Antea pravi najbolje sočne BROWNIJE - sva djeca ih obožavaju i uvijek se pojedu do posljednjega 😃

  • Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
  • Anteini najbolji sočni #brownies 🤎
    Za tijesto:
    226 g otopljenog maslaca
    75 g nezasladjenog kakao praha
    400 g kristal šećera
    1 čajna žličica instant kave (opcionalno)
    2 jaja L veličine (sobne temperature)
    1 žl vanilin extracta (mi smo koristili samo pola vr vanilin šećera da na ne dominira vanilija)
    1 čajna žličica sitne soli
    270 g tamne (poželjno malo gorče čokolade)
    120 g glatkog brašna
    Krupna morska sol za posipanje
    Najprije prosijte šećer i kakao u otopljeni maslac, miksajte dok se granule šećera gotovo potpuno otope. Dodajte jaja i miješajte dok smjesa ne postane sjajna - to osigurava karakterističnu krckavu i sjajnu koricu a sočnu unutrašnjost brownija. Dodajte na kraju sol, brašno i grubo nasjeckanu čokoladu od koje ste dio odvojili za posuti po vrhu. Nježno spatulom sve sljubite… izlijte smjesu na pek papirom obložen protvan dimenzija cca 20x30 cm. Pospite po vrhu komadićima čokolade i krupnom solju te pecite na 170* bez ventilatora 30-35 min. Moraju ostati jako sočni unutra! Uživajte u prebogatom čokoladnom okusu. I dakako poigrajte se dodajući na vrh po svojoj želji komadiće kadamela, orašaste plodove itd.
    Izvorni recept je sa kanala preppy kitchen.
    #justkatebake #recept
    Antea’s best juicy #brownies
    For the dough:
    226 g of melted butter
    75 g of unsweetened cocoa powder
    400 g of casterd sugar
    1 teaspoon of instant coffee (optional)
    2 L-sized eggs (room temperature)
    1 tsp vanillin extract (we only used half a teaspoon of vanillin sugar so that the vanilla does not dominate) 1 teaspoon of fine salt
    270 g of dark (preferably slightly bitter chocolate) 120 g of plain flour
    Coarse sea salt for sprinkling
    First, sift the sugar and cocoa into the melted butter, mix until the sugar granules are almost completely dissolved.
    Add the eggs and mix until the mixture becomes shiny - this ensures the characteristic crispy and shiny crust and the juicy interior of the brownie.
    At the end, add salt, flour and roughly chopped chocolate, from which you separated a part to sprinkle on top.
    Mix everything together gently with a spatula... pour the mixture onto a 20x30 cm baking tray lined with baking paper.
    Sprinkle chocolate chips and coarse salt on top and bake at 170* without fan for 30-35 min.
    They must stay very juicy inside!
    Enjoy the rich chocolate taste.
    And of course, play around by adding pieces of cadamela, nuts, etc. to the top as you wish.
    The original recipe is from the preppy kitchen channel. . . #justkatebake #recipe

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