic Youth made and also solo projects like Thurston's Psychic Heart, Kim's Free Kitten, etc. I was lucky enough to see them in 2009, Boise Idaho, The Eternal Tour. I am so glad I saw them before they broke up! She remains a rock goddess and a Legend. Her music speaks for itself.
She has so much presence.
Thanks for reminding me of Psychic Hearts and Free Kitten. Unbelievable how such a small group of musicians has been responsible for creating so much great music in the last 40 years.
Yeah, well try cleaning her crib for a few weeks and get back to me on that potpourri of projection. You know who she's with now? Don Jr. True dat. You would turn your feelings into hatred when you have to clean up the diapers strewn about the floors. Used. Depends. xxxsm.
@Pason Jayne no , I get that a lot. I'm Symbionese actually. My people don't speak Jive. It's a completely different dialect than the Racists of Racism . You should go back there again. I think you made an impression tiger hooves.
@@nonono8788 you're welcome. I need for you to keep track of your own shit though. I can't keep reminding you about everything. Can't you remember anything? Think for christ sake. I mean what do you do all day except read liner notes off of old sonic youth records and talk on the phone with your shrink. I mean what do you have to talk about? You don't do anything.
the art world has become the establishment, but they don't realise it.
For the most part they seem out of touch and overly privileged
I think that at the least since Michelangelo times, artist have realized it.
@rapskallion77 the art world has always had a strong and unfortunate relationship with the establishment, but dont get it twisted. The only anti status quo position there is, is anti capital, because that is the only position that threatens power. Even the vocabulary you use like status quo betrays this
@rapskallion77 Capitalism fails literally every other couple of days without any outside interference, though.
@rapskallion77 I don't think I should be wasting time replying to someone who just wrote that the US is "basically socialist", I might get infected by big galaxy brain disease.
Anyway - you didn't get my point. Of course a system needs work to function. What I'm saying is that capitalism fails even when no outside pressure is introduced. These failings I refer to are banks, yes, but also how it fails on a promise of better and more fair life. If 1% > 99%, your system has failed hard.
I love her new album "No Home Record" Best thing I've heard in a long time
I know. It struck me like when I heard the Stooges for the first time. It did.
Yeeah. It's goooood. Decimates any of the other solo output from former Sonic Youth members.
It's so fucking good
you must be eleven years old
Reading Kims book and Joni Mitchells at the same time,... it was funny to read about Kim imagining Joni when she was young while reading about time frames of them both
Interesting, after I finished Kim's book I read Joni's bio Reckless Daughter by David Yaffe immediately after...is that the one you're referring to? There are definitely some common threads between the two of them despite existing in very different worlds musically. It's actually pretty amazing just how massive Joni's reach and impact has been for other artists, regardless of genre or even art form. Aside from her obvious talents, I suppose her determination to follow her muse and not compromise her artistic vision is something anyone with an artistic spirit can relate to and admire.
When you keep saying "I'm not a musician" it makes you more of a musician. She is so cool!
Is that true? I just keep saying things that are in complete contradiction with my desired outcome and they manifest? Great. I don't like paying that kind of money for music lessons for the kids. The progress is too slow too. I am going to give it a shot. Thanks.
I lost a braincell after reading your comment.
@@flyinghighagain7712 Hahahaha
Kim Gordon.
A true artist and legend!
Thank you!!
Blah blah blah in caps lock
@@carolinafine8050 Fuck your attitude miss opinions. I can drunk post in caps whatever, whenever I want.
@@carolinafine8050 BLAH BLAH BLAH This channel doesn't have any content
@Khaavren I would agree with you except I haven't seen it in ages.
"...... how Donald Trump is going to cause the collapse of all capitalism." That aged well.
Yup....sheer folly.
Says a famouse musician who made a living off capitalism. Give up your millions than maybe I would believe or agree socialism would or could work. I know all the kool kids say F trump, but grow up. Kool kids say F Trump, and now they are the ones paying at the pump.
Yep, as usual the Leftist says the complete opposite of the truth. Every Single Time.
It’s called ‘luxury beliefs.’ These are rich trust fund kids talking about robbing you of your opportunities while they shop at Sachs and John Varvados, raise families, and send their kids to ivy league colleges.
I am sure Kim would give up the approximately $6 million it says she is worth on the internet to have a more modest, living wage after all of her years of hard work on the road with SY. I mean, does she really need all that?
there's a difference between money she actually earned and the money the rich have, which was/is not earned, but stolen.
@@troywalkertheprogressivean8433 Stolen from who? Most people who are anti capitalism and pro socialism are either very young or have very little or angry about their life choices. I am just a middle class working stiff but we still have a pretty great standard of living here. Capitalism isnt perfect and it sickens me to see pro athletes turning down 150 million dollar contracts because it isn't enough for them. I agree wages should also be more for most professions in the U.S. But what is the alternative? Socialism takes away ambitions to rise above the fray and eventually spending other people's money runs out.
@@STONESGAM capitalism is not the spark of innovation. necessity is the mother of invention. i think maybe you dont understand what socialism really is, and how our economy truly functions.
@@troywalkertheprogressivean8433 No, I clearly don't and am done with this conversation. I always loved Sonic Youth and Kim in the band but don't think they know too much about the economy or economics. You are more than welcome to enlighten the rest of the people commenting on the vid about how "socialism" really works and why they should vote for it...I am open to suggestion and would love to hear it.
Derek Gabrys Kim Gordon is a hypocrite Cultural Marxist
I love you KIM! You look great too! 💝
tutsy bassista Kim Gordon is a boring Cultural Marxist
i love Kim, she's my newest favorite artist ...she's very original 💙
VOLCANIA DREAD Kim Gordon is a boring Cultural Marxist
@@kikeheebchinkjigaboo6631 and you are just a bore
Oh Kim...such a smooth sweet voice.
Shane the same can’t be said of her facial skin
@@carolinafine8050God forbid women have wrinkles
Kim is sooo amazing! She’s 100% artist in all aspects
Stop using the word amazing
A pointless dreamer.
She has such a calming presence and very disarming smile. She's invited to my next party.
good lord this lady is almost 70 and looks great
Lol..... no
@@carolinafine8050 ummm 67 is close to 70. Are you drunk?
@@dennisfinan7977 you think she ‘looks great’. The thing is.... she looked 50 when she was in her 30s
@@carolinafine8050 for being almost 70 yes. Not that crazy
@@carolinafine8050 true😂 ...but oddly she never really aged much more
Kim é maravilhosa!!! Excelente instrumentista e bem articulada....
What Kim does not realize is that Sonic Youth and her solo records would have gone nowhere or not even gotten going in a 'communist system'. So I hope she is not implying it is better than capitalism where the rewards for artistry and innovation (i.e. making music) go mainly to the artist.
Sonic Youth was never elevated by any sort of commercialisation or financial success. Some of their best work was made while they were dirt broke sales wise, but were pushed by there by their own artistry and passionate fan base.
You don’t need to read much of the history of pop music in the US to hear about artists being grossly exploited - publishing rights owned by labels, streaming services pay them nothing, etc. It doesn’t pass the laugh test to say most rewards go to artists.
@@onesimpletrick The market-based music industry is not perfect but MUCH BETTER FOR MUSICIANS than what you get in a communist society.
It's hilariously sad to hear people call for the end of capitalism while massively benefitting from it. My grandparents escaped eastern Europe in the 1950's and emigrated to America; they were extremely grateful to be here. People who grow up here and bash capitalism are spoiled and don't know the true horrors that communism brings. The music industry wouldn't be an industry without capitalism. Is it perfect? No but it is the best system we have, far greater than communism.
They want to end capitalism but, want to make money!! How ironic!! 🤦🏻♂️
I just love her voice. I don't know why but it doesn't fit her physique, her look, but it's a great voice.
NME is capitalism which is a Marxist term. It’s also making money with subscribers and ADs.
Anyone know the band Kim said was intresting div or dive ?
I give credit to Kim’s authenticity, I do believe her. But condemning capitalism and meanwhile selling SY merch for a profit confuses me 🤷🏼.
She's a Champagne Marxist Socialist Communist
Don't be confused, Being interviewed ",Oh, I'm so anti capitalist" , But my whole career is BECAUSE of capitalism.Just because your an artist doesn't mean you know your ass from a hole in the ground. Just constant pontificating. Its egoism and arrogance. A Carpenter builds your house that shelters you, but he isnt being interviewed for his "genius". IE. Its all all bullshit....
@@jupiter6647 thats ridiculous. You dont even know her and you insist she has no idea what she is talking about. Capitalism is a structure we all live within and you cannot reach people if you choose to live outside of it. Sonic youth played so many concerts with more popular bands and people got turned on to them because they did. Personally i would be more of a philanthropist if i made good money touring, so your point is taken. Sonic youth is important, without taking part in the capitalist machine, theyd reach far fewer people.
@@JokersNtheOddball capitalism built much of the world today, and ending it will destroy everything...a lot faster than we think.
You can sell things as a worker cooperative to make profit. Your choice of economic system determines the way that profit is distributed. Any selling activity is commerce that still exist once capitalism ends. You are removing the capitalist being Elon Musk from the equation. A worker cooperative is not a capitalism enterprise as the surplus value of profits goes to the workers rather than the capitalist.
As for sonic youth being in the capitalist machine, their success is in spite of capitalism. Most artists have contempt for the music business as it controls their creative output. Music can be produced without capitalist record labels. The music business under capitalism only functions if the artists agree to follow their prescribed formula
all centralised power are the same, people need to be in charge, specially if we have to save the entire planet
@John Smith people werent in charge in seattle or portland they were left in dispair.
with still some state oppression .
If you're looking for real life examples :
80% of human society prior to agriculture which also represent 80% of human time on earth.
beginning of the french revolution (before the slaughter of anarchists by the bourgeois "revolutioners"
beginning of the russian revolution (before the rise of lenine and the slaughter of anarchists of freed the soviets from the monarchists prisons)
La commune de Paris
the spanish anarchists against Franco (before he got sponsored by Mussolini, Hitler and Churchill)
The greeks at the end of WW2 before getting slaughtered by Churchill and Roosevelt.
Rojava in Syria
And most eco-villages based on anarchist principles of equality, solidarity and democracy
@John Smith Well, socialism in venezula isn't socialism, and yes communism in north korea isn't communism, though the autoitarian structure of communism can easily led to north korea... or a neoliberal plutocracy like the US.
You haven't read it seems my example
The only slaughter that happened came from autoritarians from all boards (capitalists, monarchists, fascists)
as for seattle, there's violence, because the state won't leave them in peace and is oppressing them, but from what I see it's too early to understand what's going on and to what it will lead.
You're not talking about examples that were sustainable and proved it.
I did
@John Smith again you don't read well... so it seems
@John Smith again you have trouble reading, I gave you a list ....
the conversation ends here as it seems you have trouble reading
@John Smith capitalism is what is responsible for the 6th mass extinction (and possibly our own), so good luck with your "only way of life" which strangely looks like mass suicide and genocide of all life on earth !!
Well done capitalism ;)
You were saying something about people ruling by murdering other, isn't it the definition of what capitalism has done to the point of no return we actually are ?
Kim Gordon has such a way of articulating and phrasing in her singing that is so unique and I love it. One of the best musicians (Along with the rest of the bend) alive imo
Capitalism gives you the best and worst of everything but someone please give me the alternative? The only person I have ever heard speak on this well is Mark Fisher. It's kind of a bore to her this lady sit and speak about the evil capitalism when her jacket probably costs at least a couple hundred dollars.
i love you Kim, but "rockstars" should get off their Coachella nation mentality, they come on as so,pretentious and dissconnected from reality, i mean they always were, thats why we love them in the first place ,but now that they are this clean fashion machine integrated people i find it just insulting and in very bad taste
what the fuck are you talking about? she sounds down to earth, pretentious is the new buzz word people just throw off when they don't like how someone act? elaborate pls
@@liquidpebbles7475 dude, "down to earth" people dont PRETEND to be bored , cool and casual while being interviewed by an international medium about your "art", nor PRETEND to be all independent and anti capitalism while wearing gucci ,or whatever brand, her pristine brand new clothes are while simultanously being signed and paid by fckng geffen or whatever, just do your job Kim , sell your product, make me aware that you are still around, but dont PRETEND you got any relevant to say out side your own suckcess, and by the way I love her act , one of the most influential musician of her time, everything relesead by her band SONICfckngYOUTH, its beyond the scale,seminal New York band that would never had been half as important without her, their album Day Dream Nation (beautiful title by the way) its a pesonal favourite, give it a listen...peace
LMFAO she is not wearing Gucci. She and Thurston lived a very humble life here in MA for many years, they are the opposite of pretentious. If they truly cared about things like fame and selling product they would’ve taken greater advantage of their status by now
@@danielgreen2788 Given that her personality traits and interests have remained relatively consistent in any interview I've seen of her from the 80's to present, I'd be interested to understand the basis of your claim that she is pretending rather than simply being her authentic self. Sounds like you are projecting the way you believe you would handle yourself in someone else's shoes, and qualifying the authenticity of others based on what would be authentic behavior for you. Just because her reality is not your reality does not make it any less authentic. Kim's personality and observations have always been much more self-effacing than self-important; there's very little about her style of communication or her views that could realistically be deemed pretentious for anyone who understand the real meaning of the word (rather than its frequent misapplication as a means of disqualifying views, styles or ideas that do not resonate with us).
Timeless cool beauty.
Well thanks doll face. It's a lot of pilates and juicing. It's a lifestyle change for sure. My hope is to diet into a size •◇• before my daughter's beheading on my birthday. Shhhh it's a secret!!
@@scratch5191 what…
@@scratch5191 what..
@@hushed4085 Jesus Mc Christ do you have to have a limited edition signed print from the s.y. gift shop comped to you to spell it out? No default swap derivatives on a bed of fresh greens if you want to know what time it is Wilma.
@@scratch5191 bro what are you smoking ong i need to know
I preferred Kim when she was in S Club 7
4 years later, it’s becoming more real and real as each day passes by.
'Free Kitten' is a fun band to look up if you like her. I checked out 'No Home Record' at a library in Albuquerque! I had to buy it. So Awesome Blossom!
Love her musical legacy, but it's hard to not see her as a total hypocrite when she's preaching against capitalism while being a millionaire. I guess it's too much to expect anything else from entertainers these days besides "orange man bad".
It's Kim Gordon a millionare???
how accurate is celebrity net worth??
really, how many people have bought their records?
But she has worked for it no? People think Being an artist is easy but it isn’t . It’s fucking hard work
Socialism and wealth are not mutually exclusive. Sonic Youth never got a bail out.
Not really. If Kim became a millionaire from music it certainly wasn't planned that way or at a guess it certainly wasn't her motivation. I'm not Sonic Youth fan but I can appreciate and respect what they achieved. They never sought out the mainstream. If anything it was the other way around. Finally if she is a millionaire she made her money from honest means. Good for her.
Making money is not inherentely capitalist, snowflake.
At least she didn't get a loan from daddy and went on to exploit workers by taking 90% or more of their labor profit. You know, like a real capitalist.
Go read more.
Cool another ironically anti-capitalist celebrity talking about communism having never lived through it
Wishful thinking on her part since a lifetime with sonic youth has left her with 33$ in her checking account.
Lol said who? She bought a house in LA
Lol $33 yea right, that divorce settlement left her with a good chunk of money!
i love her so much
Capitalism gave you Fender guitars, communism gave you Ural guitars. Think about that, Kim. You don't know what are you talking about
She’s just a pointless art student. Self indulgent rubbish, from worthless art freaks. They should get real jobs, not parasitic ‘artistes’.
In SY interviews I was always so use to hearing from the boys. Well, mainly Thurston's interpretations . It's so nice to have gotten more of a chance to get to know you Kim. You are ace.
Mark Schroeder Kim Gordon is a boring Cultural Marxist
"...so use to hearing from the boys". Did you link this on facebook in attempt to impress available women?
I love that she brings up the fall of the Berlin Wall and the way it ushered in this triumphalism and false optimism about capitalism. Sonic Youth and other bands of the 80s had spent the last decade exposing the hypocrisy and sanctimonious piety of the Reagan years and all the corrupt things that were going on behind the scenes (e.g., Oliver North). Nobody realized that the end of Soviet totalitarianism was also a harbinger for the exposure of American decadence, the devolution of US capitalism into managerial and rent-seeking parasitism at the expense of education and skilled industry. SY's DIY aesthetic was a beacon in the gathering twilight. Now we're adrift on starless waters.
The end of capitalism will only come when there is something better to replace it. Right now there isn't anything
Oh but there is...people just fear the unknown. There is a Socialistic Democracy, but we as Americans have seemed to prefer the “fight tooth and nail to survive or just take someone else’s if you can’t make your own” economic system, aka Capitalism. Does it ever occur to some people that we are not born into this world to just get as much as we can?
@@palexisboyle if socialism is not taking from someone else then what is it?
@@NiKOliDANBURSKi It's called sharing.
@@palexisboyle And how is sharing not part of capitalism?
@@NiKOliDANBURSKi Capitalism is "Winner take all", not "split the winnings equally among us all."
Superb. Getting bigger and bigger as solo artist. Now she is Kim Gordon, just Kim Gordon.
She's great and beautiful but her prediction didn't age well.
A musician that made her fortune by selling records through Geffen and broadcasting videos on MTV can't blame capitalism come on. Fugazi can blame capitalism, not you.
When you live in a capitalist system, using the "capitalist mediums", to spread a message against capitalism is smart and a required part of such message spreading.
Do you think a communist writer is gonna say no to having his book selling in a big bookstore? No, they're not! That's where the public is.
Do you think a socialist anarchist is gonna scoff at the power social media like Twitter provides in spreading awareness of their cause? They're not!
Advantage is only gained when working through such outputs.
You people also keep conflating the selling of cultural goods with capitalism, and I really don't see how and why. Books would still be sold under socialism, music would still be on the radio under socialism, TV would still exist under socialism.
@Millennial Smark (Sorry, it's 3 in the morning here and am half asleep, deleted instead of editing had to recall my comment)
Socialism-guided practices exist under capitalism, despite coercion by the capitalist system to not adopt those practices. Worker owned co-ops are a big part of the economy in the U.S, for example.
But apart from production, consumption - cultural or not - is virtually impossible to distance itself from capitalism. Big media outlets are all owned by just a couple megacorps, and big retail and online stores have no trouble overshadowing those who want a free from capitalism working model, with either an indie or co op approach. It's near impossible, not because of "inside incompetence", but because of outside pressure. The spiral goes even deeper when you bring inevitables such as rent into the mix.
It's hard to run a marathon with wolves chewing at your legs and saying "you're just lazy", basically.
The adoption of "capitalist means of communication" is far removed from being hypocritical. It's merely one line of means of production that can be appropriated pre-socialism and seized during socialism. The material conditions of a society are always jumping points to the development of further ideologies.
Yeah fugazi is a bit more real than Kim Gordon. Again too cool to chic. I just can’t take it man what would Warhol do oh I’m so depressed. This world has just done me wrong man it’s like I’m not even a musician I’m just an artist who can’t even paint.
@Millennial Smark's WWE Channel socialism isnt a fucking vegan diet or something, dude. You dont just go "okay I'm doing a socialism now, so I'm just going to...not make any money or do anything". People need to make money under capitalism, or they have shit, boring, alienated lives, which is *why* capitalism is so shit and dehumanising. Kim Gordon and her family are allowed to work for a nice life whilst also observing the systemic inequalities around them. You sound like a cultist in denial.
@Millennial Smark's WWE Channel hahahaha yes, because we are just BASKING in the overwhelming success of capitalism right now, huh? You live in a fantasy world, my guy. I kinda envy you.
ok.....so..... without capitalism....you don't make 💵.... I'm sure sonic youth didn't give their albums away....🤨
You are a total idiot
It won't end if keeps voting for establishment/corporate Democrats.
As opposed to voting for a narcissistic, megalomaniac, greedy Republicans...the choices we have.
@@palexisboyle Vote for neither. Other options y'know. Better ones too. Dems never do anything. They're spineless.
I'm sure she agrees
I’m glad she’s going to perform for free
Wow 66 ! Looks 50 !
She looked way older than she was for a long time, like in her 20s she looked 45, but then she started aging slowly and now looks much younger than she is.
Real role model. She’s doing her thing. She‘s not using botox or any of that stuff. She‘s just herself and a wonderful beautiful creative woman. Though I was surprised by her choice which actress should play her. From the attitude of Kristen Stewart I totally get it. And I really have lots of sympathy for Kristen. Still I really do not find her acting skills convincing. But maybe playing Kim Gordon would actully be THE role for her. Don‘t know.
what does she mean when she says art school is different in the US?
They have crayons instead of the SEX PASTELS
Im not buying it, Kim.
(Get it?)
love to artist but just don't ask them about living in the real world because they are wearing blinders at best
for the record it's pronounced DIVE and they are great
It’s a shame the host doesn’t know how to pronounce them even when NME has hosted DIIV themselves.
what about capitalisation of a youth anger like the majority of succesfull bands wallowed into?
New song I heard was really good. Nice one Kim...
All capitalism means is that you can own your own property and business. I'm sure Sonic Youth would've hated the US government under Reagan and Bush having a say in their art.
Lovely as always
diiv 🖤
Tianna Emily Kim Gordon is a boring Cultural Marxist
@@kikeheebchinkjigaboo6631 I am a real Marxist and only thing i can say to you is fuck you, we are coming for you and your own. Beware.
It's crazy bc on DIIV's newest podcast they have a whole episode dissecting Sonic Youth. Pretty cool that she mentioned them.
that bit made me laugh after hearing the recent pod episode on sonic youth and they’re clearly all massive fanboys
I know i used to see them with the Hillary Clinton a lot. I hope they know who this person is by now and have distanced themselves with her and anyone like that altogether.
Hard to believe she's almost 70
Not really....she was pushing 40 when Grunge was new on the scene.
Kim Gordon is so gawjus ..love her .
Ms. Iggy Pop.
Its easy to say that; when your well to do..."
Objectively speaking !!!
What's made you well to do is capitalism, you shit on it..."
Cause its edgy and cool to tell your fans that are mostly likely not Wealthy !!!
I'm not saying wealth is answer; but it solves a lot of problems
Why are you people incapable of spelling "you're?"
Why are you, " people so anal-retentive; about everything !!!
Is that better ?!!
@@taubevictor8989 What's amazing about this response is the fact that you get so mad at me for pointing out how stupid you are for going your whole life not being able to spell a very simple and common word right after you've been corrected probably dozens of times by now. What's your response to THAT?
Really; you are going to surmise my intelligence based on one word and call me stupid for it my whole life..."
That's amazing how you can do that !!!
You probably don't have much of a life; if you think a 5 letter word makes you smarter than most !
" good luck "
Still a beautiful woman inside and out..
Bwahahaha.... well, if nothing else, it does seem like the inside matches the outside
@@carolinafine8050 you will never be as cool or look as good as her. You settle for being a basic little boring thing that attacks another woman’s looks, the bottom of the gutter basically
Punk and alternative art will always be against the stablishment, misoginy and capitalism. If you don't like it then go listen to Mozart or whatever you boomers listen to
Oooh misoginy and capitalism and... and... ah hahahaha grow up!
Alex Redfield bullshit. Just boring people who were indoctrinated with Marxism and nihilism.
President Trump 2020!!!!!!!!!!!
Capitalism saves people. Marxist socialism kills and repressed people
This people have no idea what capitalism is. It’s freedom, choice options, it’s rule your own life without any god damn politician saying what you’d about your life! Capitalism it’s not just make money and industries and bla bla bla... you guys should read about libertarianism.
Sorry Kim confusion is sex but lack of knowledge is inexcusable. 07/2/45 we became power structure and later with the fall of the Bretton Woods system opened Nixon to break the China market open. Supply side economics of the 1980's has seems to have proven "the push" to monopoly capitalism. Let's try some Keynesian-ism and bring the middle class back. what do you think?.
I know this is from two months ago but do you really think Keynes is the guy we should be looking at right now? Is circular flow really the idea we need to circulate in political discourse?
@@audiovideo-w6o who knows right now but tell me how the free market is gonna act quick enough to help the economy and cure the worldwide pandemic
@@fredocazale8521 Ha! You jumped the gun there. I'm no fan of Hayek.
@@audiovideo-w6o Just wanted to chime and say I dug the super brief but civil exchange between you and fredo. There's so much venomous discourse online (not saying *I'm* innocent) that it's just refreshing to see a calm exchange. Cheers to both of you!
I heard her new album and thought this interview was recent 😂😂
“Cocaines a hellof a drug!”
So, everyone gets her latest album for free then?
I love Kim as an attractive musician but her view on being in a Commuism utopia whilst using Capitalism to further her career is a complete disparety. This is pretty much what they're all about.
@@mark747captain I don't blame you bud.
so if you want society to change you can’t live in society?
1) you gotta play the game. We were thrown on this world and we gotta live through it
2) capitalism isn't when you sell thing and the more thing you sell the more capitalism it is. Capitalism refers to a specific economic order and it doesn not have a monopoly on the idea of selling things
@@mark747captain kim: "we should improve society somewhat"
you: "yet you participate in society. curious! i am very intelligent"
Alas, that media-driven Orange Man Bad hysteria galvanized so many easily manipulated people in hatred, it is really disappointing that an Artist so truly deserving of the title and as talented & intelligent as Kim Gordon would jump on the bandwagon. She is so original and doesn't _need_ to hitch herself to the media's money making hate-wagon like all those washed up and talentless hacks who cheered in anger to give a boon to their career. I was hoping out of all people, maybe she could see _past_ the media manipulation and social engineering and grasp the agenda behind all of the unwarranted viscous vitriol.
Oh well! Political differences aside, I still absolutely adore Kim Gordon and love this new record! My absolute favorite modern artist, and always looked up to her like an older sister or kool friend.
Kim can slide her money to me if she’s uncomfortable with it. Bet she takes her write offs instead of sending it to Mississippi.
Kim, you are a musician. You're definitely not a political or economic analyst. For any musician/ celebrity, please keep your mouth shut on topics you know absolutely nothing about. "Trump is not good at capitalism". That's why he's one of the richest people on the planet- because he's not good at it? And, he's the only person in recorded history that actually DECREASED his net worth by going into politics. If you're just spouting out the the ridiculous platitudes that they programmed you with, look in the mirror and do some critical thinking/ research.
Looks like you’re having a little trouble keeping your mouth shut too there bud.
@@ifandwhen-kl2cr Do you want to come over and shut my mouth, soy boy commie lover, limp wristed girl boy?
a good interviewer.
The End of Capitalism is coming! Yeah Kim Gordon. But 5 years later you create a Christmas collection with H&M!
"Hi, I am Andrew Trendell: Orange man bad"
"Hi I am Kim, Orange Man Bad..."
Kristen Stewart would make a killer Kim Gordon, imo
Didn't know NME was communist. Good to know.
Kim Gordon is just one of the coolest people ever in music....
Shes so pretty :)
The ASMR of the jacket.
Kim Gordon
68 años (69)
Wow J'adore cette femme !!!!
Ha, capitalism is stronger than ever. Dream on, Kim.
please let me make your movie, i will have to study film first but ill hurry up
big if true
In conversation with Kimberly Dash Gordon? My lord! Please stop this charade. You know some of the best "conversations " I have heard of Kimberly Dash Gordon are with her multiples. I hope she gets back together with Billy-Clyde Tuttle now that they are both available. I wouldn't rule anything out.
This was before she had cosmetic surgery, she looked cooler then.
"America will NEVER become a socialist country!"
~ President Donald J. Trump ~
To get rid of capitalism you would have to take every American's private property away - beginning with their guns. That alone will never happen. 😉
Generation AA will be thinking XXX.
please please please come to switzerland or at least berlin i will come and rent an airbnb
i will bring the communist flag
This isn’t communism, capitalism doesn’t fail😂
She's wasted. The slurring and the lies are spewing a few kilometers from her face. Sickness is in the house
Just so you know, it's quite transparent to others when a person chooses to attribute baseless qualities to someone as a means of undermining their credibility or point of view. Women are frequent targets of this type of profiling...again, for obvious reasons.
@@sonicboy19 you are so desperate to defend your idol you’ll fall back on any canard to defend them.
@@carolinafine8050 lol, hardly...simply stating the obvious...but that's ok, we don't expect you to get it.
Whats up
@@ian2079 I have been showing various vacant dwellings as a wheeling dealing real estate mogul. Look our nation has been run by one so I thought that I would throw my dick in the fire and see what comes of it. I think I have found myself again. You never know though. What's a suppressive person?
I never understood why. I still don't. I mean is she like Valley of the Dolls? So crappy it's edgy? I'll take my answer off the air. Thanks.
Communism's first rock n roll machine
Tourism was how we earned
Tore it up
Burned it out
Salads and mineral products
Tripping on the flippity flop wax slacker
You know the score
Keep me in the loop
I'm out here
Saddling reality
Battling the majors
Selling into the wild
Listen to me
In target, Walmart, and Amazon prime
It's not on my dime
Let's rock!
Sonic Youth was an amazing band, kim is a great musician, but girl, youve been watching too many re runs of cnn, Capitalism is not only still here but with conservatives on the supreme court, kim must be freaking out that all her cnn/media matters sites are wrong hehe.
i love you somuch kim you inspire me to create big things one day
Voice of an angel and morality of a dime bag curb cookie.
Is it personal for you or something? You comment on every positive with a counter negative - kinda weird 😂
@@terryhaircastle5702 no actually. It's called striking a balance. In referring to it as "weird" is a very lazy critique. It keeps you open I suppose to jumping someone else's rickshaw to Candyland. Like if you really had a backbone running down your back you could write weird 👍, or weird 👎, but emojis aren't real. But you just say "weird" with an incomplete structure pattern. You think she crawled her way to the middle being palatable fo 40 years cashing your checks? No she got freaky for you enough to listen to her speak with conviction in couture grunge marc jacobs and haynes girdles with a cool sculpting team right of camera suckling the years in real time as they pass. If you think negative/ positive is my schtick you haven't been out much. The very first thing that happens when you're born is you cry then the doctors and nursing staff all pass you around the hospital and hit you until you cry louder only to give you a nipple of what you can only hope is a mammal's then jab you to find a vein. Positive ×negative = life. If you could get passed " confusion is sexytime " and you think structure is something you need in life I'd layoff all Kimberly Dash Gordon products and gravitate towards the Avira Lovogny pop punk and take your one ticket back to mediocrity for your giving me a migraine. Don't come to me for all the answers missy. You're a f average student here at Punkrock University . Listen, read, and work. Leave art alone. You have to find sense in everything? Jesus Mc Christ and the mary chain girls and rickjames!
@@scratch5191 you're
@@terryhaircastle5702 i see you're point.
@@scratch5191 all best wishes to you, Eric
Capitalism made you Kim Gordon! Ahahahahahahaha
@@trayc2762 Actually, her abilities as a creative thinker are what has made her well-known and what has kept her in the public eye. The majority of people who are born into a capitalist society will make use of its resources, but that's no reason to abstain from questioning its value or proposing alternatives. This notion of pledging some sort of allegiance to "Capitalism" is ridiculous, and anyone who works within its structure and utilizes the resources it affords is absolutely entitled to have an objective opinion about it that isn't always favorable. Making a comment alluding to the pitfalls of overzealous capitalism is certainly not akin to rejecting capitalism. It's not a black and white issue, and those who make it out to be are actually reducing opportunities for honest discussions that could allow it to evolve into something better. The fears that motivate the whole "you're either for it or against it" mindset are quite transparent to anyone capable of thinking outside the box.
So because Kim's artistic career was aided in some phantom way by capitalism... she is not allowed to critique capitalism? Such a stupid point to make, and not even the first time ive seen this one. The free market does not make up 100% of the idea of capitalism, which is the idea i presume you are alluding to when you say capitalism made Kim who she is. Besides, nobody has a fuckin choice in the matter of whether or not they participate in capitalism. You are always going to be brushing arms with it, and every major factor in your life is dictated by it. its unavoidable. There are many arguments to be made against certain capitalistic ideals, and many points to be made for the psychological effect capitalism has had on the entire population.
@@sonicboy19 Thank you.
@@trayc2762 My comment wasnt directed towards you, was meant for the person you were replying to. Nevertheless, I still maintain my position that the claim of "Capitalism made you therefore you cant criticize it" is preposterous and yes, silly. Kim wasnt "working the system" when she was shooed into the limelight, she was in her early 30s and had met Thurston who was onto something big with Sonic youth. Capitalism didnt make Kim gordon Kim gordon, she did that herself. And there is a difference between "moaning" about issues and merely pointing them out. Is Kim not allowed to point out what she thinks are the faults of capitalism? I find this is a frequent problem with people, when artists express political views they are told to just stay in their lane, and are automatically shunned from such conversation. It's so ridiculous. Capitalism did not make Kim Gordon who she is.
@@trayc2762 Certainly you're entitled to your opinion, just as we're entitled to ours. When people choose to post dissenting or provocative views about an artist on RUclips, it should go without saying that they are likely to encounter some opposition. Obviously most people who choose to watch a video about a particular artist are either fans of the artist or they have watched other videos associated with the artist, so chances are there will be more supporters than dissenters reading the comments. I'm sure there are many videos on RUclips that would be a hot spot for people with views similar to yours, if that's the type of interaction you're looking for. You seem to be cool with agreeing to disagree though, which I must say is a refreshing change from a lot of people who post comments on RUclips, so I give you props for that. One other point I'd like to make here is that the context and/or intention of the point of view that is creating controversy in discussions such as these is often minimized or overlooked. In other words, this clip is an interview about Kim Gordon's album. Interviews can sometimes reveal an artist's political views within the course of the discussion, but that doesn't mean they are intended to be political statements. Interviews create the ideal environment for off the cuff remarks that may have as much to do with the questions being asked as they do with the answers being shared. Imagine yourself in a job interview...for most, it's a slightly uncomfortable and unnatural sort of environment, far removed from the more natural and more candid dialogue that can occur between friends. I've had interviews that have gone excellently, especially if I'm having a good day and I'm really in tune with the interviewer and they're asking the right questions, but I've also had ones that have gone terribly wrong, sometimes because of the questions, the interviewer, or I'm just having an off day and can't seem to get the right words out that effectively describe what I'd like to say. Now imagine the same job interview is also being recorded and will later be broadcast on RUclips for everyone's dissection. No pressure, right? Now, one could argue that this type of interview isn't the same because the goal is not to get a job, but it's not the goal that makes interviews uncomfortable, it's the fact that you're being judged on everything you say and you're being asked questions that you may not have the right answers for and you don't necessarily feel comfortable with the person you're speaking with. It's a situation that is about as far removed from the artistic process as one can get. Artists engage in this process often out of necessity, not because they have any particular interest in sharing their views or dissecting their work, but so they can get the word out about their art in the aim of supporting themselves through their art, as opposed to having to support themselves by joining the workforce and thus having less time to focus on their chosen creative pursuits. Again, this might all seem somewhat obvious, but I find that nuances like this are rarely considered when people react to artist's comments in interviews. And they should be. Because in this context, I certainly do not hear an artist moaning or attempting to draw any sort of parallel between the observations on overzealous capitalism that have informed her work, to her own personal views on the subject. I simply hear a lighthearted comment that was intended to be ironic and humorous.
Meth is a hell of a drug ! She cray cray
I love Kim Gordon and SY, but heir politics just plain suck. They're great artists, and maybe they should leave politics to the adults.
None of the adults in America do politics very well.
Charles Black Translation « I’m a republican and I disagree with her views and I’m upset so she shouldn’t express them » Boo fucking hoo. So much for free speech, huh ?
@@JulesEdits1992 She can say whatever she likes and I can disagree. I don't need to hear her shallow lefty BS. If she had any qualifications to make political statements that would be a different matter. I'm nor GOP, I support Biden, I just recognize that Bernie would destroy America if he were ever to be elected. The adults in American came to this realization at the last minute to shut down Bernie the clown.
Charles Black How surprising, Joe Biden. I’m genuinely curious, do you have political qualifications yourself ? Regardless, since when do you need proper political qualifications to have or avow political opinions ? It’s ridiculous. Biden is an absolute joke of a democrat. He’s a corporate economist, a cowardly centrist. He also clearly suffers from some kind of mental degeneration. He can’t remember shit. Voting for him is beyond ridiculous and hypocritical as Americans are famously always in « need for change » the fact that Biden is in such a position right now clearly demonstrates the opposite. Trump is going to eat him alive.
@@Chasstful Ok so you're a spineless centrist, just like the rest of them who have failed working class Americans and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people overseas?