DON'T say these things in English!

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024

Комментарии • 337

  • @kevintsai1202
    @kevintsai1202 2 года назад +143

    1. 外表
    2. 外表
    3. 外表
    4. 外表
    5. 外表

    • @Tigerbighu
      @Tigerbighu 2 года назад +29


    • @henryy2384
      @henryy2384 2 года назад +7


    • @plasticpackaging8715
      @plasticpackaging8715 2 года назад +4


    • @xianyue7494
      @xianyue7494 2 года назад +1


    • @Port_Yukawa
      @Port_Yukawa Год назад

      @@henryy2384 我妈每天在视频电话里都在说:你怎么穿这么少?!我这儿都穿了好几件!

  • @giannishen
    @giannishen 2 года назад +69


    • @susiewooenglish
      @susiewooenglish  2 года назад +13

      謝謝你喜歡 😊

    • @giannishen
      @giannishen 2 года назад +10

      @@susiewooenglish 請不用客氣,請繼續加油,妳很優秀!
      You are most welcome, please continue to pursue your dreams, you are excellent!👍😃🙌

    • @dasing2
      @dasing2 2 года назад +1

      @@giannishen 3:29 一般初見面的陌生人,不大會跟對方說 長痘痘吧?

    • @giannishen
      @giannishen 2 года назад +2

      @@dasing2 不一定唷,要看地域,場合,雙方背景,如果有人跟我說,順便建議保養品,我會感謝他,變成朋友,如果在職場,至少這筆訂單一定成交!😃👌

    • @billshun3963
      @billshun3963 2 года назад

      All this sentence doesn’t apply to Taiwanese, different cultures.

  • @spring38012
    @spring38012 2 года назад +20

    反正不管在哪裡,中國 日本還是台灣,當面評論外表 年紀,都是很膚淺沒文化的表現。

    • @David-China_Wholesale
      @David-China_Wholesale 2 года назад +1


    • @alessiii58
      @alessiii58 2 года назад +2


  • @danielhsu7427
    @danielhsu7427 2 года назад +6

    Totally agree! As a teenager in China, I also don't like being talked about acne on my face cause that is impossible to change its situation in a short time. Especially when you have really perfect skin, this topic doesn't sound interesting and even rude

  • @musicbeginner
    @musicbeginner 2 года назад +21

    First hand experience: many years ago I went to airport pick up a friend after midnight. At airport I bumped into my daughter’s music teacher who took the same flight. I said to her “you look tired.” The teacher responded “I’m exhausted” in a weird and sort of unhappy tone. After watching your video, now I understand why.

  • @zmxn159
    @zmxn159 2 года назад +15

    有遇過第五點說cute造成誤會的情況,對方有點嚴肅地回說"I won't say it's cute",後來想想是中文裡的可愛直翻過去造成的誤會,cute在英文裡感覺有時並不那麼正面。

    • @stilllowkey
      @stilllowkey 2 года назад +3


    • @marcellabear
      @marcellabear 2 года назад +1

      如果 cute 精確地翻譯做粵語(香港粵語),會係 "得意"。而"得意"在粵語裡雖有"可愛"的意思,但跟"可愛"是有分別的,"得意"更多地會用來形容年紀很小的小朋友、寵物、玩具和小物品等。我有次到美國旅遊,有當地人用 cute 形容我當時一個造型很有趣的手袋,我相信cute 的英語用法和粵語的"得意"很相近。此外,在香港有時甚至會用"得意"來諷刺某人一些奇怪的性格或行狀態度。所以如果我聽到有人說我 "得意",我會懷疑對方是否諷刺我的。
      也許近年華人受日本語裡的 "kawai" 影響,喜歡形容別人可愛,又不知怎的將可愛直譯了成 cute。

  • @bensadventureblogger6658
    @bensadventureblogger6658 2 года назад +4

    Once susie woo explained it again regarding don't say these word in English when making friends that is necessary to keep in mind. Sometimes, when my colleagues in Hong Kong are always mind other people's appearance all the time without considering of what's offending them or what's hurting them. The old generation of parenting nurtured such minding other people's business for such bad habit. If continue, it is impossible to make friends around the world. Everyone need self esteem, right?

  • @ray9912
    @ray9912 2 года назад +5


  • @songfrank4275
    @songfrank4275 2 года назад +1

    谢谢您讲的很有道理!您还知道 water soil bu fu! 真不简单!但有例外!在医院里,我每天都会很小心地问我的病人这些问题。这些都为了病人的健康!

  • @catherineto
    @catherineto 2 года назад +1

    Yes Chinese has very caring culture. Chinese don’t do hugs and kisses to show their friendliness or care. But they use these kind of words to show that they care about you, you are precious to them.

  • @clc1801
    @clc1801 2 года назад +3


    • @clc1801
      @clc1801 2 года назад

      @@nono-pp6no 外國人學中文最好也不要跟中國人討論這些問題,不然他們可能會直接中風猝死:為什麼中國人不接受台灣是獨立國家?中國人為什麼喜歡當共產黨的奴隸?中國人為什麼喜歡翻牆跟台灣人吵架?中國人為什麼喜歡移民到其他國家,急著拿別的國家身分但是卻逼台灣人要當中國人?

    • @clc1801
      @clc1801 2 года назад

      @@nono-pp6no 中文啊,怎麼了?難道講英文的人同屬於一個國家嗎?使用拉丁字母的人同屬一個國家嗎?使用斯拉夫語言和就都是俄羅斯人嗎?基本邏輯死亡就不要在網路上推廣你那套不堪一擊的思想,像你這樣的中國人真是可憐

  • @slk753
    @slk753 2 года назад +4

    關於外表的問題, 似乎英國和日本人的喜好似乎有點相似, 比如說"你化了妝後的樣子, 好看了!" / "你的背影很好看" 那麼對方就會懷疑, 是我未化妝的樣子很差嗎? / 我前面不好看嗎? ...
    難怪, 其實談談天氣比較安全.. 哈哈...

  • @christinetung9239
    @christinetung9239 Год назад +1


  • @Super_Mario_Esq
    @Super_Mario_Esq 2 года назад

    1. How about "You look fit", or "have you been to the gym lately?" 當然,後者意在恭維對方,前者只是表達一個觀察,兩個不太一樣。
    2. How about "Rough day? You look beat."
    3. “長痘痘了” 實在想不出很好的翻譯。" ..." 嗯,也不好。
    4. 在美國,沒事不要說人的外表,young, cute, pretty, hot, thin, ... 除非很熟。
    5. 我倒是注意到另外一個有意思的現象:避免跟美國人說 “really?",有的人會覺得你在說他撒謊。不是每個人,但有些人會不高興。

  • @mahubia
    @mahubia 2 года назад +3

    總結就是跟不熟的交談不要評頭品足除非是絕對性的讚美, 就是報喜不報憂

  • @AK-in8eo
    @AK-in8eo 2 года назад +4

    Thanks Susie, love this video. I think everyone wants to be polite and not say anything that could confuse others, this video really helps ❤️

  • @edithkyt
    @edithkyt 2 года назад +2


  • @dannyml2105
    @dannyml2105 Год назад

    "Thin" is often a negative adjective and "slim" is probably a better word. Instead of you're thin, one could say "you look slim", "you're proper fit", "you're bare choong".

  • @xianyue7494
    @xianyue7494 2 года назад


  • @Chloe-are
    @Chloe-are 2 года назад +5


    • @binfenj
      @binfenj 2 года назад


  • @luneetoile8425
    @luneetoile8425 2 года назад +10

    It's good to know the culture difference, cuz those phrases are often used in Chinese.

  • @teawithtams6596
    @teawithtams6596 2 года назад +2

    I once had a colleague that told me I look tired, and I replied: nope, not tired. Just not wearing any makeup today.
    It was a very awkward conversation.

  • @wen-hunghsu3516
    @wen-hunghsu3516 2 года назад

    1. “ you are fit” or “you are slim”
    5. “ look pretty” “that’s sweet of you”

  • @jasonding4343
    @jasonding4343 Год назад

    Great video, Susie! Found your videos recently. You have great experience. More importantly, you have the courage to go out try/experience new things, different things. I admire you!

  • @favorlove
    @favorlove 11 месяцев назад


  • @Yourmsunshine
    @Yourmsunshine 2 года назад +4

    我想分享几个我遇到的比较深刻的文化冲突例子,欢迎大家指正让我更了解英国文化。1. 我朋友有一次忘记带伞,想要给外籍男友打电话帮忙送伞,但是男友拒绝因为认为这是她自己的行为过失,而不是他的问题。2. 我曾经和英国前男友探讨到健康问题,因为担心他的健康所以有些热心的推荐他可以和朋友见面,但是被指责在干涉他的决定。3. 和朋友去餐厅吃饭,因为我不想浪费水,所以对服务员说不用给我加水了,结果朋友和我说这是很不礼貌的(虽然我不懂为什么)。总之,我觉得英国很多时候说话做事要非常小心,因为我还不够了解这边的文化习俗,有时会不了解为什么冒犯到了别人。舒萱的这个视频真的很好,希望能有更多这样的视频,谢谢

  • @jasonlucas2328
    @jasonlucas2328 2 года назад +4

    The western culture is that we don't hurt others' feelings. So, we don't say anything related to a person precisely. It's always safe to talk about the weather. If I wanted to make friends in a new environment, I would start to talk about the weather as greetings. For example, it's a beautiful day, isn't it?

  • @vitusyu9583
    @vitusyu9583 2 года назад

    Great new hairstyle! But I think the previous 4-6 divide style looks more beautiful!

  • @johnhuang2182
    @johnhuang2182 2 года назад +2


  • @endless_noob
    @endless_noob 2 года назад +2

    it's nice to have a teacher have that patient to show us how a small change could make our words really better~Thank you~~

  • @ABC-je8yq
    @ABC-je8yq 2 года назад

    1:08 How about using "slender" ? "thin and delicate, often in a way that is attractive"

  • @barelybear5489
    @barelybear5489 2 года назад +2

    就是一句話總結,不要講(評價 評論)別人 😆

  • @lukev5332
    @lukev5332 2 года назад

    How about using the word slim instead of thin when I want to express the meaning of 瘦了 in Chinese?

  • @chengdaniel1349
    @chengdaniel1349 2 года назад

    Thank you Susie. Could you offer a more gentleman version of what’s not used?

  • @cindyhykwok
    @cindyhykwok 2 года назад

    Thank you for sharing, Susie!

  • @foodparadise5792
    @foodparadise5792 2 года назад

    I can imagine the equivalence of " You look tired." in Chinese is "你印堂發黑。"
    That's a guarantee to piss people off.

  • @DrakeXiang
    @DrakeXiang 2 года назад +1

    Cute is been heavily used in American TV series like Friends or TBBT, I guess this also count as one difference between UK and US?

  • @h1m1w11
    @h1m1w11 2 года назад

    Thanks Susie for sharing. It's really helpful.

  • @tangkei35
    @tangkei35 2 года назад

    Love your tutorial : ) Susie 加油 !

  • @captainwu
    @captainwu 2 года назад


  • @schen6808
    @schen6808 2 года назад +1


  • @seikokan3
    @seikokan3 2 года назад

    Very edifying! Thanks a lot for the sharing.

  • @pov1674
    @pov1674 2 года назад

    Nice video to give an insight into the language cultural differences!

  • @HcDaN
    @HcDaN 2 года назад +1

    複習一遍, 感謝您舒萱!

  • @tomlilee
    @tomlilee 2 года назад +1

    Thank you Susie, you really help to tell the cultural differences between Chinese and British. It avoids me to say something offending which I don't tend to.

  • @luchoy6517
    @luchoy6517 2 года назад +2


  • @ybaldwin4448
    @ybaldwin4448 2 года назад

    Thank you for sharing this information, it's very helpful x 😊

  • @george6210
    @george6210 2 года назад +6

    These are really easy mistakes to make for a Chinese. Thank you!

  • @张淑佳-g9u
    @张淑佳-g9u 2 года назад


  • @noswingforpennylane9401
    @noswingforpennylane9401 2 года назад

    About the first thing, what about" You're slim" to lady? Is it ok?

  • @廖偉正-u2s
    @廖偉正-u2s 2 года назад

    Thanks, Susie! What is the proper way to say If I noticed a lady hairstyle difference comparing to herself yesterday?

  • @andrewchong616
    @andrewchong616 2 года назад

    Sounds like it is only applicable to British English. I did hear people say that in American English.

  • @vkw2304
    @vkw2304 2 года назад +4

    Being a clinician myself, sometimes I do need to tell patients that their weight is part of the problem. However I always find it difficult to communicate this because of how how sensitive this topic could be to people with high BMI.

    • @Lottie100
      @Lottie100 2 года назад

      It's fine because you are a clinician trying to help your patients.

  • @laurencelee663
    @laurencelee663 2 года назад

    Thank you ! Very useful advice

  • @ramseyjiang1887
    @ramseyjiang1887 2 года назад

    Hey, can you please talk something about dog puppies? Thank you

  • @blancespresso
    @blancespresso 2 года назад

    Susie, 想問一下,經常我們會對別人說加油,那英文應要怎麼表達?

    • @barelybear5489
      @barelybear5489 2 года назад

      給一箱汽油的錢 💰 好過你說加油 🤣

    • @blancespresso
      @blancespresso 2 года назад

      @@barelybear5489 這應該不是那意思,我意思是指 encourage/motivate someone 的表達

  • @jimmycheung3143
    @jimmycheung3143 2 года назад

    Great English, thank you so much Susie

  • @michaelkwan9213
    @michaelkwan9213 2 года назад

    Great video. I have known something should be avoided in conversation. Also good video to practice listening as speaks in normal speed.

  • @paulma7681
    @paulma7681 2 года назад

    You look stunning. Oh my gosh, I have been learning American English, though I can’t help myself watching your videos.

  • @moriikarashi1509
    @moriikarashi1509 2 года назад

    Miss Woo
    Thank you so much for sharing, I love and want to learn more about. I recently have trouble to communicate with an American girl in workplace. Would you mind to talk more about the circumstances of American if you know?
    Thank you !

  • @willwill1738
    @willwill1738 2 года назад

    Thanks reminding culture difference; your mandarin sounds great.

  • @shihuaxing
    @shihuaxing 2 года назад

    1. you are thin->you look great. look tired->how are you doing? have got a spot->you are great look younger ->you are great look cute->you are great

  • @kehan2679
    @kehan2679 2 года назад

    Very helpful. Thank you!

  • @cokelighteffect
    @cokelighteffect 2 года назад +3

    Oh thanks so much for sharing this one! Now it dawns on me that I probably shouldn't have said “you look tired” to my female boss (who's a Brit) the other day. I genuinely thought I was showing her some compassion - but now I know she was probably not very happy to hear that. Oops..
    I also once said to an American guy (a lot younger than me but still an adult) that he was cute (meaning 很可愛,很搞笑), but he looked confused and asked if I meant that he was hot or something 🤣 Haha how embarrassing! Susie, please keep sharing more of these videos based on your unique understanding of both cultures - these will definitely help a lot of people.

  • @juminchenqigong
    @juminchenqigong Год назад

    Danke dir für deine tollen Videos.

  • @divinerchan
    @divinerchan 2 года назад

    thanks for your teaching

  • @ianh0125
    @ianh0125 3 месяца назад +1

  • @Woodland26
    @Woodland26 2 года назад

    1. When I visited my mum with my children she still tactlessly said "you look fat" - which is factually true but lack compassion, especially for someone who give the spare time just to keep the family going and no "me time" for self; 2. My high school headmaster (Australian) in our 10 year post graduation reunion greeted us saying "you look prosperous" which is still meaning us gain weight and double chin etc in an indirect way; 3. My own foot in mouth event was asking a woman "how many weeks are you pregnant" when she was not, just fat !!

  • @musiclover3470
    @musiclover3470 2 года назад

    You're thin 讓我想起來在 1970 年代的中國,那個時候我還是小孩子,女性的大人們見面都說:“哎呀,你胖了 ” 作爲讓對方開心的恭維話 😀

  • @sclo2172
    @sclo2172 2 года назад

    Thanks for pointing out the cultural differences.

  • @vtuberrenidecula_official7159
    @vtuberrenidecula_official7159 2 года назад

    You did a pretty nice speech for the cultural difference. I admire that, thank you.

  • @sherlok48
    @sherlok48 2 года назад +1

    Wht about 'you're slim'?

  • @subscriptionletterbin5956
    @subscriptionletterbin5956 2 года назад

    Susie请问您 水土不服 英文怎样讲呢?谢谢。

  • @binfenj
    @binfenj 2 года назад

    Cute 不能说,那adorable呢?是不是算是个正面的词汇?

  • @umbertocalvini7429
    @umbertocalvini7429 2 года назад +1

    My favorite sayings are "You can afford to miss a meal or two!" & " You had one too many donut!" 🤣

  • @xhq9863
    @xhq9863 2 года назад +6


    • @xcchgois8825
      @xcchgois8825 2 года назад


    • @無糖豆漿-b2v
      @無糖豆漿-b2v 2 года назад +1


    • @ALVIN-mv1he
      @ALVIN-mv1he Год назад +2


    • @winniethemao3429
      @winniethemao3429 Год назад


  • @rodneyliu420
    @rodneyliu420 2 года назад

    thank you for sharing.

  • @gzhang207
    @gzhang207 2 года назад

    'thin' implies undernourishment, so it does not carry negative meaning.
    in general picking up one's defects is a social taboo.

  • @franwong32
    @franwong32 2 года назад

    Thanks for sharing. You look pretty😉

  • @grantguy8933
    @grantguy8933 2 года назад +1

    This is not only language but more about behavior education.

  • @jillerik2058
    @jillerik2058 2 года назад

    apart from the meaning of patronise u mentioned ( act superior towards someone), is there any meaning like ( to act as patron... or to be a frequent customer of...) thanks.

  • @justinlin5454
    @justinlin5454 2 года назад

    Could you please rank the university of Durham, Edinburg, Manchester, and St. Andrew? Since I got offer from above school, it’s hard for me to choose from,thank you.

    • @fmchannel6208
      @fmchannel6208 2 года назад

      Oh, you're showiness.
      Please Google World University Rankings by Subject 2021 and so forth to help you hone your research skills

  • @dr.wanpharmd2389
    @dr.wanpharmd2389 2 года назад +1

    Simply say you look healthy rather than you are thin would avoid many awkward situations.

  • @MiegySummerChang
    @MiegySummerChang 2 года назад +1

    I have a question about the word 'cute'. I understand that some of the people don't want to be cute. But in Western culture, when we discuss the 'cute' guys sometimes behind their back as girls who show interests in the boys, isn't it kind of complement to the person?

    • @vkw2304
      @vkw2304 2 года назад +1

      My thoughts the same. I live in Australia. In my teenage years, I heard this word being used all the time to refer to good looking guys girls were having a crush on.

  • @jenuehue
    @jenuehue 2 года назад

    Nosey is common in Taiwan culture.
    It's like old person's way or west paparazzi...People just perfectly copy it.

  • @CanDoSo_org
    @CanDoSo_org 2 года назад

    I did say "you look tired" to someone before. Thanks for your tips.

  • @richardchen4677
    @richardchen4677 2 года назад

    我以為是要講一些文法的錯誤,例如You are thin ,我還以為是不行直接這樣翻譯,會變得 你很輕薄,結果整個影片是在講「英國人的客套程度就跟一年一度的年夜飯遇到的長輩講話一樣的」 😂

  • @PONPON168abc
    @PONPON168abc 2 года назад

    I like your new haircut!
    So adorable!

  • @myburwood
    @myburwood 2 года назад


    • @myburwood
      @myburwood 2 года назад

      @@nono-pp6no 笑虧! 哈哈哈哈哈

  • @心怀希望
    @心怀希望 2 года назад


  • @Christian-nf1df
    @Christian-nf1df Год назад

    Could you say “you look slim” then? Thank you :-)

  • @chrisho3595
    @chrisho3595 2 года назад

    Can I say you're slim/slimmer instead of thin?

  • @林家豪-j9v
    @林家豪-j9v 2 года назад

    Can I say " you are fit " this sentence to praise someone's body is good?

  • @peachtan9534
    @peachtan9534 2 года назад

    In the uk you have to say everything positive🤓even the weather very bad very heavy rain,u still have to say lovely weather

  • @fishwisperer6367
    @fishwisperer6367 2 года назад

    Although boys do not want to be called cute, when girls talk about a good looking boy, they sometimes say ' He is cute' - meaning she has a felling for him. Am I right?

  • @allenfu0210
    @allenfu0210 2 года назад +2

    Has anyone also learned American pronunciation in school, but then fell in love with British pronunciation after getting to it, then switched to British pronunciation?

    • @HurryWatson
      @HurryWatson 2 года назад +2


    • @allenfu0210
      @allenfu0210 2 года назад +1

      @@HurryWatson Cool

    • @talkdiary
      @talkdiary 2 года назад


  • @Murderdrone74n_uzi
    @Murderdrone74n_uzi 2 года назад +2

    Lovely is the word you can use in so many occasions.

  • @wilsonmanch6773
    @wilsonmanch6773 2 года назад

    How about saying you’re fatter! LoL. This is so funny.

  • @HillWuzhongxi
    @HillWuzhongxi 2 года назад

    I like your channel. You look pretty and teach me many England culture.

  • @Inflation_Theory
    @Inflation_Theory 2 года назад +1
