NEW CHRISTMAS SHOP UPDATE!! Apex Legends Season 23

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии •

  • @MorgangCreator
    @MorgangCreator День назад +28

    "Oh, a new event"😆
    *5 sec later....*
    "WHAT is this sht💀

    • @jayJay-63820
      @jayJay-63820 День назад +6

      Wdym, the skins are nice and you actually get something for buying them out… yall just can’t help but always complain

    • @sam_he1315
      @sam_he1315 День назад

      ​@@jayJay-63820 thats wild to say since its like $200. Nothing could be worth that in any game for some pixels and not only that but they could literally shut down the servers at any time so no its not worth it but you do you ig

    • @undertones11
      @undertones11 День назад +5

      @@jayJay-63820 guess lil homie didnt have his glasses on when looking at this event.

    • @McVay707
      @McVay707 День назад

      AGREED💯💯💯💯 The Battlepass TOO!!!💯🤣👎👎

    • @jayJay-63820
      @jayJay-63820 День назад

      @@undertones11 🤣🤣

  • @Sora-vj8nc
    @Sora-vj8nc День назад +24

    They are being so creative on making ways to get our money lol

    • @AshAirheart1995
      @AshAirheart1995 День назад +2

      Isn’t it cute? 😂 I ain’t budging till I see what that gibby prestige skin will look like. a meatball perhaps?

    • @Lokii2169
      @Lokii2169 День назад

      ​@AshAirheart1995 most likely since all of the prestige skins are ass and look like ass.

    • @piotrkosztirko438
      @piotrkosztirko438 22 часа назад


    • @childofshadow38
      @childofshadow38 19 часов назад

      Well, it finally worked for me💀

  • @michellerahe4853
    @michellerahe4853 День назад +16

    Cool. Moving on

  • @abdulrosyid3066
    @abdulrosyid3066 День назад +8

    tbh, apex's emotes kinda suck

  • @chaoticape7051
    @chaoticape7051 15 часов назад +1

    Now that we can’t even use our crafting points to buy a cosmetic from an event just makes it worse.

  • @NotSpoiledMilk
    @NotSpoiledMilk День назад +4

    These events now cost like 64k crafting material and even with everything I saved I ain’t gettin that close. These things used to be 34.6k

    • @SoulsThieve
      @SoulsThieve День назад

      The goy needs money what did you expect 😂

    • @leiva3364
      @leiva3364 День назад

      Just hold for anniversary event and blow crafting mats on the non Legendaries to get shards "for cheap", as cheap as it gets with Respawn and EA anyway. Hopefully they don't find a way to ruin the anniversary event though, I don't wanna jinx it, I have 25k crafting saved up myself

  • @punchyman
    @punchyman 18 часов назад +1

    Where are all the banner poses? they were the most unique aspects of events. If there was one i truly liked i would’ve used crafting materials. Last ones we had were during the neon network with gibby and ash. Mad maggie, ballistic, catalyst, alter, newcastle, and vantage have zero new banner poses due to this. It’s been almost two years. Though we got one for conduit but it was paired with a skin.

  • @AshAirheart1995
    @AshAirheart1995 День назад +3

    Cool story EA now make me a sandwich 😂

  • @aaronbrunschot342
    @aaronbrunschot342 День назад +5

    Why can’t I craft a skin with crafting metals for gods sake I own every 80% of items in this game yet I have 21k crafting and there’s nothing to spend them on lol

    • @Treyonclaw
      @Treyonclaw День назад

      Spend it on the event then

    • @aaronbrunschot342
      @aaronbrunschot342 День назад +2

      @ I’m not gambling on a event when the event only has 1 skin I want the rest is dog water

    • @IncognitoDre
      @IncognitoDre День назад

      this is the exact issue i have, i'm trned off from the event by not being able to CRAFT the skin I WANT

    • @Ricecakez380
      @Ricecakez380 День назад

      @@aaronbrunschot342 exactly!! Like how they gonna do this two events in a row

    • @morestuff4401
      @morestuff4401 День назад

      Yer I've got over 6k (rookie numbers I know) burning a hole right now, nothing to craft.... ever anymore... its a dead currency

  • @Whootywhoooo
    @Whootywhoooo День назад

    What about those titan fall themed skins. The bloodhound and Bangalore prestige skins are the best so far. Valks blue bomber is up there too.

  • @Advehnt
    @Advehnt День назад

    The “Dino snacks” p2020 skin looks undeniably good and since I have a season 5 gem charm to match it it looks like an amazing combo

  • @Ricecakez380
    @Ricecakez380 День назад +14

    This is kinda tempting for those free heirloom shards but Idc for the bloodhound heirloom and they might do this again for the anniversary event in February

  • @nathanmoore1893
    @nathanmoore1893 21 час назад

    I'm super unhappy no map changes for a few weeks. I wanted to play Olympus and or E District. Tired of Broken Moon and Stormpoint.

  • @besk090
    @besk090 19 часов назад

    Everyone that buys this just wants that karambit lol

  • @noyee99
    @noyee99 День назад +1

    Got the hemlock

  • @TwinklxFia
    @TwinklxFia День назад +3

    Is it me or it means to put 240 euros for that? Lol

    • @jayJay-63820
      @jayJay-63820 День назад +1

      You can spend less trough EA subscription

  • @madskillz_
    @madskillz_ День назад +1

    crazy EPG damage...

    • @morestuff4401
      @morestuff4401 День назад

      I picked it up and was surprised at the damage

    @MEKAYVA День назад

    It's so sad to see that Apex has reached this level of just throwing content randomly & not caring for anything else! I mean, where is the hype that we used to get before adding a new weapon to the game?! It's now like "hey, take this sh*t" & no one of us cared to check it..

  • @abdulrosyid3066
    @abdulrosyid3066 День назад

    the epg seems too op

  • @JurassicJbeaar
    @JurassicJbeaar День назад

    Please tell me the recolor comes to the heirloom shop I have shards saved up for it

    @PURPMNKYFPS День назад

    Fuse: `~` demon what....
    Suddenly, houndy throws it back 🍑

  • @ilyes3256-jv6lp
    @ilyes3256-jv6lp День назад

    are there any free apex codes?

  • @DarkKatanaEvo
    @DarkKatanaEvo День назад

    i wanted a new octane skin 😭

  • @KoukoulexKouka-jz9zl
    @KoukoulexKouka-jz9zl 20 часов назад

    The game need changes. First they need to create an open world for rpg gaming. There you will be able to grind and optain materials and skills which you can use in battle Royale. Unfair? You can grind too. In rpg it must be crucial for the player to see their skin, but only there. Next, different weapon skins and charms after upgrading them. Yes rpg mode and skills that you can use them in br. Not unfair, it will be free. No free time? Don't play it. Next subscription every month, with guaranteed mythic after 6 months of non stop subscription (20 dollars per month). If titan fall 3 come to life, I will be the first who use the cheats, because I have spent a lot of money on Apex, I love this game

  • @spinehead
    @spinehead День назад +1

    Got two gold….sticker packs!! Total scam

  • @McVay707
    @McVay707 День назад +1

    Tempting for the "free" Heirloom shards, Free🙄🤣🤣 But EVERY legend skin in the event is Total Tr@sh (except the Ballastic), the "legendary" gun skins are ok, but I have Wayy Better Already. Aside from 2 decent banners, & a holo I have NO room to equip (cuz they Limit us to Almost Nothing Unlike Fortnite where u have access to ALL your stuff.) & the Bloodhound Heirloom is ok, I honestly like the Original Better, red & black is Wayy better then white & blue.. & them Furie Fortnite looking skins are Hella Wack💯💯🤣🤣... so yeah DEFINITELY gonna pass on the WHOLE event. EVEN the free shits Lame AF, but at Least we Can get packs & stars from it.. & the Winter Express is FINALLY Back so that's something at Least..

  • @exoticlothing777
    @exoticlothing777 День назад +1


  • @wakemeupinside8627
    @wakemeupinside8627 День назад


  • @flwtt3rshyy
    @flwtt3rshyy День назад

    i only did it for the free shards but i hate uneven or unfinished things so i had to buy it all now i have 3 personalized heirlooms and 1 universal (^^)

    • @valtew
      @valtew День назад

      Lucky you.

    • @undertones11
      @undertones11 День назад +1

      nothing free about those shards lol

    • @J5ThaGoat
      @J5ThaGoat День назад

      How much does it cost if you have ea play?

    • @flwtt3rshyy
      @flwtt3rshyy 19 часов назад

      @@undertones11 yea but its like getting 2 in one even though i never play bloodhound, but i still haven’t used the shards bc idk who to buy

  • @Cartman11111
    @Cartman11111 День назад +1

    I should really stop playing, idk what's not stopping me.

    • @Qayin
      @Qayin День назад +1

      Just stop spending money. Enjoy the game for what it is. You can’t lose that way

    • @undertones11
      @undertones11 День назад +1

      @@Qayin he said he wants to stop playing. not spending

    • @leiva3364
      @leiva3364 День назад +1

      @@Qayin you absolutely lose that way when they actively make the game worse, for example with this rift relic trash takeover of pubs