Lexus GX470 Owner Spends $24K to Restore It! This is THE Cleanest One You'll Ever See!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @gordonnelson430
    @gordonnelson430 Год назад +42

    I've been driving a 2004 silver GX470 for 18.5 years and love it. It has 261000 miles and I'll never part with it

    • @jackwright3098
      @jackwright3098 5 месяцев назад +1

      I’m going to go look at one for sale tomorrow. 181k miles.

    • @markc7889
      @markc7889 2 месяца назад +1

      My GX470 has almost 262 k miles! I love it!

  • @davidjmackillop6335
    @davidjmackillop6335 2 года назад +150

    I owned a gx470 at one point. It was my favorite car that I have ever owned. When I got it was abused and in pretty rough condition and had over 200k miles. It never had any problems and never burned oil. It was so comfortable and so good off road. The only reason got rid of it was because I crashed it. I hit some ice on the highway and flew off the road backwards going 80 mph. Walked off perfectly fine. Totally saved my life. Hands down one of the best cars you can buy.

    • @Spartansrule118
      @Spartansrule118 2 года назад +1

      Would you ever buy another one?

    • @stevenweiss2148
      @stevenweiss2148 2 года назад +11

      buy a set of dedicated snow tires next time you are inclined to overestimate your vehicle and driving skills

    • @juchou2983
      @juchou2983 Год назад +8

      Why were you going 80mph in icy roads?!?! You could kill someone with that kind of stupidity..

  • @southtxgx835
    @southtxgx835 2 года назад +224

    Bought a GX460 2 years ago and I’ve never regretted it. Many people don’t realize their capabilities and 99% of the used ones were owned by older people and soccer moms so they likely weren’t abused.

    • @Bigsackjc
      @Bigsackjc 2 года назад +20

      Wish this was still true, the word is out

    • @zhila5958
      @zhila5958 2 года назад +3

      GX 460 is a car that makes total sense to purchase. they’re amazing cars

    • @alabamafbfan1985
      @alabamafbfan1985 2 года назад +6

      My dad put 210,000 miles on his 2015 460 before trading it in and getting a new one. Only did oil changes(and he’s not good about doing them on time), brakes, tires and I think a battery. They are great cars

    • @chrismcgimsey9507
      @chrismcgimsey9507 2 года назад +22

      I completely agree that most are soccer moms. Let me give you a pro tip when shopping for a used GX. Go to the NAV system and look at the home address and last 10 destinations. I did when evaluating two GX460s at a dealership. The home address was a mansion in Princeton NJ and the last 10 destinations were the mall, Whole Foods, Trader Joes, etc. etc. You know which one I bought!

    • @alabamafbfan1985
      @alabamafbfan1985 2 года назад +1

      @@chrismcgimsey9507 I got mine from a soccer mom after they leased it to. I saw several dozen like that when shopping for mine last year

  • @rdhawke
    @rdhawke 2 года назад +53

    That's waaaay less expensive than a brand new one! Kudos to that very smart gentleman. The car looks great.

  • @jlkhawaii8542
    @jlkhawaii8542 2 года назад +57

    Smart owner, hired a perfectionist mechanic, YOU. Beautiful job!!!
    Yes, it was worth the restoration over buying a brand new truck.

  • @Semiam1
    @Semiam1 2 года назад +31

    I own a 2007 GX 470 and have to say its the best vehicle I have every owned. Tip of the cap to this owner for taking good care of this legendary vehicle

  • @davidelizabeth4933
    @davidelizabeth4933 2 года назад +26

    We give the owner a round of applause! 👏👏👏

  • @frankponte4031
    @frankponte4031 2 года назад +18

    I own an 08 GX470 purchased from an airline pilot in Albuquerque, NM. Bought it two years ago with 124K miles. Zero rust, 5K mile oil changes from day one. All prescribed services done at the Lexus dealer. Clean Carfax. I love the vehicle. On my end I've replaced the rear air springs, front struts, front & rear calipers, brake pads and rotors. Also replaced the alternator, idlers, tensioner and serpentine belt. Have also flushed the cooling system, brake fluid, PS fluid and transmission fluid. Drained and refilled the front & rear differentials and transfer case. The vehicle runs & looks like new. They don't make them like this anymore.

    • @Spartansrule118
      @Spartansrule118 2 года назад +1

      You must’ve spent like $5000 on your end

    • @frankponte4031
      @frankponte4031 2 года назад +2

      @@Spartansrule118 very close to that
      $&& No breakdowns. Just routine and periodic maintenace. But now it’s done and I only need to keep it clean and enjoy it.

  • @mjl.9-19
    @mjl.9-19 2 года назад +39

    LOVE seeing these kinds of videos in the context of older gems. Lexus & Toyota is at the top of the category.

  • @NomenClature-o8s
    @NomenClature-o8s 10 месяцев назад +4

    I totally agree with him. I have a 1999 4Runner Limited with 513,000 miles. Restoration has begun.

  • @Patton0911
    @Patton0911 2 года назад +61

    I’m totally jelly!!!! I have a 2004 and am slowly getting her repaired and parts replaced. I’m not wealthy tho, so it’s slow going. Mine has 189k. I would definitely spend that much to restore mine!!😍✌🏻🥰

    • @Saavere5000
      @Saavere5000 2 года назад +3

      Aye! I'm in THE exact same boat! Grey 04 wit bout 194000... she needs all the essentials adressed.addressed.. the only good thing is I'm a bit of a shade tree mech so I can handle alot of the work right down to the timing belt so I'm super pump together it done!

    • @Patton0911
      @Patton0911 2 года назад +3

      @@Saavere5000 I wish I had the aptitude to work on mine! Im taking her in this morning to have the parking brake replaced and spark plugs replaced. Next will be the shocks. ✌🏻

    • @Saavere5000
      @Saavere5000 2 года назад +2

      In these days and times being frugal is the new black lol... I figure I have a vehicle that can outlast any new car I could get... with all the basics I need in a truck! I'd love to help mechanically for its a passion of mine to save money and tinker with cars!... enjoy your GX wish you many miles to come.... im planning a cross country trip in mines as soon as its mechanically sound enough.... 500000 miles is the goal for my 'Grey Goat'!! Hope to see you and yours at the same mile marker!

    • @Indiaking123-e9l
      @Indiaking123-e9l 2 года назад

      @conartist j I have 2005 with 129k ❤️

  • @xxgg
    @xxgg 2 года назад +26

    Most of us can only dream of having someone like him live near by.

  • @deepcow
    @deepcow 2 года назад +14

    That is a beautiful truck, the front end looks so much better than the new ones.

    • @jayjaynella4539
      @jayjaynella4539 2 года назад +1

      Not in your face look at me type of appearance.

  • @awolryan
    @awolryan 2 года назад +18

    Have the exact same ‘06 GX470 with 208k miles on it. Would love to see more GX and legendary 2Uz-FE engine technical reviews. Keep it up, AMD!

    • @jheighten7568
      @jheighten7568 2 года назад

      You haven’t had any problems with your 2006 I hear that is the model with the most problems I know someone that is selling one right now I had a good price and I was wondering could you please tell me

    • @awolryan
      @awolryan 2 года назад

      @@jheighten7568 I’ve only owned mine for about 15k miles, but yes, it’s been rock solid. The first and orig owner had everything done at Lexus and I’ve done only cosmetic changes so far

  • @daved7024
    @daved7024 2 года назад +7

    Ya just can't beat Toyota QUALITY 😊👍

  • @LoganJohnsonWA
    @LoganJohnsonWA 2 года назад +214

    I can see how this was a calculated decision. Someone who buys a quality products and is prepared to protect that investment.
    The owner is probably financially savvy and shelling out 24g vs paying cash or credit on a 60-90g new vehicle does make sense.

    • @sunnydlight2375
      @sunnydlight2375 2 года назад

      The average american does NOT understand this concept. They are perfectly willing to hoard on Debt and simply live "month to month".

    • @ranjanthomas5982
      @ranjanthomas5982 2 года назад +29

      I think it’s very likely that he’s a multimillionaire. That truck has been a part of his success and he’s obviously attached to it. Amazing restoration!

    • @christopherdeguzman1137
      @christopherdeguzman1137 2 года назад +15

      @@ranjanthomas5982 you don’t have to be a multimillionaire to fully restore a car. I fully restored better than stock 94’ rx7 and spent well over $30k on motor rebuild, interior, and exterior and it is way better than getting it new stock. I do also own a 08’ Lexus GX 470 and I’m not even close of being a millionaire.

    • @LoganJohnsonWA
      @LoganJohnsonWA 2 года назад +4

      @@christopherdeguzman1137 sounds like you have gone well for yourself. Hard work pays off.

    • @stendecstretcher5678
      @stendecstretcher5678 2 года назад +2

      @@christopherdeguzman1137 I agree. I have a 98 Corolla Liftback in the same condition as the Lexus although only done 90000ks. Looked after it from day one. Never been abused. It has a manual gearbox. service it myself and get my local Toyota dealer to do the stuff I cant do. I wont part with it. oh by the way the weather here in QLD Australia ensures it is rust free.

  • @frankhall8698
    @frankhall8698 2 года назад +14

    This is an absolutely beautiful GX. Have you posted the actual complete list of improvements/mods? It would be interesting to see.

  • @jevi134
    @jevi134 2 года назад +6

    Holy sh11111t that engine sound that I wasn't expecting, I need one

  • @TheAthavanleon
    @TheAthavanleon 2 года назад +11

    I love the Prado's Well done to this owner - We have a O7 model here and it is in its best and it has 800K on the clock.... Love this car...

  • @AZRubicon1
    @AZRubicon1 2 года назад +1

    I keep trying to post about mine but they don't stick. I have a 2004 GX470. Just turned 150k doing most work myself to switch out the basics. Best truck I have ever owned and I have a '14 4Runner! Ride is smooth. As someone said below, the integrated HVAC controls make it difficult to switch out the radio, that is the only issue I have. This channel has helped me do 90% of the work! Love it!

  • @BaconCruiser
    @BaconCruiser 2 года назад +3

    I bought a 2020 Landcruiser and I’m still having a hard time saying goodbye to my 2008 GX470. It’s just that good of a truck.

  • @victortrujillo2591
    @victortrujillo2591 2 года назад +2

    Excellent upgrade ! Have a 2008 Lexus GX470 with 135,000 miles and have done some preventative maintenance!! Bought it about 7 1/2 years ago with 30,000 miles !

  • @iheartgs400
    @iheartgs400 2 года назад +2

    I bought my 03 GX470 for 4K with branded/title have spend around 3.5-4K so far in maintenance, fixing interior and exterior have zero regrets so far.

  • @patgurney3133
    @patgurney3133 2 года назад +5

    I never thought about tying up the spare tire chain. Thanks for the tip. I have had 4runners since 2003 and did not realize how much noise the chain made on rough/off road conditions until I tied it up after watching the video.

  • @Euclid797
    @Euclid797 2 года назад +1

    GX470 and LX470 owner here, great video please update us in 5 years…

  • @sa8175-x2g
    @sa8175-x2g 2 года назад +1

    Bought my 2006 GX470 with 176000 miles, In love with it, I wish I lived in your state AMD to share the passion and look for advises 😊

  • @efman2k3
    @efman2k3 2 года назад +9

    Great vehicle, great video and a Great decision by the owner to prolong the longevity of his GX470.

  • @watchfan6180
    @watchfan6180 2 года назад +7

    You and Scotty are legendary

  • @MrRitchiecraig
    @MrRitchiecraig Год назад +1

    I am at 232K without any issues on my 2005. I am glad I don't have $24K in mine but truly, it is still less expensive than a new one and will give years of service.

  • @BigBerk765
    @BigBerk765 Год назад

    I have a 2004 Honda Pilot EXL that I plan on doing the exact same thing to myself. I love my Pilot. I’ve owned it since 2015 and I’ve never had a single problem with it during my ownership of it. Fantastically reliable SUV. It’s got some slight fender bender damage on the front end but nothing a body shop can’t fix. No damage on the frame, thankfully. Just the outside panels need replacing. This is inspiring me to get my own reliable daily driver restored. Excellent stuff.

  • @Recovering_Californian
    @Recovering_Californian 2 года назад +1

    I own a GX470. Love love love this car. Waaaaay better than a 460. Fortunately got mine before the prices went bananas.

  • @angellmarrero8326
    @angellmarrero8326 11 месяцев назад

    I just bought one a week ago, already getting it ready for overlanding. Its amazing

  • @Asian_Connection
    @Asian_Connection Год назад

    I think having you doing the JOB is worth every penny.

  • @geyser3445
    @geyser3445 2 года назад +5

    Much nicer looking that a new car. Money well spent.

  • @1000PerCentHuman
    @1000PerCentHuman 8 месяцев назад

    I'm a proud owner of an '08 GX with 244k miles and we love it! We do take advantage of it's offroad capabilities on our family trips. I used to be an Audi fan, have had 6 various models, and the minute I turned to this Lexus, I cannot turn back. Definitely the best purchase I've made of the 18 cars I've owned in my lifetime.

  • @jameskocks4734
    @jameskocks4734 2 года назад +5

    Great video as always. im a proud owner of a V8 powered 4runner. update: now im shopping and learning all about one of these. im going to sell my 4runner for one of these.

    • @jpm1544
      @jpm1544 2 года назад +2

      4th Gen ❤️

  • @michaelpearce6284
    @michaelpearce6284 2 года назад

    I just picked up my 2nd GX470. I have one built for overlanding and I love it so much I bought another to drive as a daily.

  • @JJustinXu
    @JJustinXu 2 года назад +5

    Congrats on 300,000 subscribers!! Also, love the GX!

  • @mattfrisbie9035
    @mattfrisbie9035 Год назад

    I'm eventually getting my mom's 2006 GX 470. She is meticulous in her cleaning and mechanical up-keep. It has maybe 170K miles on it. I thought it was the best looking GX 470 of that year on earth. I was so very wrong. Stunning!

  • @chiefwahoo6223
    @chiefwahoo6223 2 года назад +3

    24k worth it that owner is a car care nut. love the channel AMD

  • @btrdangerdan2010
    @btrdangerdan2010 2 года назад +9

    The relentless pursuit of perfection even applies to the owner

  • @Jantonvid
    @Jantonvid 2 года назад +2

    I like the way it looks without the running boards.

  • @khuloodhussein5635
    @khuloodhussein5635 2 года назад +5

    This video is one of the most successful videos, I like it! and congratulations habibe you reached 300k so proud of you!

  • @MrHpraja1
    @MrHpraja1 2 года назад +1

    Bought mine 5 years ago. Absolutely love it. Vehicles they have today are ridiculously expensive. Better off going this route. It will outlast the 60K-90k vehicle. I plan on giving mine to to my kids in about 6 years

    • @MrHpraja1
      @MrHpraja1 2 года назад

      I noticed you are in the Chicagland area. Do you have a shop or can you recommend one or someone? I'd like to have a knowledgeable person that I can go to that knows everything about these trucks. I plan on keeping a long time

  • @bradleyniven7942
    @bradleyniven7942 Год назад

    I just noticed the black Prado belt moldings after watching this a second time. Such a great truck

  • @bobcoats2708
    @bobcoats2708 2 года назад +8

    This makes sense to me. The guy loves the truck, and he couldn’t replace it new without spending more than twice what he has in it. He’s got a new truck in most respects and he’s still money ahead so he can afford to put more into it later, if necessary.
    And the best part? No spindle grill! 😂

  • @p6102zrfxe
    @p6102zrfxe 2 года назад +2

    Beautiful timeless truck. Thank you AMD.

  • @lawrenceralph7481
    @lawrenceralph7481 2 года назад

    This reinforces my observation that longevity is more about the owner than the vehicle.

  • @Bwh-rm3py
    @Bwh-rm3py 2 года назад

    I bought an 04 with 40k miles, Love it!

  • @paulstrangers2943
    @paulstrangers2943 Месяц назад

    You've got to be a Car Nut to do stuff like that.
    I'm in the process of buying a 2007 as a project because it needs some work but the body is in very good shape, not too concern about the Manifold Gasket although I think it is bad it'll keep me occupied.

  • @sunxishan
    @sunxishan 2 года назад +1

    This really inspires me getting perfect for my LX470

  • @kenalfred7242
    @kenalfred7242 Год назад

    Thank you. I am in the search for one myself and to the owner I applaud him, i am doing the same thing to my 254xxx mile 2003 Lexus IS300 ( EVERYTHING) The engine will be going through belts, coils, plugs, cam gear, belts , water pump, thermostat hoses you name it. Again Thank you.

  • @Ivandrago89
    @Ivandrago89 2 года назад

    Ahmad you're like David Puddy from Seinfeld. The best mechanic.... THE BEST

  • @bwest-yq3uc
    @bwest-yq3uc 2 года назад +2

    This owner loves his vehicle so much, expense to keep it running was not a factor. Glad he has a vehicle that gives him joy to own and drive. A very good vehicle and another great video. Thanks.

  • @serlaws
    @serlaws 2 года назад +7

    This person most likely has the financial means to buy a new GX460 but decided to stick with what he has. Some of the things he did was overkill but he's committed to keeping it another 200K miles. I was somewhat similar to this owner. I replaced out parts just for the hell of replacing them but I can do most of the work myself. I realized obsessing over and getting bent out of shape for every little thing can be tiresome. There are much more important thing in life to focus on.

  • @Cartalksdhaka
    @Cartalksdhaka 2 года назад

    Respect to the owner. Salute.

  • @donswier
    @donswier 2 года назад

    2007 4runner V6 2wd Limited at 200k.
    Convinced after AMD's video and today's spring waxing to keep it another 5 years.
    West Coast rust-free, wreck-free, 5k oil intervaled, garaged every night, and now seat jackers fixed the poor seating position. The poor 20mpg is tough to take, but trivial next to $$$ for a replacement and the higher insurance & tax bill.
    Thanks AMD, and may God Bless You too👍

  • @moloono1
    @moloono1 2 года назад +7

    My wife and I bought a used, one-owner, 2017 GX 460 last year at such a great price. The dealership must have messed up because the price was a no brainer. We LOVE this truck, even more than the RX450h we have, which has more tech and amenities. The GX is just so comfortable, holds all our stuff, and is dead reliable. I’m never selling this truck and will probably keep it in the best shape I can like the owner in this video.

    • @ruthnoya8424
      @ruthnoya8424 2 года назад +3

      Dealerships don't mess up pricing...dig deep into its history.

    • @moloono1
      @moloono1 2 года назад +1

      @@ruthnoya8424 Funny thing is that I did, with the Lexus app and my local mechanic. There were some dealership visits for a noise when you turn off the engine, but that’s just the extra suction to exhaust to burn off the fumes.

    • @GXMAN16
      @GXMAN16 2 года назад +1

      @@moloono1 Hahaha that's the secondary air pump, the noise is present in most Toyota truck engines, Tacoma 2nd gen and current has it, of course the 4Runner has it. Its normal and endearing to me now. The filter there is made of foam and when it dries up it can crack and get sucked into the air pump, so there is a very simple modification for it, just google secondary air pump filter GX460.

    • @moloono1
      @moloono1 2 года назад

      @@GXMAN16 Thanks for the heads up! I already replaced the filter based on the great discussions over on GOR GX. I had a chuckle when I read that in the history. Do you have a GX or other Toyota?

    • @GXMAN16
      @GXMAN16 2 года назад +1

      @@moloono1 Yes I have a 2016 GX, and similarly to you I got it for a great deal last year. I always wanted a 4runner as I've owned Tacomas before. So looking for 4runners I stumbled upon GXs by accident. I found a 16 4Runner with around 55k miles for $34k. And then by luck saw a private party ad for a 16GX with 56K miles for the same $34k, luxury trim too, with heated steering wheel which other trims didn't have and the rare Mark Levingston sound system. So it was no brainer for me what to buy.
      It's probably worth $38-40k right now and I wouldn't replace it with anything. I plan to do the $700 upgrade and install the crawl control module and it'll be set. My GF owns a 22 4Runner TRD Pro which rides a lot better on the fox suspension and of course looks amazing, but it still missing a lot of features that my old 16GX has.

  • @tarustrader
    @tarustrader Год назад +2

    Much, MUCH cheaper than buying a new one. I love my 04 GX470.

  • @HJR8581
    @HJR8581 2 года назад +1

    I'm so jealous. I would love to be able to make a car new again instead of just throwing things away. Amazing job

  • @tndeere
    @tndeere 2 года назад +2

    Farmers have been doing this with older tractors for some time now.125 Hp tractor new is around $150,000 you can buy a 125 Hp 1980"s tractor for $20-$40k spend $30-$50 ona complete restoration and you can get another 7500 hours service out of one.Plus no EPA crap and vey simple to work on.No computers.

  • @Anthonythesider
    @Anthonythesider Год назад

    Now this is how you take care of a vehicle. I have a 2011 mercury grand marquis that I undercoated . I changed all my suspension front and back . I didn’t get to my exhaust yet , but i do not play with leak , no leaks

  • @wallace3953
    @wallace3953 2 года назад

    This is so super, Top Notch! You and the Owner are true geniuses! It is almost religious. Great to see this super high level!!! Bravo!!

  • @ljerryd
    @ljerryd 11 месяцев назад

    Have a 07 going on 8 years now. Looks exactly like the one in the video with no mods. Still young at 162k and now that I'm retired, it hardly accumulates miles. All I do it put gas in it and change the oil regularly. Was considering upgrading to something newer, but I'm just going to upgrade it where I can and keep on driving. My only beefs are the lack of storage and the rear door, especially when it's raining LOL! Don't even mind that it gets about 15mpg on regular gas.

  • @TheRealHungryJoe
    @TheRealHungryJoe 2 года назад +3

    I drove one of these 5 years ago..
    the owner had less than 70K miles on it and I fell in love. It drove so smooth and the seats were so comfortable. Rarely do I say it’s an “investment “ but this is exception.

    • @jml9550
      @jml9550 2 года назад

      Sorry to break it to you. This is not a investment. What we are going through now is not the norm, if this situation stays that way for another few years, we are all in a heap of problems.

    • @TheRealHungryJoe
      @TheRealHungryJoe 2 года назад

      @@jml9550We all have a right to an opinion.

    • @jml9550
      @jml9550 2 года назад

      @@TheRealHungryJoe Sure, thats was my opinion. Best of luck on said investment.

    • @TheRealHungryJoe
      @TheRealHungryJoe 2 года назад

      @@jml9550 personally, I wouldn’t spend $24K on a used Lexus (; I spent less on that on my 2nd Gen Highlander and only replaced a radiator in 3 years (other than routine maintenance)
      Used car prices have skyrocketed so you never know?
      I have a friend who has a ‘03 Land cruiser, bought it for $7K, KBB valued it at $16K.. would you consider that an investment? (She doesn’t want to sell it though, sadly)

    • @jml9550
      @jml9550 2 года назад

      @@TheRealHungryJoe sure as I said this is not the norm. Historically mainstream production cars never appreciate in value, unless you are talking about limited edition Ferraris. Supply chain will get back to normal in 2 years as COVID lock down in China ease. If you think this upward trend will continue, so be it. All I can say is best of luck. I buy thing only appreciate in value like houses (especially in the Bay Area here). I treat cars as toys, nothing more, nothing less.

  • @1_richdog346
    @1_richdog346 10 месяцев назад

    I have a 2003 with 318k miles. I love this truck, it has the iconic 4.7 litre V8, is on a truck frame, 4 wheel drive, and is in excellent condition driven only in Florida. I have often thought that I should restore the truck, AC, radio, and a little cleaning. I cant find any truck that I could justify trading this truck.

  • @thewatchman1078
    @thewatchman1078 2 года назад

    Loved this i am new to Lexus only regret is i didnt get one sooner, they are quite fantastic cars beautifully made, Mr Car Care Nut is brilliant in explaing their strengths of which there are many. Thank you so much - more please.

  • @markt7291
    @markt7291 2 года назад

    I have the 2005 4Runner V8. Same engine.
    Purrs like a kitten and has no rust and spent it’s whole life in FL. I got lucky finding mine with 130,000m. Grocery getter all those years. Big fan of the GX 470. They are sisters in many ways.

  • @stevenyoung3360
    @stevenyoung3360 2 года назад

    I own the twin to that one with 147K miles on it right now. We are just getting ready to change the suspension over because the rear has failed. Ours has been in California all of its life until we moved to Iowa 3 years ago so its very clean. My wife runs it through the Mr. Mister car wash once a week and it stays nice.

  • @phillipjoy1305
    @phillipjoy1305 Год назад

    Best sounding 470 that I have ever heard 😊

  • @appleforever6664
    @appleforever6664 2 года назад +2

    As always, love your videos! Loyal subscriber here!

  • @leotellez6941
    @leotellez6941 2 года назад +1

    Do you recommend spraying the undercarriage for rust even if you live in a state where there is not issue? I have an 04’ 131k miles and no issue what so ever. Can you do a video on what the spray is and does?

  • @CeasarBergonia
    @CeasarBergonia 2 года назад +2

    That is exactly what I started to do with my Wife 2006 GX470. I have an appointment at the Dealer this June to have the rear main seal replaced, rack and pinion replaced, and power steering replaced (These fixes are little out of my comfort zone for a DIY). With youtube encouragement from CCN, Chris Fix, Rainman, and the crazy old man Scotty, I replaced the radiator (I did a JB weld fix which worked and going strong for over a year but, after watching CCN videos, I was not doing the GX any justice) w/ Denso & Toyota coolant, spark plugs (Denso), all brake pads and rotors (sorry but it's Akebono), brake fluid, aFE cold Air Intake (2 years ago. Original top cover clips broke. The original cover cost more than the aFE system). I will be replacing fluid in the front and rear differential and transfer case oil soon. The only thing I will not be changing, advice from the CCN, is the transmission fluid. I fell for the "lifetime transmission". The GX470 in the video is my goal.

    • @theaajourney9872
      @theaajourney9872 2 года назад

      I’ve got an 07 ES w/ 152k miles and I won’t touch the transmission fluid either. A bit risky since there is no record of any service.

    • @CJL2022
      @CJL2022 2 года назад +1

      @@theaajourney9872 i have a 2006 ES 330 with 144,000 miles, I bought it with 123,000 miles. The trans fluid was almost black, I drained and filled and no issues. Shifts perfectly. Did the same to my Dad's Caddy Srx, 238,000 miles never changed the trans fluid, it was also black, drain and filled, no issues.

    • @theaajourney9872
      @theaajourney9872 2 года назад +1

      @@CJL2022 Very interesting, thanks for sharing!

    • @CJL2022
      @CJL2022 2 года назад

      I believe the key is to drain it, not flush it. Draining will never get all the old fluid out, so it mixes with the new fluid. Therefore it won't "shock" the internals. Just my opinion and experience. Or maybe I got lucky, twice?

    • @markc7889
      @markc7889 2 месяца назад

      Recently I got a 2009 GX 470 with 261 k miles. No record of ATF change. I did drain and fill of about 4 qts of the WS ATF twice. The first drain showed dark fluid. No problems at all.

  • @Guns-N-Nurses
    @Guns-N-Nurses 2 года назад

    This just made me want to buy a GX470 ASAP! Thank you!

  • @jamessykes100
    @jamessykes100 2 года назад

    I have an 07 GX470 with 105,000 wonderful truck. I had the airbags removed and I'm thinking about getting it painted. I also have a GS300 and a Tacoma but the GX is my favorite.

  • @laurat1129
    @laurat1129 2 года назад +105

    Yes, it makes total sense, esp. in the current car marketplace. You couldn't get anything this good for $24k! Also, it's already his: "The devil you know is better than the devil you don't know."😉

  • @JonChenTS13
    @JonChenTS13 2 года назад

    Totally worth it! She's a beauty!!

  • @sgnt9337
    @sgnt9337 2 года назад

    I agree it was worth the cost. An ideal customer for sure.

  • @TC-en7vi
    @TC-en7vi Год назад

    Hi ninja! Thanks for this video! I recently bought a 2005 Gx 470 (3 days ago) and when I put it in drive it takes a while to catch it, but when it does hits really hard… only happens when the car is cold, later in the day that symptom disappears. I’m really sad cause I need it a reliable car and I spend all my savings 😔…! Thanks for what you do! Peace!!! Sorry for my English, Spanish is my first language! ✌️

  • @stockey
    @stockey 2 года назад

    I have a 2010 Kia Borrego with 250K miles on it, extremely reliable truck, and it still looks like new.

  • @rickroll3980
    @rickroll3980 2 года назад

    I am admiring the clear lenses on the headlights. My 2003 Toyota 4Runner Limited is almost just like that Lexus, and perfect except for faded paint on the plastic radiator grill, wheel well flares, and rear bumper. The drivers seat leather has myriad small cracks, and the headlamp lenses are faded. Other than that, it is silky smooth and a joy to drive. I gotta find somebody that I trust to restore the cosmetics, and then I will drive it for another 20 years!

  • @marekw.9816
    @marekw.9816 2 года назад

    I like this design sooo much better than the current model.

  • @jeromedenis4754
    @jeromedenis4754 Год назад

    I do think this is the vehicle (2006 to 2008 Lexus GX470-480 I'll be buying in the future and do something similar to keep it for the long haul. Thanks a lot The Car Care Nut! Also the colors in and out are very good.

  • @ChuongNguyen-up9fy
    @ChuongNguyen-up9fy 2 года назад +1

    One thing I learned about watching these videos.....He's right and you're wrong. :D with this much knowledge, it's going to be hard to argue with someone so dedicated to the Toyota brand.

  • @calholli
    @calholli 2 года назад +1

    It reminds me a lot of my 97 Isuzu Rodeo 5spd 4x4. I have nearly 300k miles, but it needs a timing belt now, and has been parked for about a year now. I drive a 2002 Acura MDX for the time being. I really love both of these SUV's

    • @calholli
      @calholli 2 года назад

      @@driverman9528 I plan on it.. eventually. lol. I also have a 2002 F350 7.3L Diesel 6spd manual, 4x4, w/ manual transfer case and manual locking hubs.. has over 330k miles and still runs strong. But I don't really drive it anymore either. I bought this Acura for only $1700 in early 2020, and it's in immaculate shape with only 155k miles on it.. I feel like I got this thing for free and it doesn't have a single oil leak, or dent or rust or anything wrong with it. Blows COLD air, has moon roof, 3 rows of heated leather seats, heated mirrors. It's a 3.5L Honda Vtec engine (J35A3), and it's AWD. Even the tires are nearly new. It's such a great car and a life of luxury, so it's hard to get motivated to fix the projects. lol.. "necessity is the mother of invention" --

  • @RicHoffmeister66
    @RicHoffmeister66 2 года назад +1

    300 k followers! Congratulations from France !!!

  • @Stavros1977
    @Stavros1977 Год назад +1

    Beautiful truck. I'm considering buying a 2007 GX470 or a 2005 Toyota Sequoia 4x4.

  • @jcurbin305
    @jcurbin305 Год назад

    That engine noise is so satisfying.😊

  • @pkt1213
    @pkt1213 9 месяцев назад

    I just bought an 06 470 after years of owning many other Toyota SUVs. They are just tanks. Great list of things to address. Doing the AC compressor before it dies is smart because you don't have to flush metal out of the system. Hopefully he did the starter when the timing belt was changed.

    • @pkt1213
      @pkt1213 9 месяцев назад

      24k for an almost new truck that is ready another 200k+

  • @dtlusk24
    @dtlusk24 2 года назад +17

    Interesting, I looked at a new one and decided to save 20k and buy a 4 runner. They are very nice but for the cash I'll hold off until new redesign comes out. Always enjoy your work AMD

    • @mohameddavowah5484
      @mohameddavowah5484 2 года назад


    • @thiaguinhooitodois2211
      @thiaguinhooitodois2211 2 года назад +1

      The 4Runner is just as nice. Enjoy

    • @kgisabeast
      @kgisabeast 2 года назад +1

      What’s interesting is on the used market the GX are usually cheaper than comparative 4Runners

    • @jml9550
      @jml9550 2 года назад +1

      @@kgisabeast I think because the 4Runner’s reputation as a bullet proof SUV. And of course the GX is more fuel guzzling.

  • @kevinstenger4334
    @kevinstenger4334 2 года назад

    The new shop is looking good, can’t wait to see it fill up and get busy.

    • @Rbispott
      @Rbispott 2 года назад

      Yes the shop looks great!!!
      I have been looking for a video on the shop .since it seems to be completed

  • @philbarrett2878
    @philbarrett2878 Год назад

    Great video, very inspiring. An absolutely beautiful and timeless vehicle

  • @andrewvillanueva3722
    @andrewvillanueva3722 2 года назад +1

    Lexus gx470 are awesome vehicles with that great engine!!!

  • @alwayne5932
    @alwayne5932 2 года назад +1

    Wow car care…this one looks immaculate love it 👍🏾

  • @bngr_bngr
    @bngr_bngr 2 года назад

    I love the look of this older model.

  • @chipholland9
    @chipholland9 2 года назад +3

    I'm not going as far as this owner did with my 2004, but I did spend about $5k on it last year in maintenance. Financially, that's like 4-6 months worth of payments on a new 460 (that wouldn't have all the features of mine) but now I'm good for 3+ years. Plus the 2022's are simply unavailable. A big fear is that mine will get totaled in an accident and I'll be forced into a vehicle I like a lot less.

  • @markodell2379
    @markodell2379 6 месяцев назад

    This is awesome and waaay less expensive than new one. I have a GX460 is great condition....this could be an option down the road.

  • @kheangnou8582
    @kheangnou8582 2 года назад

    i have a 2008 gx470 in silver, love it

  • @andybub45
    @andybub45 2 года назад +13

    Wish I could find one that clean. I tried but all of them in my area are pretty sketchy. Ended up settling on a slightly newer GX460

    • @Fister_of_Muppets
      @Fister_of_Muppets 2 года назад +1

      Glad I bought my ES350 last year when I did, 2013 still has less than 40k on it. Can't find a decent used car here since, and it'd an arm and a leg if you do.

    • @jml9550
      @jml9550 2 года назад +1

      @@Fister_of_Muppets I bought my 2017 ES350 brand new in Aug. 2017, $35K out the door and she only has 29K miles on her. Plan to give it to my son when he goes to college in a couple years and I have my eyes on a 2-3 year old LC500H.

    • @Moondoggy1941
      @Moondoggy1941 2 года назад +1

      Tons of OG owners in So. Cal. but they still will not sell them. GX 460 is a good buy.

    • @Fister_of_Muppets
      @Fister_of_Muppets 2 года назад

      @@Moondoggy1941 Any Lexus is a good buy.

    • @Moondoggy1941
      @Moondoggy1941 2 года назад

      @@jml9550 Almost 48K now for a brand new one.

  • @Greg-gz5bg
    @Greg-gz5bg 2 года назад +1

    Awesome vehicle. My Silver 2008 gx470 has 224,000 miles on it. Love it. Took me 6 months to find the right one. I bought it with 190,000 miles on it 3 years ago from a single owner who had full Lexus repair records all the way up to that mileage. Big note is you can research a vin of a lexus your thinking of purchasing and plug it into the lexus owners website service history. You will have to associate it with an account you make on there website but its worth it if your planning on buying that vehicle. i took some time and POR-15 rust prevented the frame myself, but this guy is on another level.
    Id like to know what shock/spring setup he is using. I currently have stock shock/spring up front and FJ spring and 4runner shocks on rear.