@@junyan4773 會說這種話,代表根本沒有在品管部門待過,更不理解廠商如何估算出產品的預期壽命。 如果元件本身的溫度高低根本不重要的話,那又何必裝上散熱片,又何必控制晶片溫度在 90 度,直接大火烤到熟不就得了。看看關於最簡單的 LED (發光二極體)壽命人家是怎麼說的: > 85°C will significantly shorten the life of your LED ... 要不要猜猜路由器的 CPU 裡面有多少個等效二極體,然後再猜猜要有多少等效二極體損壞之後,路由器才會出現異常?事實上晶片外殼溫度達到 90 度的時候,內部 PN 接合面溫度早就超過 90 度。 ***************************************** www.liteonled.com.au/buying-guide/led-life-time/led-temperature/ As mentioned the LED chip in your LED light bulb is sensitive to high temperatures such that overly high temperatures of > 85°C will significantly shorten the life of your LED bulb as well as the lumen output or brightness. For example, the lumen maintenance for a BRIDGELUX ES BXRA-W0802 with a case temperature of 55°C or 85°C is approximately 94% over 6,000 hours, whereas at a case temperature of 105°C the lumen maintenance is approximately 91% of the original brightness. This equates to a decline to 70% brightness by approximately 20,000 hours at 105°C versus approximately 40,000 hours at 85°C. At case temperatures greater than 105°C the LED will fail within a relatively short time, potentially approximately 2,000 hours.
更换2.4 wifi芯片后,需要重新安装路由器软件吗?
我需要在更換之前製作芯片引腳嗎 ?
@@junyan4773 會說這種話,代表根本沒有在品管部門待過,更不理解廠商如何估算出產品的預期壽命。
如果元件本身的溫度高低根本不重要的話,那又何必裝上散熱片,又何必控制晶片溫度在 90 度,直接大火烤到熟不就得了。看看關於最簡單的 LED (發光二極體)壽命人家是怎麼說的: > 85°C will significantly shorten the life of your LED ... 要不要猜猜路由器的 CPU 裡面有多少個等效二極體,然後再猜猜要有多少等效二極體損壞之後,路由器才會出現異常?事實上晶片外殼溫度達到 90 度的時候,內部 PN 接合面溫度早就超過 90 度。
As mentioned the LED chip in your LED light bulb is sensitive to high temperatures such that overly high temperatures of > 85°C will significantly shorten the life of your LED bulb as well as the lumen output or brightness. For example, the lumen maintenance for a BRIDGELUX ES BXRA-W0802 with a case temperature of 55°C or 85°C is approximately 94% over 6,000 hours, whereas at a case temperature of 105°C the lumen maintenance is approximately 91% of the original brightness. This equates to a decline to 70% brightness by approximately 20,000 hours at 105°C versus approximately 40,000 hours at 85°C. At case temperatures greater than 105°C the LED will fail within a relatively short time, potentially approximately 2,000 hours.
3100 更换5g芯片价格多少呢
能搞摄像头吗? 将国内大华或海康摄像头刷成国外固件
斐讯K2P B 5G和2.4G都很慢就连有线也跑不满,是什么原因呢?
有Android 平板机维修吗
@@maomaowuxian 我们这边。用的都是英特尔的,主要都是45nm的vdsl的。不过功耗真的是贼地4w以内。 散热片都木有。性能绝对感人。延迟自己局域网内3ms左右,网速普遍17mbps或者38mbps。就不用担心跑不满。
@@maomaowuxian 这个是正常的路由。不是软路由。处理器是英特尔2010年出的一款 处理器用于vdsl使用的。运营商的sky以及plus net用的都是这个。
@@maomaowuxian 用的貌似是Intel的 vdsl chipest的v系列的。。然后和英特尔的65nm的一个处理器。系统是运营商开发的那中种, 后期大约是三代产品才开始使用博通的u 还是前几代的。目前大部分才博通六代的。 一二代都是英特尔的。u貌似是单核心 200mhz的。但是具体的找不到了。在一个15年的时候拆开看过当时查的。