This is one of the greatest speeches of the early 21st century. Mr. Robinson expresses to the nth degree why I am supporting Bernie Sanders for President in 2016.
Ground zero for economics is money. Money is the foundation of economics. Specialization, Exchange, interdependance are basic to all provides a tool to fascilitate this process in mass and in an intensified way. And just as a chain of command will beat a democracy any day so will an exchange economy beat a command economy. Using marxist analysis isnt going to lead us well. We love the diversity and creativity created by exchange. But its the rigging of the monetary factor which makes what could work well into a nightmare casino of number manipulations. Monetary reform not marxism is the first step to a more sane economy.
This is one of the greatest speeches of the early 21st century. Mr. Robinson expresses to the nth degree why I am supporting Bernie Sanders for President in 2016.
half earth a great idea!
quote of the day, "basic stupidity to finance" for the win!
Alex Robertson ex Verdun now on Vancouver Island Comox BC use to go on Stanly mail route with Douglas. Love to know Skippy' s whereabouts.
ty bioneers #degrowth
constitutions can be changed too, #BioregionalState
Ground zero for economics is money. Money is the foundation of economics. Specialization, Exchange, interdependance are basic to all provides a tool to fascilitate this process in mass and in an intensified way. And just as a chain of command will beat a democracy any day so will an exchange economy beat a command economy. Using marxist analysis isnt going to lead us well. We love the diversity and creativity created by exchange. But its the rigging of the monetary factor which makes what could work well into a nightmare casino of number manipulations. Monetary reform not marxism is the first step to a more sane economy.
also must prepare for comet apophis
Utopia = "No Place" from the Greek word.
Social Justice? sorry Kim i'm out
Because social injustice is totally kewl.
He’s an Anarcho-Communist, Red Mars is evident of that.