That's very groovy how you managed to get that spot welder sorted. aside from recycling batteries, that solid state battery stuff is rather interesting, it has the ability to about double the range of compared to lithium ion, and it relies on a type of glass as the electrolyte itself, wont catch fires so it has that advantage there too, and involves material composition that is from sand, sodium based stuff that is ration commonplace and green tech, affordability and less harmful to produce and use. Thin stackable layers of batteries made possibly with a multicolor printing press modified to handle the viscosity of chemical depositing, could result in a thin film solar cell that has the battery layers as well, making a all in one vehicle shell, driven with hub motors and using lidar and various other proximity sensors, DIY self driving multi material 3d printed cars. Anyhow, you keep on rocking because that is how you roll with science. You have reached the level where you actually work on achieving your goals, for that i remain jealous.
You could build some crazy, animated figures, like those small solar-energy driven things you have, only in large... Make something crazy for the garden, maybe a little dinosaur?
I care. I have absolutely no idea what you are doing but I would really like to know if you can help me with some stepper motors that I took off a cnc retro fitted lathe. I am trying to see if they are any good or if I have to replace them.
I care bud. What your prongs were made from tungsten from a tig torch, a spring loaded as you pull down the handle they make contact and make you spot weld? No need for button then. Both hands available. Also, if you twist off your zip ties rather than cut them they dont laeve any sharp edge. I think electric bike would be awesome but would take forever to recharge! Thanks Steve!
Brilliant idea mate
I don't know much about electricals except to be careful around the hot parts, and try to keep the smoke inside; but this is very interesting stuff.
Great info and video, thanks for the education!!
No ideas as of now. That idea of yours would be pretty cool.
Something else to get hurt on, I'm thinking
That's very groovy how you managed to get that spot welder sorted. aside from recycling batteries, that solid state battery stuff is rather interesting, it has the ability to about double the range of compared to lithium ion, and it relies on a type of glass as the electrolyte itself, wont catch fires so it has that advantage there too, and involves material composition that is from sand, sodium based stuff that is ration commonplace and green tech, affordability and less harmful to produce and use. Thin stackable layers of batteries made possibly with a multicolor printing press modified to handle the viscosity of chemical depositing, could result in a thin film solar cell that has the battery layers as well, making a all in one vehicle shell, driven with hub motors and using lidar and various other proximity sensors, DIY self driving multi material 3d printed cars. Anyhow, you keep on rocking because that is how you roll with science. You have reached the level where you actually work on achieving your goals, for that i remain jealous.
You could build some crazy, animated figures, like those small solar-energy driven things you have, only in large... Make something crazy for the garden, maybe a little dinosaur?
Hey, I care. I always enjoy your videos. Thanks for sharing. How about more CNC stuff. I haven't fired mine up for a while and need some inspiration.
OK, I will
I care. I have absolutely no idea what you are doing but I would really like to know if you can help me with some stepper motors that I took off a cnc retro fitted lathe. I am trying to see if they are any good or if I have to replace them.
Oh yes someone cares, thank you. How can I help with your motor problem?
So this i can do in my kitchen?
How'd you come across the mother load of laptops, that was pretty cool?
I care bud.
What your prongs were made from tungsten from a tig torch, a spring loaded as you pull down the handle they make contact and make you spot weld? No need for button then. Both hands available.
Also, if you twist off your zip ties rather than cut them they dont laeve any sharp edge.
I think electric bike would be awesome but would take forever to recharge!
Thanks Steve!
Hate to be that guy, but your thumbnail says ‘lipos’ and what you’re working with here is li-ion.
Your right, thanks, I will fix the thumb when I get to work.