I sling bag carry edc and I am about to buy one of your bags, but I have to say the market you aimed for here just isn’t quite right. I only carry sling bag informally, because if it’s a casual outfit accessory, iwb if it’s formal. Honestly if I saw a guy in the bar with a sling bag and a collared shirt I’d think drugs or some other weird thing. For me at least because I am very thin the selling point is being able to carry something larger then a p365 without looking like your appendix is pregnant with an appendix. Because of the sling bag I can carry at a beach, on a hike or anywhere else where a iwb belt isn’t possible. I can carry a xmacro with a light and dot and extra mag with ease and with almost no one being the wiser. Something I’d love to see is an iwb attachment so you can cater to your formal audience and it would make the bag much more modular and could be a one stop shop for people needing holsters. I love what you guys are doing and cant wait to buy one.
As always, it looks great! You guys are making some niiiiice ones! 🙌🔥🙌
Thank you very much 👍
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I sling bag carry edc and I am about to buy one of your bags, but I have to say the market you aimed for here just isn’t quite right.
I only carry sling bag informally, because if it’s a casual outfit accessory, iwb if it’s formal.
Honestly if I saw a guy in the bar with a sling bag and a collared shirt I’d think drugs or some other weird thing.
For me at least because I am very thin the selling point is being able to carry something larger then a p365 without looking like your appendix is pregnant with an appendix.
Because of the sling bag I can carry at a beach, on a hike or anywhere else where a iwb belt isn’t possible. I can carry a xmacro with a light and dot and extra mag with ease and with almost no one being the wiser.
Something I’d love to see is an iwb attachment so you can cater to your formal audience and it would make the bag much more modular and could be a one stop shop for people needing holsters.
I love what you guys are doing and cant wait to buy one.