Hogwarts Legacy | Our Adventure to the Castle | Harry Potter

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 15

  • @LeandaBrooks
    @LeandaBrooks Год назад +3

    I’m playing as we speak 🤪🥰 love it so much!! Thanks for sharing your journey (still need to watch a bit). And I MISS YOU GUYS!!!

    • @MagicalAli
      @MagicalAli  Год назад +1

      We miss you guys too!!! Are you going to be uploading any of your gameplay? If not you have to send me some pictures of your character 💙💙💙 Also, the next time I make a character I am definitely going to be Ravenclaw because your common room just looks STUNNING!

  • @TiffanyDalton
    @TiffanyDalton Год назад +2

    This game is amazing! ❤

    • @MagicalAli
      @MagicalAli  Год назад +2

      It is soooooo magical and I’m addicted to it already 🥰🥰🥰

  • @j2hnny
    @j2hnny Год назад +1

    Finally we get to see you play this! As one of my favorite wizarding world RUclipsrs I cannot wait to see you play through the rest of this game!

    • @MagicalAli
      @MagicalAli  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much Johnny! I am hoping to spend most of the weekend playing and editing some videos for you to watch 💚✨. Having a muggle job is the worst right now because all I want to do is explore in the game!

    • @j2hnny
      @j2hnny Год назад

      @@MagicalAli I can imagine how anxious you must be! I must admit, by far you have been the best in combat compared to other wizards and witches on here 😂!!

    • @MagicalAli
      @MagicalAli  Год назад

      It’s probably beginners luck lol, but I have to admit it was so much fun seeing Magic just flying all over the screen! It had me really enjoying the actual combat 🤩✨

  • @jo.universalstateofmind
    @jo.universalstateofmind Год назад

    The details and graphics are incredible! I’m not brave enough to play on normal 😅 I set mine to story mode! 😂 Last night I wandered around Hogsmeade at night. It was so beautiful 😍. I finally figured out how to get the gold thread to show me where I’m supposed to go 🤦🏻‍♀️. I’m trying to find money and sell stuff right now to purchase my broom 🥹. The Slytherin common room looks fantastic! I love the windows where you can see the fish in the black lake! (I’ve been watching The Potter Collectors videos too) I’m definitely going to have to do each house! I haven’t found any of the other house entries yet. I can’t wait to see more of your videos! I’m completely obsessed with this game!

    • @MagicalAli
      @MagicalAli  Год назад +1

      You are so right! The gameplay is just STUNNING and I’m obsessed with it! Also I have a feeling at some point I am going to regret playing on normal 🤣🤣🤣 We shall see! And I have already decided the next character I play is going to be a Ravenclaw, because out of the little bit I have seen about the game, their common room just looked beautiful 💙✨

    • @jo.universalstateofmind
      @jo.universalstateofmind Год назад

      @@MagicalAli I was going to do Ravenclaw or Slytherin next! I did find Ravenclaw entrance but not the other two. Now the goal is not to gain 20 pds sitting here on the couch for 5 hrs eating and playing 😅

  • @fostthegiant5605
    @fostthegiant5605 Год назад +1

    I absolutely love that the entire Harry Potter community waited so long for a game that was great and this game made that wait pay off. It is rare that games live up to the hype they generate in todays world and this one certainly has. I can’t wait to see the rest of the play through and the fun you have playing it! 🧙‍♂️🪄❤

    • @MagicalAli
      @MagicalAli  Год назад +1

      Somehow it has been even better than I imagined it ❤️✨

  • @jonathangauthier3549
    @jonathangauthier3549 Год назад
