A Christmas Miracle!

  • Опубликовано: 21 дек 2019
  • After Numerous trips to Washington D.C. to Lobby for the 9/11 Zadroga Health Act, The bill was passed on December 22, 2010. Republicans were opposed to the bill, and tried to add Pork to the Bill. The NYC Congressional delegation of Democrats and Republican Peter King were instrumental in getting the bill passed. One Republican sticks out in my mind. Senator Tom Cobern from Oklahoma, was set against the bill. I went with John Feal and the Fealgood Foundation to Washington D.C. a number of times to Lobby for the Bill. John was relentless in getting the bill passed. Board members, James, Anthony, Glen, and Ann Marie were great in helping John do his thing. Our members and members of the FDNY, NYPD, PAPD and others made phone calls to members of the Oklahoma, Fire and Police and Emergency Services unions to call Tom Cobern and demand that he votes for the Zadroga Bill. When some of our members approached Senator John McCain who walked away from them. Those Republicans sucked! They cut down the Bill from 12 Billion to, I believe 4.2 Billion dollars. Also the bill would have to be renewed in 5 years. You can watch this video and see it for yourself! I apologize for the sound quality of this Video. It's hard to take Stills and video at the same time, especially with not having my good equipment, which stayed on the bus, while we were in Congress. I used two Point and Shoot cameras. As I say it was a Christmas Miracle.

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