Thats a load of crap, all you need to do is listen to the beats in the bar. Any song can be matched with any other song. It may not sound pretty but it will still work. Dont post stupid comments!!
Thats a load of crap, all you need to do ios listen to the beats in the bar. Any sony can be matched with any other song. It may not sound pretty but it will still work. Dont post stupid comments!!
talk about what u had for lunch, lol
nice vids dudes, thanks!
ive been using sl for like 6 months now and im still learning stuff from this vids!
Dude is a DJ Rockstar. No time for hair
this is such a great program
nice tutorial!!tnx!!
So does that mean that it transfers music from your computer to the vinyl? :D (please answer)
I plugged in my ipod, but it does not show up in serato. What should i do? Is there anything in the Serato settings or wat ever i should change?
samething i said every1 just wanna be alike and follow each other
@Stryker909 how much do u have to pay for serato?
@Joeballz85 Do you think he lost it in a bar fight?
Does anybody have this song in this vid. OpenSouls Digg Deep. I tried everywere to find it.
can some one tell me how can i remove a specific song from my serato library??pliz!
what song is thiss??
im still not sure on how u can just plug an ipod in and a crate pops up?....can someone tell me what to do!?
im sorry if this offends anyone.. but. i dont understand the differents b/w this and VDJ? can someone help? cuz i dont have enough money for serato.
he look like morrissey
Thats a load of crap, all you need to do is listen to the beats in the bar. Any song can be matched with any other song. It may not sound pretty but it will still work. Dont post stupid comments!!
dude... comb your hair.... you look like you haven't showered in a few.. thanks for the vid ... tho... very helpful.
Thats a load of crap, all you need to do ios listen to the beats in the bar. Any sony can be matched with any other song. It may not sound pretty but it will still work. Dont post stupid comments!!
...not sure if serious...
talk aout what u had for lunch, rofl
this guy missing teeth?
learn to beat match then you dont need bpm :)