"Doraemon" is a popular Japanese manga and anime series created by Fujiko F. Fujio. The story revolves around a robotic cat named Doraemon, who travels back in time from the 22nd century to help a young boy named Nobita Nobi. Nobita is often portrayed as lazy, clumsy, and academically challenged, and he frequently finds himself in various predicaments. Doraemon has a four-dimensional pocket from which he can pull out futuristic gadgets and tools to assist Nobita in overcoming his challenges. These gadgets often lead to humorous situations and unintended consequences, teaching valuable life lessons along the way. The series explores themes of friendship, responsibility, and the importance of hard work. Throughout their adventures, Nobita is joined by his friends Shizuka, Gian, and Suneo, and they navigate the ups and downs of childhood together. Overall, "Doraemon" is beloved for its imaginative storytelling, relatable characters, and the moral lessons it imparts, making it a cherished part of many people's childhoods.
Nobita đang trang trí bánh sinh nhật cho mình cùng Shizuka. Để hoàn thiện, cả hai quyết định hỏi ý kiến Dekisugi về loại bánh phù hợp. Trên đường đi, Suneo bất ngờ rơi xuống từ trên trời, mang theo một đống pháo sinh nhật ... Các bạn xem tiếp nhé, review hay lắm đó. Thanks kênh.
Đố mọi người vì sao Jester lại bỏ chạy về nhà 😂
"Doraemon" is a popular Japanese manga and anime series created by Fujiko F. Fujio. The story revolves around a robotic cat named Doraemon, who travels back in time from the 22nd century to help a young boy named Nobita Nobi. Nobita is often portrayed as lazy, clumsy, and academically challenged, and he frequently finds himself in various predicaments.
Doraemon has a four-dimensional pocket from which he can pull out futuristic gadgets and tools to assist Nobita in overcoming his challenges. These gadgets often lead to humorous situations and unintended consequences, teaching valuable life lessons along the way.
The series explores themes of friendship, responsibility, and the importance of hard work. Throughout their adventures, Nobita is joined by his friends Shizuka, Gian, and Suneo, and they navigate the ups and downs of childhood together.
Overall, "Doraemon" is beloved for its imaginative storytelling, relatable characters, and the moral lessons it imparts, making it a cherished part of many people's childhoods.
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Doremon dễ thương quá đi ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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How are you brother
100N rồi kìa
Minotaro hả😂😂😂
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Tập t2 là tập mình tìm bao lâu nay á. Mng cho mình xin tên đc ko, xem lâu quá r mà giờ vẫn nhớ đến e nó🤡
Nobita đang trang trí bánh sinh nhật cho mình cùng Shizuka. Để hoàn thiện, cả hai quyết định hỏi ý kiến Dekisugi về loại bánh phù hợp. Trên đường đi, Suneo bất ngờ rơi xuống từ trên trời, mang theo một đống pháo sinh nhật ... Các bạn xem tiếp nhé, review hay lắm đó. Thanks kênh.
🎉 phim này tên gì
Doraemon á😊
người hát nhạc bất tử😯
Cho mình xin tập với ❤
Bro I have a question, how to avoid *made for kids* can u guide me personally?
bạn fake Mon dep troai à😂😂
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Cho mk xin tap vs ten vs
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tập 76
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Cái bánh màu xám là bảo bối đó tên là bánh mì chuyển ngữ
xin tên tập doramon
Giống con quái vật moloch ăn trẻ con ớ
V ông tóc vàng là xàm l hả ☺ tao hiểu ý nghĩ cái bánh r
Ý nghĩa là j v b
ngô chịnh ilommon
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