I always thought Special Theory of Relativity is difficult but you have conveyed the concept in a simple understandable and effective way, I am very impressed by your teaching methodology, I have a desire of adopting your teaching ways in my teaching also. I'm very grateful to sir😍😍😍😍😍
Thank you so much for such an enriching course. It was taught so well that such a difficult topic like STR was so easy to understand and follow. I enjoyed every minute of the course. Thank you so much!
I always thought Special Theory of Relativity is difficult but you have conveyed the concept in a simple understandable and effective way, I am very impressed by your teaching methodology, I have a desire of adopting your teaching ways in my teaching also. I'm very grateful to sir😍😍😍😍😍
A heart full thanks to proof sivaprasad sir and team nptel for wonderful work ,thank you sir
Thank you so much for such an enriching course. It was taught so well that such a difficult topic like STR was so easy to understand and follow. I enjoyed every minute of the course. Thank you so much!
Great lecture series. Worth every minute spent. I took 119 pages of notes!
Thank you so much sir.... had a great journey.... all lectures were awesome and yes full of knowledge thanks once again....!!
Fascinating lectures enjoyed a lot..Thank you professor for this wonderful lectures
Thanks a lot for the series. Very helpful!
Thanks sir G for making the video 😊😊😊😊😊
Thank you so much sir!! You are the best 🤩!!
thankyou for this wonderful lecture..
Special Relativity is not easy. Making a playlist of SR in the right order seems to be even more difficult.
Just search special relativity NPTEL boom
@@superfluous5162 Not in the right order. Boom! :-) ruclips.net/video/49vEaNa1XKo/видео.html
@@jacobvandijk6525 try this ruclips.net/p/PLkmCRrIU3CbsiGwBFaVTUAUWesfEg9sku
Sir tq u very much.... ❤️
Current Road opposite to the flow of electron
Such a boring lecture