Twice Make Me Feel Special | M/V REACTION

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 320

  • @psycho8285
    @psycho8285 5 лет назад +587

    Danielle: "Fancy, was the *MOVEMENT* fancy, kinda *SHOOK* the kpop world"
    yeah literally, we literally had an earthquake in my country seconds after they dropped their MV for it. I wish i was lying but i aint.

    • @hoverk3864
      @hoverk3864 5 лет назад +33

      Yeah PH onces felt that haha

    • @Yeonbin
      @Yeonbin 5 лет назад +29

      oof ph stans were shook while jamming to fancy literally

    • @CR35C3ND0
      @CR35C3ND0 5 лет назад +5

      PH ONCES !!

    • @candyc3314
      @candyc3314 5 лет назад +1

      PH onces went off

    • @shaynekhylemartin2201
      @shaynekhylemartin2201 5 лет назад

      i can vouch for this.

  • @oscarflores4293
    @oscarflores4293 5 лет назад +440

    2:50 a was scared, I was like wtf is happening with my phone

    • @orbitiny1117
      @orbitiny1117 5 лет назад +12

      Oscar Flores SAME OMG

    • @sionsko2707
      @sionsko2707 5 лет назад +4

      Like, I watch this part while reading your comment and I didn't understand until it happened 😂

    • @YoshiPotter88
      @YoshiPotter88 4 года назад +4

      Same I am on my Tablet and I thought I turned it off on accident because I was touching the power button like a idiot and then I really turned it off thinking I'm turning it on! 🤣😂

    • @farrelbharata5717
      @farrelbharata5717 4 года назад +4

      Same 😂

    • @dhanashri5661
      @dhanashri5661 4 года назад

      Me too 😂

  • @ot7biasedmashups
    @ot7biasedmashups 5 лет назад +548

    Jeongyeon said she cut her hair because she wanted to😂

    • @daaanibear
      @daaanibear  5 лет назад +71

      short hair on jeongyeon is kind of an iconic staple tbh

    • @ot7biasedmashups
      @ot7biasedmashups 5 лет назад +12

      @@daaanibear truely 👌🏿

    • @howardronan1339
      @howardronan1339 3 года назад

      You prolly dont give a damn but does any of you know of a method to log back into an Instagram account..?
      I somehow lost the login password. I appreciate any tips you can give me!

    • @ansongabriel8623
      @ansongabriel8623 3 года назад

      @Howard Ronan instablaster :)

  • @cloudortruth8762
    @cloudortruth8762 5 лет назад +176

    Literally Jihyo with that ponytail actually slapped me in the face and caused a concussion. I'm still feeling the effects

    • @daaanibear
      @daaanibear  5 лет назад +18

      ariana grande is quaking

    • @cloudortruth8762
      @cloudortruth8762 5 лет назад +6

      @@daaanibear lol you right. She better watch out Jihyo is coming

  • @lolosh99
    @lolosh99 5 лет назад +115

    Dahyun came for me this comeback im sweating 🥵

    • @daaanibear
      @daaanibear  5 лет назад +18

      dahyun literally took me by the throat

  • @LupinKing
    @LupinKing 5 лет назад +233

    “The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell”. Literally the only thing I remember from biology back in high school. Really enjoyed your reaction to the queens Twice and hope you check out the mvs for Seventeen “Hit” and “Fear”.

  • @roseswife1882
    @roseswife1882 5 лет назад +420

    The part where Chaeyoung sings (after the chorus) it’s Mina’s part but she’s doing it cause Mina’s not promoting with them :c

    • @AN-mm9dd
      @AN-mm9dd 5 лет назад

      What why not?

    • @lilibet297
      @lilibet297 5 лет назад +45

      @@AN-mm9dd She's been diagnosed with anxiety, so she'll still be recording songs and MVs with the group but won't be performing unless she feels comfortable.

    • @AN-mm9dd
      @AN-mm9dd 5 лет назад +13

      @@lilibet297 oh OK thank you thats so sad. I hope she gets better soon.

    • @AlM22
      @AlM22 5 лет назад +4

      Yeah but Chae still sings at the start of the song so we get singing Chae regardless

    • @roseswife1882
      @roseswife1882 5 лет назад +3

      Yeah ^~^ I was talking about the comeback show tho :3

  • @fancypapercutz
    @fancypapercutz 5 лет назад +90

    I felt that momo edit on a spiritual level.

  • @michellebarrow1185
    @michellebarrow1185 5 лет назад +38

    Our innocent church girl Dahyun just dropped it low. 🤭

  • @hongxiyin4236
    @hongxiyin4236 5 лет назад +67

    “The Sana looks like drug dealer”
    Skakskkkskkakskk Im dead💀😹

    • @daaanibear
      @daaanibear  5 лет назад +9

      10/10 sana would be my plug 🤫

  • @ankomitarashi-488
    @ankomitarashi-488 5 лет назад +92

    "ya ever get that way?"
    Yes. Literally 80% of comebacks I'm hyped for.

  • @cmbadshah2665
    @cmbadshah2665 5 лет назад +90

    The time when momo's part came and my screen turned black i thought it was my phone that got turned off but it was momo's holy foreheads power 😂

  • @cloudyyheavens9612
    @cloudyyheavens9612 5 лет назад +44

    The song 'Feel Special' is to express to Once how Twice feels special even they are going through a lot of hardships. Twice is a hardworking girl group and we, Onces should continue to support them! ♡

  • @justinuhh
    @justinuhh 5 лет назад +42

    The Momo forehead edit had me DYING HAHAHAHAHA

  • @carebear5876
    @carebear5876 5 лет назад +201

    "Jeongyeon's outfit is kinda trash" Thank you, their stylist needs to get fired she be putting Jeongyeon in trash outfits it's not even funny 😭

    • @daaanibear
      @daaanibear  5 лет назад +46

      they don't know how to dress her beautiful tall body and it's annoying 🙄

    • @ariencango4191
      @ariencango4191 5 лет назад +6

      Jeongyeon deserves better outfits

    • @bishwithwifi4938
      @bishwithwifi4938 4 года назад +5

      Literally what happened between fancy and feel special that her stylist decided to sew a couple of sleeves on a silk pillowcase

    • @dhanashri5661
      @dhanashri5661 4 года назад


    • @dhanashri5661
      @dhanashri5661 4 года назад

      @@bishwithwifi4938 Exactly

  • @bc4583
    @bc4583 5 лет назад +54

    Oh Danielle, the damn subtitles you forgot to put on so you could understand the meaning of the song😂😂 but JYP wrote this song based off of all of Twice telling him their hardships they’ve been through and how basically all the members make each other “Feel Special” and loved and cared for throughout everything they each go through which is why they’re all seen smiling at each other in the end 😢❤️ and then jeongyeon smiling at herself surrounded by Twice bc she realize how special and happy she is amongst all of them 🤧 also always so happy to see you posting 😭

  • @Chris-uq5vl
    @Chris-uq5vl 5 лет назад +11

    jeongyeon stans let’s rise up and defeat our common enemy: her stylist

  • @Yotahtah
    @Yotahtah 5 лет назад +2

    Can I just say sis you are GLOWING

  • @ot7biasedmashups
    @ot7biasedmashups 5 лет назад +67

    Chaeyoung sang Minas part because she can't be a part of the promotions

    • @DelightFools
      @DelightFools 5 лет назад +3


    • @ot7biasedmashups
      @ot7biasedmashups 5 лет назад +2

      @@DelightFools oml🤦🏿‍♂️ thank you for correcting me! 💜
      I literally mixed Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung up😂

  • @ahmadromadon26
    @ahmadromadon26 5 лет назад +70

    Fyi: chaeyoung replace mina for singing part of mina beacuse mina still need to recovery her mental and her healty..

  • @jisoil373
    @jisoil373 5 лет назад +10

    I love your reaction everytime u see dahyun's rap & her twerk like "yes b1tch killed it" 😂🔥

  • @Sugar-ws6fd
    @Sugar-ws6fd 5 лет назад +9

    Who else saw Dayhun as the thumbnail and clicked? I did! lol

  • @Zalfel
    @Zalfel 5 лет назад +3

    Holy hell you are gorgeous!
    The song and MV have significance to the members because JYP talked to them after they had their world tour and its about how they feel about each other. Mina's part in particular is about how she felt dealing with her anxiety and the support she is given by the other members! I loved this reaction!

  • @AlCool209
    @AlCool209 5 лет назад +2

    This whole album is a bop! Momo's track especially. Their dances and music just keeps getting better and better!

  • @nikkijadesola23
    @nikkijadesola23 5 лет назад +4

    Your eyeshadow is ALWAYS POPPIN 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

  • @drunkenpikachu
    @drunkenpikachu 5 лет назад +28

    "is sana some drug dealer on the corner?" i'll make her rich$$$

  • @criistxan2892
    @criistxan2892 5 лет назад +4

    omg ive been waiting for this way too long

  • @ultricky
    @ultricky 5 лет назад +10

    lmao i had the same reaction for dahyun’s part i was screaming skskjsksk she’s my bias so 😂

  • @Anonymous-zc7yg
    @Anonymous-zc7yg 4 года назад +1

    2:07 She said "Ooh is rain, ooh is(it's) wet" Lmao, I'm dying of laughter!

  • @DelightFools
    @DelightFools 5 лет назад +2

    As a med student, comparing TWICE with mitochondria hit deep
    Stealing that as TWICE powers every cell in ma body! thx Dani

  • @moodzi379
    @moodzi379 3 года назад

    Your eye makeup is insanely good omg

  • @dustincarroll3168
    @dustincarroll3168 5 лет назад +1

    The iggy cut in had my dead on the floor lmao

  • @Anonymous-zc7yg
    @Anonymous-zc7yg 4 года назад +1

    0:06 She said "I love you, okay now get out of my face!" Lmao, I died laughing!

  • @KingoftheJuice18
    @KingoftheJuice18 5 лет назад

    You have the best TWICE reaction videos.

  • @user-ez6pn
    @user-ez6pn 5 лет назад +1

    I’m so glad you love it!! Me too🥺I’m so glad you reacted twice is my fav😭😭

  • @ahillmann
    @ahillmann 5 лет назад +7

    They found each other: Tzuyu and Momo, Dahyun and Sana, Jihyo and Nayeon, Chaeyoung and Mina. Jeongyeon was alone but found herself. Or something like that.

    • @desflores7202
      @desflores7202 4 года назад +1

      Saida and Michaeng, my two ships ahhhhh

  • @hellnaw6
    @hellnaw6 5 лет назад +23

    I'm waiting for 'Wonderland' Ateez :D

  • @to0muchtoan
    @to0muchtoan 3 года назад

    This video made me a subscriber. I loooooove the hilarious edits

  • @OtterNoises
    @OtterNoises 5 лет назад


  • @MakimaMelee
    @MakimaMelee 5 лет назад

    I always cry at the part with Chaeyeon and Mina where they smile at each other because Chaeyeon always tells Mina that she's the most beautiful person in the world to make her feel better.

  • @anthonyrodriguez6943
    @anthonyrodriguez6943 5 лет назад

    Your content brings me so much happiness

  • @nikki6927
    @nikki6927 5 лет назад

    Finally someone commented on vocalist Chaeyoung not rapper Chaeyoung! Thank you ❤

  • @mimyomimyohae
    @mimyomimyohae 5 лет назад +5

    *[Lyrics]* 4:31
    *1st Verse*
    [Daniella, M Rapper] - Did Jeongyeon chop all her hair off again?
    [Iggy, L Rapper] - *RAW TO THE PAT-PAHNT POON!*
    -Daniella Pedroza 1st Mini Album: "The long hair was like uhGoooD ft. Iggy Azalea"

  • @arasanjuan9618
    @arasanjuan9618 5 лет назад


  • @nickb324
    @nickb324 5 лет назад

    You are literally my favorite person ever

  • @heyooo123
    @heyooo123 5 лет назад

    YES I've been waiting for you to react to TWICE

  • @danniellebeatrix4613
    @danniellebeatrix4613 5 лет назад

    so my interpretation/other onces on the mv is that it's about the girls discovering that they have their members there to make them feel special and how they are always watching each other's backs. i think it was a really beautiful concept to represent how much they are with and supporting mina through her struggles and how much they all love each other, how we should also as fans find someone that makes US feel special too, even if thats the girls themselves :)

  • @joonsmono2291
    @joonsmono2291 5 лет назад +1

    I low-key almost got sad bc I thought you weren't uploading today but yayyyyy

  • @rydrew
    @rydrew 5 лет назад

    Those eyes! Definitely in with the _Feel Special_ era!

  • @MalikkMeza
    @MalikkMeza 5 лет назад +2


  • @RoamingInSpace
    @RoamingInSpace 5 лет назад +1

    Great reaction as always! You should really turn on the captions for the MV! 'Feel Special' has really meaningful lyrics which makes it such a precious song by TWICE. Also couldn't help but feel that you didn't know about the whole Mina situation. She wasn't in any of the live stages if you realized and Chaeyoung covers her parts. Can't wait for TWICE to be at full strength! #MinaFighting!

  • @nayeonings9363
    @nayeonings9363 5 лет назад +2

    the song is about the group making each other feel better in hard times so throughout the music video they’re finding each other lmfao

  • @ailinhernandez5004
    @ailinhernandez5004 5 лет назад

    Same sis. Jihyo stole me the most. And then Mina, and nayeon. All were such unique visuals here and Momo hit that dance like always

  • @WoodscommaEl
    @WoodscommaEl 5 лет назад

    The visuals in this comeback punched me in the damn face. Jihyo snatched my soul from my body like Damn. I think this might be my favorite Twice song but the whole album is a Bop. Unrelated to Twice: How you look so damn good all the time?!?! Your makeup is freaking Gorgeous!!!!

  • @nurulaarifin
    @nurulaarifin 5 лет назад

    Yo welcome back! im really miss your reaction to twice 💞

  • @arasanjuan9618
    @arasanjuan9618 5 лет назад

    By the way i liiiive for the new format of your editing ❣️

  • @tulip135
    @tulip135 5 лет назад

    Hey I just wanted to point out that I really love how much your editing improved like as if your videos weren’t already so good now they’re literally so entertaining :)

  • @kesharsharma1217
    @kesharsharma1217 5 лет назад

    Loved your reaction.....i am in love with the album in foolish is an amazing song probably the best song for me by twice....trick it as well....i still love feel special more than fancy....feel special holds a very deep meaning even the mv if you understand the concept......message is matter what ever tough thing or weird shit we go through there is always gonna be that special person there who would be there for us....standing along....this song is to acknowledge can be your best friend lover family anyone...even in the mv if you watch it they have been paired together...telling a story....what ever they faced till now they have put the feeling in the song...and the best thing to c how they support and love eachother....we onces go crazy with the song visual choreo....this time it was the deeper meaning to the song and what it meant.....

  • @cloudortruth8762
    @cloudortruth8762 5 лет назад +13

    Seventeen dropped 2 MVs, Ateez had a comeback and Stray Kids also had one. I would love reactions to all of them but that's asking too much. Love you and if you could post a reaction to anyone of these I would be so happy. I love Twice thanks for your reactions!

  • @lhyl3006
    @lhyl3006 5 лет назад

    I love you and TWICE so much ❤️❤️❤️

  • @CJ-83
    @CJ-83 5 лет назад +2

    Hahahaha my exact reaction to momo forehead
    Jeongyeon hair looks good, as long as not debut era hair short

  • @judeukiYT
    @judeukiYT 5 лет назад

    The song and MV is actually a very personal song for Twice, it reflects all their struggles in the past years, there are many breakdowns for the MV you can check out.

  • @kristinejewellapus1408
    @kristinejewellapus1408 5 лет назад

    Based on my opinion i think they feel special when they meet each other. 😊 even the hard time each member help each other. And all of them are feel special bcoz of once support and love too.

  • @ahmadromadon26
    @ahmadromadon26 5 лет назад +1

    Yes finally you react my ultimate favorite girlgroup.. They are so freakin amazing. Btw my bias is jihyo shes so beautiful with her gummy smile:))

  • @YoshiPotter88
    @YoshiPotter88 4 года назад +2

    At 5:14 there's a Saida moment and at 5:46 there's a Michaeng moment! 🤣😄

  • @joelc.w7450
    @joelc.w7450 5 лет назад +6

    Wow, Momo's part is really crazy ... AAaaa

  • @jaydee6648
    @jaydee6648 5 лет назад +1

    Waiting for this ❤️🔥

  • @hyunggukang291
    @hyunggukang291 5 лет назад

    Omg “beep beep” that was so cute 😍

  • @tripc25
    @tripc25 5 лет назад

    Okay but like you are the cutest 💜😂

  • @trwixz5936
    @trwixz5936 5 лет назад +68

    I know, Jeongyeon always have the ugly outfits :(

  • @xerilaun
    @xerilaun 5 лет назад

    Same!! I literally do the dance to the chorus of Fancy out of no where multiple times throughout the day.. its insane. I did the same thing with Ddu Ddu Ddu Ddu

  • @Cmonmanny
    @Cmonmanny 5 лет назад

    You make me feel special when you upload 😩😭😭😭😭.

  • @purpleu_chris
    @purpleu_chris 5 лет назад

    They all find there way to each other and it makes them feel special lol

  • @muhannadbazzo6848
    @muhannadbazzo6848 5 лет назад +3

    that moment 5:19 ... "is SANA a drug dealer or something" LOOOOOOL

  • @ameliaissa785
    @ameliaissa785 5 лет назад


  • @jasmine-cy6fq
    @jasmine-cy6fq 5 лет назад

    journaling content would be incredible💓💓

  • @DelightFools
    @DelightFools 5 лет назад +5

    where's that soundboard from during that Momo edit? It sounds so familiar to me, like a fighting game character or something

    • @andushid8256
      @andushid8256 5 лет назад

      Those screams reminded me of Call Of Duty's zombies ahahaha

  • @Alliabaeza
    @Alliabaeza 5 лет назад

    HI! I love your channel and your reaction, and i hope everyone watch your videos. I'm mexican y and understand english, so i want traduce your videos. I love you!!!! You're so pretty

  • @ecmelneva23
    @ecmelneva23 5 лет назад


  • @jeniqua5595
    @jeniqua5595 5 лет назад


  • @kwonhoshi_15
    @kwonhoshi_15 5 лет назад +12

    Check out "Fear" by Seventeen

  • @Catzy96
    @Catzy96 5 лет назад

    i really love how fast you talk... how can you even manage that hahahaha

  • @thetaerdin
    @thetaerdin 5 лет назад +3

    Between Fancy and this they released a couple Japanese singles. If you liked the style of Fancy I feel like you need to give Breakthrough a shot, that song is real good. Love the vids :)

  • @rivenleah3254
    @rivenleah3254 5 лет назад

    I had to pause and try and read the comments to figure out the forehead part. I was laughing so hard lol

  • @sj211
    @sj211 4 года назад

    No one:
    Danielle: Oh Momo... No... YES!

  • @tiffanyfu5356
    @tiffanyfu5356 5 лет назад

    Hi~ I enjoyed your reaction so much because:
    (2) I love TWICE & I have a "thing" with Jihyo, too~
    (3) Dancing FANCY 3 times a day is my schedule.
    Anyway, I love that you like Korea. (ps. The little card you held is Chen from EXO.)

  • @azurememory
    @azurememory 5 лет назад +2

    Danielle you gotta listen to the Album
    Would love a Album reaction tbh cause this album each song is written somewhat by one of the members.
    Also Love Foolish is the Bop x.x

  • @sweetsunset4613
    @sweetsunset4613 5 лет назад

    Omg love your make up

  • @starlightmusicfawkes
    @starlightmusicfawkes 5 лет назад

    oddly enough, the ad before this video was Feel Special MV 😗

  • @Anonymous-zc7yg
    @Anonymous-zc7yg 4 года назад +1

    10:16 Omg @Danielle Pedroza ur so funny!

  • @beaviskpoptwicejihyo4711
    @beaviskpoptwicejihyo4711 5 лет назад

    You are a doll. So pretty

  • @ihaveaninsomnia7379
    @ihaveaninsomnia7379 5 лет назад

    Again and again... The jeongyeon's outfit.... It makes her ungoodlooking..

  • @도동-g4f
    @도동-g4f 4 года назад +1

    아 진심 필스페셜은 다현랩파트가 개오짐 진짜다른파트도 물론 다 너무 좋지만❤️

  • @shaun1375
    @shaun1375 5 лет назад


  • @jamie-xd3ox
    @jamie-xd3ox 5 лет назад

    14:23 because IT IS from Miroh. Its the lyrics.

  • @L4in1998
    @L4in1998 5 лет назад

    if you don't get a MV, it's always better to watch it again with the subtitles :D

  • @Ajz2817
    @Ajz2817 5 лет назад

    MOMO FOREHEAD!!!!! And nayeon in bangs ughhhhh loveeeee!!!

  • @TheDeonJackson
    @TheDeonJackson 5 лет назад

    The Beep beep 😂😂😂

  • @anisha9683
    @anisha9683 5 лет назад +5

    EXCUSE ME I thought my phone turned off I FREAKED OUT HELLO

  • @kyoongies863
    @kyoongies863 5 лет назад +2